Avatar of Randomness


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I'm Randomness. I also go by others names when it's unavailable, but those are usually some variation of Randomness or Random in general.

I like anime, video games, and science. I'm currently in school studying to become an radiologic technologist. I'm in the initial stages, so I'm on my way. My favorite anime is Eureka Seven, and my favorite video game is a tie between Kingdom Hearts and Etrian Odyssey.

I have several story ideas, but currently lack motivation to write them out. I have plenty of notes for some of them so when I finally get around I'm prepared. That said, I absolutely enjoy group story telling like you do through role playing. One of my interests involved is world building and the connections between them if any.

One of my characters travels between worlds, dimensions and universes. What these are meant to be are different RPs. There seems to be some taboo around such a character, but I feel that is should be judged on a case by case basis. The idea of a seasoned character who has been on many adventures being able to share stories in passing sounds like a fun idea. I thought it would be an interesting idea that those stories could be from other RPs. He isn't meant to highjack the current RP, or be over powered. I admit, I can see that concern. Really though, he is meant to be an eccentric character with stories and treasures not before seen. The effects of these stories are meant to be entertaining, like fairy tales to the current cast. And what treasures he has or can use I'd restrict to what makes sense in the current world. But like I said before, it should be case by case. A learner, and a story teller. I think it's fun to link concept together through this character so the story could live on in new ways and perhaps give new RPs a different kind of character. Without upending everything of course.

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Jean Bernard

Jean was in the neighboring village when news started spreading about a captain of the Duke was becoming desperate of his investigations. The gossip of the few women standing by the tree shade as their children played in the street caught his ear as he wandered by. He inquired the women. Though they knew little of the details, the knew enough of the Duke’s daughter going missing and the captain’s thorough search. They told of the captain’s request for anyone willing to aid the search as his own attempts yielded no results. Jean thanks the women and made for Windermere.

The village was a carbon copy of the others, but was one of the closest to the ruins from which Lady Miralys was last known location. The afternoon sun shined through the assembly hall winders, bringing to light the dust that hung in the air as the captain spoke. He was straight to the point and eager to resume the search, giving them only the night to prepare. The meeting had a decent turn out given the circumstances, and Jean wondered how many would stay. Surely the reward that was advertised would be enough to entice most.

While a few of the others immediately went to ask questions, Jean took a moment to think. He leaned against a wooden post, one that held part of the roof. He closed his eyes in thought. They knew of the Lady’s last location, and surely they had done a sweep of the area. Surely she could not have spent weeks at those ruins? Still, if they had searched and found nothing from everywhere else, then those ruins would be left. And if the entities that inhabited that area were as dangerous as reported, the extra man power was all the more necessary. It would be hard to tell just how much time they had. Given the circumstances, one’s hope might be better placed in finding a body.

Jean shook his head. Until they knew for sure, it was better to believe she and her bodyguard were still alive, and hiding out somewhere. Or perhaps they got lost. Jean shifted his body, pulling over his backpack which was leaning against the same post as he. So far he had everything he needed. He restocked his supplies in the last town over before leaving for Windermere. Perhaps some rations and a refill of water would be warranted. He still had a healthy amount of moon dust, and there were not a lack of night blooming plants around these parts. Someplace as untouched as some ruins would surely have some if they run into too much trouble.

