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I'm Randomness. I also go by others names when it's unavailable, but those are usually some variation of Randomness or Random in general.

I like anime, video games, and science. I'm currently in school studying to become an radiologic technologist. I'm in the initial stages, so I'm on my way. My favorite anime is Eureka Seven, and my favorite video game is a tie between Kingdom Hearts and Etrian Odyssey.

I have several story ideas, but currently lack motivation to write them out. I have plenty of notes for some of them so when I finally get around I'm prepared. That said, I absolutely enjoy group story telling like you do through role playing. One of my interests involved is world building and the connections between them if any.

One of my characters travels between worlds, dimensions and universes. What these are meant to be are different RPs. There seems to be some taboo around such a character, but I feel that is should be judged on a case by case basis. The idea of a seasoned character who has been on many adventures being able to share stories in passing sounds like a fun idea. I thought it would be an interesting idea that those stories could be from other RPs. He isn't meant to highjack the current RP, or be over powered. I admit, I can see that concern. Really though, he is meant to be an eccentric character with stories and treasures not before seen. The effects of these stories are meant to be entertaining, like fairy tales to the current cast. And what treasures he has or can use I'd restrict to what makes sense in the current world. But like I said before, it should be case by case. A learner, and a story teller. I think it's fun to link concept together through this character so the story could live on in new ways and perhaps give new RPs a different kind of character. Without upending everything of course.

Most Recent Posts

Solomon Sparrow

Location: Fanghorn - Pesti Highway, Kindeance

“To be so unaware of the trap laid for would be meddlers, I doubt the mercenaries are of any repute. Especially given their lack of armaments, organization, and recently their leader.” Solomon chimed in, tagging along the end of Kaito’s observations. He looked ahead down the road, Pesti still not within sight. The sky remained dark, though near the edges of the distant horizon was just light enough to threaten the coming dawn within the next few hours.

“Retrieving the cart will add to our travel. There will be further delay since it will limit the horse’s mobility.” Solomon only really caught half of the conversation, the half that Jazdia spoke. It was clear the the cart was being requested. As it stood, time was very important. Already much would be lost due to the trek between the two villages, giving Yvonne’s opponents plenty of time to regroup, perhaps even strengthen their armaments. Being disorganized didn’t necessarily mean being less of a threat. If there was an explosion, then the village would be riling, and they wouldn’t know friend from foe.
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Fanghorn-Pesti highway, Kindeance

“Agreed. Hopefully Cedar also returns. I do not believe August would be too keen on replacing him. Then again, if we require it, there are more than August among my acquaintances.” said Solomon. In the brief moment of silence that followed, Solomon pondered what Kaito had said. The purpose of this diverse team was to keep the political factions from knowing of the prince's absence. There was enough pressure to declare war against Meche, so having someone work in the background to secure the prince was ideal. Though their methods thus far had been flashy, there was not much evidence to indicate the crown had any dealing with it. Should an army be sent, then there was no hiding it. And like Kaito said, it would not do well in the political relations internal or otherwise to instigate a civil war.

Kaito spoke again, with a plan to help gather more information from Fanghorn Keep, ”I have an idea but it is a little bit risky. It will require us to get closer to the castle again but might give us more information then we have now. With all that druidic magic going on outside of the castle and the village, some people have to get beyond the walls to clear it all up. We could try to capture one of them and see if we can get any additional information out of that person.”

“It is too late for that.” said a voice harshly. It was clear, deep, and seemed to have come from below Kaito’s feet. Near by, the earth separated as two pairs of horns attached to an elk skull glided across the path leaving a tail of raised dust. Like a crocodile with their head exposed above the water, August had appeared, much sooner than expected. Miraculously, the horses did not seem disturbed by his presence and he even managed to keep up with their pace.

Despite the soil parting by his jaw, August spoke again without obstruction, “I was driven away. Some pathetic mandrake attempted to purge me. Just before I left, mana wrenches began murdering the thorns. I would have gone back and buried them all in roots, had I the freedom.” there was some contempt in his voice. If it were not for Solomon, he would have leveled the fort. Even with the spell caster and his purge undead spell, August would have seen to its destruction. At times, Solomon’s compassion, if it could be called that, was a real thorn in August’s side. But still, he owed much to him for his second chances.

