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She could freeze him with how cold she was. At least she was talking to him.

So they were separate legends, but it would be strange if there was absolutely no connection at all since the same shrines were involved in both tales. There had to be some crossover, but for there was a more pressing mystery at the moment. "Yeah I have no idea either. Further research will be required to answer that." He sighed and shook his head as he said that though maybe they will find more answers at this Lost Shrine?

He looked at the drawing that Anise drew, wondering why she was in such a state though it was very plain to see what it was. It was exactly as he thought. "If what you said about the Shrine of the Center is true, then there is simply one answer." Basil pulled out his own pencil and jotted down a few markings to complete the shape; it was a diamond with the location of the Lost Shrine marked down near the shore.

"It's here." He tapped on the point where the Lost Shrine should be. If it really was the location then it simply was a wonder how no one had found it sooner so there was another idea creeping in the back of his mind. "If we go there, something is probably protecting it from outsiders. We will have to proceed with caution."
Nolan Waltz

@Sho Minazuki@Zarkun

"Nolan... Nolannnn."

A gentle voice rung through the mage's ears. The surrounding was hazy and from far off there was a familiar figure approaching him from the fog. "Ariel?" He made his way over and despite getting closer, he couldn't actually see her face. Even squinting it was as if there was some blur that kept him from seeing her face. "Hey, what's going on?" Slowly he walked over to her and as he did so things were becoming more clearer. Ariel was just coming into view and what one would think would be an expression of joy turned into one of pure terror because this thing had her face, but had Dalton's face!

The thing then shouted with the Exceed's voice, "Nolan wake up!"

With a chilling scream, Nolan jolted up from his bed with a cold sweat, panting as patted himself down to make sure that he was not in a dream anymore. By the gods above that was a cursed image forever burned into his head. The slayer turned to face the Exceed who was standing on his bed with his arms crossed and already dressed with his trademark sunglasses and pompadour, tapping his foot impatiently on the bedsheets. "Ya done screamin' or what? We need ta go ta work an' we haven't had breakfast yet!" He hopped off the bed and looked up at him like an impatient child waiting for his parent to get out bed.

Nolan squinted at him and glanced at the clock. Okay yeah he actually should have woken up earlier, but for this reason? The reason this little shit scarred him for life was because he was hungry? The little bugger was lucky he didn't get thrown out the window at lightspeed! "You really are a bastard." He grumbled and kicked off the sheets. It was time to get ready for the day, as uneventful it probably was going to be.

Beside of his training, his modeling career, his promotion to S-Class, the last couple of years had been extremely uneventful. For some reason, everyone decided that they needed to start travelling for their training or for their own personal issues; Damian and Penny were basically having a two year long date and Rose was working on her love life with her beau so Nolan was actually the only S-Class that was constantly around for the majority of that time. Amaya was training and Ariel went off for a year to sort herself off before coming back though now she had been out for two months because she was recruited by Sorcerer Magazine and decided to take up their offer.

Sure there were newbies, but most of them were just fucking annoying, especially Belius. That battle maniac drove him up the bloody wall, not to mention he was unpredictable so he was more of a liability for missions that required finesse. Then there was Brianna and while he personally does not hold much against her beside her emotional outbursts when she has had one too many, her sword is a completely different story; that sword does not know when to stop teasing him for being skittish around most women. Other than that most of the new members that have joined have either not caught his eye or were simply too scared of him to approach.

Well, something did happen recently; he and Jack Goran, the guild master of the Dragon Fang and one of the Wizard Saints, had become more acquainted with each other recently and, well... That was a story for another time.

Mage and Exceed were walking down the streets of Magnolia and just as he across from the guild, he could hear a commotion from inside, Karn especially rung true. "What's going on?"

Nolan pushed open the doors and what he saw was a duo he had not seen in quite awhile. "Can't say that I was expecting you two to be here." He said as he approached Damian with Dalton trailing from behind. Of course Belius was already making a ruckus this early. "Hey, settle down. The man just arrived back home and you want to pound down a grog?"

"Kill joy." Dalton for one would have loved to go for a round of drinks though given his tiny stature he would have been done after the first mug.

He shot Dalton a sharp glare before focusing back on Damian. "Anyway, finally settling down or do you have anywhere else you plan to be?"


At least he had a name to put to the unmasked face now. Better than the cold hostility of being stared down by a ninja. "Basil Rivens, rookie trainer and employed by Professor Kalmia." He introduced himself with some hope that it would have eased her doubts though that skeptical look sure wasn't inspiring any confidence, but at least she was starting to tell him some much needed information.

