I'm Randomness. I also go by others names when it's unavailable, but those are usually some variation of Randomness or Random in general.
I like anime, video games, and science. I'm currently in school studying to become an radiologic technologist. I'm in the initial stages, so I'm on my way. My favorite anime is Eureka Seven, and my favorite video game is a tie between Kingdom Hearts and Etrian Odyssey.
I have several story ideas, but currently lack motivation to write them out. I have plenty of notes for some of them so when I finally get around I'm prepared. That said, I absolutely enjoy group story telling like you do through role playing. One of my interests involved is world building and the connections between them if any.
One of my characters travels between worlds, dimensions and universes. What these are meant to be are different RPs. There seems to be some taboo around such a character, but I feel that is should be judged on a case by case basis. The idea of a seasoned character who has been on many adventures being able to share stories in passing sounds like a fun idea. I thought it would be an interesting idea that those stories could be from other RPs. He isn't meant to highjack the current RP, or be over powered. I admit, I can see that concern. Really though, he is meant to be an eccentric character with stories and treasures not before seen. The effects of these stories are meant to be entertaining, like fairy tales to the current cast. And what treasures he has or can use I'd restrict to what makes sense in the current world. But like I said before, it should be case by case. A learner, and a story teller. I think it's fun to link concept together through this character so the story could live on in new ways and perhaps give new RPs a different kind of character. Without upending everything of course.
Athena looked at the elf as she continued her conservation with the king. She wasn’t entirely comfortable with her nonchalant behavior. Even if they were familiar with each other, it just rubbed her the wrong way. However, the king was receptive, and Athena didn’t find it her place to intervene. Her question was answered. Yet, time still seemed to be a major deciding factor. If they were to deal with Lady Stritzel, and rescue the elf’s bear friend, then whatever plan they come up with had better go flawlessly. However, that didn’t mean Athena wouldn’t keep an eye on Jazdia. There is being friends with the king, and then there was taking an undue amount of liberties because of it.
“Alright” said Athena, “If you feel that we have the capability to succeed in this endeavor, then we will do so.” Athena still had reservations, but not only was it the king, but his advisor that had come up with this plan. Being an envoy was the easy part. At least the team that had assembled would be enough as an envoy. The issue was the raid on Stritzel’s estate. Even with Constable Delving, a raid of a small building had twice as many men. Granted, those men were usually of less skill than the current group, but numbers are always something to consider.
“If I am being entirely honest, your majesty, I do have some reservations about our numbers. I understand that you wish to keep news of our movement at a minimum, and having more men would make that difficult. It sounds like secrecy matters here if we wish to stop a war before it begins. I also understand that we who you’ve chosen are of some repute. Are there any concessions that can be afforded to us?”
Across the room, Solomon finally moved from his position. He stepped around a few of the others as they continued discussing, careful as to not disturb them until he reached the presence of Cedar’s siblings. Alec had just left, and the girls were left alone.
“I am sure condolences are the last thing that you need to hear.” said Solomon, “Let me just say, I’ve only known him a short time, but I’ve seen the kind of strength Cedar possesses. And if you two are anything like him, then I have no doubt that we will succeed in his rescue.” While Solomon appeared to struggle to do so, he ended up sitting on the floor next to the bears. The bears seemed timid, and perhaps some more friendly conversation might help them relax and be open with these strangers set to rescue their brother, among other things.
“So tell my my ursine friends, what is Cedar like at home?”
Solomon had his eyes closed as the words from his majesty and his advisor took over the room. The nobles were not swayed by the set backs formed from him and his party several months ago. They still had a lot of power and they were certainly making the most of it. Fanghorn was already tied to Meche, and the fact that none of the messengers the king sent had returned was also worrying. More and more it began to feel like Meche was really involved and the nobles were only expediting the problem.
As far as Solomon was aware, the whole conflict with Meche was a farce. A means for with displaced noblemen to keep the power they once enjoyed during a time of conquest. Yet, more and more Meche seemed to be involved. It was likely further manipulation across the borders. The first thought that came to his mind were the nobles propagating the war were sending their own men to influence the more radical of Meche citizens. Then again, there was Asevor. It was a difficult situation. One that seemed to be forming under the noses of both kings of both countries.
Then there was the news of Cedar. Solomon didn’t think much of his absence when he was waiting with the others in the previous room. He expected to see Jazdia and Yvonne again, but not Cedar. Solomon expected the good ol’ bear would have returned to him home in Meche, far away from this troublesome conflict. Enjoying his time in hibernation. Solomon knew the king mentioned it as a means of recruiting the bear again. But even so, he was glad to have found out. Even if not a part of the mission, it would only be right to free him from his captors. The other aspect of doing so, Solomon remained silent. He knew the nobles were crossing their king, but to flat out request that this newly formed team to eradicate her estate seemed heavy handed.
Athena, on the other hand, was shocked at the allegations of Lady Stritzel. For the noblewoman to turn her back on her country and collude with extremists from Meche. Her estate was close to the Kindeance Meche border, and perhaps that is what allowed the recent terror attacks to commence unimpeded. The idea was frightening. However, for the kingdom to take action based on hearsay, rumors, felt too much like the policy the king was trying to reform since his inauguration.
