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I'm Randomness. I also go by others names when it's unavailable, but those are usually some variation of Randomness or Random in general.

I like anime, video games, and science. I'm currently in school studying to become an radiologic technologist. I'm in the initial stages, so I'm on my way. My favorite anime is Eureka Seven, and my favorite video game is a tie between Kingdom Hearts and Etrian Odyssey.

I have several story ideas, but currently lack motivation to write them out. I have plenty of notes for some of them so when I finally get around I'm prepared. That said, I absolutely enjoy group story telling like you do through role playing. One of my interests involved is world building and the connections between them if any.

One of my characters travels between worlds, dimensions and universes. What these are meant to be are different RPs. There seems to be some taboo around such a character, but I feel that is should be judged on a case by case basis. The idea of a seasoned character who has been on many adventures being able to share stories in passing sounds like a fun idea. I thought it would be an interesting idea that those stories could be from other RPs. He isn't meant to highjack the current RP, or be over powered. I admit, I can see that concern. Really though, he is meant to be an eccentric character with stories and treasures not before seen. The effects of these stories are meant to be entertaining, like fairy tales to the current cast. And what treasures he has or can use I'd restrict to what makes sense in the current world. But like I said before, it should be case by case. A learner, and a story teller. I think it's fun to link concept together through this character so the story could live on in new ways and perhaps give new RPs a different kind of character. Without upending everything of course.

Most Recent Posts

Solomon Sparrow

Location: Fanghorn, Kindeance

It was much quieter up at the second floor. The faint sound of combat and further explosions shook the floor beneath Solomon was evidence enough. Dust scattered down from the ceiling and wafted in the air through the beams of sunlight from the near window. The room was obviously some kind of bed chamber, probably the baron’s with how well furnished it was, with rugs and tapestries, and a large bed. After a quick look around, and finding the room empty, he noticed a magical box on the nearby table. It rested with runes glowing over its surface. What magic was contained inside Solomon wasn’t sure. However, he did deem it best that the inhabitants of the keep not have access to it, with swift movement, Solomon tucked the box away.

Now, as to his current mission to locate the prince. He held out his hand as another stream of energy radiated from the large tome near his back. It streamed in ribbons of silver and black mist culminating within his palm before dispersing into the air, as opposed to that of the ground. Slowly a white aura appear and then formed into the figure of a hideous woman. She was without legs, had long arms that ended in frail looking but lethal claws. Her skin held tightly to bone in form, warts and lashes about her angled face. Hair like static frilled all around, flowing general behind her head. Tattered dress with shredded frills around the hem covered her figure. She cackled before her eyes went wide and the form diminished back into a misshapen mass of ethereal ectoplasm and reconstituting into that of a child. An unassuming child in leggings, traveling vest, and short skirt entirely white with as her skin, the scenery behind visible through her form. She levitated inches above the ground, however her feet remained flat like she was standing on a flat surface.


“I know.” She said softly. She looked up at the necromancer through the shadow of his hood. “I’ll help find him.” The ghost of a little girl then disappeared. Violet was more or less a ghost for the purposes of what Solomon was doing. Freely able to travel through walls much like a shadow, Violet was able to do so completely invisible even if her movement was considerably slower. Likewise, she held more power within herself, hopefully able to better withstand the purge spell Solomon felt earlier. No wonder his shadows were so easily dismissed. Likewise, his skeletons were probably also gone. For now, it was him, his tempest, Bartholomew, and Violet. For now at least, it would be her and he searching room to room. Violet would head to the third floor while Solomon would remain at the second.

Finished with his plan, Solomon once again became incorporeal and traveled through the door out into the hall. At the same time, he called upon the two shadows still on standby near August and also had them come to the keep. Should Asevor cast another purge, they would cease to be, but the more eyes within the keep the better. The quicker he could find the prince, the quicker he could evacuate him and return to aid his allies. As it stood, the battle quieted down, but Solomon doubted that meant the fight had ended. Though weak, he could still feel Bartholomew, and his fighting spirit was still burning.

