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Nolan Waltz

One of these days, Karn was going to give him a fucking stroke. That guy just needed to learn that not everyone was as touchy feely as he was. "What an exhausting guy." He muttered to himself. To save his sanity, he ignored whatever Brianna was saying to him lest she kept burning his braincells. "Just means she'll go to sleep early." He said to Sasha with a chuckle.

Nolan arched his brow when Damian began to speak again. The sound of a guitar playing a tune that had been popular lately. The curtain behind him pulled open to show that there was an entire band set up behind Damian and now the swordsman was the front man.

What the actual hell? When the hell did they have time to set up for a concert in the guild? Damian had just arrived in the guild for the first time in two years and they had instruments at the ready and sound settings tweaked? While everyone else was excited for the free concern, Nolan just stood there with a blank expression on his face. "Please tell me they aren't going to rehearse at his place." If that was the case, goodbye any shred of peace that was left in his chaotic abode that was his house. Well, Dalton was head banging to the music so at least someone was having fun. Nolan had just completely ignored the fact that Rajah was flung across the room. Her existence was something that he actively tried to ignore in general.

Nolan sighed and shook his head though he took a step back as he watched Jasmine launch herself at Penny. Was... was she crying? That was definitely an overreaction; not much had happened in the last two years besides her involvement with the Slayer training camp. While Nolan didn't attend, he did hear some horror stories though the grapevine about the kind of training they were doing. One would think that she would have a bit more resilience after that though that was obviously not the case. And now that she just glanced at Nolan, Jasmine was scared witless and hiding behind Penny, again. Every single time she was ever around him, even when he was minding his own business she retreated from him as if he was some dangerous apex predator chasing after a rabbit. Sure, he knew his reputation in the guild was not sparkly, but was he really that scary?

The God Slayer still had to deal with how to defuse the tension between him and Jasmine; the last thing he needed was a lecture on not terrorizing guild members by just existing. And Trinity came in with the save with a collared Rajah to lure the terrified Dragon Slayer. "I've never seen anything so puny, yet think so highly of itself. She's like an angry chihuahua." He teased with a smirk at the arrogant little bugger, but his attention was quickly grabbed away when he heard his beloved.

"Ariel, welcome-" He was cut off by Ariel kissing him without warning. From his cheeks to the tips of his ears, he was redder than Enma's skin and Dalton just let out a loud, long whistle. Nolan wasn't awful with public displays of affections, but he was completely weak to her surprise attacks so he just stood there wide-eyed and flushed in the face."That's a hell of a greeting." He said to himself out loud. His eyes scanned her from head to toe as she twirled though in the end he focused on her smile. She was happy and that was all that mattered. "I like it. You seem more confident with yourself. It suits you very much."

"Ya lookin' the part!" Dalton chimed in. "Nolan's a lucky guy." He said with a smirk, much to Nolan's embarrassment. He wasn't wrong.

Nolan cleared his throat to draw attention away from that little comment. "How are you? Your trip seemed to be..." He looked at the Kitsune and then back to Ariel, "eventful. What happened?"

Sengoku Enma

Enma chuckled at Prince's antics. Out of the majority of the people in the guild, that cat-man magic vampire guy was definitely one of the more entertaining members and of course, Michael's reactions were always golden. "Well I'm rooting for you two." He teased before turning his attention to Cailyn. "I'm a pretty fun guy in general. Maybe you can find out more if we went out for a drink or two." And there he was trying to make a pass at her, again. They had to give it to him, he sure as hell had the confidence considering he had the face that was the stuff of absolute nightmares.

He felt like someone's gaze was piercing his soul and he turned to the little missy with sparkly eyes who started to bombard him with a series of questions that kept on being piled on and on, on him. Before he could get even a word through to her, Ash's elbow found that his head was a great armrest and the fire mage began to mock him for someone not running away from him. "Bite me, battle freak." The oni said as he shook her arm off.

"Well last I checked, I'm a real one and yes, your father is correct. While we do share traits, we do have our own individual features and personalities like any other person." He explained as to remove the expectation that they come in only a few varieties. "My favorite color is yellow, my favorite food is takoyaki, and yes, I do have magic. I am a member of the guild, see?" The oni extended his jaw far beyond what a human possibly could to the point it looked like he could just eat Keiko's head in one bite. He stuck his blue tongue out to show the yellow Dragon Fang guild mark was printed on it.

