Avatar of Randomness


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I'm Randomness. I also go by others names when it's unavailable, but those are usually some variation of Randomness or Random in general.

I like anime, video games, and science. I'm currently in school studying to become an radiologic technologist. I'm in the initial stages, so I'm on my way. My favorite anime is Eureka Seven, and my favorite video game is a tie between Kingdom Hearts and Etrian Odyssey.

I have several story ideas, but currently lack motivation to write them out. I have plenty of notes for some of them so when I finally get around I'm prepared. That said, I absolutely enjoy group story telling like you do through role playing. One of my interests involved is world building and the connections between them if any.

One of my characters travels between worlds, dimensions and universes. What these are meant to be are different RPs. There seems to be some taboo around such a character, but I feel that is should be judged on a case by case basis. The idea of a seasoned character who has been on many adventures being able to share stories in passing sounds like a fun idea. I thought it would be an interesting idea that those stories could be from other RPs. He isn't meant to highjack the current RP, or be over powered. I admit, I can see that concern. Really though, he is meant to be an eccentric character with stories and treasures not before seen. The effects of these stories are meant to be entertaining, like fairy tales to the current cast. And what treasures he has or can use I'd restrict to what makes sense in the current world. But like I said before, it should be case by case. A learner, and a story teller. I think it's fun to link concept together through this character so the story could live on in new ways and perhaps give new RPs a different kind of character. Without upending everything of course.

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Location: Lumina


“I’m fine fine.” answered Vyvien as they flew away from the mushroom monster. Thankfully, it didn’t seem dexterous enough to chase after them. Vyvien looked back towards where the they had leave the fungal creature and let out a small sigh, “but I couldn’t retrieve my voice amplifier. I hope the mushroom doesn’t break it.”

Once the group had arrived at the city, there was a sense that something wasn’t right. Vyvien really couldn’t say how the city of Lumina was supposed to be, but she didn’t expect it to be as quiet as it was. Even the sound of wildlife seemed to have been muted to some degree. She looked around the emptiness of the city square when an officer approached. Vyvien was only half listening when something the officer said caught her attention.

“Wait wait. Fairies are turning to stone here, too?” she asked with some panic. It was more surprise than panic, but the news made the situation worrying. Feydellia was already fairly high up over the clouds, so to hear that whatever infection this was spreading down here in the forest made Vyvien’s heart skip a beat. Officer Sundew nodded before continuing his explanation.

“Fairy dust, but not?” Vyvien pondered, “Could you show me the scene? Maybe I can figure something out. The tree carving and the black dust. Maybe this can be of use.” As she was speaking, she summoned her rune tool wheel and retrieved her newly invented magic detector.

“If if it is the dark fairies, this should tell us. But I don’t think they, or any fairy, is capable of this. I just can’t imagine them having any reason to.”
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Rascade, Kindeance

Solomon found himself sitting at the table alone. Cedar had left the venue. With his departure also meant Stritzel’s interest towards the table disappeared. The Delvings and Yorks were too busy fraternizing with Jazdia, Yvonne, and each other. Politicians were using the banquet as an opportunity to make deals and forge connections. The younger generations were following said politicians like stowaways attempting to steal the secrets of success from their forebears. Beyond the platitudes the king provided him at the beginning of the event, there didn’t seem much interest to interact with the elderly doctor. For the moment, that was fine. Solomon had no feelings about it one way or the other.

Solomon sat at the table with the mushroom dish he had seen Cedar partake of earlier in the evening. It was a delightful dish. Placing down his utensil, Solomon rested his hands under his chin, again. His eyes rifted across the room. The drama was not settling down, though tensions were still high between the factions. Solomon didn’t feel it necessary to involve himself directly in any of the confrontations. He did feel some empathy towards Cedar’s intentions, but beyond what he had offered already, it was best for the bear to feel the weight of his decisions. The consequences at Fanghorn were regrettable. Solomon agreed with Cedar at that. Though the bear had no way of knowing, Solomon was formulating ways in which he could secure the late Von Kruber’s family. At least the bear was helpful in revealing to Solomon the family in question.

