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I'm Randomness. I also go by others names when it's unavailable, but those are usually some variation of Randomness or Random in general.

I like anime, video games, and science. I'm currently in school studying to become an radiologic technologist. I'm in the initial stages, so I'm on my way. My favorite anime is Eureka Seven, and my favorite video game is a tie between Kingdom Hearts and Etrian Odyssey.

I have several story ideas, but currently lack motivation to write them out. I have plenty of notes for some of them so when I finally get around I'm prepared. That said, I absolutely enjoy group story telling like you do through role playing. One of my interests involved is world building and the connections between them if any.

One of my characters travels between worlds, dimensions and universes. What these are meant to be are different RPs. There seems to be some taboo around such a character, but I feel that is should be judged on a case by case basis. The idea of a seasoned character who has been on many adventures being able to share stories in passing sounds like a fun idea. I thought it would be an interesting idea that those stories could be from other RPs. He isn't meant to highjack the current RP, or be over powered. I admit, I can see that concern. Really though, he is meant to be an eccentric character with stories and treasures not before seen. The effects of these stories are meant to be entertaining, like fairy tales to the current cast. And what treasures he has or can use I'd restrict to what makes sense in the current world. But like I said before, it should be case by case. A learner, and a story teller. I think it's fun to link concept together through this character so the story could live on in new ways and perhaps give new RPs a different kind of character. Without upending everything of course.

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Solomon Sparrow

Location: Hdur, Kindeance

The farmer offered plenty of stock for Cedar to consume. Being one of the farms along the outer reaches of the village, it had more access to the fertile lands, and as a result, was able to grow a plethora of crop in such abundance. A testament to the prosperity of Hdur.

“I should have enough coin to cover whatever my friend fancies at the moment. I see you’re familiar with the hunters, what can you tell me about them? Has their pattern of behavior changed in recent memory?”
Asked Solomon. “I’m not sure how privy you are to their schedule, but anything you can share would be appreciated.” Solomon wandered nearby as the farmer collected various stock for Cedar. It was good for Cedar to finally have a proper meal. He seemed ecstatic about it, anyway. While he ate, might as well see what the farmer knew, if anything.
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Hdur, Kindeance

Hdur, settled within the lowlands between a bog and a forest. The lands were fertile and easy for crop and livestock. It had access to plenty of resources through metal, wood, agriculture, and game. It was a shame that despite how prosperous it was, its location within the low lands made it easy for criminals to hide out and for some to take advantage of their position for exploitation. Hdur was like a coin with success on one surface, and nefarious notoriety on the other. A calm place, but not a private one.

Solomon dismounted the horse by the stables as they got into town. Anderson was left back at the royal forest, either to pack up or continue whatever their investigation, thought the likelihood of them finding anything else was dismal at best. At the center of the village, Matilda thought it best to split up. She walked down one way, leaving Cedar and Solomon alone. With a few glances, it was not hard to see that more than a few people were glancing back. The people were probably not prepared to see a dressed bear leaning on a staff today.

“Well then. I suppose we should try to find out what we can.” said Solomon paying no more mind to the spectators. Solomon turned to face Cedar. “We appear to be getting close to uncovering suspects. I have names and you, faces. Birk mentioned his colleagues lived on the eastern side of the village, close to Aldebert’s farm. Let us see if those of Birk match the descriptions the crows provided you. It is a deals walk’s away from the village. If I can recall, Aldebert raises livestock as well as standard crop, perhaps he can spare some of his stock for you, as well. I do not imagine us being on the move so often has been good on your appetite.”

The farther the from the village they walked, the more scarce the buildings became. The roads devolved form placed stones, to gravel to dirt and for large distances would be fields for cattle, or rows of grain and vegetables. Clusters of farm building would be seen in the distance. The road forked several times, the main path rarely being the one that was straight. At one such fork, the narrower path led to a two story farm building, with a barn, and a smaller unassuming building closer to the main road. Off in the distance were several other houses, all within a short walking distance of each other, at the horizon was the canopy of the forest. Those distant houses probably belonged to the hunters of the Hdur, where they had easy access to the forest and its inhabitants. Some of them were likely the ones Birk mentioned.