Enma shut his mouth and laughed, knowing that he got quite a few looks for that display. "To answer your question though, I practice two forms of magic: one that grants me durability and the ability to hit things without a solid form," he held one of his hands out, which then glowed with a blue, smoke like aura, "and the second lets me generate vibrations for multiple uses." He held his other hand and it seemed like the air around it was buzzing. Both magics were soon dispelled. "As for how I fight, it's not really elegant. I try to adapt to the situation and hit as hard as I can."

"And of course I sleep. A good night's rest keeps your complexion nice and healthy." It was when Silver Wolf made his introduction that he forgot to introduce himself as well. "And I'm Sengoku Enma, an A-Class of this guild. A pleasure to meet you Keiko." Enma gave the small girl a pat on the head with his oversized hands.

A job huh? Enma wasn't oblivious to Silver Wolf's unease whenever he was around him. Silver was the kind of man that had been raised on superstition and hearsay about the oni's kind. That sort of prejudice does not go away over night. It didn't help that when they first met, Enma came on strong since he was curious about the fact that he was a God Slayer just like Jack and Nolan. "Sorry, perhaps another time?" There wasn't a point in them working together if Silver was going to be uncomfortable around him.


Basil arched his brow at Anise calling Jacques his friend. Yeah, that was definitely a bit of a stretch. "It's less that he is a friend, but more like he just appears whenever he wants." He stated as he followed her back in and out of the rainy forest once again where they found themselves on Route 3 again. If there was anything he wanted to do there, he'd simply just do it later. Right now, he had a clear goal and that was to get to Rainrock City, which really wasn't that far of a hike.

"What a peaceful city." He mused to himself as they crossed the bridge into it. It was far more quiet than the bustling energy of Worldedge. If it were not for the fact that they had a specific goal for coming to Rainrock, Basil would have found himself finding a dry spot away from the rain and begin to sketch their surroundings. "How about we try our luck with the academy? Seems like a good place to start for searching for intellectuals."

Nolan Waltz

Nolan just squinted at Brianna's smiling face long and hard before waving his hand at her dismissively. He had long since accepted that he was going to be given stupid nicknames so he no longer fought against it, as long it wasn't really demeaning. If that were the case, whoever made it up would've been buried six-feet in the ground. "Just keep the nicknames down a bit will ya? I swear, everyone and their mother has a bloody nickname for me these days." He just rolled his eyes, knowing that she was not going to let up now that Dalton filled her head with ideas.

The Exceed would have answered her question, but he was still preoccupied. "Hmf hmmmf!" Dalton's mouth was stilled covered by the spectral hand Nolan summoned and it certainly was not letting go anytime soon try as he might as he tugged at it. Really, it was more for his own good that he couldn't say anything. Hrm, hrrrm, hrrrm! His whines were muffled until the hand disappeared with a snap of Nolan's fingers. Dalton groaned and rubbed his sore lips. "Was that necessary?"

"You had it com-! Give me a heads up first!" Nolan lifted his arms up when Karn wrapped himself around his waist. His eyes averted the hyper mage when he acknowledged Nolan's hard work to become an S-Class mage. "Give me a break, it was not like I was actively trying to get a promotion." If his face was red before, then watching Karn transform into Nolan and saying he was going to work hard to impress Ariel made him go supernova. "God dammit Karn! Don't say that with my face!" If there was any semblance of Nolan's brooding façade, it was completely shattered now.

And there was Brianna again with her teasing. "It's hardly a secret that we're dating. No need to make a big deal out of it." He grumbled to himself. From the corner of his eye he saw Sasha's little tike all snugged up to Penny. Well, he greeted Damian so he may as well welcome his colleague back as well if out of curtesy. "Good to see you are well, Penny." He said monotonously. An attempt was made.

Nolan did have a small smile for the toddler in her arms and waved at her before he turned his attention to Sasha. "Oh, hey Sasha. I'm teaching at the ballet studio again on Sunday at the usual time. Feel free to drop Faith off for some exercise." Surprisingly enough, Nolan was friendly by his standards to Sasha. Despite what that cold, brooding exterior would lead anyone to believe, he enjoyed doting Faith so he always made these offers or gave bits of candy as a treat.

The excitement through in the guild was through the roof again though the most that came out Nolan was a chuckle. Well, it looked like they were going to have to get ready for a festival!