“They are more focused on the bridge it seems. They left the southern gate free to thrive. They’ll bottle neck themselves by sunrise.” August’s voice calmed down as he finished his report. “In the mean time, I shall join you towards Pesti.”
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Fanghorn outskirts, Kindeance

Solomon rode close to the others as they made steady speed towards Pesti. Unfortunately, the ride would not be as fast to give the horses ample energy to pace without racing themselves to exhaustion. Likely, whatever skirmish Matilda and her team encountered would have ended by the time they arrive in favor of either side. Still, the possibility existed. Either way, the force had to regroup.

“The protections of the fort are beyond what one would reasonably expect.” said Solomon at the end of the conversation between Jazdia and Kaito. “I agree with jazdia’s assessment. Even had Pesti not been a trap, regrouping would have still been an appropriate decision. Since this new development, may only Fanghorn be trapped.”

The image of Fanghorn was beginning to fall out of view as the horses. It would be several more minutes before Pesti would show over the horizon. Jazdia moved her horse so now that she and Solomon were riding next to each other. She inquired about the shadows of Pesti, and of August. Solomon wasn’t aware she even knew he called upon him. Though given how she was able to see through the very walls of Fanghorn, it was not a surprise.

“I cannot say for sure what the shadows are doing at Pesti. While my connection to them lets me command them, I do not have full vision of their endeavors. That said, I do know that they all still exist, and are still roaming about. I call feel that much.” Solomon paused as the horse created space between him and Jazdia. It decided that it would rather skirt around some debris along their path than attempt to jump over it. After the short distraction, Solomon resumed.

“As for the leshen as you say, he is not such. I can see why you would confuse them. No, that was a siabrae. Undead of the forest, and an unlikely being to have formed. His name is August Fernby. Like most undead, he had a normal life prior to his death. He loved the forest, and he died protecting it. The circumstances of which are tragic. I recommend you speak with him if you want to know more. My purpose for calling upon him as I did was to finish what Cedar started. Like Cedar, he is a druid, able to command the wilderness. Once August is finished with what was set, he will join us in Pesti. If further assistance is needed, then he can be of more tangible aid, unlike the shadows.”
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Fanghorn, Kindeance

Something was wrong. A change in the air. Faint, almost not existent. Something enough for a single shadow to have returned. The flat image of a man rose out of the ground, a silhouette standing before Solomon. It had lost contact with the others, something Solomon noticed as well. Whatever lay in the keep remained hidden. Whatever it was worth protecting beyond the scope of even the undead. Why would such countermeasures even exist for such remote, night impossible probability? Solomon turned to reveal this development to Jazdia, but something had changed in her demeanor as well. Guard captain Matilda was in trouble. Pesti was indeed a trap. The vision Veronica received from her scry was false. Jazdia called it best to regroup. And Solomon agreed. Even with their conservative assessment of the enemy prowess, again they were underestimated. They took advantage with increasingly effective tactics against the pursuit.

A lot of thought had been put into the capture of the prince, more so than what was initially realized. It was frightening how much forethought went into not only the initial capture and assassination attempt, but also in the prince’s captivity. It was starting to get frustrating. But it also revealed that the king might not have been the primary target to begin with. It looks like whatever the enemy had planned involved the prince, and more than just hostage.

As Jazdia returned to the river bank to take out the bridge, Solomon began to mutter to himself. Cedar was still not back from setting traps. He didn’t seem like one to run away, but the shadow confirmed that after rigging the surroundings of the keep, he began to make his way back towards where they had arrived from. The shadow lost sight of him as it remained circling the perimeter of the fort and the gates. Solomon opened his mouth, speaking silently words unknown. The shadow collapsed in the ground once again, gliding off away from Fanghorn. It would attempt to find Cedar, figure out what happened to him, and if possible, direct him to go to Pesti. As for the fort, and the means to hinder their escape, if not outright prevent it, something should be done with the traps Cedar had sowed.

A large boom echoed through the trees followed by the distant sounds of stone crumbling. It sounded as though Jazida succeeding in collapsing the bridge. Solomon took that as a cue. If Cedar were not here to grow his plants, then Solomon had another. Once again holding his hand above the ground in front of him, dark energy and silver wisps emanated from the large tome, and circled his form, collecting into his palm.