Jean leaned down and hoisted his pack up and onto his back before he stood up straight in a little hop. He walked by the captain as he was finishing fielding the first round of questions.
“These ruins you speak of, we know they’re dangerous. How much about them do we know? Have you not a chance to sweep them yet? Are we going to be your second wave in that endeavor?”
Name: Jean Bernard
Age: 25
Gender: Male
A medium size character with an athletic build. He has tanned skin, but it’s clear that he is actually quite fair underneath his garments. He has medium length dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and a mole just above and to the left of his left eyebrow. He has several light scars from traveling and getting his hands dirty. He is decently strong given his build, and a decently fast runner.
He wears travelers clothes, sturdy pants, long sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up often. He has a dusted cloak and hood, hiker’s pack, leather boots. His pants are sun bleached shades of forest green. His shirt is button down and off white in color. He has a gold chain with a pendant of a blue bird and a gold ring.
Off in a valley that is often overlooked, there lies a decently sized village known for two things. It’s known for the hundreds of acres of wild flowers that cover the majority of the valley floor and the wide river that carved it out. It’s also known for their bee tenders and the wax candles and honey they produce. The candles are especially notable since several skilled wax artisans live in the town creating often impossibly intricate candles that look better on display than to burn.
This town is looked after by a group known as Sanctus Sana. Not quite a church, the group often holds seminars preaching altruism and humility. The members of this group are so entranced to this ideal that in order to become a part of their leadership, hopefuls are required to leave the town on a quest to travel and render any aid they can along their journey. The time people are gone for this journey range from a coupe months to several years. This also works to prove the resolve of those people to the Sanctus Sana ideals.
Jean Bernard is one of those people hoping to further his advancement among the Sanctus Sana. He grew up in its teachings, and he wholeheartedly believes that their work is good. Furthermore, he hopes that his journey, much like every journey that superseded his, would bring more attention to Sanctus Sana and inspire others to work more selflessly. Despite these ideals and teachings, Sanctus Sana was not hopelessly idealistic. While they never shied away from donations, or selling services. It was often taught for those on journey to try to be the better alternative to mercenaries. Jean knew to be kind, but he also knew to be realistic with his expectations. Being kind was free, but the necessities to continue to do so were not.
Already a year into his trial, Jean traveled hundreds of miles and had helped countless individuals. Nothing noteworthy by any meaningful metric, but it was enough to those who had received him. When word of the disappearance of Lady Miralys met his gaze, he decided that this would be a good final deed before he started his journey back home. The reward was nothing to complain about either. With that, he could travel back more comfortably without having to rely on odd jobs and have enough to jump start a homestead. Taking note of the address, Jean continued on ready to support the rescue effort.
One hand Sword Adept
Medicine Adept
Magic Intermediate – requires moon dust, which Jean can harvest from plants that bloom at night. He is specialized into heal/harm and ally buffs.
• Hiker’s Pack – Contains basic and camping supplies
• Shotel
• Leather Buckler
• Pouch of moon dust
• Throwing Knives (10)
• Scaled Breastplate
• Healers Kit – Advanced first aid, generic medicine, and large roll of bandages.
This is giving me Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle vibes. Sounds like fun dimension hopping.

Name: Jean Bernard
Age: 25
Gender: Male
A medium size character with an athletic build. He has tanned skin, but it’s clear that he is actually quite fair underneath his garments. He has medium length dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and a mole just above and to the left of his left eyebrow. He has several light scars from traveling and getting his hands dirty. He is decently strong given his build, and a decently fast runner.
He wears travelers clothes, sturdy pants, long sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up often. He has a dusted cloak and hood, hiker’s pack, leather boots. His pants are sun bleached shades of forest green. His shirt is button down and off white in color. He has a gold chain with a pendant of a blue bird and a gold ring.
Off in a valley that is often overlooked, there lies a decently sized village known for two things. It’s known for the hundreds of acres of wild flowers that cover the majority of the valley floor and the wide river that carved it out. It’s also known for their bee tenders and the wax candles and honey they produce. The candles are especially notable since several skilled wax artisans live in the town creating often impossibly intricate candles that look better on display than to burn.
This town is looked after by a group known as Sanctus Sana. Not quite a church, the group often holds seminars preaching altruism and humility. The members of this group are so entranced to this ideal that in order to become a part of their leadership, hopefuls are required to leave the town on a quest to travel and render any aid they can along their journey. The time people are gone for this journey range from a coupe months to several years. This also works to prove the resolve of those people to the Sanctus Sana ideals.
Jean Bernard is one of those people hoping to further his advancement among the Sanctus Sana. He grew up in its teachings, and he wholeheartedly believes that their work is good. Furthermore, he hopes that his journey, much like every journey that superseded his, would bring more attention to Sanctus Sana and inspire others to work more selflessly. Despite these ideals and teachings, Sanctus Sana was not hopelessly idealistic. While they never shied away from donations, or selling services. It was often taught for those on journey to try to be the better alternative to mercenaries. Jean knew to be kind, but he also knew to be realistic with his expectations. Being kind was free, but the necessities to continue to do so were not.
Already a year into his trial, Jean traveled hundreds of miles and had helped countless individuals. Nothing noteworthy by any meaningful metric, but it was enough to those who had received him. When word of the disappearance of Lady Miralys met his gaze, he decided that this would be a good final deed before he started his journey back home. The reward was nothing to complain about either. With that, he could travel back more comfortably without having to rely on odd jobs and have enough to jump start a homestead. Taking note of the address, Jean continued on ready to support the rescue effort.
One hand Sword Adept
Medicine Adept
Magic Intermediate – requires moon dust, which Jean can harvest from plants that bloom at night. He is specialized into heal/harm and ally buffs.
• Hiker’s Pack – Contains basic and camping supplies
• Shotel
• Leather Buckler
• Pouch of moon dust
• Throwing Knives (10)
• Scaled Breastplate
• Healers Kit – Advanced first aid, generic medicine, and large roll of bandages.
Osric Griswall