Still, there were some questions that he needed some answers to. "Is this related to the Legend of the Silent Shrine? From what I heard, there was a legend that a trainer was visited by fae that helped them defeat the creature." There was a whole bunch of information that needed to be sorted out or else he was going to get lost in the details.

It looked like he wasn't the only one who was lost in all of this. Anise had definitely been at this longer than he had so there was probably not much he could say that would be helpful in this situation considering he was just going into this as blind as a Zubat. "Maybe need you need to come at it with a different perspective? Physical strength is only one definition of being strong, but there is also of will and character though there could be other factors such as location or simply it won't activate until the beast reveals itself again." There was a detail that he was interested in; if the three known shrines were meant to be positioned triangularly then where would this Lost Shrine be?

Basil was fishing around his belt until he pulled his Pokedex out of its case and turned it on. "Let's see, where oh where... Ah." He approached Anise and held the device out in front of her. On the screen was a map of the general area of Isson they were in. "Would you be able to pin down where the three shrines are approximately?" He asked before leading into another question. "This is the Shrine of the Center right? Is it called that because it's in the center of the forest or the center of something else?"


Basil squinted as he read the note and then re-read because he was just lost Wait, what he was supposed to bring wasn't the mirror, but a person? Seriously, how in the fresh hell was he supposed to figure that out on his own when she as vague as she was? Also, the Lost Shrine? How many shrines were there?!

He sighed and looked up at the mystery girl. "It said that she went back to the gym and what I was supposed to be looking for was a person on Route 11 that hangs around the Abandoned Shrine. Apparently she's the disciple of a gym leader from Redcoast and that Lorette was hiding something from her too and deserves to know. Between the two of us we could find the Lost Shrine." So he did not even find what he was supposed to be looking for. That mirror seemed so important, but in the end he was supposed to find some girl under the tutelage of a gym leader? Just his luck that the only things he found were the mirror and a very angry ninja girl that... was... hanging around the shrine.

"You wouldn't happen to be girl that Lorette was talking about, right?"

It was for a brief second, but Zenith had realized he had forgotten something very important; Tone took things way too literally and that his single brain cell really only cared about what was in front of him at the moment in the same way a golden retriever lacks object permanence. Ohhhh no. Oh no, no, no, no. He thought to himself as he focused on the swell of magic that the slayer was gathering to fight in the middle of the bloody streets of the capital! There was a limit on how straight forward someone can be!

Unfortunately, that extended to Tone's fighting style as well. There was no strategy in his attacks, they were simple to a fault; he would charge in blazing and try to overwhelm his opponents from the start. Funnily enough, he was just too focused on beating people into a pulp to analyze and get a feeling for his opponent's strength. So with that information in mind, Zenith took advantage of the moment of when Tone's flames extinguished themselves. While his flames did offer the slayer a great amount of speed, stopping them mid-flight did not excuse him from the laws of motion; once landing on the ground Tone would have to cancel his own speed out to stop himself from tumbling forward at mach one, which meant a brief slow down as he was also dealing with the friction of the soles of his shoes against the paved streets.

Zenith leaped over to him and his feet landed on his head before it was used as a springboard for the S-Class mage to flip high into the air, landing elegantly on a lamp post. At least that slayer's hard head was good for something.

"Quit it Tone." Zenith said like a disappointed parent. He glanced over to Akemi when she asked him that fighting in the streets was okay and could only sign in disappointment. "Of course we're not sparring in the middle of the streets. That would be reckless." After he said that, he jumped off

His feet made a light tap when he landed on the ground, knees bent slightly and then straightened slowly. He looked at Tone with a cold, dreadful glare as he approached him. "What would you do if someone passing by were injured because of your actions? How do you think that would reflect on the rest of us in the guild?" He stopped a few feet away from the slayer and while he seemed to be looking calm on the inside, he exhibited a rage for Tone's stupid, careless actions. It was more like Zenith was holding back a monster within his human skin."Do you understand?"


So this was it? The Abandoned Shrine? For something that is 'abandoned' it certainly was in much better shape than what he had envisioned it to be, as well as the Chingling happily going about their day. At this point Basil would have asked himself why there would be a shrine in the middle of nowhere, but this was by far the least strange thing he had seen today.

Still, it was quite odd; the entire shrine seemed to be paying tribute to this colorful mirror. Well it was time for investigation! Basil whipped out a pencil and drawing pad from his backpack and began to sketch out any markings that stood out to him. He even sketched out the mirror just to have an image of it on standby for any particular reason. It was at this point he wished he brought some colored pencils so that he could actually get the frame's coloring, but for now he just did some shading and labeled each part what color it was. He could just make another sketch and color it in later.