Speaking of the tempest Bartholomew, the purge spell had done a number on his already failing structural integrity. The flame upon his head diminished in luminosity, no longer burning white, but instead a cooler deep red in color. In no time, he was bent in half, collapsed to the ground, and shortly after used as a flail. As it was, he was not much use, but as he was caught in the vines, he reached out with his free hand and attempted to pull himself from Ragnar, should the redirect not free him. He was prepared for even if it meant losing the arm he was being swung by. Even without his legs and potentially missing an arm, Bartholomew would not give in, yet. If it was possible, he would swing himself using any remaining vines roots above and body slam the barbarian.
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Fanghorn, Kindeance

Along with the rubble of wood and stone from the blast of the explosive arrow was the clatter of bone as the three skeletons got caught in the blast. The order for the crossbowmen to fire wasn’t much concern for them, but it was for Solomon. As the men lined their fire, Solomon became incorporeal hid among the multitude of shadows. He wouldn’t escape Asevor for long if at all in this form, but the men relying on martial weapons would be useless. Whatever Asevor was planning could not be good. Solomon saw him stay behind the foot soldiers, relying on them for cover as well to prepare his next spell. Another tesseract. Solomon did not know what it would entail, but Solomon would not be able to deal with it without opening himself up. It might be too late, and he’d have revealed himself at the moment of casting.

After several moments of dialog between Solomon’s party, the Baron, and Asevor, the clatter of bone continued again. Just as quickly as they were scattered, the bones began to align themselves as three fully formed skeletons assembled just before the line of foot soldiers that remained. Two of them were able to reclaim a weapon, a sword and pike, but the third continued weaponless. They were focused on Asevor, stepping through the newly formed break in line created from Jazdia’s explosion.

As for Solomon’s tempest friend, he seemed to be in quite a bind, literally. Despite succeeding in amputating the enchanted brute’s leg, he was now caught in his vice grip like hug, crushing the tempest inward. Metal straining and even splitting added to the cacophony of sound that the battle wrought. Still, being set hollow, the tempest was still mobile if limited. He was unable to swing his axe and the damage to his chest piece was hindering his arms further.

“Kindly stop that you fiend.” Bartholomew attempted to headbutt the barbarian. Despite being a literal ball of fire for a head, it was surprisingly solid within the outer flicker of the flames. It wasn’t much use. The most he could probably do was burn the man, but given Ragnar’s tolerance to pain, Bartholomew was quite stuck. He struggled again the brute, unaware that aid was coming his way.

A second explosion, this time in the stairwell behind the paranoid wizard. Solomon watched as Jazdia exacted justice towards the baron. Prior to, the Baron's response to Jazdia’s bargain was interesting. There was no denial. As long as Asevor and his men were occupied here, it could give Solomon just enough time. Quickly, his shadowy form climed through the ceiling, disappearing between the masonry stones and timber that held the ceiling. In no time at all, he had made it to the second floor despite never using the stairs. One of these rooms contained the prince. If he could only secure him.
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Fanghorn, Kindeance

Asevor. Now everything made sense. Or at least, the mystery behind the magic securing the keep. The deflection of Veronica’s scry attempts, the detection and eradication of Solomon’s shadows, any other attempts to look inside, Asevor was probably behind it. Solomon didn’t know much about the wizard beyond that he was paranoid to a fault, preparing for even more unlikely situations or encounters. Strange it was to see him here, meddling in Kindeance affairs. Given how most of the baron’s men were still slumbering if knocked unconscious from the multiple blasts, it would be safe to assume that Asevor was using the baron as a pawn. More so, the likelihood that the illusory wall would be of much further benefit diminished considerably.

Solomon used the distraction provided by both Kaito’s ambush and his own boasting to cast another spell. Energy went into the ground and the earth began to stir again. From the very mound Bartholomew had emerged three other figures. Somehow held together despite lacking muscle or ligament, three complete skeletons arranged themselves. Bones yellowed with age and scratched as time progressed, their only other defining feature was an ominous purple glow from within their eye sockets. Each claimed a weapon lying around, two with swords, and one a pike. The each went after Asevor. Though they may be knocked down, even knocked apart, should enough of the bone remain unbroken, the skeletons would continuously reassemble and resume unrelenting. Despite their undeath, these skeletons were no more brittle than that of any of the other combatants.

In the meantime, Bartholomew was being pushed back by unarmed blows from the now buffed Ragnar. Even with a body of pure steel, with one blow there was an imprint of of his fist embedded within the chest piece. The sudden increase in strength did not deter the tempest, but he was startled by it.