Sengoku Enma

The doors to the guild slammed open and the large figure made its way through the doorframe, making sure his horns did not get caught on them again. Enma stretched his jaw wide out with a yawn, his sharp pearly whites seemed to be even more pronounced this way. "Yo, what did I miss? Have Prince and Michael hooked up yet?" He said half jokingly as he pulled up a chair from a table and dragged it over to where the main crowd seemed to be. The chair moaned and creaked as he sat down.

His eyes caught the appearance of an unknown white haired girl. "Who's the little lady? We got ourselves a new recruit?" He leaned forward to Keiko, using his Kanabō to keep his balance. It did not occur to him that his... unusual appearance could have been frightening to her. Heck, it was the kind of mug that made babies cry at a passing glance.

The larger than life Oni grinned, bearing those sharp fangs of his and said, "You can call me Enma. If you have any questions about the guild or me, don't be afraid to ask."


"That's fine, my team can deal with Fighting-types." Talk about great timing with catching his new Hawlucha just before going into a place crawling with Fighting-types. It wouldn't be helpful if they had to go high up since the wild Pokemon would become stronger so hopefully the shrine was hidden around the lower levels. It definitely piqued his interest that there was that strange platform high in the mountains, but at the level he was it would be suicide so he'll settle for challenging that way further down the line in his career as a trainer. For now, he needed to think on what they needed to do.

If they took the regular entrance to the mountain then they would have to traverse snaking tunnels with no certain way of knowing if they were going the right direction or they could try the entrance by Rainrock, but it's already a known dead end so as Anise said, they would have to find something that scientists had missed. "Logically speaking, no matter how complex a path is someone should have accidentally stumbled upon the shrine by sheer luck unless they needed the mirror for something. The same thing could be said about the other entrance by Rainrock; if the mirror is the key." He said thinking aloud, but continued on. "The safer first option would be to explore the entrance by the city first. If we're lucky, there will be some archaeologists that we can enlist the help of." That seemed like the more reasonable option. If there was nothing there then they would have to just go through the main entrance.

He didn't know if Anise actually caught what he said since she was looking at his egg. "Oh, um... You know Jacques of the Elite Four? His friend was selling Pokemon not native to Isson and gave me this egg from Galar. I just became a trainer so he gave me something he thought I could handle." Wait, it sounded like he was bragging. It really sounded like he was bragging. "S-sorry. I really sound full of myself." Basil smiled sheepishly. The egg was getting close to hatching, but it wasn't there yet. Back into the bag it went for another day and he stood back up. It was time for them to get going to Rainrock.


"If that's correct then we need to scale a mountain. Better than the shore walls at least." He said as he looked behind him as the crashing waves crashed against the cliff side. Yeah, if they tried to go down there right now they were just dead, but still, traversing a mountain is certainly no joke. He looked at the map again to get a better understanding of where exactly the mountain range was so that they could plan accordingly.

There appeared to be a city not far from it. "Rainrock City seems to be at the base of the mountain. While I'm definitely eager to go right now, I think it would be best make preparations and stock up on supplies so we minimize as much of the danger as possible. We don't know how high up we need to go so it's better to be safe." Anise probably was more familiar with the mountain than he was, but he could only imagine how strong the Pokemon were going to be the higher the climbed. It was better to proceed with caution for any exploration. That and he needed to give his feet a rest after hiking for this long, but he kept that to himself.

Speaking up steps, Basil had almost forgotten about the egg! He had not even checked on it once ever since he left Pureplain City so now as good as any. Basil pulled out the egg to see how it was doing though he wasn't expecting much since he had just received it today.


It was Basil's turn to now hide his face in his palm from embarrassment. "It just seemed like they were all spaced out so exact that I thought if we went to approximate distance away from the shrine we may have found a secret entrance or something. I'm dumb, I know." Ugh and he acted so confident too! He sat down and pulled out his map to see where in the world he went wrong.

The Shrine of the Center is where the never ending rain was, the shrines that they know make up a triangle, and that mirror was a part of all of this. He just sighed heavily and said, "It probably is in the opposite direction that we came. If I have to think about it again, couldn't the Shrine of the Center be called that because it's the center of three other shrines?" They had all the pieces for the puzzle, but he just couldn't seem to figure out their proper place. "What ran through your head when you looked at your map?"

Nolan Waltz

And there was Damian being touchy again. What was with him and grabbing shoulders?

