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I'm Randomness. I also go by others names when it's unavailable, but those are usually some variation of Randomness or Random in general.

I like anime, video games, and science. I'm currently in school studying to become an radiologic technologist. I'm in the initial stages, so I'm on my way. My favorite anime is Eureka Seven, and my favorite video game is a tie between Kingdom Hearts and Etrian Odyssey.

I have several story ideas, but currently lack motivation to write them out. I have plenty of notes for some of them so when I finally get around I'm prepared. That said, I absolutely enjoy group story telling like you do through role playing. One of my interests involved is world building and the connections between them if any.

One of my characters travels between worlds, dimensions and universes. What these are meant to be are different RPs. There seems to be some taboo around such a character, but I feel that is should be judged on a case by case basis. The idea of a seasoned character who has been on many adventures being able to share stories in passing sounds like a fun idea. I thought it would be an interesting idea that those stories could be from other RPs. He isn't meant to highjack the current RP, or be over powered. I admit, I can see that concern. Really though, he is meant to be an eccentric character with stories and treasures not before seen. The effects of these stories are meant to be entertaining, like fairy tales to the current cast. And what treasures he has or can use I'd restrict to what makes sense in the current world. But like I said before, it should be case by case. A learner, and a story teller. I think it's fun to link concept together through this character so the story could live on in new ways and perhaps give new RPs a different kind of character. Without upending everything of course.

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Solomon Sparrow

Location: Kindeance

Solomon hoped with winter having passed, the restoration of Fanghorn could continue steadily. At least enough to the point those forced to live outside of its walls could return to the safety of its gates. Solomon’s skill with the carriage was really put to the test crossing the bridge. It was narrower than the sections of the bridge still standing, and more than once did the wheels creep near the edge of the pathway. Thankfully, Solomon was able to finally cross, and the carriage sped away west towards the Stritzel estate.

After the ruined remains of Fanghorn was lost behind the myriad of trees and other nature features, the bear sisters started to bother Thernous and even Solomon about what had happened there. Their pushiness made the carriage drift as they shifted their bodies to focus on the two arguably elderly men with their inquiries. After Solomon steadied the carriage, he spoke.

“It was not just your brother’s doing.” said Solomon, as he twisted the reins in between his hands, keeping the horses on course. “The plants? A friend of mine grew them. The fires? An evil mage. The crater? That is where the mage put an end to himself. No, most of the damage done to that town was self inflicted by outside oppressors. If you want to blame Cedar for anything, it’s providing the seeds and winding the road leading to the city. He only wanted to hinder the evil mage’s routes of escape. Now hold on, I need to focus a little. It looks like we will be stopping soon.”

For the most part, everything Solomon said was mostly the truth. Cedar may have planted the seeds, but it was through August’s power that they started to grow through the night. It gave the brambles a head start until the sun fed them and the magic really spiraled. August was an undead druid in which Solomon befriended long ago. Cedar planted the seeds and their means to grow, but August took over those plants when Cedar visited the keep with the others. It was also Asevor’s decision to incinerate the plants once they grew unruly. It was a decision that truly set fire to the town.

Solomon purposefully did not mention the wild magic rain dance. There wasn’t any point to it. Even had Cedar not cast a localized hurricane, the fires alone would have killed townsfolk and destroy infrastructure. The weather spell could be said to have replaced the damage that would have been caused by fire to that of wind and water. Solomon did not entertain any further questions the girls had, as his attention went from them to the elf archer on the black steed. After Jazdia spoke with Thernous for a minute, she directed them to head further north.

After several more minutes, they were lead off the side of the road, into a clearing near a hill. The trees were thicker here, making traversing farther into the clearing impossible for the carriage. Jazdia came back around and stopped next to Solomon. She posed a question, and Solomon took a moment to turn his head around the potential campsite. Still out of view of the estate, but dangerously close to any of their frequent visitors, the hill looked to offer a perfect vantage point.

