Avatar of RBYDark


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current All I needed to hear, have a nice day.
1 yr ago
I can't remember, what's the rule about advertising discord rps?
2 yrs ago
Most vaccines take years - and I mean, like, 7-10 is normal - to develop. The vaccines developed didn't poison people and so despite their limited efficacy, they were sent to market years early.
2 yrs ago
Considering the status bar usually is fairly comforting, it IS a little surprising it's being so unsympathetic. Can't comment on the actual situation, reminds me too much of a past shitty roommate.
2 yrs ago
This cannot be happening, on this abandoned and neglected website of all places.
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I live in the EST time zone. Due to work, unless I think it's important not to leave someone hanging, I will be off by 11 PM. I will rarely post daily, but I can at least guarantee I'll never give you a substance-less post.

Currently active rps:

Most Recent Posts

Diarmi seemed giddy, hissing out a small 'yes!' after they'd high-fived. Agmundr meanwhile seemed to share some of Mina's dispproval, but it was more concern than distaste written in his features. He floated a bit closer to her and her spirit, and offered both a careful nod.

"I trust you will help me keep him safe?"

"What? I'm - ow." Diarmi paused, looking at his foot and pulling the sliver of cracked road from where it had managed to lodge itself, horizontally. "Bad timing. I'll be fine. We'll all be fine, I bet." Not that he had much to bet, but he doubted she was like Loris.

"I trust you will help me keep him safe," Agmundr repeated. "And I shall act to help keep you safe as well. I will not witness another child falling in battle." His tone was level, betraying none of the concern still visible on his face.

"Um." Diarmi bit his lip. Yeah, he had mentioned something like that before, hadn't he? The very moment they met, even. He still hardly counted himself, or either of the two he'd witnessed, as a child, but Agmundr did seem older, had probably survived longer than either of them had been lived for. How much longer anyways? That was probably a sensitive question, but Diarmi's filter never was the best. "How old were you when you died?"

To his surprise, while Agmundr did not seem interested in answering, it didn't feel as awkward as he was sure it should've (Filter: broken. Hindsight: 20/20). Diarmi hummed. "Gotcha, moving on." He hefted up the katana and necklace. "So, lifted these off that guy - I'm like 90% at least one of them's magical, but I can't tell for sure." (And his timing made it seem like he was in conversation with Usai as well.) "I don't suppose you can tell? Maybe bear-paw girl's more magic-magic? Being able to transform and stuff-" He nearly dropped the items.

"We gotta still catch up with bear-paw girl!" Agmundr seemed to see where this was going, moving forward. "Let me get a headstart before you flash-step?" Diarmi pointed fingerguns towards the knightly girl. "See you over there!" With that, he ran around the corner and down the road towards the witch and the other fighters.
@metanoia @Fish of Oblivion @Slamurai Checking in on you guys, how's it hanging? Well, I hope?

@JDubs @Mole @The World I intend on getting my first post up this Saturday. I also wanted to ask - you want your partners at the Server Tree, hiding by the Server Tree, or about to come across your humans?
Thanks a ton! :D Working on my own post currently, so it really helps.
Hoi. Hey, @ZombiesAnHyenas we aren't quite to the water witch yet, but we're getting there?
Question, can our humans interact with another's spirit? And related, can the spirits interact?
@The World Well, that joke aged poorly. Based on our talk, May and co. can be moved to the Characters tab!
@Slamurai Hello there! Yes, we're still supporting this, and Ijust want to add on a quick detail my friend forgot.

Namely, due to the nature of the digivice in this rp, partnered 'mons can be digivolved to Mega, but the digivice can also form connections to the 'feral' digimon and digivolve them up to Perfect. Feral digimon are also a way to participate in the rp without requiring a human character, if so desired.

Also, looking forward to the completed sheet!
So far, this makes two partnerships where the digimon is the better speaker than the human.
@Mole Alright, looking good now. Feel free to put Kanna and company over in the characters tab!
Katsuo Baker and Captain

In the end, it was the itching that brought Captain back to the waking world. He groaned as he sat up, scratching everywhere he could reach and knocking what felt like sand loose from his fur. Ah, that explained it - his fur, good at trapping heat, was also annoyingly good at trapping dust and sand, and other small particles.

Except, he and the kid weren't anywhere near sand before... before.