“Pardon me. Might I ask what the significance of, was it a bear you said?” Athena spoke up, “I can understand investigating the noblewoman. If founded, her actions are treasonous. But given the nature of the mission, would it not be efficient for us to hurry through Meche, and let another squad investigate Lady Stritzel?”
She didn’t want to challenge the king in so much as wanted some more clarification. It sounded like little time was available, and to not only deal with the noblewoman but also rescue an animal. Granted, the animal in question seemed to be more than your average beast. If his supposed family was anything to go off of. intelligent bears? Were they decidedly not druids? Athena glanced over to the two female bears as well. Her eyes widened slightly, before trying to backpedal a little.
“Ah, I don’t mean that we ignore him. I was, um, I just wanted to be sure that his captivity with Lady Stritzel was vital to the mission of ending the war. He should be rescued one way or another.” She really didn’t mean to dismiss the plight of the bear, but her thoughts escaped her mouth before she realized the bear’s sibling were in the room.
Athena stood near the window, gazing out through the soft white curtain. Though the day hours still lingered, something about this meeting made the light appear as though it struggled through storm clouds. She waited in a room with not a small number of others. A few she recognized as persons of notoriety. Such as the King’s advisor’s grandson, and then the squire who had joined not long ago. Then there were those she recognized form the news the king broke four months ago, about the crown prince and his rescuers. The doctor in black and Jazdia. She didn’t know what they looked like in person, but there was something about the elf that made he certain that is who it was. She half expected a bear to also be present. Maybe that would confirm her suspicions. As for the others, she expected to wait and see. The king must have requested them for a reason.
Speaking of the meeting with the King, Athena was surprised when she found a letter lying on the floor, near the front entrance of Voltspear’s house. Never had she thought that she would be good enough to be of personal audience with the king. Despite having seen him multiple times across her duties around the capital city, this was the first she would be addressed by him.
Athena’s ears perked when the door to the meeting room opened. Immediately people began to shuffle in, the elven woman being on of the first. She spoke so casually, it was a little of a shock, and to ask for their dossier’s? Who was she to think she’d be allowed that privileged? She decided to bite her tongue for now. It was too earlier to start a confrontation, especially since it wasn’t her place to say anything. Lord Thernous and his grandson were already here, so that alone outranked her. Instead, she entered the room with the others. She tried to appear as professional as possible, keeping her tails close, and her surcoat straight.
Solomon was one of the last to have entered. He bowed when he came to face the king before he secluded himself back to the rear of the party to allow the others forward. He kept himself in an opposite corner to that of Louise and Erwin, who almost appeared to hide. Not to completely conceal themselves, but perhaps get lost in the crowd. There were more here than when Solomon was at a similar meeting four months ago.
“Your highness. Doctor Solomon Sparrow, once again at your service.” he said simply.
“Er, Athena. Athena Voltspear.” piped up Athena as the other started introducing themselves as well. In the end, Jazdia was confirmed, and so was Solomon. Athena knew little of Yvonne, but the name Rosenving sounded familiar. Didn’t they party themselves into destitution? What would that family be able to offer? Even with the Thernous’ grandson, and the likes of someone like Jazdia and Solomon, this group appeared anything but cohesive. What was the king planning?
Solomon sat at a desk, late at night, pouring over a well worn book. He looked eerily still, his body hunched over the book. The hood of his motionless hung over his head towards the earth, and his robes draped over his body made him look almost like a living shadow hovering over the contents of the page. Were it not for the thin gloved hand reaching from underneath his garb to turn the page, it would have been hard to distinguish him as a man from shadow monster. Even so, it might have still been difficult.
The room was large, yet only one candle burned. The flickering light bounced off rows of shelves, some full of books, others empty with dust. Under the hood, still eyes slowly crossed the page before darting back to the beginning of the next line. After a time, the hand reached out again, and the book hushed as the pages softly collapsed over themselves. His figure stood, the chair pushing across the short carpet of the rub below as he did so. Silently, the book clutched in his hand was returned to the shelf.
Solomon retrieved the candle off the table, and left the library into the ornately decorated hall. Moonlight poured in through the windows shining off the golden trim and the brass fixtures. With his other hand, he reached over the flame, clasping his fingers on the wick. A thin trail of warm gray wisps snaked from the once bright fire. Placing the candle upon a long narrow table next to him, he turned to see a man in royal garb standing there.
“Sir Solomon Sparrow? I was told you’d be here at this time. I have a letter for you. I tried to deliver it at your last request place of residence, but, ah, you weren’t there.”
“Yes.” said Solomon. His arm reached slowly towards the young man from beneath his cloak. “I apologize keeping you up this late searching for me. Thank you.”
“Ah, that’s alright.” the young man murmured. He bowed slightly before turning on his heel and walking back down the hall. Solomon watched him for a moment before his eyes glanced down towards the envelope in his hand. He didn’t need to open it to guess what might have been penned inside. Though it only four months, Solomon knew the king would eventually need help again. The border politics were delicate, and so it was unlikely he could move freely with the Kindeance name.
At the time four months ago, he was willing to lend his hand for the king. However, he had to decline to request to join his court. Though, with how close he remained near the palace, it would have been hard to speak of otherwise. He had no ill will towards the royal family, nor disdain towards their troubles, but he felt more purpose in his dealings with the common folk. He remained by the palace mainly to make use of the opportunity to raid its library. He also was duty bound to both the late Von Kruber, and a certain bestial friend to make sure his family would be taken care of. If Solomon was not at the palace, he resided at the current estate Von Kruber’s widow lived. It wasn’t entirely amicable, but resistance to his presence eventually diminished.