Solomon walked up towards the farm house. Near the barn was a wooden stall with a bar of hanging dried meat. Atop the table were a wooden boxes, some nailed shut, and one open half empty of produce. Just inside the barn was a man tossing a cup of salt from a barrel into a crate. Perhaps a farm hand or a relative of Aldebert, he seemed focus on his work. The man then unhooked the flesh of a butchered animal off another bar, placed it into the crate and started tossing it and rubbing in salt. When he was done he placed it into another barrel. He stopped what he was doing as Solomon and Cedar approached.

“Good morning, I was wondering if you would have any fresh meat or produce for sale to which my friend here can eat? I also ask if you know where I can find some of the hunters, whether they are in still in town. They would be Reinhold, Ingmar, and Bertolf. I have some business to discuss with them, and I would rather not have to go door to door to find them.” The way Birk spoke of them, these were the three Solomon suspected Birk worked with most out in the fields. Gerrard sounded like another farmer, however, by specifying his age, perhaps not one he speaks with often. At least if it was not for Hilda, probably another resident of his house, who caught Birk’s interest. She was either the man’s daughter or wife, but more likely the former. Given the potential they had as conspirators to the prince’s capture, it didn’t seem likely they were involved. However, they were not out of the question, yet. First these three, and hopefully the farmer here could help.

Location: Mrs. Greypetal Residence, Lumina

Interaction: @Crimson Flame, @Tangy

Vyvien had never been in a carriage as nice as this one. Most of the time, the carriages didn’t even fly, but rolled along the ground. It was decorated so beautifully, and the unicorns were as lovely as ever. It looked like it would be such a luxurious ride. If Vyvien wasn’t flying on her own, she was using hot air balloons or ornithopters, so being able to ride in a roal carriage pulled by unicorns seemed like such a grand privilege, despite the circumstances.

However, despite how gorgeous the carriage was, the ride was anything but smooth. Several times as she was trying to put the finishing touches on her newly invented magic detector slash identifier, the carriage would jostle and she would lose a screw or push a crystal out of place. In the mean time, she asked the others if they could imbue the small marble sized crystals with some of their magic energy. With that the device would know what to compare the residue magic energy with. Of course she already had her own. Prince Sky and Juniper were up front, and her father was holding on for dear life. Her father. Vyvien wasn’t sure if she caught his name. At the same time she asked for the crystals to be imbued, she asked for his name, as well as the others she might have missed the introductions for.

Despite Sky trying his best to make the ride as uncomfortable as possible, Vyvien was able to finally finish the device, and all it needed now was a test run. But before that, it needed more calibration. And before that she needed more imbued crystals. Well, it will be done soon enough. The device was circular in shape with a small window exposing a wheel that was free to spin inside. Several socks on the wheel were just big enough to put the tiny crystals in. Vyvien placed a rune onto it and it began to glow blue before fading out of her hands and into her wheel of runes. All packed up, Vyvien exited the carriage, fixing her hair before she finally looked up at the tree before her. It was strange, the trees always looked so small from up in Feydale.

“So so. It was your teacher? Or was it your principal? Who lives up there.” she asked as she joined Sky and Juniper at the front of the carriage. “I hope she can help us. Oh, one thing. Can can I ask if you could imbue some of your magic into this crystal? And you as well, Prince Sky? I need it for the identifier. Please and thank you.”
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Watch Tower Ruins, Kindeance

Technically, Solomon could spend as much time as he wanted listening to the entirety of Birk’s day. Unfortunately for the mission and the sanity of the others, time was not a luxury they could waste. While it’s wasn’t as conclusive as Solomon would have liked, there was a lead to Hdur. And as a bonus the group was already headed there. And there were some names to go on. The last confirmation was the man was at the royal forest on the day, but any specifics were lost to his ramblings.

Solomon continued to listen to the man as Cedar returned to the room with a new bird friend that was not a crow. Solomon could tell Cedar was a little discomforted by the zombie’s presence, keeping his distance as he presented Matilda a note. The pigeon was a carrier pigeon. Perhaps from the king, or even Jazdia. Solomon turned his attention to the still rambling zombie. At least for the next quarter hour as Cedar worked on the leather and Anderson returning with news of Henri’s disappearance.

