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Emma Lawson

“Pretty witty angel wangel…” MDP murmured as she stared at the woman through tear-filed eyes. “Like, will you be friendy wendies with Magical Dream Princess, pretty witty angel wangel person werson?” she inquired. “Like, pretty pretty witty witty pleasey weasey will you?” she pleaded, clasping her tiny hands together and bringing her tear-streaked face ever closer to Inquisitor. “Will you, will you, will you?”

"Er...yes. Of course, I will," Inquisitor responded rather awkwardly. Emma would have been able to respond with better grace, while Faniel would have ignored her to focus on the monster, but unfortunately, this was one of the times when being an amalgam of the two left Inquisitor with the worst aspect of both.

"So for now, why don't you help us by making sure no normal people get too close to the monster? It's a very important job."

She noticed that the Egyptian-looking woman was responding to the call for artillery.

The monster was almost dead already, Inquisitor felt like using powerful attacks at this point was just risking collateral damage. Therefore, rather than throwing her own attack, she opted to attempt restraining the monster's movement, to make sure it would not trash around in desperation and limiting the 'blast radius' of the attacks to only one specific spot.

She turned to the monster, before shouting, "Halt!"

Her voice echoed through the area. It was not a mere command but an edict, one that struck fear in the hearts of those aligned with evil, forcing them to bow to her authority. This time, it was directed at the monster, a single command for it to stop its movement.

Carnatia de Luson

Carnatia held back a sigh as the group decided to head into the spiders' lair. Objectively speaking, it was a risk. Gray said that spiders were not social creatures, but given that he, himself admitted earlier that most of the things they knew of this monster were things shrouded in legends, who knew what assumptions would be true or not.

Still, she did already consider that pragmatically speaking, it was also a matter of morale to show the members of the expedition that they would not merely abandon them should they find themselves in dire straits. And also the fact that they do need people to watch over the camp. Which meant that as long as their employer wanted to continue the expedition, attempting to rescue the missing workers was the pragmatic choice here.

Once they reached the creature's lair, Carnatia drew her rapier and stood on guard as she let the rest look around the lair. Eventually, they found the cocoons containing the missing workers.

Both men finally nodded in agreement, and Vesemir asked Gray to hold his lantern before speaking softly to Roxas first. "Dear Roxas, could you help me lift up our poor Stepan? I will carry him-- Those who still have strength, please lend me your aid. Let's take back these poor lands back to our camp."

Carnatia considered helping, before dismissing the idea. Purely strength-based physical work was not really her forte. There was a reason why she had resorted to using magic to augment her swordsmanship, she wasn't born with the physique necessary to employ her family's martial skills, after all.

No, better to leave that to the others.

She sighed, "I would like to help, but unfortunately, I don't think I have the capability to carry them through a trek in the forest. I'll take point and keep guard instead, just in case. It's important to keep some of us free were we to encounter some difficulties along the way, in any case."
Emma Lawson

Inquisitor arrived at the scene finding several magical girls already engaging the monster, a giant hippopotamus that was currently trashing about after being hit by a giant coffin. Given the fact that one of the magical girls had coffins flying around her, Inquisitor concluded that it was probably her doing. Alongside the girl surrounded by coffins were a girl who appeared to be equipped with mechanized parts that vaguely hearken to Egyptian motifs, a girl surrounded by flames, and a...small child?

The small child was seemingly excitingly rambling to the flame-wielding girl. The child...couldn't be older than Emma Lawson's daughter, and thus the part of Inquisitor who was Emma Lawson wanted to get the child away from the battle as a child that young shouldn't have any business around here, but the part of her that was Faniel wanted to exterminate the monster as soon as possible. Despite being a combination of the two, however, Emma Lawson was the prominent part of Inquisitor's psyche, and as such rather than engaging the monster, she flew towards the flame-wielding and childlike magical girls.

Nevertheless, Inquisitor did recognise the logic of taking down the monster as fast as possible to prevent more casualties, and so, as the angelic-looking magical girl flapped her wings, a radiant halo appeared above her head, its light illuminating the nearby area. White flames manifested on the monster, burning it, while injured civilians found their wounds started to heal. Meanwhile, though none of the magical girls had suffered injuries, they felt a surge of energy as their power started to rejuvenate.