“I call upon thee. August of the Faalt Forests. I request your presence. Heed my command and come forth.” sharp words, yet uttered barely above a whisper. The energy spiked and then from his palm straight into the earth. A mound started to grow from where the energy penetrated the earth an arm erupting from it. A long, cragged arm like tree bark, another soon sprouted. With long claws that dug into the soil, the form continued to emerge. It was though the very dirt was taking form as the being rose. Sashes began to weave over the torso. As the dirt around the being’s head fell off over its shoulders, the form of a pristine skull of some horned animal became visible. Elk horn, largely and proudly displayed, the being towered over Solomon. Eye sockets empty, it was clear this being was looking right at Solomon, wordlessly questioning it being summoned.

What felt like minutes was only a few seconds since the siabrae had come to being from the earth. It sighed. Or at least it made a sound akin to such. It was clear that he had no desire to do what Solomon was requesting. “You put too much ambition in the dealings with them. I’ll grow his thorns. They’ll live for now.”

“Once the gates have been thoroughly sealed, and the obstacles set, please join us at Pesti. There is magic among the inhabitants of the keep that you alone are not equipped to handle.” The siabrae didn’t respond, walking out of the forest before suddenly sinking into the ground burrowing below the surface, leaving nary a mound in his place. Hopefully, there was time for the undead druid to sufficiently cultivate the cage of thorns Cedar had prepared before the inhabitants could respond if at all to the explosion.

Jazdia and Kaito returned shortly after August had departed. They did not stay, quickly moved towards the horses. Solomon followed and mounted with them. As close as they were to the prince, the evidence thus far showed how under prepared they really were. It seemed to be of similar truth for Guard captain Matilda and her team.


And of Pesti, the shadows sent to watch the village responded to the explosion in the barn. They convened around the encampment and barn. Men awoke from their slumber at the perceived attack, ready to defend their position. The shadows would work as a distraction, feigning the presence of an enemy where there was none, and furthering their confusion. In this manner, hopefully it would give Yvonne and the others time regroup, search, and rescue.
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Fanghorn, Kindeance

The journey towards Fanghorn was swift and mostly uneventful. As it stood, both villages were in some part connected with the kidnapping of the prince, or at the very least his captivity. With the half moon lighting the way, and the cart abandoned, though safely stowed, travel was smooth. Even with the occasional cloud plunging the road into darkness, it made no difference. In less than an hour, they were at the outskirts of the village. Fencing and tilled soil began to surround the road, outlining the farmland and residences that spread out from the tall wooden walls protecting the inner village. While Solomon visited the village several times, he rarely went past the palisade, so the strength of the lord was not known to him. He ruled over the land along the river, far enough south to avoid the bridge, but still among the front line should any enemy reach this far into Kindeance. How involved Von Kruber had yet to be seen, so for now it was best to assume he put his full might into the coup.

As expected, the gates to the inner villager were shut, perhaps even barred. As for the houses outside, the walls, they remained quiet and dark as their occupants slept. Perhaps not for long. Some might wake in the hours before dawn to tend to their farms, but for now, the street was theirs. Solomon stood approached Jazdia shortly after she and Cedar had their small discussion. Cedar continued towards the gate, setting up for the obstacles Jazdia requested.

“My shadows. Yes. There should be five of them within the inner walls of the village. They will be the eyes and ears in the areas we cannot currently reach. If anything warranting our attention or concern, the shadow will reveal itself to you or I. I’m afraid they cannot speak in the traditional sense. However, I will understand them. Should we be separated, if they approach you, it will be a warning. It might try to communicate another way such as the way it moves or points, so be mindful if one reveals itself. Beyond scouting, and providing warning, there is not much a shadow can do. They are silent, fast, intangible, and can hide in any form of darkness seamlessly, a perfect scout.” said Solomon as he looked towards the walls of the village. For now, none of his shadows had made an appearance, so that was a good sign. Or at least a sign that everything inside the village was quiet. The shadows would be swarming along the naturally occurring shade unhindered by walls, barricades, locks, or other such obstacles. While some would monitor the entrances and gates, others searched the village and keep, looking for signs of the prince, or evidence of any conspirators.