“Steel verse steel.” is all Bartholomew said as he attempted to strike back. The ball of fire he had for a head flared as his resolve rose. His metal gauntlets tightened around the shaft of the axe as the tempest swung the axe with a twist of his torso. At that time, Solomon cast Dagger Hold on the barbarian. The man beast’s strength alone would mean Dagger Hold would fail almost as quickly as it was cast, but it should stop all movement for the split second for Bartholomew’s axe to cleave the already injured leg. Solomon hoped his timing would match. If he was successful, the spell should also do some considerable damage akin to charging through a wall of knives, and he’d experience actual pain for the first time in this fight as the final aspect of the spell.
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Fanghorn, Kindeance

The explosion wasn’t a small one, easily breaking apart sections of the stone frame that surrounded the doorway. Yet, the man stood undeterred by the blast, perhaps even enjoying the prospect of more in the coming battle. As the dust settled, Solomon could further see just how unaffected the man was. Injured and covered in scars, but not a drop of blood. Completely unarmored, but armed, the man was eager for a fight. Jazdia’s arrows could take out a bridge, so already his resilience was intimidating.

The illusions cast from his recent friend, Kaito showed great effect. Though some of their allies were actually asleep at the table, many of them hid within the false walls. Cedar was the first to attack the muscled man, swinging the butt end of his pole arm against the flesh of the man with one swing after another. Blunt metallic pangs rang from the pole arm, but the bear’s momentum kept his assault going. Jazdia joined in the battle, firing another arrow, glowing as it flew through the air in no time towards the otherwise naked man.

Solomon was not so sure of the effectiveness of the attacks. The physical strikes of the weapons were dull, as though they struck something sturdy, as opposed to the soft fleshy pulp one would expect from being hit with the strength of a bear. Solomon slithered through the shadows of the ground until he was hidden within Kaito’s illusory wall. Even as a bear, Cedar was just as armored as his current opponent. Should he somehow withstand Cedar’s beating, Ragnar was going to devastating that that axe of his.

Solomon returned to a physical form. His shadow magic was perfect for escape, but he would be nigh useless in the battle. And then there were also others to come following the boisterous fellow. Whispering to himself, he started to build in energy as it flowed in split streams from his book into his open palm. Luckily, the narrow space of the illusory wall was able to contain it. Soft whispers emanated from Solomon’s mouth and the energy gained some luminosity as silvery and black swirls of energy mixed together.

“I call upon thee. Bartholomew of final retribution. I request your presence. Heed my command and come forth.” Solomon’s voice was almost incomprehensible as the magic distorted his words. The collective ball of black and silver shot into the ground, just outside of the illusion, unfortunate requiring more space to fully activate. The stone floor rumbled and cracked as a mound rose from underneath the granite. Debris fell to the side as a dull metallic sheen reflected the little sunlight of the nearby windows. Suddenly there was a burst of heat as the mount erupted in fire before condensing into a ball. The armor began to assemble as the figure emerged. The figure stood tall, covered in metal armor blackened and tarnished with age and tempering. A raised emblem resembling the coat of arms for the kingdom of Kindeance lay etched upon the thick pauldrons. Likewise, the colors of the surcoat also showed alignment to Kindeance. The figure’s most striking feature was it’s head. The ball of flame now replaced where a helm would be, featureless, but glowing bright white with orange hinges. The figure bent a knee, lowering himself to the ground and stabbed its arm into the mount he emerged. With a quick motion, the figure rose back, pulling out a long metal shaft with a metal head wedged at the end. Two large and wide axe blades at either side. The continued with its momentum before it came back down into the other hand of the flaming armor, wielding it with both.

“Ho ho. After all this time, you’ve finally called upon me, doctor? Have you finally found an opponent you can’t poison?” despite not having a mouth, or even a face, the figure spoke. His voice very masculine, clearly this entity once was a young man now taken the form of a tempest, an undead soul animating his former armor to endlessly seek combat. “Now where are you?”

Solomon spoke quietly as to attempt to keep the illusion from being discovered as best he could given the new circumstance, “Where I am is of no importance. The axed man fighting the bear, he is our enemy. More are coming after him. Keep them at bay, and protect our allies.”

“Say no more. I relish this opportunity.” said the tempest enthusiastically. Gripping the axe tightly with both hands, the tempest jumped onto the dining table, charging straight towards the man who hasn’t bled, yet. He yelled a heartly battle cry as he flew across the room ready to strike.
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Fanghorn, Kindeance

Well, Solomon was right. The whispers were nefarious. Intense whispers led to a harsh scream. Be it magic or otherwise, it gave Solomon the impression a banshee. It didn’t matter too much. He considered himself lucky. A lich never sleeps. As for the staff, the baron, and some of his party members, they fell as their minds went unconscious. For what felt like an uncomfortably long time, the room became eerily silent. And then Cedar almost drowned in oatmeal, and Yvonne fell out of her chair.