“I think this spot should do just fine. I worry about cover though. Should anyone wander by, it will not be hard to miss our carriage. The hill would be a suitable place for anyone to keep watch.” said Solomon.
Solomon Sparrow

Location: Kindeance

After a rocky initial start, Solomon managed to keep the carriage on the road. The bears had managed to climb back into the back, and Thernous appeared to be by himself among among the passenger seating. As the roads were windy, and mostly uneven as new paths were flattened by people and vehicles moving around the large bunches of brambles. Thankfully, the withered nettles were mostly dead, so there wasn’t any risk of them overtaking the new paths. However, the number and size of them probably left most people wanting them gone to procrastinate in actually clearing them.

The camp and the remains of the city were just how Solomon had last remembered seeing them the last time he had come back. He occasionally dealt with Von Kruber’s widow and recovering some of what they could from the city. Now no longer as tall as it was, there were still remains of a giant beanstalk drooped and withered over the remains of the keep. Since the plant no longer supported that side of the building, it has since partially caved in.

Solomon looked at the family with a sadness in his eyes. At the time four months ago, it felt like the party had little choice than to engage the paranoid wizard, Asevor. And that battle had forced some into desperate measures. Were it not for these measures, Asevor might have succeeded in whatever plans he had involving the prince. Losing him there didn’t feel like an option. The cost of all that was the suffering of those, like the woman and her kids. They stood there, begging for food, to help supplement the dwindling stores the refugee camp was barely holding on to.

“It is unfortunate.” Solomon said softly to himself, barely audible to even those in the carriage, “The lives of these people uprooted by political turmoil, and desperation. How the life of one had managed to cost so many.” Solomon kept his head down, as the woman back from the carriage. He waited for Jazdia and Erwin to finish their conversation before he got the horses going once again towards the western bridge.

The bridge was hastily repaired, wooden scaffolding and boards with some of the brickwork rearranged to keep it together as much as possible. Evidence of a new stonework was seen strewn about as the bridge was being rebuilt. The work was adequate enough to cross, but its quality and condition meant it would not last long. Once the bridge is crossed, it would be almost another day’s travel to Strizel’s estate. The first of the party’s explicit objectives.
Solomon Sparrow & Athena Voltspear

Location: Kindeance

Athena shifted in her spot once the sun was well over the horizon. She let out a huge yawn, raising her arms high above her head, while also standing on her toes. They slept in longer than what was probably planned, but the disturbance last night had taken its toll. Athena picked up her spear and shield when Jazdia rode up upon her horse. The elf suggested Athena rest more, a suggestion she readily welcomed. She walked around the carriage, and climbed in shortly after the two bear sisters had climbed down. Once she was inside, she all but disappeared. Items were still shifted as though someone was moving about, but after the noise settled, it was hard to see if anyone was actually in there.

Elsewhere in the camp, the party packed up their supplies, completely extinguished the barely smoldering remains of the fire, and mounted their steeds. The horses well watered and fed, it was time to get a move on.

“I think I’m getting the hang of driving.” said Solomon as he passed by the carriage, “If you don’t mind my learning curve.” Jazdia stopped her horse nearby to speak with Thernous as he climbed into the drivers seat. He took a moment to look around trying to find the reigns, eventually finding them looped on hooked portion of the seat. Someone else made sure the horses were hooked up properly. Solomon noticed that Erwin was taking position near the front upon his horse. Solomon didn’t hear Thernous’ order before, but upon seeing Ewrin, what Jazdia said was making sense. Solomon turned in the seat to better face Thernous.

“I have to agree with Jazdia. Sleep deprivation is not healthy. He will be risking impaired judgment and poor coordination. As an outrider, he will be less perceptive. For a mission like this, we need to as many of our comrades as able bodied as possible.”

Solomon turned back forward, readjusting his comfort on the wooden bench. His eyes fell upon Erwin once again. It was clear this wasn't the guard's first time keeping awake through the night. However, now was not the time to display his endurance.