"Ever the showman, aren't you?" Nolan said to Damian. This man loved to speak loudly and draw attention to himself, especially for his long drawn out speeches, but at least this time he was keeping it short and sweet. The younger S-Class shrugged Damian's hand off his shoulder as he looked on at that the guild and how lively it was; those two had been gone for two years and yet, it was like they never left at all. They were leaders, people that looked up to them and shone brightly wherever they were. Nolan was not that kind of a person, he did not have the charisma or warmness that they openly expressed to everyone in the guild nor did he want to. He did not shine like they did, they, who represented what a guild mage ought to be. For all of his talent and strength, Nolan just couldn't be like them.

The more things changed the more things stayed the same. He smirked at Damian and said ever confidently, "Alright, I'm game. I'm far stronger than I was two years ago." Damian had certainly brought enough attention as now the guild seemed to be buzzing at the prospect of watching their four S-Class mages duke it out. Even Rose seemed to be quite interested in how much stronger the 'younger' mages have become. Nolan arched his brow and said, "You're literally five-years-older than I am. Why are you acting as if you're about to hit fifty?"

There was being an old spirit and then there simply was Rose. If she was an old spirit then Karn was perpetually young. Nolan waved back at Karn, albeit with less energy, but he probably didn't notice since he was hiding behind Penny. Odd, but he did not really think hard about it since another person that matched the effeminate mage's energy. Brianna's nicknames never failed to put a scowl on his face. "And you never seem to cease with your nicknames." He said as he stepped back to keep a few feet of space in between them.

Meanwhile Dalton snickered at Nolan. "Well, Mr. Waltzie is all bark, but no bite." The Exceed knew he was pushing his luck, but he found that enjoyed pushing his partner's buttons. "He's been all pouty because he's been pining-" He didn't even get a chance to finish that sentence when a white, spectral hand manifested over his mouth and clamped it shut. "Hmph?!"

"He speaks of lies and slander." said Nolan, though his eyes were now averting everyone and his cheeks were flushed red. Tearsy didn't miss a beat and followed up with her own inquiries. At this point he was too used to having random women speaking into his head. "Fine, just peachy."

Hrm Hrm! Dalton was trying to say something, but Nolan still did not release the hand's grip.

For once, Nolan actually felt some sympathy for Brianna considering that they are in a bit of a similar situation. "I feel your pain."


Oh, so that was it. Well, it was worth a shot to ask, but man there were so many other questions that mainly consisted on why and how she even did that. "Huh, wouldn't that be quite expensive if the trainers got the Nugget?" But no seriously, what did happen if that happened? Just how many Nuggets would she have to mine to keep that up? Actually, this was totally off track.

There certainly was not much else choice on where else to start looking; Basil certainly knew as much as the next person so he had little choice, but to leave it in Anise's capable hands. "Well, I suppose that we're going diving then, unless that mirror can reveal a path for us. Can you lead the way?"

My bad? Did this moron actually understand why Zenith was upset? Tone was lucky that all he had gotten from him was a tongue lashing rather than being buried six-feet in the ground. In fact, he would have kept going, but Akemi came in with the save just before he could continue. Zenith groaned and rubbed his temples; as much as he loved his guild mates, they radiated some major crackhead energy. "Just don't do it again."

It couldn't have gotten worse, but then Tone had set his heights on the Domus Flau. This time he could not blame him for not knowing about it considering that Tone had only been in Fiore for only such a short period of time. "Not unless you feel like being arrested for trespassing. It belongs to the kingdom and used exclusively for special events so we'll have to take our spar to the forest. There's a public training ground that other guilds use so we can just use that instead."


Basil was starting to get a bit too focused to notice that he startled Anise. If it was there then it was a question of where exactly it was in the general vicinity. Anise had a pretty good idea that it was underground and that they would have to swim through some secret passage way though that felt very extreme. "Uh, it's certainly an option, but why would anyone build a shrine so out of the way?" There weren't really that many options that he could think of; if it wasn't underground or anywhere in that area that he pinned then he simply had no clue. He scratched the back of his head as he wracked his brain to think of any other solutions.

There was something else he remembered. "Hey, you know how the Abandoned Shrine had that secret exit? Is there a chance that one of the two other shrines has a secret tunnel that leads to it?" It was a long shot, but it couldn't hurt to ask.
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