As Inquisitor reached the flame-wielding magical girl and her childlike companion. She turned to the child who was—in Inquisitor's opinion—was wearing way too much pink. Inquisitor gave her a smile as she said, "You want to help, now is it? How about you help lead the is these people away from the monster?"

Carnatia de Luson

Roxas looked up to everyone huddling around before still applying the pressure to stop the bleeding. "He's still bleeding. I have pretty much no mana, so if we encounter anyone else heavily wounded... I can only apply medical knowledge. We haven't stopped to recover since the last fight. I wouldn't even be able to produce the basic healing if I wanted."

That was quite the predicament. Carnatia was of the opinion as a healer, Roxas would be one of the more, if not the most, integral part of their group to ensure they survived the expedition. In her own case, she wasn't sure what would have happened if Roxas wasn't there to heal her after the golem fight. That was why Carnatia had given her the brooch, after all, but it seemed even that was not enough to meet the continuous demand for healing magic, not to mention those barriers she had erected.

Rummaging through her pockets, Carnatia took out the red gemstones she had brought along from the vaults earlier. She had meant to sell them, but ensuring their group had access to healing magic was more important. After all, she couldn't sell them if she was dead.

"I'm not sure if you could make use of these, but I picked up these mana crystals earlier. Their charges have already been drained, but there should still be some inside. Make sure to ration them," Carnatia said, as she offered the gemstones to Roxas


Gajah Mada watched her master fiddling with the device he used to watch surveillance footage curiously. The Grail granted her knowledge of modern times, but the fine details of how to utilise it were beyond her. Still, it was not in her nature to simply stand still while there was work to be done, and she had started to feel uneasy.

Were her master to look her way, he would notice the Saber-class servant fidgeting in her seat. Any more and she would probably disturb her master's work. So Gajah Mada made the decision to stand up and look for something else to work on instead.

"Master, later once we have time, would you teach me how to operate this contraption you are using? It does not sit right for me to have you do all the surveillance. For now, though..."

She looked around the Church, looking for something she could do. Eventually, though relatively well-kept, she could see specks of specks of dust here and there. Nodding, she continued, "For now, I shall make myself useful around our base and clean it up a bit! Please tell me where you are keeping the cleaning supplies."

The excitement in her face would be out of place given the context of such a powerful familiar looking forward to something as mundane as housekeeping, but that was just the sort of person Gajah Mada was. The one who detested sitting down doing nothing and would much rather get some work done, no matter how seemingly inconsequential they were. It was no wonder, perhaps, that since she kept taking on more and more responsibilities, once she was dismissed from her post, they had to find five people to do the same amount of work she did.

Once Lorenzo gave her the directions to where the cleaning supplies were located. Gajah Mada put on a cleaning apron before taking out a broom and a dustpan, along with a feather duster, as she started to clean around the Church.

She might be the granddaughter of a king, but there was a time when she lived among commoners after the Singhasari Kingdom fell and before her uncle, Raden Wijaya, established Majapahit. So she was not helpless on housework, rather, she was actually quite good at it, though given how workaholic she was, it was perhaps to be expected from the sheer repetition of doing menial housework just because she wanted to do something.

As she was cleaning a particular spot in the church, however, a sense of unease filled her. It was a familiar sensation that she had felt throughout her campaign. The feeling of unease she would get if they were about to be ambushed or if her adversary was about to make their move. It was an ability that arose from her enlightenment of Moksha. Though not to the level of the great monks who would break free from samsara themselves, Gajah Mada was able to peer through the facade into the true nature of things. In this case, the facade that though they were seemingly safe and alone in their base, someone was scheming against them.

Still, it would be to their advantage if whoever was scheming against them did not realize that Gajah Mada had taken notice of them. So, Gajah Mada continued to clean nonchalantly, all the while looking for the source of her unease.

Eventually, she traced the source to a small spider in the corner of the room.

"Familiar?" she thought.

It seemed to be a normal spider, but perhaps that was exactly what they were counting on. For the familiar to be inconspicuous enough that she and her master would not notice.