Osric loaded in next round in the barrel, resting the weapon on his shoulder after removing the threat from the remaining tower. He didn’t like the look of the smoke bellowing out from behind the walls. It wasn’t long after Linceleste that another explosion took place along the east. Obviously the young mage’s work. If her previous explosions were not enough, it looked as though she intended to either breech from the side, or cause more discord among the fort residents.

Now that the red stripe troops ran back inside, Osric moved closer to the edge of the treeline. With so much fire eating the walls of the fort plus whatever was spreading inside, he needed to reposition. He wasn’t doing anything outside anymore, so he figured his best course of action would be to try and cover Carmen, Mirielle, and everyone else inside. As he placed his hand on the tree next to the road, he watched as Lincelete and Rezello returned, running full speed into the gates. Osric huffed as he half jogged across the road, placing himself next to the left side frame of the gate to peer inside.

It was pandemonium. The fires painted a picture, but it was nothing what he expected. Men were running left and right, converging somewhere near the middle of the courtyard. The far was was ablaze and fire was quickly spreading from the east. After he scanned the scene, he caught sight of Carmen and Amaris. They were engaged with several soldiers. He didn’t see Mirielle or Carnatia. Lastly he watched as Lincelete was floundering dismounted and Rezello at her side taking charge.

“How quickly things have escalated.” said Osric like he hadn’t just taken out three men holding overwatch over his allies just earlier. He raised his rifle, sliding his foot as his shoulder pressed against the stock. He took pause as Carnatia and Mirielle regrouped. Relieved that they were mostly unharmed, Osric refocused his arm. There were still some men in between Carmen and the gate. At his angle he could take out a couple men without risking Carmen being in the line of fire should he miss. With a well meaning squeeze, his rifle boomed. A simple pull of the lever affixed to the gun, and the barrel chamber spun and the next round was ready. Shifting his body so slightly, he fired again.

“Come on, get out of there!” he yelled. The path hopefully a bit clearer, there were still quite a few men and if they weren’t careful could be surrounded. Osric glanced over to Amaris. He wasn’t worried they would lose the fight, not with her around. But doing it without anyone sustaining more injury would be harder.
Osric Griswall

Osric sighed as he pulled on the lever of his rifle. Once again, the barrel spun and locked in place, the hammer ready to strike the powder so soon after his last shot. He saw both shooters on the west tower slump over, their muskets falling from their hands. Despite the second musketeer’s attempt to find their attacker. One tower down. They managed to get off a shot, but from where he was set up, he would not know who or what that red stripe was firing at. Hopefully it didn’t hit any of his allies.

Many of the soldiers stationed outside quickly fled back inside the fort. Lynx’s explosions alerted everyone of an attack occurring inside. This was good, that mean he could remain where he was for the time being, focusing more on the people those on the ground would have more difficulty with. The east tower was momentarily blinded by something, perhaps Mirielle’s armor made of light, again. Either way, there was ample chance they would recover and start to shooting as well.