He didn't think this through; Aria was flying around in every other direction with absolutely no way of controlling it. Heck, she almost hit him square in the face if it were not for the fact he was able to duck in time. Even when she got away from the previous, the Hawlucha was still able to smash her into a wall since she needed time to refill her lungs with air. It looked like it was going to be their loss, but they.. they won? Holy crap they actually won! "Aria, you did amazingly well." He walked over to her and scooped the worn out puffball into his arms.

The Hawlucha approached him and made a declaration, which he was not exactly sure it was, but assumed that it wanted to join his team considering he just defeated it in combat and that's kind of how it goes with wild Pokemon."Welcome to the team." He poked the Hawlucha with the Pokeball, allowing itself to be absorbed into the device in a beam of light. The young trainer looked at the ball, shaking with absolute joy as he pumped his hand in the air as he was completely unable to hide his elation at his latest accomplishment. "Awesome! I caught a Hawlucha!"

Returning the audience's friendly goodbye, Basil had made it out of the building with his spoils though it certainly was not without any scratches. It would be dangerous for Glory, his new Hawlucha, and Aria to be at such low health so it would be in his best interest to heal with, but the issue was that the Jigglypuff's health stat was simply too large for just one potion to take care of it, and Glory was not in much better shape either. There was a simple solution to this, however; he simply had Hawlucha use Roost as many times as needed to heal himself while Basil would use as many potions that was required to heal Aria.

"There, all patched up now." Basil patted Aria's head.


He did take note that while her deflation was definitely out of control, there probably was a possibility that he could train her to do it later. She only was just caught so it's not like it would be a natural thing she would need to do in the wild.

Well, he definitely side-tracked from his main objective, but there was still daylight to burn. After returning his Pokemon to their respective balls, he headed towards the direction where he saw the shrine when he was on the roof earlier.
Please, no more.

Well he was obviously leaving out some important details! Zenith arched his brow in response and said, "The hell kind of walks do you take?" He didn't really expect an answer so he just watched as that kid tried to set Tone ablaze, the key word was 'tried.'

That poor kid, he was going to get absolutely railed by Tone. In all fairness it simply was just bad luck that his opponent was a Dragon Slayer that could eat fire, but he should have known better to attack random mages without assessing their abilities first. Still, it was not like Zen should allow this to continue if it was not for the fact that the bloody Slayer decided to slug the damn kid! "Dammit!" He wouldn't be able to make it in time to stop him; Zenith did not think that Tone would do something as reckless as this in front of him!

It was only a brief moment, but he saw it; he saw the blonde young man save the fire mage from being scrambled by Tone's fist though it was so fast that he could hardly tell what kind of magic that it was. High Speed Magic? No... Short Warp? He could only guess what kind of magic it was, but whatever the case, this man was strong. Not many people could move that fast and process all of that information to make split second decisions so he would have thought he was from one of the more combat oriented guilds. Instead, he was from Blue Pegasus. Huh, sometimes he forgot that they were actual mages instead of people with pretty faces. So even they had someone like him.

Tone was at a loss at what to do and in response to his question, Zenith nodded and whispered back, "Yeah, no need to cause more of a scene." It was better to just let it play itself out, no need to make matters even more complicated. Even he went along with it and bowed his head. I apologize for my guild member for striking your friend as well. When those two Blue Pegasus mages left, Zenith shot Tone a venomous glare that would have made even the most wild, vicious creatures freeze in absolute terror. "We will talk about this later." Yup, he was pissed.

Hm, a spar. He did promise he would take Akemi out to the festival, but she seemed to be quite eager to train. He shrugged and in response said,"Well, if she's okay with it then I can spare some time."

She was much too inexperienced to fight someone like Tone; it would have been a one-sided massacre and a two v. one against Tone was definitely out of the question. "While I appreciate the confidence Tone, a two-on-one isn't going to do you much good if you stack the odds against you too much and it certainly won't help her." Zenith bit a large hunk out of the pork bun he was holding.

"Instead, I'll take you both on at the same time. You," Zenith focused on Tone. "for as strong as you are, you don't pay attention to your surroundings, which is how that Blue Pegasus mage got the jump on you, and how other enemy mages will do too. You are not conscious of those around you, thus you're ability to work with a team will suffer." Finishing his pork bun, he scrunched up the wrapper. He spotted a trash can and made a clean shot.

"Akemi doesn't have much experience in combat so I would be at ease if I was her opponent as well."

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