“You best listen to her.” he affirmed.
Solomon Sparrow & Athena Voltspear

Location: Kindeance

Athena kept her guard up even as the eldritch horror turned to leave, the light of his lanterns extinguishing into the darkness of the night. Her eyes remained trained on his position, watching him leave farther than the others could feasibly until he was even hidden in the darkness beyond what her eyes could see. Only then did she rise from her stance, lowering her shield and spear. She sighed, thankful that there wasn’t any further escalation. She turned her head sharply to stare at Erwin, currently arguing with Jazdia.

“I think what needs to be said has been said.” interjected Athena. Though most of her ire was with Erwin, she was speaking those arguing by the former merchant campsite. “We’ve wasted too much time dealing with this, and we’re only wasting more by arguing about it. Let just finish resting for what time remains, and then we can leave at light.” There was a lot Athena wanted to contribute to the conversation, such as how information he was worried the eldritch peddler might convey was the very same information he gave willingly. Or how he was willing to risk the envoy and the mission as a whole pursuing a crime they weren’t sent to investigate. But Athena truly believed in her own words. The stress of the situation had finally hit her with a wave of exhaustion to the point she didn’t know if she could continue her watch through the night.

“I think Thernous ends on a good note. We all need a moment to cool our heads.” said Solomon, “The conflict is over, and a little sleep would do everyone some good. Rose and Lileh have already gone to bed. If you all wish, you can discuss it further once we are on the road again.” Solomon walked in between the guard and elf, to split them apart and headed back to the camp.

Whether it was his words or not, the argument ended. Slowly, but surely the others were making their way back to the camp. Jazdia was the first, heading straight for the shallow cave on the hillside cliff. Athena followed her shortly, deciding that she would keep watch for the rest of the night. She ended up circling around a spot near where the carriage was parked, and sat down with her back against the wheel. She kept her eyes at either side of the road, and her ears twitched on occasion. For Solomon, he sat by the fire, watching the others as they resettled for the night. It was certainly a start to their adventure. Unlikely to be boring.
Solomon Sparrow & Athena Voltspear

Location: Kindeance

This was not at all what Athena expected to happen. She agreed with Jazdia when she also stepped in to help wrangle the shopping spree girls. And when Erwin escalated after the once Goodenough was on his way, She also spoke up with Jazdia. It wasn’t really worth the hassle. Athena didn’t like the man, she wasn’t disagreeing with Erwin on that, but they already had another mission to take care of. The closest town was Fanghorn, and though they had guards on hand, their resources were still limited.

Then Erwin made good on his threat. The gunshot hit true, the fluttering of several birds filling the void of silence after the thunderous boom deafened those near. Athena’s ears flattened as she flinched from the explosive echo. Jazdia’s appeal to put the gun down ignored.

“Erwin!” she shouted before the merchant started to change. She stood watching as the thing grew larger and grosser as tentacles sprouted from almost every part of his form. She raised her shield, and lowered herself more defensively. She gripped her spear tightly with her other hand, the point aimed towards the monstrosity’s direction. She took a couple steps forward, keeper her eye on the monster, more so on his lance. Unfortuneately, the creature moved before she could and struck Erwin’s torso, sending him flying back. Athena quickly dashed from where she was to stand in between formerly Goodenough and Erwin. She took a quick look back to see that Solomon had somehow already reached the man, making sure he was okay. Confirming that Erwin was alive, Athena returned to looking down the nautical horror.

Solomon had been watching the peddler leave, and then Erwin taking a shot. Bad decision by the looks of it. The darkening of the merchant’s shadow and the shadowy aura of the earlier pulse had a true source. He wasn’t just a man who had learned magic, this was a being that was truly capable of harnessing it. A being Solomon had once encountered so many years ago. One that supplied him the power to go down his current path.