Luckily for her, she WAS cleaning, so disposing a spider would only be natural and would not be out of place.

Gajah Mada then walked over to the spider, hit it with her feather duster, and swept it into her dustpan before disposing it with the rest of the trash.

"So it begun.." Gajah Mada remarked.

Gajah Mada put down her cleaning equipment before heading back to where her master was.

"Prepare yourself, Master. It appeared that someone was watching this Church using a spider familiar. I shall do the same,"

She then declared, "Here and now, I declare. As it once was that I have sworn an oath before the gods and my liege...So shall now, I swear to fight as your servant to claim the Holy Grail."

As she said it, she felt a renewed sense of fortitude and blessings of the gods. The iron will and divine providence for her to relentlessly fight for the holy grail. In life, it was the gods' blessings and her will to not go back on her words that drove Gajah Mada to fulfil her oath. As a Heroic Spirit, this aspect of her legends manifested as the skill, Sacred Oath.

@Letter Bee@Digmata@Double D

♪ "Night and you...and blue...Hawaii..." ♪

Clive fiddled with his Pip-Boy's volume knob as he listened to an old holotape he had put in. One of his patients had been a scavenger who had begged to pay him with a holotape he had found rather than caps, as he was in short supply of caps. In the first place, Clive opened his entire clinic service in the middle of the wasteland thing because it seemed entertaining. For one, wastelanders living out in the wasteland usually came in with more interesting medical conditions rather than those living in more civilised settlements. The raiders looking to take over where he had set up shop, the limited supplies, the mutated wildlife...all added extra challenges that were much more engaging than opening a safe, boring clinic in a settlement somewhere.

So, since this scavenger came in practically glowing from all the radiation he had taken it—and frankly, it was a miracle he wasn't a ghoul yet—Clive had already received his 'payment' from him by bringing him the challenge of how to save the guy. Sure, he charges caps because he needed caps to live and buy more supplies, but in this case, since he wasn't hurting for caps, Clive accepted the holotape as a payment.

Clive had to work a bit to restore the holotape—a nice little puzzle to work on in his spare time—but he eventually did it and found out it was a music holotape of an old song. Given that it was about Hawaii, he felt it was appropriate to bring it with him on the trip.

“ My wife broke up with me on this cruise! We were together for years. Years!” The man sobbed and leaned onto the newscaster, holding the newscaster hostage with the strength of thirty vodka shots that had been taken over the course of several hours. “ You tell me something! What does a fuckin’ protectron have over me? Was I just not good enough for her? I helped out, you see. I helped out with the mortgage. I paid my fair share! That bucket of bolts never did anything but just lie in the basement but noooooo, she says that it’s got more personality than me. Me? Me….”

A loud, drunken rant drew Clive's attention. It appeared that a reporter was trying to do an interview, unfortunately, he had picked his interviewee poorly.

♪ "...And blue Hawaii...with all this loveliness...there should be love..." ♪

Clive snorted as the song on his pip-boy ironically got to the part about love just as a drunken man went on a tirade about how his wife cuckold him with a protectron. He said he didn't get why and that protectron shouldn't have more personality than him, but...technically speaking, protectron was made for various purposes from pacifying patrolman to a caring medical worker, and so on. You'd be surprised how adaptable protectron was to do most jobs.Clive looked at APGA, his protectron that he had brought along. There was a reason why he brought a protectron along rather than an eyebot, a Mr Handy, or other robots. Because protectrons are jack of all trades, and so if he had to bring only one, a protectron was it.

Though in any case, he was getting sidetracked. Going back to his previous thought, protectron was very adaptable, able to use various personality module, so...hypothetically speaking, Clive could see a protectron be programmed with a sexbot personality module and subroutines. Perhaps he should try opening that business next. Reprogramming a protectron to fit a specific fetish or niche a client wanted seemed like a fun little challenge.

He then noticed the reported walking in his direction instead. Maybe the Pip-Boy and Vault 52 Jumpsuit he was wearing drew his attention?

“ Hi, Sam from California Channel 89! We’re broadcasting live to California now. If you don’t mind, could you tell our viewers at home about what made you come onto the Aloha Isles?”

