Location: Mrs. Greypetal Residence, Luminia
Interaction: @Crimson Flame
“Thank you, thank you.” said Vyvien as she received the last of the crystals she needed. While there was still more elemental magics out there, she had at least enough for a preliminary machine. The wheel of runes appears once again, manifesting on of them as her identifier. She opened to face of the device and placed the newly magical marbles into the mechanism. With each crystal in place, she closed it. Now she could calibrate it. In her open palm she created a mini tornado, the air swirling around tickling the skin of her hand. The device she built was being held in the other. The machine started making a faint clicking sound as the wheel inside began to spin like a compass in a magnetic flux. After a second of spinning, it slowed down, and the faint sky blue crytal could be seen through the little window. Perfect. A few more tests like this and her device would be complete. For now though, it would have to wait. Juniper’s principal was only a tree climb away.
Despite the daunting size of the tree, it was a fairly easy to get to. Really, the flight up was not much different that flying horizontally anywhere else. The huge canopy expanded from just above the entrance to the house. The earthy smell of the trees and the playful chirping of the insects made the short flight wonderful. Unfortunately, Mrs. Greypetal was not home. And it didn’t look like there was a Mr. Greypetal available either.
“As much as I would love to check out her potions, I’d probably be a better idea to find Mrs. Greypetal instead. I don’t want to be around in case we mess up some how. Trust me, I’ve done it, and it never turns out as exciting as it initially appears.” said Vyvien. Despite agreeing with the others to leave and head to a more social gathering place within Lumina, Vyvien still wandered around the main room the note was found. She looked at the different trinkets and pictures hung on the wall. The only thing keeping her from wandering into other rooms was the watchful gaze of the other fairies present. As Vyvien turned back to follow the others out of the house, her face lit up with an idea.
"Oh oh. I have this." Vyvien retrieved another tool from her rune wheel. It was a wooden cone with a leather handle attached to a small glass box at the end. She handed the device to Sky. "If you speak into the back of the box, your voice will come out of the cone really loud. We can use this to call for Mrs. Greypetal."