As Erwin landed on the ground, Solomon rose from a black shadowy mass near by to make sure he was okay. The hit he took was surprising soft in appearance, appearing to only have pushed him back than attempted to pierce. Either way, he was conscious, and Solomon’s attention wasn’t truly needed. Solomon stood up from his position on the ground, helping Erwin stand as well.

“Come on up, you’re okay.” said Solomon. Despite being decrepit in his own right, Solomon was able to be stable and study enough to help Erwin up, “ Have you ever been taught to pick you battle, young man?”

Athena stayed where she was. Even though the entity visibly backed down, calming even, Athena kept her guard up. Her stand made it clear she was being defensive as opposed to hostile. She didn’t know what Goodenough turned into, but she didn’t want to risk the creature turning aggressive again and landing another blow against those around her.

“Please keep back.” shouted Athena to those very people. While that included most of the women, it was directly more towards Louise who approached the tentacled entity. Athena’s fingers slowly raised and lowered onto her spear, making sure her grip was solid. She didn’t know what was going to happen next, but she still felt uneasy about the elevated situation. One thing was for sure, the party wasn’t going to get much rest for the duration of the night.
Solomon Sparrow & Athena Voltspear

Location: Kindeance

Solomon hummed softly at what Jazdia said. A binding spell of some sort. One that relied on darkened magic. That alone gave creed to the bearded Goodenough’s ability to take care of himself. Even to help take care of others. Then there were the cages. Solomon wasn’t sure of the specifics of the merchant’s wares, but from the ornate weaponry to the jewelry, the cages felt very out of place.

“Unless his trade is luxuries. Would you believe he catches exotic animals?” said Solomon in jest. He continued watching the others as Erwin walked past the doctor and elf, and then again with a stack of papers, “but more likely something less than ethical, let alone legal. Perhaps we should be grateful the cages are empty. But should they not be in our presence, I guess we’ll cross that bridge once we get to it.”

Vaguely aware of the commentary behind her, Athena kept her attention to Erwin. The thought of papers had occurred to her, but after the reveal of the magical properties of the items it felt unlikely the merchant would be associated with any of the trade guilds. Having papers on the items made sense, until Lily said something, she assumed they were ordinary items.

When Erwin returned with his own identification, Athena reached out in an attempt to stop him, only muttering out a few sounds, but was too late as Erwin began reading out the book. Athena felt it was a bad idea to share this information. For one, it was unnecessary to compete with the merchant. Second, this envoy was meant to be secret. If news that the King’s relatives were a part of the caravan, it might tip off whatever force that had been blocking Rascade’s previous attempts.

Athena lowered arm back down, resting it around the spear she had leaned up against her shoulder. What’s done is done. Gripping the spear firmly in her hand once again. Athena straightened up. There was something about the man’s smile she didn’t like. Then again, she just didn’t like the man, so she couldn’t justify to herself anything about why. She just felt increasingly uneasy. If the man was prepared with papers, why did he go through the hassle with Erwin to reveal them?

“Erwin, perhaps we’d wrap this up soon. We’ve wasted too much time, and we still need to rest.”
Athena Voltspear

Location: Kindeance

Athena closed her eyes as she sighed, “fine. Then in an effort to rest, lets keep the noise down. From both sides. Louise, I believe you were going to finance this transaction? You should monitor them before they send you to the poor house.” Athena visibly relaxed, but she remained wary of the merchant. Whatever that thing was with his shadow, or shadowy aura. It didn’t sit right with her. Even if that was he means of protecting himself as he traveled alone.

She took a step out of the way so that if any of the others wanted to talk with the peddler, they could without her interference. Already she could see that the doctor and Erwin were looking over. And Yvonne had already come and gone. At this point, Athena would not be surprised if the others had been awoken and eventually come over. She supposed that the merchant got his wish then. He was able to interest, or at least make himself known to most of the camp. If this was the extent of Goodenough’s clamor, then Athena was going to leave it alone. However, she planned to still keep watch through the rest of the early morning until their next departure.
Solomon Sparrow & Athena Voltspear

Location: Kindeance

For a while, Athena sort of watched while still keeping her guard up. She half smiled when the twins kept heckling the man and his wares. She leaned on one leg, in some amusement. Athena couldn’t be sure what the bears’ abilities were but it looked as though one of them could sense magical attributes. She touched the jewelry one by one with her large claws. The other kept the man confined to the side of his wagon. Now having such odd hours of operation made sense. Magical items, contraband under normal circumstances. And the merchant himself, well he seemed capable in his own right. The moment the twins started to get to the merchant, Athena felt a chill up her spine.