As for Silas and his comments, the women were taking care of themselves. So all in all, Solomon had very little reason if at all to involve himself within the political drama erupting around him. An orderly appeared offering Solomon a stemmed glass of fine drink. Solomon accepted, though only had it sitting at the table for now. His plate vanished at some point between then and now, but Solomon paid it no mind. For now, he was people watching still alone at his table. Somehow, even with most of his figure covered in cloth, he didn’t seem bothered by it.
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Rascade, Kindeance

Solomon slowly closed his eyes with a very slight nod when Cedar expressed interest and gratitude to Solomon’s offer. He pulled his right hand out from under his chin, and turned it up right. His mask waved as Solomon’s lips opened and closed underneath, though any words he might have spoken couldn’t’ be heard.

“Now, if I remember correctly, Caitlyn Stritzel’s residence should be…” Solomon spoke sofetly to himself. He quickly turned his upright hand over again before resting it back down on the table. Solomon had given his order to be carried out. Yet, even the most observant person wouldn’t have seen anything. Traveling exclusively through the shadows cast by the lights of the venue, the undead shadow’s departure would be entirely unnoticed. Even among the guests, the staff wandering the halls of the castle, even the townsfolk walking the streets of the city.

“It will be some time before we have an answer.” said Solomon, “Even for them, nothing is instant. I suggest you take your time to relax. It won’t do you much good worrying about before we have anything concrete. Now, I think I will partake in the banquet. The meal you selected looks quite delicious. I might try some for myself.”

Solomon stood from his place at the table for the first time since arriving. He left Cedar to his own devices now. As he approached the table, Solomon kept his gaze at the other guests. There was something about familiar about Stritzel that didn’t sit right. It’s one of the reasons Solomon offered his shadow for Cedar. There was also the Delvings. Their involvement was far from over. No one goes through the lengths they have to give up now. Still, Solomon gave some hope towards Silas. And then there was the York family. Appearing twice so frequently seemed suspicious. There were many reasons Solomon was not a fan of nobility, but their tendency towards the inhumane was ever growing.
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Rascade, Kindeance

Solomon rest his elbows on the empty place on the table in front of him. His fingers interlaced forming a bridge under his chin. Since the banquet began, Solomon had not moved from that spot, not even to acquire a plate of food for himself. Yet, he was able to witness so many interactions between the nobility and the rescue party.

“That is intriguing, isn’t it?” said Solomon. He watched patiently as Stritzel got in close, revealing personal secrets to each other. Yet, it wasn’t anything Solomon felt he’d have to intervene. Even so, when Cedar tried to be subtle, he had enough tells to show he was bothered. And it wasn’t just how uncomfortably close Stritzel got to him. Some of her words had left an impression. Solomon could not recall exactly, but some of what Stritzel had said seemed familiar. Though neither of them had come before, she didn’t seem entirely like a stranger. Solomon continued his musing.

“Yet even so, it would probably be better if you let it be. You’ll only bring yourself unpleasantness if you pursue it further.” Solomon knew that his vague words wouldn’t mean anything to Cedar. There before him was a fish enticing enough to risk the trip wire. Solomon couldn’t fault him for it.

“How about I run a little reconnaissance for you?” said Solomon, “you remember my friends among the shadows? I could have one check up on your brother in arms. You are clearly worried. I cannot do much about Stritzel, but I can at least give this Ted a wellness check.”
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Rascade, Kindeance

“Do you know how boring it is, sitting in here all day?” complained a surprisingly young sounding voice. However, one look at the origin of the voice, and the tone of the voice would be the least concerning thing about it. A spectral upper body, arms crossed, the feminine face pouting. Following her form revealed its odd attachment to a compete physical body of the same young woman. However, one look at the color of her skin, and the stiffness in her posture would divulge her as a corpse. A well preserved corpse, but one all the same.

“Now I hear there is a banquet being held, and you will not allow me to attend? Am I not of noble blood, I should be allowed. Do you know how long it has been since my last appearance?”

“Probably as long since your family name had any authority. Few live knowing the name Lavow. And those who remember it, remember why it fell.” said Solomon bluntly. He was unwrapping the carefully curated attire at the desk. Master Mario was deserving of his title. Without even having put it on yet, the quality of his work was very apparent.

After the Yvonne was whisked away with the maid, Solomon enjoyed his drink with Cedar. Without her egging him on, the mood dimmed. Solomon didn’t think it was soured, but Solomon’s more somber demeanor was nothing compared to the enthusiasm Yvonne had to alcohol. When the drinking was done, Solomon returned to his room to find his outfit waiting for him. Not only his quality, but his speed as well.

