Jean Bernard
Jean was in the neighboring village when news started spreading about a captain of the Duke was becoming desperate of his investigations. The gossip of the few women standing by the tree shade as their children played in the street caught his ear as he wandered by. He inquired the women. Though they knew little of the details, the knew enough of the Duke’s daughter going missing and the captain’s thorough search. They told of the captain’s request for anyone willing to aid the search as his own attempts yielded no results. Jean thanks the women and made for Windermere.
The village was a carbon copy of the others, but was one of the closest to the ruins from which Lady Miralys was last known location. The afternoon sun shined through the assembly hall winders, bringing to light the dust that hung in the air as the captain spoke. He was straight to the point and eager to resume the search, giving them only the night to prepare. The meeting had a decent turn out given the circumstances, and Jean wondered how many would stay. Surely the reward that was advertised would be enough to entice most.
While a few of the others immediately went to ask questions, Jean took a moment to think. He leaned against a wooden post, one that held part of the roof. He closed his eyes in thought. They knew of the Lady’s last location, and surely they had done a sweep of the area. Surely she could not have spent weeks at those ruins? Still, if they had searched and found nothing from everywhere else, then those ruins would be left. And if the entities that inhabited that area were as dangerous as reported, the extra man power was all the more necessary. It would be hard to tell just how much time they had. Given the circumstances, one’s hope might be better placed in finding a body.
Jean shook his head. Until they knew for sure, it was better to believe she and her bodyguard were still alive, and hiding out somewhere. Or perhaps they got lost. Jean shifted his body, pulling over his backpack which was leaning against the same post as he. So far he had everything he needed. He restocked his supplies in the last town over before leaving for Windermere. Perhaps some rations and a refill of water would be warranted. He still had a healthy amount of moon dust, and there were not a lack of night blooming plants around these parts. Someplace as untouched as some ruins would surely have some if they run into too much trouble.
Jean leaned down and hoisted his pack up and onto his back before he stood up straight in a little hop. He walked by the captain as he was finishing fielding the first round of questions.
“These ruins you speak of, we know they’re dangerous. How much about them do we know? Have you not a chance to sweep them yet? Are we going to be your second wave in that endeavor?”