With no other distractions coming his way from the fort, Osric focused on the first of the two men still perched on the east tower. There was already enough trouble on the ground for those inside as it were. Having to not worry about what was above them would help increase their odds of victory, or escape. Once he was sure his shot was lined, he pulled the trigger. With a flash and boom, the drum rifle pushed back into his shoulder, his hands keeping it in place. Osric chambered the next round.
Osric Griswall

Osric waited, occasionally glancing to his left, seeing if his allies were still in their position or, if like him, decided to move somewhere more advantagous. He couldn’t see most of them, but it appeared Amanita and Lynx remained in place at least. It made sense for the young merchant girl. It looked like her drone would be adequate enough at range. A useful tool to be sure. The guards lingering about the gates returned to their usual banter, their words partially drowned out from distance. Though he was ready to take up arms, he remained relaxed. He saw no point in tensing up before anything even happened.

It didn’t take long. Carmen and his entourage were not immediately detained or at least executed. At least Osric surmised as much given the lack of commotion. Perhaps these military folk were a bit more reasonable despite the disrespect shown to the ealdorman. But the time to imagining the talks being held inside was soon halted. He saw the men on the towers quickly lift their weapons aiming somewhere down the east side of the fort.

Osric quickly raised his rifle, positioning it quickly to the east tower. Before he pulled the trigger, he noticed the men there ducking down, covering their eyes. Something must have either caught them off guard or blinded them. Either way, the men on the west tower didn’t seem as affected, so Osric quickly shifted focus. He took a shot at the first red striped man he saw. Letting out his breath, he cranked the lever of his rifle. The barrel spun and locked into place, the weapon primed to fire so soon after the other. He adjusted his aim to the second person, or the first, depending on how they reacted to being shot at from behind.

In his peripheral vision, he took note of the men on the outside of the fort walls. Muskets were not quiet weapons, and no doubt gun fire coming from the outside would alert them. Until they get close, Osric decided to stay where he was, only opting to move after his second shot. He trusted Rezello and Lynx enough to hold some if not all of their attention should they storm the treeline. But then distant explosions. Maybe Osric wouldn’t need to worry. Fire erupting from inside the fort might leave them scrambled and confused long enough to Osric to cull their numbers enough to force a retreat.
Osric Griswall

The plan was set, and the sun was down. As Carmen and his small group of distinguished women back tracked down the trail, Osric patted Lynx on the shoulder before moving himself closer to the treeline. He raised his rifle up, shouldering the stock, his gaze focused down the sights. He kept still, his eyes focusing first on the guards that stopped Carmen, and then slowly to the others. He remained as still as he could. His ears listening to the conversation between the two parties and his eyes watching the reactions of the red stripped men.

It was quick, but Osric kept his hands steady and his reaction in check. The moment the enemy muskets rose, Osric has his own rifle trained on the one with what he could perceive as the cleanest shot against his comrades. His finger rested just over the trigger waiting for the moment the sparks flew. Luckily it never came down to that. Carmen was granted entry. With the horses tied outside, and the gate closing slowly behind them, Osric lost sight of Carmen and his entourage.

“Now you’re on your own. I’ll do my best out here.” said Osric quietly to himself. He lowered his gun, letting his posture relax. But he wasn’t ready to stop his overwatch all together. He turned to the others, “I’m going to move into a better position. Rezello, I trust you and Amanita to keep anyone from approaching. If I have to fire, the noise will alert them. Lynx be prepared to detonate those bombs. If they walked into a trap, they could use the distraction.”

Osric nodded to the others and then moved deeper into the treeline. He found a position among the trees that gave him a clear enough ling of sight to the gate and its sentries, while also being close to quick cover to avoid any return of fire. He wasn’t near the compass enough to hear anything else that was going on, instead would rely on any commotion coming from the fort itself to judge whether he needed to intervene on the outside.
Osric Griswall

“I didn’t think you would be the one speaking. And if I can be frank here, with your hood up and your lips sealed, they might not notice you’re not what one might traditionally call human. I mean because of your teeth.” said Osric, finding himself trying to explain what he was thinking. He was simple when it came to matters of diplomacy. Amaris being what she was didn’t cross his mind until it was brought up. “I’m going to stop while I’m behind. I guess my thinking was more focused on the worst case scenario.”