“Besides” Solomon continued, preparing himself to change into the new suit, “Unless you have a spell to disguise yourself within your book, I’m afraid your appearance would cause too much of a disturbance.”

“If you provided me some arcane literature, I just might. At least then, I wouldn’t be so unbearably bored. Hold on, the bear is allowed to attend then. And I am left to wallow alone?”

“As I recall, the banquet is to celebrate those the king summoned for this mission. At least in part. Cedar was monumental to that end.” Solomon had finished dressing up. He looped the belt through the fasteners of his tome, it resting neatly at his side, just behind where his arm would rest. Awkward to look at given its size, but the suit worked to complement its presence. All together, Solomon was dressed in a two button tailcoat, with an elegant white shirt. His trousers matched. Along with the socks and dress shoes. He wore silk gloves over his hands, and maintained the mask he was wearing before. Luckily, the colors matched. Finally, he had a fedora. Despite how dressed up he was, it was less than what he usually wore. Or at least, this outfit was more form fitting. Without his cloak, and travel garments, one could really see Solomon’s frame. In comparison, he was really quite thin. And the skin one could see around his eyes and back of his head really showed just how old he was. Despite it, he stood as straight as he could. The outfit really worked for him.

As the door was gently pushed to a close behind Solomon, Petra called out, “Watch out for more mad wizards. I wonder how the opposition will react.”


At the banquet, Solomon sat at the same table as Cedar. During the speech and recognition, Cedar looked to be struggling with his outfit. A bear in formal attire worked surprising well for Cedar. More hidden praise for Mario it seemed.

After the toast, everyone was starting to mingle. Solomon sipped on the drink at his table, watching the others. He looked at the different faces. He recognized only a few of them. Normally people of this status were not his usual clientele. In fact, this situation with the king and his newly returned son was the first he was hired in any capacity by the nobility. He of course recognized Delving, and his family. Though Solomon could have sworn Jonas had another son.

Solomon looked at Cedar. He appeared to be uncomfortable. Whether it was his clothes, the vicinity, or the presence of the very people rioting for war, Solomon couldn’t tell. It could even be all of those things and more.

“Tell me, Cedar. What are your endeavors once all is said and done?” asked Solomon. He placed his cup gingerly on the table, leaning closer to rest his arms atop it. “I do not imagine you will stay in Kindeance for much longer. The king’s appointment. I have a feeling it’s not your choice in accolades.”
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Rascade, Kindeance

Solomon chuckled. Despite the noise, it looked more like they were simply having a good time as opposed to being disruptive. Cedar was just a loud and excitable bear. Solomon walked over to the table and took a seat next to the maid, pulling one of the mugs placed in front of her towards him instead. Though he wasn’t much of a drinker, he still had one occasionally. Besides, it wasn’t like he even could be drunk, let alone tipsy.

“Very well, Cedar. I’ll take you up on that. Just one drink for me. I think I’ll leave the selection to you and Yvonne.” said Solomon. He turned to the maid who had her palm over her eyes. She was mumbling to herself. “My apologies for their rowdiness. I’ll try to keep it from escalating. I hope it’s not too much of an inconvenience.”
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Rascade, Kindeance

Solomon began to regret not supervising Yvonne when she went into the cellar. When he had went with Yvonne to the kitchen Solomon elected to stay with the chefs. He wasn’t much of a drinker, but he didn’t want to let his absence ruin Yvonne’s fun. Instead, he watched the chefs prepare for the evening’s banquet. Hundreds of vegetables were laying on the counter, various meats were hanging on hooks. A large pot was simmering over a bricked fire. When Cedar showed up not long after, Solomon assumed he would keep Yvonne close to sober.

That was until Cedar’s cheers echoed up into the kitchen. It only briefly paused those prepping the food near the stairs, but otherwise they were quick to resume. Of all people, Solomon figured Cedar would be the most sensible, but it sounded like he was caught up in Yvonne’s drinking game. Solomon walked down into the cellar. They were sampling various vintages. Solomon used the word Sampling lightly, if the mugs were of any evidence. Sitting at the table was the maid, clearly exasperated by the other two. She clearly had no interest to take part.

