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I'm Randomness. I also go by others names when it's unavailable, but those are usually some variation of Randomness or Random in general.

I like anime, video games, and science. I'm currently in school studying to become an radiologic technologist. I'm in the initial stages, so I'm on my way. My favorite anime is Eureka Seven, and my favorite video game is a tie between Kingdom Hearts and Etrian Odyssey.

I have several story ideas, but currently lack motivation to write them out. I have plenty of notes for some of them so when I finally get around I'm prepared. That said, I absolutely enjoy group story telling like you do through role playing. One of my interests involved is world building and the connections between them if any.

One of my characters travels between worlds, dimensions and universes. What these are meant to be are different RPs. There seems to be some taboo around such a character, but I feel that is should be judged on a case by case basis. The idea of a seasoned character who has been on many adventures being able to share stories in passing sounds like a fun idea. I thought it would be an interesting idea that those stories could be from other RPs. He isn't meant to highjack the current RP, or be over powered. I admit, I can see that concern. Really though, he is meant to be an eccentric character with stories and treasures not before seen. The effects of these stories are meant to be entertaining, like fairy tales to the current cast. And what treasures he has or can use I'd restrict to what makes sense in the current world. But like I said before, it should be case by case. A learner, and a story teller. I think it's fun to link concept together through this character so the story could live on in new ways and perhaps give new RPs a different kind of character. Without upending everything of course.

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Athena Voltspear

Location: Kindeance

Athena looked towards the direction Jazdia pointed. She didn’t really see anything though the trees, but Athena noticed the change in Jazdia's eyes. Jazdia must be blessed with some kind of enhanced sight. Regardless, there would be nothing to gain on lying. Jazdia was a professional in her own right. Athena turned to look at the others. Some were finishing up setting up camp, while others were lingering around the campfire, keeping warm. Athena’s eyes shifted to look at Jazdia before facing her properly.

“We should let some know. Louise and Erwin to be on guard. Let the others rest. If your eyes are able to see so much from so far, what is the man’s cargo? Even if he is alone, the cargo might give us a clue on his motives. That is if you’re sure he is alone. It is strange enough to be traveling this late.”
Solomon Sparrow & Athena Voltspear

Location: Kindeance

The trip was mostly uneventful, even when he was placed in the driving seat. Despite knowing how to ride a horse, Solomon had little to no experience steering a group of them. Even more so the power and speed of warhorses. More than once the cart veered off the road. The horses complained, and eventually Solomon would correct himself. Though he hardly kept the wagon straight, he eventually found enough of a groove to keep it on the road. He could see Erwin and Varya had taken the lead. Athena stayed in front as well, but closer to the cart than the outriders. Though he didn’t see specially, he could tell the others, such as Yvonne. Over time, he lost track of the others. There were significantly more people than their last party. Given the multifaceted nature of the mission, that made sense.

As the moon rested high in the sky, and the trees swayed in the breeze as the cool air grew more chilly. A perfect time to be studying, Solomon thought. It didn’t feel like much time had passed since crossing the newly pruned bridge. Evidence of fallen foliage littered the side of the road, piles of twigs and branches left to rot along the wayside, as the roads themselves were also patched.

Eventually, the time came calling for Solomon to stop the carriage. He did his best to navigate it off the road safely, following Jazdia’s instruction to a suitable campsite. There didn’t seem to be much resistance along this front. Solomon did wonder why not continue to Fanghorn. Though it had been a mere four months since the encounter that happened there, he knew enough restoration took place for some residence to take place. It at least had some guards on duty. Solomon kept any suggestion about it to himself. While he was used to long distance travel, and even camping in the woods. This was his first time escorting an envoy. He deduced there must be a reason. He’d ask Jazdia about it if he ever got the chance to talk with her during the remaining hours of the night.

Solomon dismounted from the carriage, to meet the others as they were starting to gather and set up camp. The wagon rustled as the two bear sisters started to help unload some of the camping equipment, but they also brought attention to the bridge the had cross a while ago.

“Hmm, yes, the bridge.” said Solomon as he passed the wagon. He paused his steps to answer the girls’ question, “I don’t know specifically what he did, but that was indeed your brother. His aim wasn’t to destroy it. It was to block it. Though that is what I’m told anyway. You would have to ask him the details.”

Solomon then went to join the others. One was building a fire, and someone else received the tent from the twins. Shortly there after, Athena also came up to the group. Silently, everyone worked as the camp came together. Water was gathered, and supplies accounted for. This late at night, Solomon could see how tired some of the party was. Even Thernous appeared drowsy and he managed to sleep through Solomon’s time off-roading.