“That is enough.” Said Solomon, the zombie ending its play by play. Matilda was ready to move out. Solomon rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck. He followed Matilda out of the ruins, having Birk follow them out. Cedar was apprehensive about the idea of the zombie joining them, but Solomon reassured him that he was simply going to put him to rest. As the sun lay low in the sky and long shadows reached towards the horizon, Solomon had Birk dig his own grave, lay in it, and Solomon ended his hold on him, letting Birk once again return to the eternal slumber of death. With a few mounds of dirt, Solomon finished the grave.

Solomon could see Matilda was eager to keep going, but by the looks of Anderson and the others, it was perhaps time to make a camp for the night. It would be well after dark by the time they reached Hdur, and there was no guarantee of shelter. At least with Anderson and his men, they had camping gear and tents.
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Watch Tower Ruins, Kindeance

Hdur. The elf woman, Jazdia, had already made plans for them to regroup in Hdur. What a strange coincidence. However, given the town’s reputation, perhaps not all that strange. Solomon stood listening to the words coming from the newly awoken corpse. He called himself Birk, and he was a hunter of sorts. Whether he was a part of the group of assassins had yet to be determined though. He knew where they holed up in, but did not see the prince. Solomon looked towards Matilda and then back at Birk. Something might have gone lost in translation.

“You say you hunt in the royal grounds in secret. Were you at the royal forest five days ago? Were you a part of a plot involving the royal prince? Tell us of what you might have seen that day.”
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Watch Tower Ruins, Kindeance

As Solomon turned to proceed towards the next floor, Henri walked out of the stairwell. He was noticeably less bulky, but as to why that is was answered when he told Cedar his belongings were left on the next floor. Solomon noticed Cedar’s lack of dress, but since he was a bear, he didn’t bother to question it. Now that he realized that Henri was wearing them instead, Solomon was curious as to what the two of them were doing before he, Anderson, and Matilda arrived. He thought it better to ask, it was probably related to the surprise he had planned for any ne’er-do-wells who might have still been here. For now, Cedar hurried to reclaim his property.

Solomon followed after him and presumably Anderson and Matilda would have gone as well to explore the next floor. At least after she reclaimed her heirloom from Henri. As it was, there were hardly any clues on this level. At the very least, the group discovered that the ruins were inhabited recently. Solomon wasn’t sure what Henri was going to find below the water, it was unlikely the abductors would have used that area. In any case, Solomon left him with a good luck as Henri walked down into the depths.

Up on the second floor above water it became much more obvious in just what state the inhabitants were camping in. Bed rolls, supplies, sacks of food, and ash. For some reason a quarter of the room was covered with ash. Regardless, there was another item that caught Solomon’s attention. There lay face down a corpse. Bathed n a pool of blood, the poor man seemed to have been stabbed. Solomon crouched near the body, not minding the blood that was now brushed up against the base of his attire. The blood had dried, but the corpse was stiff. He had died recently, within the last few days. There was evidence of scavengers picking at him, but they had only scratched the surface.

“Tell me your secrets, my friend.” he said softly as he turned the body onto its side. His arm hinged on the shoulder, with his hand brushing against the ground. The entire front end of his body was red, and his face, surprisingly calm. He either passed willingly, or he was killed in his sleep. In either case, no one was around willing to lend him aid. Solomon lifted his eyes up from the corpse, holding it on its side. He gazed over the items that Henri left behind, presumably once belonging to his new dead friend. There was the unstrung bow and the standard mess kit for wilderness survival. But then there was the roll of specialized tools. They were not for survival, these were for more nefarious purposes. Solomon looked back down at the face of the corpse. His eyes are half closed, his jaw slack, and nose pushed towards the side from the pressure of the ground. “Were you one of the prince’s abductors? Were you left behind? A liability, perhaps?”