Solomon’s arm vanished beneath his cloak once again. The fabrics of his attire barely illuminated in the glow of the moon shifted as he did towards that source of light. The letter was of short notice. Time must be running out. Solomon supposed the details he would have heard four months ago would be revealed again at the upcoming meeting. He saw first hand the devastation a war could bring. He even lived through part of the aftermath. He decided he could lend his hand again. There wasn’t much to lose, and the library wasn’t going anywhere.
Though the hall was moonlit, the shadows still clung to every surface. Solomon then became one of them. Slowly he sunk into lightless void, his form disappearing into the darkness. In that moment, he ceased to be, his whereabouts unknown. Surely he would appear again at the most appropriate time.
Appearance: A tall yet very thin man. His true height is 6’6”, however given his age, he if often hunched over making him appear shorter. He is often wearing travelers clothes made of cloth and leather. His attire is normally not seen as he also wears a large cloak that covers him from head to just before it reaches the floor. He also has a mask that covers his mouth and nose and a pair of gloves. Most of his clothes are black or dark gray in color. As a result, he is rarely completely seen aside from his eyes. When one does get to look at portions of him, such as his eyes or forearms, his skin appears tight, gray, and dehydrated. He eyes are sunken and of indeterminable color. Attached to his back by several belts is a rather large tome. The book appears old, and the pages yellowed. Two thin metal plates overlap either cover, and the book is sealed with several straps. Thin rune etchings are caved into the metal plates, and the leather straps.
Bio: Solomon had lived through war, peace, and war. He has seen the kingdom of Kindeance transform from a war bound ruler to a peaceful trading hub. Solomon lost his wife to Meche extremists which led him down his current path. Solomon vowed to one day find the means of properly adverting the finality of death. In that pursuit, he came across a variety of means that worked as a stopgap at most. However, eventually he led himself down the line of necromancy. Despite the risks, he underwent a ritual which bound his soul the the material plane, so that should he ever perish, his soul could never leave, and forever return. This method was not perfect. While it would keep him in the presence of the living, it was not overcoming death, it was merely replacing the destination of those who passed on. But it would be enough. Having already experienced death once before, Solomon sought revenge against those who took his wife from him. He also took revenge for those who severely wronged the innocent. He had genuine urge to help those in need, but these methods also helped fuel his phylactery, provide information on the processes of death, and eventually became his means of enforcement. No longer fearing an early end to his life, Solomon continued his studies. He encountered soul bound automatons, other undead, and even runelore. Eventually, Solomon realized that he had time, that death was no longer a deadline. He was filled with different emotions, but now having literal lifetimes in his future, he slowly began to acclimate to the lifespan of multiple generations. While he remained focused on his research, he continued with his life as he had always done prior to the death of his wife. He was a traveling doctor, offering medical aid to those village who were too poor, too far away, and just were unable to access magical healing from the few clerics that lived in the kingdom. As time passed on, he grew into obscurity. He was still known as a traveling doctor, but given his age, it didn’t seem right for him to constantly be brought up. And then there were the rumors of the undead he would travel with. Rare was it for him to be seen with the power, but common enough to stick with him as he traveled. It was these rumors of his expertise with beyond the grave did the king first approach him. It was common phrase that dead men told no tales. However, with Solomon, dead men could hide no secrets. In the four months since that adventure, Solomon made good use of the king’s generosity, take time to study the controversial, and otherwise limited materials found within the royal’s libraries. In the last four months, he has spent a lot of time revisiting runelore. Part because of Asevor, and part because of the soul binding aspect of the practice. At the same time, he insisted on staying with the von Kruber’s estate while the Fanghorn situation was settling through the winter. Much to the objections of everyone involved. However, her attitude had changed after a time where Solomon let Von Kruber’s widow peer into the tome he carried. Since then she ceased her protests, but remained distant to Solomon’s presence. Likewise, her children. The others remained unhappy about it. Being so close to Rascade, and the Von Kruber estate, Solomon would once again be called upon for his assistance beyond the medical expertise he still practices.
Passives: Medicine: Solomon is skilled in the practical application of medicine, bandages, and triage. Herblore: Solomon can forage materials and create medicines Alchemy: basic alchemy, Solomon can isolate infectious materials into vials Nomad: Solomon has spend years traveling from place to place, as a result, he almost always knows where he is insomuch as it’s an established road. He also knows how to forage for food and make basic meals. Undead: Solomon does not need to eat, drink, or sleep, though he can still participate for the pleasure of it. He also cannot be poisoned or diseased. Speak with Dead: Solomon can speak with the dead.
Spells: Using his spell book, Solomon has an innate skill to bind the living, undead, or recently deceased to the book and himself. This means that their souls will bind into the book and into his service. Any living person will not be under his control until after death. When bound to the book, their spirit takes on a form of undead should it even be called to manifest. This form is permanent, and is chosen by the spirit itself. What form it takes is usually also unknown to the person from whom the soul originates.