Kaito seemed unaffected by the spell as well, quickly thinking of a plan to hide, casting perfect duplicates with his illusions. Rather than hide straight into the wall, Solomon’s body became black, resembling the shadows he commanded throughout the morning, and merged within the shadows of the room, leaving not a trace of him even if the illusions were not present. He also willed for August to engage. Not to enter the keep, not for now. Instead, August was going to keep the mages dismantling Cedar’s mana pools busy. He was to stealthily restore the mana pools Cedar had planted from below the earth. By doing that, he was allowing the thorny vines to resume rapidly growing. Hopefully in this way, those mages would be too occupied to lend aid to the men inside the keep.

As for the troops already making their way down, Solomon didn’t have time to prepare any of his usual antics when it came to conflict. Appearances were made to be kept, and the enemy unknown. Furthermore, he didn’t have time to summon a more combat oriented ally. So far the only thing that kept him in the room was the unknown entity’s ability to detect shadows, and him leaving might prematurely reveal Kaito’s illusions. He wouldn’t be the first to act. If opportunity arose, he might be able to use the soldiers against themselves, if not summon another undead ally.
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Fanghorn, Kindeance

Solomon sat at the table with only minuscule amounts of food on his plate. He wasn’t terribly familiar with the customs of barons, and emissaries, but that didn’t really matter for the most part during their interaction. Baron Otto von Kruber seems eager to please. Quickly calling for a doctor, preparing the feast of a breakfast, and striking up conversation. He was very prideful of his farmlands, which Solomon would agree given the display of food on the table. It was rather short notice for such amounts of food. Then again, given Otto’s physique, it wasn’t a stretch for his kitchens to be used to preparing such large quantities of food.

Solomon waited as the others began to slowly start to eat, taking notice that they hadn’t done so until the baron had consumed his slice of bread. Solomon wasn’t too worried about poison, well aware that most if not all toxic concoctions would not affect him. However, despite the food already collected on his plate, he had not taken a bite himself. The smell was enticing, and he was sure it would have great flavor if the reactive expressions of his colleagues were to be believed.

Solomon sat at the table, choosing to remain cautious. This was the keep that not only detected his shadows, but had destroyed them effortlessly. It was this caster that Solomon keep August outside of the city limits. And anything short of a command would keep the shadows from entering. The shadow sent to search for Cedar returned shortly before the party had left for the northern gate. Understandably, it had no desire to return to the keep. For now, both it and messenger from Pesti remained with August. They waited for some kind of signal to call them forth. August was eager to tear down the walls of the city and let the thorns that remain lay claim.

Instead of the current conversation which Solomon assumed people were making to keep up appearances, his eyes slowly drifted about the room. As a standard dining hall with rich decor and fine fabrics, not much could be really accessed as out of the ordinary. His hood helped to obscure where he was looking. As he continued his futile search for some kind of clue, something felt off. Having spent countless hours listening for the soft words of the passing spirit, something similar drifted through his ears. Where it was coming from was impossible to tell, but there was something though fleeting.

Solomon wasn’t the only one to hear it. Cedar, who up until now appeared rather uncomfortable, spoke aloud asking about it. It was bold to speak out about it, but breakfast was going to be cut short for one reason or another.

“If there are whispers, I wonder if they are echoes of the other inhabitants within the keep?” said Solomon shortly following Jazdia’s dismissal of his concern. He attempted to make it sound as he acknowledged cedar, while at the same time giving a possible excuse for the baron to play should he be aware of what the whispers truly were. Solomon did not believe the whispers to be benevolent.
Solomon Sparrow
Location: Fanghorn-Pesty Highway, Kindeance

“To be so casual about surviving an explosion at its center.” Said Solomon softly to himself, “Very well. I’ve dressed the worse of the wounds, enough so that further travel should not bring any further harm. Unless we can come across another magic caster of restoration, it is in the hands of time now. I’ll keep an eye in case something new develops.”

Solomon returned to Matilda’s level in order to better secure the bandages and he position upon the makeshift stretcher. It would hold until they were able to retrieve their cart. It was along the way back, closer to the road leading towards the southern bridge. It would provide better stability to the stretcher. It would also present the group in better light in Fanghorn.
Solomon Sparrow
Location: Fanghorn-Pesty Highway, Kindeance

“Absolutely not.” Said Solomon. After making sure that Matilda was stable and as comfortable as he could make her given her injury, he slow rose to his feet, resting his arm against his leg for balance. His bones cracked as he returned upright. Or at least, as up right as his aged frame would allow. Matilda was injured, and Cedar was still nowhere in sight. The likelihood of finding him was also slim given how long it had been since he walked off.