Solomon dropped the body, it falling back face down into the dried blood pool. He stood back up from his crouch, his bones cracking as he stretched. He looked over to see the concerned faces of his colleagues. It usually doesn’t cross the mind of those who come across a body to speak with it, or even mess with it. However, dealing with the dead was Solomon’s forte. This was probably the clue that Matilda had been hoping for.

“Matilda, Anderson, Cedar. I believe we have come across our first witness from the attack on the Prince.” Solomon turned to face the corpse once again. He stayed silent as Anderson and the others had questions. Solomon closed his eyes and muttered something under his breathe. He held out his hands over the body before him and his palms began to glow. Silver and black energy also began to emanate from the large tome he had strapped to his back. The flies that buzzed around were stirred and zipped in any which way. The few crows that watched from the ruined rafters cawed. The energy surrounding Solomon’s tome and hands flowed like a stream down into the body. After the twenty or so seconds it took for his incantation to hold, the energy faded.

“Now come and stand for me. Please tell them what you told me. The truth if you please.” At first the body lay motionless, then suddenly one of his legs jerked. Then an arm, and eventually the whole body was writhing as though the person was trying to remember how to stand up again. Disgruntled sounds escape the lips of the once still corpse. He brought in his knees and pushed off the ground with his hands. One of his hands slipped against the blood, falling onto its shoulder. Eventually, it was kneeling on the ground, his head flopping from side to side as it brought himself to its feet. Now standing, it looked at Solomon with its eyes and then towards the others. Finally snapping his head up right, he groaned like he had just been rudely woken up from the most pleasant of dreams.

Solomon turned to his colleagues as well, with a hint of pride. “Go ahead and ask him anything you wish to know. He should answer with much of the truth as he is aware.”
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Watch Tower Ruins, Kindeance

Solomon was standing in one of the abandoned rooms of the ruins after following Matilda inside. She continued on when Solomon stepped into a small room. The place reeked of stagnant water and mold. The surprising power of the water from the lake aged the tower considerably. It sunk into the ground, and many of the walls started to crumble. Solomon recalled seeing the structure manned with Kindeance soldiers, keeping eyes over the horizon of the water. It was a shame that the only time he was able to go inside was after it had fallen into disrepair after being abandoned several decades ago.

The room was probably a store room or a pantry, a place to keep things so they wouldn’t have to walk back and forth from an actual store room. The contents have long since been removed or decayed away, only a few scraps of rusted metal rings from barrels remained. He turned and looked out as heavy footsteps unlike Matilda’s permeated the otherwise silent corridor. Cedar and Henri had arrived it seems. It looks like the information they acquired from the horses led them to the same place. He left the room and followed Cedar towards Matilda and Anderson. He noticed that Henri opted towards a different path, and left him to his own devices. Perhaps there might be more clues on the first floor.

“This place used to be a watch tower. The last time it was used was during the war against the dark elves. They kept upkeep on it until improved naval forces made the strategic position redundant.” Solomon spoke up shortly after Anderson’s comment. He then looked around the remains of the floor. Horses were here recently. Not enough time had passed for the waters of the lake to clean out the stench. “The place looks to have been used recently, but it doesn’t appear like those occupants stayed down on this floor. The water creeps in and the few dry areas looked to have held their horses. Henri had taken liberty to explore the next floor. Perhaps we should join him.”

As if on cue, Matilda’s shoulder plate rose up slightly, a cyan glow quickly fading before it returned to its position. That was probably Henri, trying to grab her attention. Solomon turned towards the stairs. That was the way up. At least that was the closest way up.
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Royal Hunting Forest, Kindeance

The longer Solomon remained at the forest, uncovering what the guards already knew. It is true that some time had passed between the incident and now. Perhaps it was enough for the scents to fade even for Cedar. Yet, with much of the evidence from the intrepid attack still present, the golden apple of progress lay just beyond the reach of the investigators. Solomon felt out of his element, as neither the injured nor the dead were present anymore. That possibility was one of the main reasons he continued. Since they had since been removed, buried, and not available, Solomon pondered different methods of uncovering the true trail.