Captain opened his eyes to a vast shoreline and the ocean, something he'd only witnessed on television and in magazines beforehand. He'd thought it looked amazing and he would grumble from time to time about the kid taking him to the beach sometime. Now, he sort of regretted it. His eloquent, comprehensive opinion on the matter was: beach sucked. Give him a sunny day, a clean towel, and a clear window any time. He shook his head, sending a cloud of sand flying from the fur on his head and ears, and he sneezed. Alright, normally, his instincts were dead on. That tomcat outside could not be trusted, and what had happened? It spent every visit to the Baker household hissing and pawing at the window that separated it from Captain. A teacher from one of the kid's stories rubbed him the wrong way? Well what do you know, guy had issues. Point was, Captain was very used to trusting his instincts. So when his instincts demanded he go for a walk and take the kid with him, sure, maybe they were gonna a stray for the kid to smuggle home, or the kid was going to ake a new friend. At the very least, nothing bad would happen.

Maybe he should've questioned his instincts a little more when they told him the weirdo glowing portal was harmless, but everyone was entitled to a mistake or two, right? As long as neither of them got hurt-

The sudden realization that the kid was not at his side made him feel sick. He twisted and turned, looking to either side of him (were those... other humans? Further down the shore?) before looking behind him. Ah. There was Katsuo, stirring and pushing himself up off the sand. Captain stifled a snicker as the kid spat out a mouthful of sand and pulled off his glasses to rub away the sand. So, wherever they were, good to know sand was universally an issue, for human and digimon alike. Seriously, why was the beach so popular?

Captain got to his feet and strutted over to Katsuo as if he hadn't panicked over possibly losing his kid mere moments ago. Katsuo seemed to have deemed his glasses clean enough and put them back on, only to take a moment to cough and spit out what was probably more sand.

"Jeez, kid, if you told me this is what the beach was all about, I would've bothered you less about going." He grinned as Katsuo huffed.

"I guess I don't have to ask if you're alright-"

"Ask anyways, it feels good knowing you care." His grin grew as Katsuo managed to get up on his knees and really look around for the first time. Captain did as well - it was very different from home to be certain but somehow, it felt - familiar? Natural? Right. It felt right.

"Where do you think we are?"

"I... think this is where I came from." There was no point in trying to hide it or deny it. Katsuo seemed to have a sixth sense for being lied to, and it always made Captain's job of keeping him safe that much harder. He wondered if Katsuo would bombard him with questions, but the kid surprised him - he just got to his feet.

"Are you sure? I mean, you were an egg when we met." He seemed distracted by their surroundings, but Captain decided to entertain the question anyways.

"Well, yeah, but it just feels right somehow. You know, like after you stretch for the first time after sitting still for forever and a day? You know exactly what I mean."

"Homework's important." Captain frowned; normally, the kid was a bit more spirited about this line of discussion, but he seemed focused on their surroundings. So he did what came naturally - he jumped behindthe kid and hopped up to cling to his shoulders.

"Somethin' going on in that big brain of yours?" And this close, he could tell the kid's breathing had grown a tad shallow.

"Cap, why do you think there are so many abandoned baskets along the beach?" Captain frowned at the simple question and looked around. He wouldn't call them 'so many', but he counted several of them, now that the kid had mentioned it.

"I'm gonna guess it doesn't mean everyone went out for a swim, huh." He let go of his kid and flicked his ears. It was quiet - which felt weird as well, after coming from a city-like area, but even then weren't there birds at the beach? He thought of the commercials on tv, where squawking birdcalls would accompany the breaking waves, and mentally compared it to the silence around them. It sent shivers up his spine. He then remembered - the humans! "Any chance the baskets are theirs?" He gestured towards them. Katsuo tore his glance from an oddly-shaped footprint and looked to the others - two awake, the rest stirring bit by bit.

"Maybe?" He bit his lower lip. Captain could tell his kid could probably use a distraction.

"Hey, Kid." He held up his arms, which would easily reach Katsuo's ears were he closer. "Carry me over? I'll do the talking. I'm better at it anyways."

"You are not!" Katsuo bristled. For a moment, Captain figured he miscalculated just how stressed Katsuo was, being somewhere this unusual. Then, Katsuo sighed and picked Captain up under his arms. To the unaware, it looked like a child carrying a massive bunny plushie (and a strangely-made one at that, Captain had overheard a few times). "Sorry. Didn't mean to snap."

"Just weird, yeah." Captain nodded as the two headed over. They caught snippets of speech - English, it sounded like. "Oh. You wanna introduce us or should I?"

"I can. I should ask about the baskets anyhow." Despite their attempts to keep their voices down, they were close enough to be overheard speaking Japanese. Katsuo cleared his throat, and Captain could tell the 12-year-old was taking a moment to remember his lessons (their lessons, really, Katsuo had taken great pains to repeat them for Captain).

"Hello. My name is Katsuo. My friend's name is Captain. Do any of you own the baskets along the beach?" Captain gave a lazy wave as Katsuo spoke. Hopefully, someone would claim responsibility, and the worry would be for nothing.
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