♪ "Dreams come blue Hawaii...and mine could all come true.." ♪

Dreams, huh? Well, if Clive had to say what 'dreams' he wanted out of this trip, it was to be properly entertained. A good change of pace, the clinic in the middle of the wasteland gig had been getting too easy ever since he managed to restore a sentry bot.

Clive replied, "Well...the Aloha Isle has been known to be quite the famous vacation spot even in the old world before the bomb fell, you see. I happened to receive a ticket from the father of one of my patients, and I figured it would be a good change of pace to go on the trip. I guess I'm just looking to have a good time since I got a ticket for free."

Carnatia de Luson

Carnatia leapt backwards as she struck at the creature's lower half, shattering its illusion and revealing the grotesque form hidden beneath its beautiful visage.

For a moment, a passing thought of how apt an analogy the situation was—pretty on the outside by hiding their ugly inner self— to some of the noblewomen she knew in the court of Westernant when she was still part of a ducal family passed through her mind. Amusing thought, but Carnatia decided it was not the time to indulge in it and instead focused back on the battle.

She watched as their group capitalised on the opening she had given them, barraging the creature with various attacks on their own. She then watched as Engelbert hung on to his greatsword lodged in the creature, as the creature fled, carrying Engelbert with it. It was a daring move, one that would be the sort of thing that would be sung in ballads by bards, especially in her fief that romanticised the derring-do tales of knighthood.

Still, in this case, she wondered if that was perhaps the best move, considering it was probably best not to rush into things headlong. The creature was clearly intelligent enough to try using illusion to trick them, what to say it was not leading them to a trap?

As the other in her group gave chase, Carnatia decided the worst-case scenario was if ambushers were at the ready to separate and took out their group who had abandoned their formation to give chase in a rush. It would be especially worse if their healer who had decided to stay behind got ambushed.

And so, rather than giving chase, she walked over to Roxas and Vesemir instead.

"I will keep guard while Lady Roxas takes care of the wounded here. In case anything happens, it wouldn't do for us to have our healer out of commission."

She sighed, "Frankly, it would be more prudent to simply let that creature flee and attempt to find its tracks while proceeding carefully later should we give pursue, but what is done is done."
Emma Lawson

Emma Lawson sighed as she watched Victoria, her daughter, play with her ex-husband's dog, Rex, accompanied by another dog and her owner, the brunette with shoulder-length hair a few years younger than herself.

"Here's your coffee."

A black-haired man with a beard said, as he put down a coffee cup in front of her. The man then looked at Emma, before turning to Victoria, then back to Emma again.

"What? You're staring daggers at them," he asks.

"I'm not staring daggers, just looking," Emma denies. The man sighs, "Yeah, I know. But you got a resting bitch face, you know that, right?"

"Gee, I don't know. It's not like SOMEONE mentioned it like, oh, I don't know, almost every chance he got when we were living together."

"What? You nagged me about my fashion sense all the time. Only seems fair."

"Yeah, well...saying you have a fashion sense is a bit too generous. Let's just put it that way."

"Hey, utility and comfort over style. It ain't too bad of a fashion philosophy."

She sighed, biting back a retort, as she chose to drink the coffee instead. It was good. Exactly how she preferred it.

"Better? Good coffee, right?" the man asked her. Realising she had a smile on her face, she composed herself as she looked away, "W-Well, this IS a cafe business. It's only to be expected you've got good coffee."

"Ah. Geez, still can't just be honest, can you?" The man remarks with an exaggerated sigh as he takes a seat beside her.

Biting back the only because you can be so infuriating at times! retort, Emma—as before—took another sip of her coffee. Despite the trades of witty remarks, there was an understanding between the two that it was mostly not serious, most of the time, anyway. Still, the back-and-forth conversations between them has always reminded Emma of days past, and she was not particularly feeling nostalgic.

Her ex-husband, Richard, spoke again, "Okay, seriously, what's up? I know trading barbs are just what we communicate mostly, but you seem a bit moody today. Something happened on the business trip?"