Solomon Sparrow

Location: River Crossing, Kindeance

With a plan reaching finalization, Solomon went ahead with summoning his shadows. Cedar might recognize some of the motion and energy, as it was very similar to when he animated Birk back at the watery tower ruins. Despite the silver in the energy, there was no light. Solomon held out a hand and began to mutter under his breath. His sleeves shifted off his arms revealing the bareness and age of his skin. His fingers were partially held out, his palm swirling energy and particles of blackness. The energy he cast emanated from the large tome strapped to his back, and circled around his torso down his outstretched arm. Then suddenly the power went straight into the ground.

“I call upon thee, shadows. Heed my command and come forth.” said Solomon softly, barely over a whisper. From the ground a pool of black nothingness began to form, absorbing the little light that was cast upon it. Slowly at first, then faster as they began to emerge, vague shapes of humanoid entities rose out of the pool. Like silhouettes, no details could be made from them save for their profile. Some appeared to be male, female, short, tall, but things such as age or species remained impossible to tell. About ten of them stood on the ground, soundlessly, and perfectly still. The energy faded, and what remained were the shadows and Solomon.

“You need not worry about their discovery. I guarantee they will not. Much like their name, shadows cannot produce sound, nor can they interfere with man. They can hide in any crevice that houses darkness and any space shaded from the light.” said Solomon. He turned his head slightly so that he appeared to be facing Jazdia though the shadows of his hood concealed his face. He let down his arm, the sleeves of his overcoat sliding back down to conceal his arms. Solomon whispered silent words. Those close enough could hear his breath exhale, but would not understand what he said. The shadows immediately reacted, collapsing into the ground. They resembled actual shadows of people standing in the light, though no figure existed to cast them. With speed superior to that of their horses, the shadows moved towards either village, gliding across the ground. In mere seconds, they were out of sight.

“They will monitor the villages where we cannot. Should something of trouble arise, they will approach you as subtlety as they can. Of course, they will not reveal themselves to anyone not present here. They will keep a close eye on either manor for the prince should they attempt to smuggle him. They know as much as I, so I trust their discretion. Though they cannot speak, I understand them. For anyone else, treat their appearance as a warning.”

“As for the plan at hand, if Guard Captain Matilda has no objections, I will gladly join Jazdia. The prince is close at hand, and we should be careful not to squander the opportunity. Lady Veronica and Cedar have great skill when it comes to location, so I trust them to successfully locate him. Guard captain Matilda, it is not just the King who has trust in you. We should stand together on this.”
Solomon Sparrow

Location: River Crossing, Kindeance

The dilemma was not looking to resolve soon. Despite being that much closer to rescuing the prince, the conflicting direction from the hunter and the seer was troubling. Whether it was a trick to throw off the seer, or even if the lords were working together and the prince was moved after Reinhold had left, there were plenty of unknowns. Still, there were two choices, and each had valid reasons to be true. Given Kaito’s previous comment, Veronica’s plan to commit to one village was sound. Even if the enemy had knowledge of their approach, it would be difficult to stop them with their combined expertise. On the other hand, Matilda’s worry that should they choose wrong, the prince would be in that much more danger. The possibility of the abductors simply killing the prince in desperation was that much higher. Pondering on it more, even if they did choose right, that desperation could act sooner.

A slight breeze blew across the field over the meeting, the calm cool air doing little to settle the rising tension. Solomon turned his body so that he better faced Matilda, “My shadows can travel as far and as long as I need them. The only hurdle that would exist is the time it would take them to travel. We are close so they can travel there and back within the quarter hour.” Shadows were fast, and though they could not speak, could easily communicate with Solomon. A viable ally to have and has served Solomon well when it came to looking for the lost. At the least they could keep eyes on one village and could provide any information that might change the view point of the current plan. As it stood currently, Solomon agreed with much of what Jazdia said. Though caution should be taken if going that route, there was not much reason if at all for the lord to refuse Matilda and her entourage. He kept his opinion quiet, yet also prepared to call forth his shadows.
Solomon Sparrow

Location: River Crossing, Kindeance

Solomon dismounted the horse and joined Jazdia with the others as she called for a meeting. Given how close they were to their intended destination, something new must have appeared. The half moon gave just enough light to navigate under the cover of darkness, but not so much for the map Jazdia unfurled. Relying on the illumination of her enchanted arrow, she overlooked the map. They were headed to Fanghorn, but suddenly she was questioning Pesti.