With a small display in power, something about the man felt off. The girls had backed off a little, and the air around the merchant felt dark. A pulse. Of what, Athena couldn’t tell. It seemed to have come from the man, appearing darker somehow. This is how the man was able to travel alone without fear for his wares. The twins started apologizing, and Louise offered to take on any costs. These seemed to calm the late night peddler as he started pricing the items Lily had pointed out. Athena didn’t say anything on the pet comment, instead letting Louise handle that front. Instead, she straightened her posture. Whatever just happened, Athena did not like.

It would be a lie to say that the properties of the bearded merchant’s wares didn’t peak her interest. One one hand, the man’s chosen merchandise made sense for him to work late, travel alone, and seek other travelers of such. Anyone with any authority to act against him would be within the borders of most town or cities by now. On the other hand, the power he displayed, and the shadiness of his actions were still bothersome. It was late, and even if circumstances required it, still didn’t help her outlook of the situation.

“You should hurry with your dealing, Lily, Rose.” said Athena. She walked closer to the group to better see what the girls were messing with. And if need by she could stand in between the merchant and the twins. “Once they’re finished here, it would be best if you were on your way.” Athena said seriously. She still didn’t like the merchant, and pushed to hurry the interaction. The less time the man lingered, the better.

Solomon found himself standing next to Jazdia still at the camp. Solomon felt the pulse, and a familiar magic. It wasn’t like his own, but the energy of shadows was not something he wasn’t attuned to. Up until then, Solomon had no interest in the dealing with the merchant. However, the demeanor shift was enough to get him to at least standby and watch from confines of the camp.

“How odd.” commented Solomon with Jazdia, “are Cedar’s sisters causing the man some distress? I’m sure you saw it, too. That wasn’t anything ordinary.”
Athena Voltspear

Location: Kindeance

Slow moving cart. It arrived near the camp a lot faster than Athena had anticipated. Steering off to the other side of the road. The bearded man made his entrance, like any show merchant would do, and set up shop. Already Athena was wary. It was way too late for anyone to try peddle wares. Athena took a step forward when Louise overtook her. Louise looked back before approaching the merchant herself. Athena held back waiting to see what Louise would do.

Whatever Louise said was lost to Athena because shortly after her approach, the party's wagon began shifting. Wood creaked as the two bear children exited from the back, the wood creaking more so than the wagon did on its approach. Athena half expected those who managed to fall asleep to be disturbed awake. It just went to show how discourteous the peddler had been. To be out this late, Athena didn’t have much trust in him or his wares.

Athena walked up to the merchant along with the bears, “Rather inconsiderate to be making a sales pitch this late when many good folks are trying to sleep, don’t you think?” she said, ignoring the twins, letting them do what they want. Maybe the presence of two bears might startle the man into revealing any ulterior motives.
Athena Voltspear

Location: Kindeance

“Ah, Louise.” said Athena as the squire approached. She waited until the archer elf had finished informing the squire of what she found. She then looked back down the road. A faint glow from the late night traveler’s wagon started to peak through the trees, and Jazdia kept her ears focused, she could just hear the soft thuds of the mules hooves, and the creaking wood.

“If he is alone, I say leave him be. His schedule is odd and his cargo potentially dangerous, but I do not suspect he will pose much threat. Should he try something, we have numbers and expertise.” Athena then turned to Louise, “I’ll keep an eye on him, and watch for any other dangers. But keep one eye open just in case.”
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