She shook her head, "'s just..." taking another glance at their daughter who was playing with the brunette and their dog, she sighed, "I didn't know she'd be here."

Richard looks at her with confusion, "Caroline? What's wrong? You guys have met before, pretty sure you two hit it off even. Vicky mentioned she wanted to teach Rex new tricks, so I figured I call in Caroline since she's free. Luna—that's her dog—won some sort of competition or something."

Suppressing a twitch of annoyance, Emma sighed again. She knew her former husband didn't do it deliberately. He was just...dense. It was true that it has been about 4 years since they amicably filed for divorce, and they've been cordial since. And yes, she had met his new girlfriend and even made fast friends, but having her here, along with the two of them and their daughter felt...intruding for some reason. It was probably that she just hadn't gotten used to it, after all, objectively speaking it should be no different than having any other friend present, but still, it was...somewhat complicated.

"...Wait, you're not...?" Richard trailed off, leaving the question hanging in the air. Emma denied it immediately, "Nope. Absolutely not. Listen here, it's just—"

Her words got cut off, as she felt a familiar sensation before a voice rang out in her head.

"Emma. I feel a monster just appeared. It's umm...somewhere around that big park near your home?"

It was Faniel, the self-proclaimed Angel of Judgment who had lent her power to Emma so she could become the Magical Girl Inquisitor.

Big Park in Manhattan...Must be Central Park. It's gonna take a bit of time from Brooklyn. Well, with a car, anyway.

"Emm? You all right?" Richard asked her. She nodded, as she took out her phone from her pocket, "Yeah, sorry. Just felt my phone vibrating."

After pretending to look at it for a bit, she schooled her expression into an apologetic one, "Sorry, uh...I have an office emergency. I gotta go, I'll pick Vicky up later tonight."

Richard frowned, "I thought today was your off day because you just went on that business trip."

"It's an emergency. It's kinda in the definition, that usually kinda implied not being planned?"

"Smartass. And here I am worried they're overworking you...Fine, go on then. Don't push yourself though, if it gets too late, I can bring Vicky to your place tomorrow morning."

"Yeah...I'll call you later if it comes to it. Thanks."

After saying goodbye to her daughter—and somewhat more awkwardly to Caroline—Emma drove into the closest parking facility, before ducking away into an empty corner.

She took out her sword-shaped keychain. The keychain shined briefly before what looked like a living angel plushie appeared beside her, floating.

"Ready?" Faniel asked her.

Emma nodded, "Yep."

She then closed her eyes as the keychain shined once more, all the while growing into a real sword as the light enveloped Emma and Faniel. A while later, a winged orange-haired magical girl in silver armour stood where Emma and Faniel were. Neither Emma nor Faniel but an amalgam of the two, Magical Girl Inquisitor.

"...Yet another one of these evil forces. Well then...Beginning the crusade, Deus Vult."

Inquisitor then took off into the sky, garnering some looks as people watched what looked like an angel soaring through the air.

Gajah Mada observed the man in front of her, who appeared to be part of the Christian Church, given his attire and the location she was summoned to. Gajah Mada had not interacted much with the Christian Church in her life, for they had only started to gain some small footholds in Nusantara when she was alive, nevertheless, if she remembered correctly, they were supposed to be against unsanctioned mystical arts, deeming it heretical, so it struck her as odd that her Master was a member of such Church.

For now, however, she opted to listen to her Master before asking her own questions. Once he finished introducing himself and outlining his immediate plan, Gajah Mada nodded, before replying, "Well, first of all, I appreciate the courtesy, but you needn't bother hiding your surprise that I am a woman. It was a common enough occurrence back then, so I am used to it. I am Gajah Mada, the Mahapatih of Majapahit, though given the fact that you knew of my unfulfilled oath—and the fact that you were surprised that I am a woman—you probably already know that. Nevertheless, regarding my unfulfilled oath, allow me to clarify. You mentioned earlier you are in favour of a large-state Southeast Asian Federation led by Majapahit's successor...while I am glad that my Master approved of my wish, what I wish is not to make Indonesia the leader of Southeast Asia, I seek a true revival of the Majapahit Empire. The Nusantara that we dream of is that of a united archipelago under the Majapahit Empire. Indonesia claims to be our successor and even incorporated my oath into their national identity. But in the end, Majapahit and Indonesia are two different nations."