- Animate Dead: Solomon can bring back to life any dead body he comes into close proximity with. The undead being will retain primal instincts, though higher intelligent beings will be able to call upon their skills, muscle memory, and communicate as required. If the body is too damage to raise, a ghost will form instead. Raised dead will always obey Solomon’s commands. Creatures animated with way cannot be bound to his spell book. They can only do what is physically capable of them. - Summon Dead: Solomon can call upon the spirits harbored within his tome. Undead associated with that called spirit will form from the earth or air when applicable. Likewise, they will always appear as close to what they did when alive. They will also maintain their personality when applicable. However, they cannot disobey Solomon’s commands. They can only do what is physically possible of them. - Incorporeal form: For about 30 minutes, Solomon can turn into a black cloud entity. In this form, he is invulnerable to all physical interaction including walls, obstacles, and attacks. This also includes being unable to interact or speak. He is also incapable of performing any of his other spells in this form. While in this form he can change his size, increase his elevation, and merge with existing shadows. - Dagger hold: This spell will bind a person in place. Any attempt to move will cause the trapped creature pain as though they were pushing into a wall of knives. This can cause physical trauma. The strength of the hold is proportional to the strength of Solomon. It is possible to break out from, but the pain associated with it can be unbearable.
Equipment: Death Tome: Large spell book bound to his person, it holds the contracts of the living and dead who are bound to his will. It also acts as his anchor to the living realm, allowing him to continue existing in the world though he should have passed years ago. The book strapped to his back, partially covered by his robes, and clasped shut between two thin metal plates with several leather belts. As long as he has it, he has access to the spells and contracts inside. Should it ever be destroyed, Solomon would cease to be.
Healers Kit: glorified first aide. Knife roll: Rolled cloth holding knives of varying sizes Sewing Kit: needle and thread Potion’s kit: Vials, pestle and mortar, distiller, water skins and a pouch of commonly found ingredients Vials of unknown diseases Poison
Other: His late wife's name was Adeline.
Name: Athena Voltspear
Species: Yokai
Age: 127
Gender: Female
Appearance: Appears to be a that of a young woman with a height of about 5’5” and a weight of 115lb. She has a slim frame, but her musculature is tone. Her skin color is fair. She has three white stripes that end at the top of her forehead, moves up over her scalp. down the back of her neck, and end again at her lower back. These stripes are hard to see because in most light, the white of the stripes blend in with her normal skin color, and because she has hair and clothing covering them. However, the evidence of the stripes is evident through her hair. She has black hair, but there are similar strips of white hair that mirror her skin, almost like highlights. She has solid blue irises for her eyes with a slit pupil much like a cat’s. She does not have any tattoos, piercings, or discernible marks outside of the stripes across her head. Her most defining features are a pair of black cat ears at the either side of the top of her head with white tufts of fur, and a pair of pure black twin tails that sprout from her tailbone. She dons medium armor that is almost form fitting for her frame, appearing slender in appearance, but obviously offers decent protection against normal weaponry. The armor she has includes cuirass with a pointed sternum on the breastplate. She has surcoat that bears Kindeance colors. She also has tassets that acts like a skirt, and then front facing greaves for her shins. She also wears boots, and appears to have tiny feet. She has a pauldron and vambrace for right arm only. The rest of her armor is mainly leather clothing and belts so that she can keep some flexibility. She spends her free time as a cat. In this form, she is a short hair cat, completely black with three white stripes that travel from the top of her head down to the end of her back. Her front right paw is also white. She has blue eyes. She also has two tails in this form.
Bio: Athena was once the cat to a proud Kindeance Shield bearer of the royal army. This shield bearer was known as Voltspear. During the time before the declaration of peace, this shield bearer stood valiantly in the front lines, defending his soldiers, and pushing the enemy Meche army back. During the time of peace, Voltspear remained in the service of his king, and the heir of that king. Though his age prevented him from active duty, he remained vigilant. He trained new recruits, maintained equipment, and otherwise stood as an exemplar for his division. Through all of his loyalty, when off duty, he took care of a cat. He had found it one day after training, its leg trapped in the remains of some barbed wire. Deciding to take it in, Voltspear took care of the cat until it recovered. He adopted to feline, giving her the name Athena. They were inseparable. He even started taking the cat with him to the castle grounds. As he grew old, Athena grew along with him. It was rare to see Voltspear without his feline companion with him. It had become his signature appearance. One night, Athena woke atop her master’s chest disturbingly still. It was obvious to anyone, Voltspear had taken his last breath. Perhaps, it was a blessing to have passed in his sleep, peacefully. Having lived over one hundred years, never having once retired, it seemed like an inevitability. Yet, it was still a sorrowful revelation. Athena mourned the loss of her master, but that mourning and the love she had for him and the love he gave her awoke something in her. Athena found herself born anew, with a different scope of identity. She stood on all four, and stretched her back before she slid off the bed. With two feet, she walked towards the door, and opened it with her new found hands. One hundred years had passed since her birth, and she was lucky to have somehow lived that long in the loving care of Voltspear, and the garrison he helped foster. From then on, Athena was the mysterious new recruit to join the Kindeance army. In time, the connection between her and the late Voltspear was uncovered. It was indisputable that in some form or another she was the progeny of Voltspear. Yet, despite the similarities between some of her features, the knowledge she had of the Kindeance core, or even the fact they shared a name, no one made the connection between her and the cat Voltspear lovingly took in so many years ago. Quickly advancing among the ranks, and showing skill that the once famed Voltspear once displayed, it was hard for her to not be noticed by the leading parties within the castle. It certainly helped that she possessed some kind of magic that allowed her to preform her duties better. She seemly was able to appear out of no where, offering her shield when protection was needed, or her spear to push the offensive. Perhaps this ability could be of use to the king.