“We’re still pretty close to the road. It’s not likely anyone else would be traveling this late. Still, I’ll take first watch” said Athena. She was now equipped with her armor and equipment from when last she spoke to the party back at Rascade. In one hand was a shield, decently tall, but very well worn, and in the other a spear. Two pearls embedded just below the spear head gleamed in the moonlight as the spear swayed in her grasp. “I find myself more suited to keeping an eye out in the dark.”
Solomon Sparrow & Athena Voltspear

Location: Kindeance

Not only did Louise approach, but so did another elf. A blueberry of a man named Varya. He seemed much more formal compared to the others, both in dress and mannerisms. He appeared really professional. Louise, on the other hand, was more flustered than one would expect in a guard, Yet, despite that, she was blessed by a spirit. To be worthy of such a spiritual companion, Louise must be gifted in her own right. When Varya stepped back, Athena raised her arm closest to Louise’s positions and gave her a quick pat on the head. It felt awkward. Athena could recall when Voltspear would occasionally do the same so many years ago when specific commanding officers came to the grounds for the first time and once to a recruit.

“Pleasure. I am Athena Voltspear, nice to meet you.” Athena then let her arm fall back to her side. She then turned her head as the name was repeated, Yvonne commented on the name and Athena nodded. “Voltspear was my master. It wasn’t the most conventional of relationships, but I learned a lot through him. I adopted his name shortly after his passing. It was when, well, when I came to myself the most. I hope to be able to live to his standards and provide as much support to you and the others like he did during his service.”

As the group were talking, a dark figure entered the room again. For most of the conversation, Solomon had followed the girls with Thernous to a most appetizing looking feast. The bears took no hesitation as they dug into the table, gulping down entire pies at once. Solomon decided not to partake, content at watching the girls finally have their moment to unwind from their fear and worry. After several minutes, he left to see where the others had wandered, only to find they hadn’t left the meeting room at all.

“Pardon me, ladies. And you as well gentleman elf. There is a buffet in the next room over. I recommend you have some in your system before we depart. The journey to Meche will not be done in a day. His majesty was gracious enough to provide. If you don’t now, I’m afraid Cedar’s siblings might finish it before long.” said Solomon, “Before I forget, I am Doctor Solomon Sparrow. At your service.”
Athena Voltspear

Location: Kindeance

“I don’t plan to. But for right now, we are envoys of the king.” said Athena, “I simply ask that when in the king’s court to be a little more respectful.” Athena looked towards Prince Alec. She could see on his face some turmoil from the information he had to share. Athena couldn’t know what it was like to be him, and forced to do things on a whole other level compared to essentially everyone else in the country. Perhaps Jazdia's gift in some way offered a small taste of what most recipients would feel. Athena's gaze then went back to Jazdia.

“I apologize for my abrasiveness, and to you Miss Rosenving.” said Athena. “I’m probably not what you’re used to when it comes to partners. I don’t mind working with you on this… this multitude of objectives the king needs. On this we are equal.”

Then towards the prince, “I apologize for speaking on your behalf out of turn.”

Athena paused for a second, “If you wish to join us, then please come closer. We don’t mean to keep you alone. At least, I hope we don’t.” she called out to Louise.
Athena Voltspear

Location: Kindeance

“Now hold on.” interjected Athena, “Don’t just laugh at him. You might have saved him back then, but that doesn’t make you his equal. What he said is perfectly valid, and you of all people should realize why such protocols exist.” Truth be told, Athena didn’t know anything about these protocols, relying on the explanation the prince provided. She knew security never really returned to its lax positions since the princes rescue. So to have measures to prevent a threat from bypassing the safeguard to the royal family made plenty of sense. At the time of the prince’s absence, Athena was left in the dark, but the demeanor of the king, there was some obvious change. A love was there, and a pain. Unknown at the time, but now made it all make sense. it reaffirmed the necessity of the precautions.

“Miss Rosenving, you should hold onto your gift as well. You can leave them with the appropriate official once we depart.”
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Kindeance

Poor choice of words. For Solomon, the ordeal took only a few days, but for Cedar, it was over a month. How Solomon managed to miss that detail was beyond him. They practically yelled it. And here he made the comparison of it being the same. Well, he got them talking, but the jury was still out if he helped them relax from the tension created by Cedar's situation. He had to consider his next words carefully, but given their age and disposition, that might not be enough.