“It was an idea. Not a popular one in more ways than one it seems.” said Solomon, dropping the idea of involving the horses, living or dead. The only true clue they had was Cedar eliminating the red herring trails in favor of the one lead by blood. A promising lead, but in the time it took for them to lead, that trail would only go so far. At least it could lead to a direction and maybe down a road. At least there, Solomon could direct the group the likely towns.

Another clue surfaced with Matilda recognizing the arrows Henri had collected. So far the arrows were the only thing the abductors left behind. Made in Rorthgaard. Solomon had been there several times, the smith Matilda had mentioned wasn’t world renown, but for the many who knew of him, his work was unmistakable. However, the village was only a few miles away. It would take a horse less than an hour to travel that distance, even if they rode straight avoiding the roads. At best, the information there would confirm the assassins may have passed through. Unless the bloodied trail led that way, it was best if Anderson’s men looked into it.

Solomon looked over the map Anderson had presented. His trackers had covered an extensive amount of ground, but there were still a couple paths left unchecked. “You managed to investigate half of them it seems. It may be too late to gather anything useful from the other trails at this rate. You have the arrows from Rorthgaard, a potential enemy informant at the castle, and the bloodied trail, which Cedar could lead us through. If its manpower you need, I can provide, as so long as it’s not a technical skill you require. Otherwise, I don’t see much more usefulness staying in the forest itself.”
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Royal Hunting Forest, Kindeance

Solomon raised an eyebrow, not that anyone could accurately see it. Anderson mentioned that the Princes schedule was only know by a select few of castle staff. That potentially narrowed the list of informants the assassins could be using, bring them close to finding the culprit. Not only that, but if they had the prince’s schedule, that would also explain the King’s and how coordinated the attack was. Solomon pondered the information more. At least six assailants fleeing in four directions, leaving false tags to throw off search dogs.

“The coordination between both attacks is too wall calculated. I suspect that someone who works directly with the prince, or someone who works in close association is your traitor. While you may have come to that conclusion, the information must have been accurate until the event itself. This person of interest may still be at the castle, and if not those who left would be worth questioning.” said Solomon. While at the moment, he could not contribute much, he contemplated whether it was time to call upon those who were more skilled in this area. At the least he could do another sweep of the area from a more birds eye view which might reveal something. It was unfortunate that the dead had been taken away, otherwise Solomon could have asked them what happened directly.

“Cedar. It might not be conventional, yet I witnessed you speak with the dogs and birds. I have a question for you. If you would speak with one of the horses who was intimately involved with the conflict, would that enlighten us to any new information?”
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Royal Hunting Forest, Kindeance

Once the bear had found his water, Solomon noticed Matilda speaking with someone. The stables didn’t appear to be as unmanned as it initially appeared. She seemed comfortable around him, and her eagerness to leave was calmed, if only for the moment. It was this that probably prevented any backlash from the three of them spending time dealing with water and produce. When she was done speaking with the elder, she returned to her sharp demeanor as soon they were underway. She mounted a horse, Henri chose to skate, and Cedar was forced to run, too big for any horse to carry. As for Solomon, he took one of the horses on standby, choosing one he was sure wasn’t privately owned. Time was of the essence, and he didn’t have the luxury of searching for a stable hand to commence in some kind of transaction.

After a bit of time traveling, the forest in which the prince had been taken came into view. The path towards it was clear and group had made great time in arriving. As brush increased and the shadows washed over them, a small campsite or some other set up came into view. Set up in a clearing surrounded by trees. Matilda dismounted while one of the occupants of the site ran up to meet her. Clearly they were expected. The people of this camp were probably the only other people outside of the initial group called to meet the king that knows of the kidnapping. These people must be of great standing with his highness, or perhaps just the one who had come to greet them.

One of the guards returned with a box, a possession of the prince. A note book. They also mentioned a boot that was discovered off one of the trails. It would take a good amount of planning to kidnap the prince, but even their escape and red herrings against blood hounds was well thought out. As his two companions worked with the notebook, Solomon turned to Anderson.

“The prince did not go on this trip alone. What of those men who would have been his entourage? I do not imagine the prince was taken without some resistance. Before he was absconded, do you have the story as to what transpired?”
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