Passives: Polearm and shield skills Acrobatics and athletics
Detect life: Athena can detect the life force of living beings that are within about thirty feet of her position. As a result, she is hard to surprise.
Aspect of Feline: She can see farther than most humans, as well as able to see in the dark. She can also smell specific scents and associate certain scents to specific people or places. She is also very nimble and athletic, sporting more strength than her frame would suggest.
Spells: - Ghost Fire: She can create a ghostly flame on any surface, flammable or not. The fire is like any other flame, creating heat enough the burn. The fire cannot be put out, but the heat can be mitigated through a variety of cooling methods. The fire also cannot spread, but is hot enough to set fire to normally flammable materials. The size of the fire can cover an area of at most one square foot or less. The fire can only be cast up to 10 feet away. The fire extinguishes whenever a new fire is created, Athena is unconscious, Athena releases the flame, or she moves too far away. It burns a bright purple without embers.
- Transformation: Athena can turn into a cat. Any equipment she happens to be carrying also transforms along with her with the exception of luggage. In this form, she can move just like any ordinary cat can. She can transform back at will, her equipment manifesting along with her. While transformed, she maintains all of her capabilities, magical or non, including speech with the exception of Bulwark.
- Bulwark: Athena’s can create a shield directly in front of her, centered on her person. The shield is mostly impenetrable to physical and magical attacks. Her shield projects a magical wall that extends all sides of her by about three feet. Projectile and magical attacks from those she considers her allies are able to free pass through. While Bulwark is active, Athena is incapable of moving. Each blow the shield withstands drains her energy.
- Reiki Touch: Athena can bless one ally through touch. As so long as the two are within 50 feet of each other, any damage the blessed person sustains is instead dealt to Athena in full. This will leave the blessed individual unharmed. The damage Athena sustains is determined by the blessed individual’s equipment and enchantments. None of her own abilities can diminish the effects. The blessing will remain active until Athena dismisses the blessing, is too far away, is unconscious, or is killed including through damage sustained from the blessing.
Vos Vitale: A spear Athena had crafted herself. Or more accurately, a spear she had commissioned then modified. A hard wood shafted spear with a metal head. The spear head has a long neck bolted to the shaft. The spearhead is long and sharp, without any barbs. At the base of the point, but still apart of the metal neck is embedded two white pearls on opposite sides of each other. The spearhead and neck are black in color, in contrast to the bright white pearls.
Loyale Fudo: One half of the twin tower shields Voltspear used to wield during his time in service. A large shield, 4.5ft tall and 2ft wide. The shield has a slight curve along the outside of the left side. The shield is made out of wood with metal plating, making it rather heavy, through Athena is able to wield it without difficulty. The face of the shield has several dents. There is half the Kindeance coat of arms painted on the front equally scratched and faded with time. The half image implies the rest of it is on another tower shield that matches with this one, oddly meant to be wielded together. Athena's shield's pair is mounted on a wall within the garrison at Rascade.
Medium armor: Standard armor in which Athena can move nimbly in. Consists mainly of a cuirass, tassets and greaves. There is also a vambrace, and pauldron for the her spear arm. The rest of her body is covered in leather more for flexibility while still offering some protection.
Other: She dislikes being wet. While she won’t freak out, the idea of being out in the rain or lake is not appealing to her.
How much is one expected to write in a single post? Seems verbose
Usually one paragraph is enough. Sometimes less if you get into a back and forth conversation with another player. The current IC might appear intimidating, but no one is expecting short stories per post.
I'd say feel free to submit a character for review. I also recommend joining the discord. It can make discussions easier. If at least to ask some questions and get answers.
My tried and true character. Not much has changed.
Name: Solomon Sparrow
Species: Archlich
Age: 251
Gender: Male
Appearance: A tall yet very thin man. His true height is 6’6”, however given his age, he if often hunched over making him appear shorter. He is often wearing travelers clothes made of cloth and leather. His attire is normally not seen as he also wears a large cloak that covers him from head to just before it reaches the floor. He also has a mask that covers his mouth and nose and a pair of gloves. Most of his clothes are black or dark gray in color. As a result, he is rarely completely seen aside from his eyes. When one does get to look at portions of him, such as his eyes or forearms, his skin appears tight, gray, and dehydrated. He eyes are sunken and of indeterminable color. Attached to his back by several belts is a rather large tome. The book appears old, and the pages yellowed. Two thin metal plates overlap either cover, and the book is sealed with several straps. Thin rune etchings are caved into the metal plates, and the leather straps.