Osric coughed and took a couple steps to the side, but still within the circle of discussion. His gaze shifted from the group to the guards meandering about the barricade, leisurely talking about this and that, barely audible that they were even conversing. Occasionally there would be a laugh, a sneeze, or cough. Osric counted how many soldiers stood guard outside the fort walls. His eyes darted between them, his mouth moving slightly with each count.

“Okay. You can trust me to watch your back, captain.” said Osric, “There is a number of them, but from this range, I can cover you no problem should anything happen. If you managed to get inside, that’ll be a different story. You’ll be on your own then. I warn you though. Once you’re up there, don’t underestimate the effective range from any of those sentries in those towers.”
Osric Griswall

“Was it agreed? I’m sorry, my lady. I sort of lost track with what you all were saying during your long winded discussion earlier.” said Osric, obviously embarrassed about tuning out the potentially important information Carnatia was speaking among the grave sites. He coughed, eager to move on to the current topic on hand. Right now, there was a fort between here and the settlement it purported to be apart of.

At a glance, it looked like the fates of his recently discovered colleagues still weighed on him as the various plans and concerns being voiced echoed with his thoughts. Yet, even with the uncertainties, he chose a course of action. A risky option all things considered. They were outnumbered and outgunned. If their goal was to take the fort, acting on surprise would be the best option. Then again, with Amaris taking out an entire town by herself, maybe there would be a chance. Still, surrendering himself did not feel like a good idea.

“You’re really going to do this, huh?” said Osric. “Well you’ve heard Amaris and Carnatia. I have to say, I agree with them. This is a dumb idea. Hell, don’t let me stop you then. I’ll stay out here with the girl. If anything goes wrong in there, I will have a better shot at taking out the towers from out here.” Osric removed his rifle off his shoulder giving a quick look through to make sure all cylinders were loaded. Going in was going to be a balancing act. They needed few people to not appear threatening on approach, but enough to better support each other in a fight. Amanita stood out too much, so she should probably stay back as well. Her fungal appearance would work as camouflage at least. Rezello should probably as well on account of his mask. Also wouldn’t hurt to have someone holding a defensive line once shit hit the fan.

“Whoever decides to go with the two holy folks, be careful. We don’t want to lose anyone else.” Said Osric. He rested the rifle against his shoulder, holding it by the stock. He looked towards the woman in the robes of atonement, “That said, Amaris, I think you should go with them. Your reflexes with those chains of yours could be useful in close quarters. And I hate to bring this up, but you are quite capable in a crowd.”
Osric Griswall

Well, Osric could not say he was surprised to see a well established outpost this far into the forest. He was hoping they could reach the next settlement before nightfall, but those ideas were quickly ended. He supposed it was too much to ask for the rest of this leg on their journey to be easy. But to be put into a predicament so soon after learning what happened to Captain Carmen’s colleagues. He was a little surprised Mirielle didn’t immediate suggest they raze the fort to the ground. After all, those soldiers seem aligned with the unceremonious killers from the vision.

“What are the chances those men are not already aware of our party?” said Osric. His gaze went from those soldiers wandering about the blockade and then up to the towers. He believed the party’s place along the tree line still kept most of the party hidden from any watchful eyes in those towers. Osric wanted to see how many men were keeping a lookout. Including both towers and the men along the road, it wasn’t impossible to take them on, but it also wasn’t going to be easy.

“I think I’ll have to agree with Carnatia on this one, with one caveat. We are not the only ones looking for this Thomas person. And I think it would be fair to say these red stripes have had a huge head start. So if we can get past here without being noticed would be best. I’m liking little Lynx’s idea. With her drone, she could remotely set up a distraction to keep their eyes from us as we pass by through the tree line.”
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