“Aaron Delving? Ah yes. I recall someone mentioning his involvement during the altercation at Rascade. I’m afraid neither town is overseen by the Delving house. Unless of course he is conspiring with the nobles in treason. Every time you speak of his name, his notoriety only increases. Though even if he were involved, the current situation leaves us with a puzzle. Our eye witness and our seer.” said Solomon as he stood next to Kaito with the others. As it were, they were almost equal distant from either town but they could reach one before dawn broke. For certain it seemed like they knew which town the prince was being held. However, that relied on the trust of Veronica who was a very recent addition to the team. Then there was the reliance on Reinhold who was not around much longer. Veronica was the more reputable of the two, but given the situation with Aaron, reputation could be put into question. Solomon left the thoughts within his mind.

“He might have seen you fight, but how aware do you suspect he is of us? We are twice what he encountered last. So should he be involved, he may be caught under prepared once again.” said Solomon returning to the topic Kaito proposed. However, there was a more pressing issue at hand. The potential involvement of the Delvings would have to wait. Solomon spoke more towards the group, “Should the need arise for us to separate once again, you need not worry of numbers from my part. Similarly, I can call upon the shadows to scout ahead. In this manner, Lady Veronica need not expend any more energy to scry if we expect an altercation. It will be slower in comparison, but done before the hour.”
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Hdur, Kindeance

“So you were born with natural talent?” pondered Solomon. Though he admitted he still practiced using his magic and expanding his imagination. Still, Kaito’s demonstration was very detailed and though the size was small, he could see the individualism in each illusory figure. Solomon already didn’t take Jazdia’s claim as inflation, but he firmly believed in Kaito’s ability. “That is impressive. I look forward to working with you.”

Solomon turned to look at the door Jazdia and the inn’s host had walked through, the same door Nina brought out trays of food repeatedly throughout the day. Solomon didn’t catch everything they said to each other. Beyond the host’s initial introduction, Solomon only caught a bit of their conversation. He seemed to know Jazdia and she knew him. A history existed between them, and he did not want to interrupt. Though he caught a bit of their conversation. Somewhere in the kitchen is probably where he kept whatever the comms was.

Solomon turned his head again, the hood over his eyes shifting. His gaze went back towards Kaito as he asked a question in return. “Indeed, my friend. I am more than a doctor, though I spend a lot of my time as such. No, I am also a researcher of sorts. There is only so much magic and medicine can heal. Such as how despite Cedar and my efforts, Yvonne still requires rest, or the girl upstairs is still in poor condition. I am studying methods and means to go beyond what conventional casters and doctors can provide. One day, I might even be able to bring those whose life was taken early back to their loved ones. Ah, but such a day is still far off into the future. For now, I take it one step at a time. It might not hold a candle to Cedar, but my work is honest and I am proud to lend my hand.”
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Hdur, Kindeance

“I believe I know whom you are speaking of, Mister Kaito. He is more than the villain of folktales. I once had the pleasure to make his acquaintance. To say he was less than hospitable would be putting it nicely. Last I spoke with him, he was in search of something. A protege perhaps. I do not really know. He was cordial enough during my encounter, so I don’t think much ill of him. If I remember correctly, he probably still lives at the Tretagor convergence.” said Solomon, his head tilting to the side as he was attempting to remember details about the one time he had encountered Lord Blackwater. He then lookws forward, his head slightly shaking from side to side. “I cannot say what he is up to these days. We didn’t have much to offer each other to maintain communication.”

Solomon leaned forward in his chair, his eyes looking intently at Kaito, “Not any questions relating to the mission at hand. I am curious, however. Jazdia spoke of your mastery of illusory magic, with whom did you study?” Solomon’s voice didn’t carry any hints of interrogation, rather, he seemed to have genuine intrigue. The study of magic wasn’t a well distributed occupation, so to have someone be a master in the school of illusion was impressive.
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