Bio: Solomon had lived through war, peace, and war. He has seen the kingdom of Kindeance transform from a war bound ruler to a peaceful trading hub. Solomon lost his wife to Meche extremists which led him down his current path. Solomon vowed to one day find the means of properly adverting the finality of death. In that pursuit, he came across a variety of means that worked as a stopgap at most. However, eventually he led himself down the line of necromancy. Despite the risks, he underwent a ritual which bound his soul the the material plane, so that should he ever perish, his soul could never leave, and forever return. This method was not perfect. While it would keep him in the presence of the living, it was not overcoming death, it was merely replacing the destination of those who passed on. But it would be enough. Having already experienced death once before, Solomon sought revenge against those who took his wife from him. He also took revenge for those who severely wronged the innocent. He had genuine urge to help those in need, but these methods also helped fuel his phylactery, provide information on the processes of death, and eventually became his means of enforcement. No longer fearing an early end to his life, Solomon continued his studies. He encountered soul bound automatons, other undead, and even runelore. Eventually, Solomon realized that he had time, that death was no longer a deadline. He was filled with different emotions, but now having literal lifetimes in his future, he slowly began to acclimate to the lifespan of multiple generations. While he remained focused on his research, he continued with his life as he had always done prior to the death of his wife. He was a traveling doctor, offering medical aid to those village who were too poor, too far away, and just were unable to access magical healing from the few clerics that lived in the kingdom. As time passed on, he grew into obscurity. He was still known as a traveling doctor, but given his age, it didn’t seem right for him to constantly be brought up. And then there were the rumors of the undead he would travel with. Rare was it for him to be seen with the power, but common enough to stick with him as he traveled. It was these rumors of his expertise with beyond the grave did the king first approach him. It was common phrase that dead men told no tales. However, with Solomon, dead men could hide no secrets. In the four months since that adventure, Solomon made good use of the king’s generosity, take time to study the controversial, and otherwise limited materials found within the royal’s libraries. In the last four months, he has spent a lot of time revisiting runelore. Part because of Asevor, and part because of the soul binding aspect of the practice. At the same time, he insisted on staying with the von Kruber’s estate while the Fanghorn situation was settling through the winter. Much to the objections of everyone involved. However, her attitude had changed after a time where Solomon let Von Kruber’s widow peer into the tome he carried. Since then she ceased her protests, but remained distant to Solomon’s presence. Likewise, her children. The others remained unhappy about it. Being so close to Rascade, and the Von Kruber estate, Solomon would once again be called upon for his assistance beyond the medical expertise he still practices.
Passives: Medicine: Solomon is skilled in the practical application of medicine, bandages, and triage. Herblore: Solomon can forage materials and create medicines Alchemy: basic alchemy, Solomon can isolate infectious materials into vials Nomad: Solomon has spend years traveling from place to place, as a result, he almost always knows where he is insomuch as it’s an established road. He also knows how to forage for food and make basic meals. Undead: Solomon does not need to eat, drink, or sleep, though he can still participate for the pleasure of it. He also cannot be poisoned or diseased. Speak with Dead: Solomon can speak with the dead.
Spells: Using his spell book, Solomon has an innate skill to bind the living, undead, or recently deceased to the book and himself. This means that their souls will bind into the book and into his service. Any living person will not be under his control until after death. When bound to the book, their spirit takes on a form of undead should it even be called to manifest. This form is permanent, and is chosen by the spirit itself. What form it takes is usually also unknown to the person from whom the soul originates.
- Animate Dead: Solomon can bring back to life any dead body he comes into close proximity with. The undead being will retain primal instincts, though higher intelligent beings will be able to call upon their skills, muscle memory, and communicate as required. If the body is too damage to raise, a ghost will form instead. Raised dead will always obey Solomon’s commands. Creatures animated with way cannot be bound to his spell book. They can only do what is physically capable of them. - Summon Dead: Solomon can call upon the spirits harbored within his tome. Undead associated with that called spirit will form from the earth or air when applicable. Likewise, they will always appear as close to what they did when alive. They will also maintain their personality when applicable. However, they cannot disobey Solomon’s commands. They can only do what is physically possible of them. - Incorporeal form: For about 30 minutes, Solomon can turn into a black cloud entity. In this form, he is invulnerable to all physical interaction including walls, obstacles, and attacks. This also includes being unable to interact or speak. He is also incapable of performing any of his other spells in this form. While in this form he can change his size, increase his elevation, and merge with existing shadows. - Dagger hold: This spell will bind a person in place. Any attempt to move will cause the trapped creature pain as though they were pushing into a wall of knives. This can cause physical trauma. The strength of the hold is proportional to the strength of Solomon. It is possible to break out from, but the pain associated with it can be unbearable.
Equipment: Death Tome: Large spell book bound to his person, it holds the contracts of the living and dead who are bound to his will. It also acts as his anchor to the living realm, allowing him to continue existing in the world though he should have passed years ago. The book strapped to his back, partially covered by his robes, and clasped shut between two thin metal plates with several leather belts. As long as he has it, he has access to the spells and contracts inside. Should it ever be destroyed, Solomon would cease to be.
Healers Kit: glorified first aide. Knife roll: Rolled cloth holding knives of varying sizes Sewing Kit: needle and thread Potion’s kit: Vials, pestle and mortar, distiller, water skins and a pouch of commonly found ingredients Vials of unknown diseases Poison
Other: His late wife's name was Adeline.
The other character. The ‘just in case’ character.