“Perhaps you should leave the poor girl alone?” questioned Solomon, “And might I recommend slowing down? If you haven’t eaten yet, you might lose yourself faster than you think. Especially you, Cedar. I don’t think the loo can easily accommodate you.”
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Rascade, Kindeance

Solomon brought his thumb and index finger to his chin, imagining the outfit Mario recommended. It sounded quite fashionable, and very suitable for the occasion. The jacket and trousers, along with the hat. Yes, though he would still be dressed up, it would be less loose fabric. Still, he believed it enough to hide most of the atrophy undeath had brought upon his body.

“That sounds wonderful.” said Solomon, lowering his arm back down, “A sharp suit such as described should suit me well. If I may ask the belt be strong enough to hold not only the ensemble, but my admittedly cumbersome tome. I’m afraid I am unable to leave it behind. I hope that would not be any trouble. Beyond that, I look forward to the finished product.”
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Rascade, Kindeance

Solomon found his way back into the castle. Several attendants and maids tried to either halt him or help him. It was actually quite amusing as some would recognize him as a guest, while others felt his presence out of place and attempted to remove him from the castle grounds. These humorous back and forth between staff members ceased by the time Solomon returned to the west wing of the castle. There the maids were busy cleaning. Dusting the busts on thin tables, and cleaning the curtains.

Solomon asked one of them if there about the tailor. He didn’t know specifically where he was. All Solomon really knew about him was that he was good, fast, and located somewhere in the west wing. The maid bowed and provided him some directions, offering to guide him herself. Solomon politely declined, turning his back. He walked down the hall in the direction the maid pointed. Despite this, the maid caught up with him.

“It’s no problem, sir. It’s only proper that one does not enter unannounced.” she said, dusting her hands on her apron. She then led him the rest of the way. Solomon only thanked her and followed. There wasn’t any point in arguing about it. After a short walk, she led him up a staircase. The door jingled as the maid opened the door.

“Pardon. I have another of the king’s guests here to see Master Mario.” she said.
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Rascade, Kindeance

After Solomon left the private reward ceremony, he went to check up on Gerralt in the basement, making sure that no one was following him. Especially if any of his allies. He didn’t want to spoil the surprise. In reality, he actually wanted to minimize how much contact they had with him. He knew there was no hiding what Solomon had done to any who raided the Black Serpent Guild. But he also knew of the harm he brought to them even if indirectly. Solomon felt it best to keep any emotions they still felt about the incident minimal.

When Solomon arrived, he was already moved. Though he was asked to be among the executioners, Solomon politely refused. However, he did mention he would be among the audience. Solomon may have enabled them to even hold the execution, but he didn’t want his name tied to it. Not now, anyway. But he also knew his attendance would be necessary. Gerralt could still not respond to the pain he was experiencing, which worked against the king’s plan, and the Jailer’s hopes. Furthermore, Gerralt existed as undead. A poorly resurrected being, but still a creature that would easily survive being torn by the horses.

When it came time for the execution, Solomon was near, blended into the crowd, but otherwise front and center to watch. As soon as the ropes become taught, Solomon whispered softly. With everyone jeering and whooping around him, his voice was unheard by any, even those pressed next to him. All at once, Gerralt could express the torture he was going through, from both the pull of the horses, and the pain of his previously existing grievous wounds.

When the reanimated corpse’s blood stained the dirt below, and stench was horrendous. One who stood next to Solomon reeled back into him, spilling his beer, some splashing onto Solomon’s clothes. The man offered a quick apologies before he covered his nose, returning to his cheers. Gerralt was now in four distinct parts. His legs lay wrangled at the backs of two horses, and his arm lay several feet from the socket it was once connected. Gerralt’s screams were garbled as fluids filled his lungs. It was only a moment, but was an agonizing one for Gerralt. He would have felt and continue to feel the agony throughout his torn body. Solomon released his hold over the raised dead, freeing Gerralt’s soul from the perverse spell, letting it return to the afterlife. Gerralt’s eyes were once again lifeless. His face was more twisted than when Solomon first came across his body within the mortuary lab.

With the execution now over, Solomon made his way through the crowd. There was a banquet being held tonight in which he was invited. He needed to first clean off the beer that spilled onto his garb. Then he needed to find a tailor. Solomon rarely visited major cities, let alone was invited to royal banquets. He was going to need a set of proper clothes for the occasion, if only for the night.
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