The clarification, was, perhaps unnecessary. But to Gajah Mada, if her Master was fighting beside her under the impression that it would be Indonesia who would fulfil her Palapa Oath, that he would be labouring under a misconception. Gajah Mada was not above deception, but this was a conversation between an ally, and on such matter, Gajah Mada would prefer to be forthright.

Smiling, Gajah Mada adds, "But of course, given that they ARE our successor in the modern days, that was more a matter of technicality. Regardless, what I wish to bring into reality is a united Nusantara not under a nation whose values and national identity are the Republic of Indonesia but under a nation whose values and national identity are that of the Majapahit Empire. That aside, I am of one mind to avoid collateral damage and save as many people as possible. In the first place, I made the Palapa Oath not for the sake of mere conquest, but because I wished to bring prosperity to all."

That being said...this is called the Holy Grail War for a reason. Gajah Mada's expression hardened. Her Master seemed to be somewhat of the idealistic sort, but she figured it needed to be said,

"That being the case, despite only between several individuals this conflict by the name of the Holy Grail War is supposed to be a war. Therefore, while I agree that we should always try to avoid innocent blood being shed, the reality is that sometimes such things cannot be avoided in war. So I do hope you keep that in mind, Master.

"Now then, as to your inquiry of whether the Grail informed me of computer..." she continued, looking at the various monitors in the room, Yes. I am aware of them, though not on a visceral level, obviously. They are quite convenient indeed...the things I could have expedited back then if I had these technologies..."

Gajah Mada chuckled, "Back then, I was doing the work of four Patih—that is, ministers, in modern parlance—along with my own duty of Mahapatih—Prime Minister—with technology...Oh my, I could easily do at least twice as much work."

Gajah Mada talked about taking on more work with the gleeful excitement one could only find on the most hardcore of workaholics. She then continued with even more wondrous excitement,

"Oh, yes. Since it somewhat pertained to me, the Grail has informed me that there is something called a communication satellite named after my oath, the Palapa. As I understand it, these...satellites allow one long-range communication through computers via something called the Internet, I'd appreciate it if you could show me this Internet at some point. If I had that back then, I could—

She stopped, realizing that her excitement had gotten the better of her. She coughed, her cheeks somewhat tinged red from embarrassment.

"Ehem. Forgive me, my excitement of how much work can be done through technology has gotten the better of me. Before that...I've been meaning to ask. I understand that the mystical art is taboo among those of the Church, so what wish would you ask of the grail that you would even participate in such a ritual as a mage?"

@Letter Bee
Carnatia de Luson

"Not much that I know about this one." said Gray enigmatically, only to continue before Carnathia furrowed her brows.

"Even the myth about it was never consistent. Some account says 'she' was an elf, captured and mutated by Dagorlad warlocks and transformed into a weapon of war, the other said she was a powerful djinn that inhibited this land even before the elves. Most rangers in my era never raise our blade against that creature, because we know how to avoid its lure."

Carnatia was somewhat surprised that Gray actually was forthright without the need for further prodding. Perhaps her needling had worked, after all. If so, then Carnatia would give herself the proverbial pat on the back. Unfortunately, on the other hand, it seemed that Gray did not have something more concrete than legends. Carnatia supposed that was par the course for this land, but it would be nice to have something more concrete to design a countermeasure against.

Nevertheless, Carnatia drew her blade and kept on guard, as Gray ordered. Not long after, the singing continued, as an ethereal figure glided toward the group, all the while singing its mesmerising song. As she did previously, she emptied her mind, this time focusing on the ethereal figure itself, her mind honed to look at the most vulnerable spot to strike. The song felt as if it was beckoning her to come closer, and so she did, walking slowly as if she were in a trance even as she maintained her zen state, hoping to catch it off guard, trusting her precognition to warn her should the figure realised her deception and moved in to strike. But should Carnatia manage to get close enough within striking range, her magic-enhanced rapier would quickly strike at its vulnerable spots in a burst of flame.

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