Name: Athena Voltspear
Species: Yokai
Age: 127
Gender: Female
Appearance: Appears to be a that of a young woman with a height of about 5’5” and a weight of 115lb. She has a slim frame, but her musculature is tone. Her skin color is fair. She has three white stripes that end at the top of her forehead, moves up over her scalp. down the back of her neck, and end again at her lower back. These stripes are hard to see because in most light, the white of the stripes blend in with her normal skin color, and because she has hair and clothing covering them. However, the evidence of the stripes is evident through her hair. She has black hair, but there are similar strips of white hair that mirror her skin, almost like highlights. She has solid blue irises for her eyes with a slit pupil much like a cat’s. She does not have any tattoos, piercings, or discernible marks outside of the stripes across her head. Her most defining features are a pair of black cat ears at the either side of the top of her head with white tufts of fur, and a pair of pure black twin tails that sprout from her tailbone. She dons medium armor that is almost form fitting for her frame, appearing slender in appearance, but obviously offers decent protection against normal weaponry. The armor she has includes cuirass with a pointed sternum on the breastplate. She has surcoat that bears Kindeance colors. She also has tassets that acts like a skirt, and then front facing greaves for her shins. She also wears boots, and appears to have tiny feet. She has a pauldron and vambrace for right arm only. The rest of her armor is mainly leather clothing and belts so that she can keep some flexibility. She spends her free time as a cat. In this form, she is a short hair cat, completely black with three white stripes that travel from the top of her head down to the end of her back. Her front right paw is also white. She has blue eyes. She also has two tails in this form.
Bio: Athena was once the cat to a proud Kindeance Shield bearer of the royal army. This shield bearer was known as Voltspear. During the time before the declaration of peace, this shield bearer stood valiantly in the front lines, defending his soldiers, and pushing the enemy Meche army back. During the time of peace, Voltspear remained in the service of his king, and the heir of that king. Though his age prevented him from active duty, he remained vigilant. He trained new recruits, maintained equipment, and otherwise stood as an exemplar for his division. Through all of his loyalty, when off duty, he took care of a cat. He had found it one day after training, its leg trapped in the remains of some barbed wire. Deciding to take it in, Voltspear took care of the cat until it recovered. He adopted to feline, giving her the name Athena. They were inseparable. He even started taking the cat with him to the castle grounds. As he grew old, Athena grew along with him. It was rare to see Voltspear without his feline companion with him. It had become his signature appearance. One night, Athena woke atop her master’s chest disturbingly still. It was obvious to anyone, Voltspear had taken his last breath. Perhaps, it was a blessing to have passed in his sleep, peacefully. Having lived over one hundred years, never having once retired, it seemed like an inevitability. Yet, it was still a sorrowful revelation. Athena mourned the loss of her master, but that mourning and the love she had for him and the love he gave her awoke something in her. Athena found herself born anew, with a different scope of identity. She stood on all four, and stretched her back before she slid off the bed. With two feet, she walked towards the door, and opened it with her new found hands. One hundred years had passed since her birth, and she was lucky to have somehow lived that long in the loving care of Voltspear, and the garrison he helped foster. From then on, Athena was the mysterious new recruit to join the Kindeance army. In time, the connection between her and the late Voltspear was uncovered. It was indisputable that in some form or another she was the progeny of Voltspear. Yet, despite the similarities between some of her features, the knowledge she had of the Kindeance core, or even the fact they shared a name, no one made the connection between her and the cat Voltspear lovingly took in so many years ago. Quickly advancing among the ranks, and showing skill that the once famed Voltspear once displayed, it was hard for her to not be noticed by the leading parties within the castle. It certainly helped that she possessed some kind of magic that allowed her to preform her duties better. She seemly was able to appear out of no where, offering her shield when protection was needed, or her spear to push the offensive. Perhaps this ability could be of use to the king.
Passives: Polearm and shield skills Acrobatics and athletics
Detect life: Athena can detect the life force of living beings that are within about thirty feet of her position. As a result, she is hard to surprise.
Aspect of Feline: She can see farther than most humans, as well as able to see in the dark. She can also smell specific scents and associate certain scents to specific people or places. She is also very nimble and athletic, sporting more strength than her frame would suggest.
Spells: - Ghost Fire: She can create a ghostly flame on any surface, flammable or not. The fire is like any other flame, creating heat enough the burn. The fire cannot be put out, but the heat can be mitigated through a variety of cooling methods. The fire also cannot spread, but is hot enough to set fire to normally flammable materials. The size of the fire can cover an area of at most one square foot or less. The fire can only be cast up to 10 feet away. The fire extinguishes whenever a new fire is created, Athena is unconscious, Athena releases the flame, or she moves too far away. It burns a bright purple without embers.
- Transformation: Athena can turn into a cat. Any equipment she happens to be carrying also transforms along with her with the exception of luggage. In this form, she can move just like any ordinary cat can. She can transform back at will, her equipment manifesting along with her. While transformed, she maintains all of her capabilities, magical or non, including speech with the exception of Bulwark.
- Bulwark: Athena’s can create a shield directly in front of her, centered on her person. The shield is mostly impenetrable to physical and magical attacks. Her shield projects a magical wall that extends all sides of her by about three feet. Projectile and magical attacks from those she considers her allies are able to free pass through. While Bulwark is active, Athena is incapable of moving. Each blow the shield withstands drains her energy.
- Reiki Touch: Athena can bless one ally through touch. As so long as the two are within 50 feet of each other, any damage the blessed person sustains is instead dealt to Athena in full. This will leave the blessed individual unharmed. The damage Athena sustains is determined by the blessed individual’s equipment and enchantments. None of her own abilities can diminish the effects. The blessing will remain active until Athena dismisses the blessing, is too far away, is unconscious, or is killed including through damage sustained from the blessing.