“I understand what you’re trying to do. Guard Captain Matilda is not in any condition to…” Solomon was interrupted by Matilda’s interjection. She seemed fine with going along with Jazdia’s plan of making an audience. Solomon turned his body to face Matilda again, “I again disagree. I do not doubt your tenacity, but you are barely able to move. I insist that you take time to recover.”
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Fanghorn-Pesty Highway, Kindeance

“I, for one, am for leaving her behind. If she perishes, then let that be nutrient for the forest.” said August, now fully above ground, but still distant from the party. While he was quiet, he made no effort to conceal his comment. He let his hand glide down the neck of the horse Solomon was once riding, soothing the beast. “Then I can destroy the fools who hide in their city made from stolen land.”

Solomon ignored August for the most part, disagreeing with both him and Matilda. He knelt down close to Matilda who rested on the makeshift stretcher sled. Parts of her body expose had serious burns. If it were not for her armor, and the toughness of the orc species, Matilda would have surely suffered the same fate as the mercenary leader. While she probably had several bone fractures, Solomon was able to determine that none of them had broken, thankfully. A burst vessel in her eye, and bruising. Her recovery was possible, but Solomon doubted her ability to remain on mission for the time being.

“The mission will be done, Guard captain Matilda. However, do not mistake that your life is expendable.” said Solomon. He reached into the folds of his garment and presented a soft leather case. He rested it on the ground, unlatching the belt and pulling out several vials. One of the pain relieving salve, and another had a rough drawing of a flame. He applied the medication, and started to clean the injuries as best he could.

“I’m in agreement with Kaito. I will not leave Guard Captain Matilda in this state, especially since I can treat her. Some rest can be afforded. If Kaito can secure that transport, her recovery will be better monitored back at the palace.” said Solomon. Matilda’s shadow began to shift as though it were a separate entity not cast from her form. One of Solomon’s shadows, one of those sent to Pesti initially, revealed itself. Only presenting itself as a small silhouette of a woman on the ground, Solomon paused what he was doing, looking at it. IN the few second of silence, Solomon started his work again.

“At the very least, it seems the militia at Pesti is not on your immediate tail. Many if not all are swamped with the villagers trying to figure out what happened. The lack of a leader is also playing a role in that. Four shadows remain in reconnaissance around Pesti should something else worth noting occur. To have the means to halt scrying, or even that of the undead, I would not put it past them to be paranoid enough that Pesti might be holding other countermeasures.” said Solomon.

“Dawn breaks. The mandrake’s and their city will soon be overrun with the thorns from your bear. At least, those not uprooted from the north.” August commented again. Hopefully if there weren’t any other hidden tricks among the inhabitants of Fanghorn, then those thorns should hopefully delay whatever plans they had. The thorns along with the destruction of the northern bridge.

Location: Luminia

Vyvien gave an awkward smile after covering her ears. The device did indeed increase the volume of Sky’s voice, but Vyvien only needed to speak normally into it for it to have the desired effects. Never had she thought of shouting through it. The loud noise that came out of the amplifying cone caught Vyvien by surprise, but she was glad that it could be helpful in finding Mrs. Greypetal. At least, she was until Sky was grabbed by a mushroom that towered over the fairies moments later.

Vyvien had never seen such a creature before and was stunned motionless as the monster blew spores into Sky’s face, causing his body to go limp as he went unconscious. She snapped out of it as the others started moving into action. Juniper started explaining the creature and how the group could deal with it. Vyvien started to look around for a way to distract the monster when the air got a slight chill. Hail stones pelted the soft cap of the monster. Zircon already sprung into action. Vyvien instead looked into rescuing the prince.

As the creature’s attention was drawn to the unorthodox change in weather Vyvien spun her hands around themselves as a small sphere of air currents formed between them. With a forward arm motion, the air currents turned into a cyclone shaped snake that originated from Vyvien and traveled up through the mushroom monster’s mycelia pulling Sky from its grasp. She guided the cyclone back towards the rest of the group not currently engaged with the monster, letting the air cushion Sky’s decent onto the ground.

Vyvien knelt down next to the prince, looking for any injury. She also tried to wake him up. With a small blast of air, she blew away the remaining spores that were stuck to his face, hoping the cool breeze could also help rile him.

“I got Prince Sky, but I don’t think the mushroom is too happy about it.” she said.
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