There were a few things that he caught in the rambling. For one, they were here without their father knowing. For Solomon, that was an issue. It meant that should something happen, anything, their father wouldn’t know. And what a way to find out potentially weeks after the fact. But they also mentioned Pine, Solomon was under the impression the brother’s name was Oak. Large family, large problems. Very dysfunctional, but caring all the same. And then comes food. Well, Solomon suspected he might have been underweight on account of it being winter, but for the girls this was still a large issue.

“The situation is similar, but it won’t take that long to free your brother. As for everything else, we will have to deal with it when the time comes.” said Solomon, “As for your father, we could probably sent him a message. The king may be able to lend a messenger bird to inform Your father of your whereabouts. He will be cross with you regardless, but at least he’ll know you’re in safe hands in the meantime.”

“And We’ll make sure food is available for all.”
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Kindeance

Rose and Lily. Given Cedar’s name and his brother mentioned as Oak, Solomon wasn’t too surprised. Though for Solomon, one of the girls name’s came out of Lileh, so that was his first impression of it. When the bear twins started to speak up again, Solomon was better prepared for their nearly uninterruptible back and forth. It actually helped him a little to think of it as one speaker through two different mouths, as strange as that sounded.

“Nice to meet you, Lileh and Rose. So, Cedar being out last time? He had not mentioned anything about his adventure?” asked Solomon. He supposed that given some of the struggles he had to endure, it might not have been the most pleasant thing to discuss. Especially with his younger family. And there was plenty. There was his time in the dungeon upon arrival, the first time he witnessed the dead rise, the battle with Asevor, and the execution of Geralt. it was probably easier for Cedar to suppress the whole ordeal than relive it explaining it, even to his father.

Apparently the sisters had no end of trouble about Cedar’s absence either. Though the family, and its origins were very strange, the dynamic the siblings had between themselves and their father was heart warming. It was how a family should be. Always together in good times and bad, learning to overcome the challenges they present to each other and to grow.

“If Cedar hasn’t said anything, it probably isn’t my place to say anything about it either.” said Solomon, “but I can say one thing. The reason your brother took so long is very reminiscent to what is happening now. He bravely helped rescue someone in trouble, much like how we are going to rescue him.”
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Kindeance

Well, the short story about Cedar’s little antic seemed to have done the trick. They started to brighten up. They were even looking at each other, mischievously. But then the mention of gossip.

“It isn’t much like gossip, small talk is…” before Solomon could really finish his sentence, the two female bears started going at him with multiple questions. They continued off each other to the point Solomon was having a hard time getting a word in edgewise. Solomon was able to catch most of what they were saying, but unfortunately, lost some with their accent. He knew they started talking about Cedar and the bakery. But then the questions revolved around him. When they paused, Solomon answered them.

“Ehem, my name is Doc, er. You may call me Solomon.” Solomon did a little make shift bow that was obviously not meant to be serious, but rather to add a little fun to his introduction, “As for smelling like a graveyard, I don’t know what you are talking about. I think I smell delightful.” Solomon let out a playful smile, not that anyone could really see it under the mask.

“So then, sister’s of Cedar, what would your names be?”
Solomon Sparrow & Athena Voltspear

Location: Kindeance

“Fuddy duddy?” Solomon chuckled. In some ways, that sounded like Cedar. When it came to food or interactions with others, he seemed to often trip over himself with manners. “I ask to make small talk. This meeting isn't the most entertaining of venues, so I thought talking about him might help you feel more relaxed while the others finish with the details. Since you cared so deeply for Cedar, I thought he would make a good topic for conversation. For instance, the last time I was with him, got flustered about stealing a sale of stale bread. Despite the owner assuring him it that wasn’t necessary.”

Solomon could tell that his attempt to relax the girls wasn’t working as effectively as he would have liked. His raspy voice and his dark appearance probably wasn’t helping in that regard. However, he decided to persist, at least until it was time to depart. He knew that the others were discussing many of the details with the king behind him. Though he wasn’t paying attention to the words they were saying, he knew that even then he would not be left in the dark. For this endeavor, he didn’t mind following. At least for the time being.

Athena hummed to her self softly as the king answered her question. It wasn’t another squad, but it was something. Also Athena didn’t know about potential external support, so if they could be hindered if not entirely blocked that would also keep their edge. Having even a couple more people would help. And if one of those from the recon squad was Antigone’s all the better.

“Thank you your majesty. I think given the circumstances, that would work just well.” Athena bowed before she left the king’s desk, leaving Jazdia with him. Though as she walked away, she kept her eye on the elf. She didn’t suspect Jazdia was going to do anything vile, but her attitude towards the king still left a sour taste in Athena’s mouth.
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