Vos Vitale: A spear Athena had crafted herself. Or more accurately, a spear she had commissioned then modified. A hard wood shafted spear with a metal head. The spear head has a long neck bolted to the shaft. The spearhead is long and sharp, without any barbs. At the base of the point, but still apart of the metal neck is embedded two white pearls on opposite sides of each other. The spearhead and neck are black in color, in contrast to the bright white pearls.
Loyale Fudo: One half of the twin tower shields Voltspear used to wield during his time in service. A large shield, 4.5ft tall and 2ft wide. The shield has a slight curve along the outside of the left side. The shield is made out of wood with metal plating, making it rather heavy, through Athena is able to wield it without difficulty. The face of the shield has several dents. There is half the Kindeance coat of arms painted on the front equally scratched and faded with time. The half image implies the rest of it is on another tower shield that matches with this one, oddly meant to be wielded together. The shield the completes Athena’s is mounted within the garrison at Rascade.
Medium armor: Standard armor in which Athena can move nimbly in. Consists mainly of a cuirass, tassets and greaves. There is also a vambrace, and pauldron for the her spear arm. The rest of her body is covered in leather more for flexibility while still offering some protection.
Other: She dislikes being wet. While she won’t freak out, the idea of being out in the rain or lake is not appealing to her.
Solomon stood near perfectly still during the meeting with the king. Solomon knew that by no means were the motions set by the various players of the looming war would halt after the rescue of the king’s son. However, just as he suspected back at Hdur with his conversation with Baker that Solomon’s involvement was not over. At least, the request for Solomon’s favor had not ended. Solomon still questioned the king’s reason, though. He assumed after what happened in Fanghorn, he’d want to attempt to form another special team for the more backdoor operations. With the prince now secure, was there necessity to keeping such a collection of unusual if otherwise specialized under his employ?
No matter, the king did offer to appoint the original team to his court publicly at the banquet. It would be expected that the reinforcement to the prince’s escort and the contractors who took down the Black serpent guild to continue working towards the war effort. An effort sought to not be relevant. Solomon did appreciate the opportunity to decline, An opportunity that Cedar took advantage of. As for Solomon, he didn’t answer just yet.
When Cedar finished speaking, the room was eerily quiet. It was as though few had any comment or even commitment to the king’s request. Solomon took a step forward. By doing so he was more in line with everyone else.
“If I may ask. Why would you task us with this new mission? What do we offer now that your own cannot?”
I'm Randomness. I also go by others names when it's unavailable, but those are usually some variation of Randomness or Random in general.
I like anime, video games, and science. I'm currently in school studying to become an radiologic technologist. I'm in the initial stages, so I'm on my way. My favorite anime is Eureka Seven, and my favorite video game is a tie between Kingdom Hearts and Etrian Odyssey.
I have several story ideas, but currently lack motivation to write them out. I have plenty of notes for some of them so when I finally get around I'm prepared. That said, I absolutely enjoy group story telling like you do through role playing. One of my interests involved is world building and the connections between them if any.
One of my characters travels between worlds, dimensions and universes. What these are meant to be are different RPs. There seems to be some taboo around such a character, but I feel that is should be judged on a case by case basis. The idea of a seasoned character who has been on many adventures being able to share stories in passing sounds like a fun idea. I thought it would be an interesting idea that those stories could be from other RPs. He isn't meant to highjack the current RP, or be over powered. I admit, I can see that concern. Really though, he is meant to be an eccentric character with stories and treasures not before seen. The effects of these stories are meant to be entertaining, like fairy tales to the current cast. And what treasures he has or can use I'd restrict to what makes sense in the current world. But like I said before, it should be case by case. A learner, and a story teller. I think it's fun to link concept together through this character so the story could live on in new ways and perhaps give new RPs a different kind of character. Without upending everything of course.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">I'm Randomness. I also go by others names when it's unavailable, but those are usually some variation of Randomness or Random in general. <br><br>I like anime, video games, and science. I'm currently in school studying to become an radiologic technologist. I'm in the initial stages, so I'm on my way. My favorite anime is Eureka Seven, and my favorite video game is a tie between Kingdom Hearts and Etrian Odyssey.<br><br>I have several story ideas, but currently lack motivation to write them out. I have plenty of notes for some of them so when I finally get around I'm prepared. That said, I absolutely enjoy group story telling like you do through role playing. One of my interests involved is world building and the connections between them if any. <br><br>One of my characters travels between worlds, dimensions and universes. What these are meant to be are different RPs. There seems to be some taboo around such a character, but I feel that is should be judged on a case by case basis. The idea of a seasoned character who has been on many adventures being able to share stories in passing sounds like a fun idea. I thought it would be an interesting idea that those stories could be from other RPs. He isn't meant to highjack the current RP, or be over powered. I admit, I can see that concern. Really though, he is meant to be an eccentric character with stories and treasures not before seen. The effects of these stories are meant to be entertaining, like fairy tales to the current cast. And what treasures he has or can use I'd restrict to what makes sense in the current world. But like I said before, it should be case by case. A learner, and a story teller. I think it's fun to link concept together through this character so the story could live on in new ways and perhaps give new RPs a different kind of character. Without upending everything of course.</div>