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When the hell was this here?


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"Oh my god." Basil bit off way much more than he could chew. Holy crap he bit off way too much than what he could chew. He felt his heart drop down to his stomach as he realized that he just woke up an ancient deity that looked very, very pissed off at them for entering his domain without permission. Is this what Lorette wanted him to find? She could have told him that this was beyond his capabilities, but instead she had sent him on a mission to wake up a legendary Pokemon of all things! Why the actual hell would she do that?!

By instinct he bowed in apology to this mighty pokemon to hopefully spare them from whatever punishment that it possibly had in mind. The poor boy was shaking in his boots. It did not take a genius to connect that the Pokemon on the mural was the same one floating in front of them, albeit with a very different form. "We are so sorry Landorous! We were trying to figure out the mystery of the never ending rain and of the mirror, but we did not realize that we would enter your domain!" Basil lifted his head back up and looked at the legendary in the eyes. Every fiber of his being was telling him to run, but he refused to after coming this far. "If it pleases you to accept our request, can you please answer our question? What was the darkness you were fighting?" At this point he could already assume that the reason for the never ending rain was because of the other two legendaries that Landorus presided over.

"Actually, I have one more request, a selfish one." Basil pressed his palms together in pray and bowed once again. "Today has been the first day of my career as a trainer. I am inexperienced and have no confidence in myself, but I wish to receive your blessings." He was silent for a moment though he started shaking harder and harder until he was constantly bowing again and again, blubbering many apologies for his selfishness and for asking so much from Landorous considering they were the ones that intruded.


He wasn't sure what was going to happen, but it sure as hell wasn't that! This was literally nothing short of magic and this was coming from the guy that lives in a multi-layered floating city because of a strange gravitational phenomena. Did this region run on magic or something? "Just when I thought this day couldn't get weirder." Basil said aloud as he walked to the also impossible greenery living in a dark cave for centuries. It was beautiful don't get him wrong, but just as Paulie explained this just should not have been possible though he had to judge that man's priorities when there was a perfectly preserved shrine that was the center piece of all the impossibilities. Well, at least he got something out of their venture.

Anise was troubled by what they found and rightly so, it was just a shrine. "It raises more questions, but I doubt that Lorette would have put us up on a wild goose chase." They weren't done yet; the last thing they needed to investigate was the shrine itself. Basil walked towards the structure, his hand went straight to his Pokeballs when he heard the loud impact from within the shrine. "Only one way to find out."

He climbed his way up to the shrine platform and helped Anise up, if she accepted his help. Basil turned to the door and gulped before he pulled the doors open. What did he find?


It only had just occurred to him that Kalmia never specifically told him what she studied. All that he knew that she was sending trainers out with Pokedexes to fill it out and get paid for it. "Uh, I don't really know." Was what he had said to the professor before he went on with his explanation. Was he being a bit too forceful in asking for his help? Was he overplaying his hand?

No, it turned out that Paulie was absolutely game to help them out, enthusiastically so. "O-okay!" And now he was being caught in the professor's pace. Preparations be damned.

Basil followed the professor through the rainy town straight to the cave. It was far more mapped out and well lit than he actually thought it would be, but not a lot to take in since he had no interest in archaeology.

"Huh, what now?" Basil looked down where he was about to step and noticed that the rock he was about to step on had eyes.

"Dude!" It shouted, startling the trainer who bowed in apology. "Dude, dude, dude." It muttered to itself as it shifted itself back in place in the dirt. There were other strange Pokemon, like those Roggernola following them or the Nosepass that were as still as a stone, no pun intended.

Paulie gave them a run down on what he could tell them about the civilization that once lived here, but that wouldn't help them a single bit. The fact that these two kids came in with a claim that there is a shrine that professional archaeologists somehow missed over many excavations would be completely utter nonsense and he had every right to turn them away if not for the fact that they had their own mystery on their hands.

"What could it be?" Basil asked. Well, the answer was soon revealed in the form of a massive mural that told a tale of some sort involving three creatures fighting off darkness.

What could the mural have anything to do with the legend of the Strong One? Anise told him that it was a beast of rain that rampaged until it was calmed somehow and that the beasts would revert to their original form when the Strong One was reflected, but from what he could see, the mural showed two creatures fighting an encroaching darkness while a larger third creature watched from above. She did also tell him that the story was altered after being orally told through many generations so its possible that this painting could fill in the missing pieces. Stranger was that this wall was impossibly impregnable, which could explain how this painting was able to be in perfect condition for centuries.

Basil remained silent when asked, his head tilted with his eyes closed as he kept trying to make sense of it all. A wall harder than any known material, the mirror, the Strong One, and a beast looking down upon two other creatures. He thought to himself, tapping his foot, slightly frustrated. His eyes shot wide open when the realization hit him like a baseball bat to the back of the head and turned to Alise. "We were both wrong. All this time we were thinking that the Strong One could only be a person, but what if it wasn't?"

"Anise, can you reflect mural in the mirror? If what I am thinking if correct, we may have found it." Basil took a very cautious step back away from the mural. Whatever would happen was completely up in the air.

Nolan Waltz

Just when he thought that the kitsune was out of their hair, there she was again skipping back over to them. Well, Nyssa was just giving back Ariel's belongings and said that she also needed to repay her back for assisting her. "You can pay her back when you can. Just get settled..." Nolan trailed off as soon as he heard her say 'pay her back with magic.' Two and two quickly went together as he realized what she meant when the tips of her tails began to glow. "Wait, st-!" Alas, it was too late; Nyssa had transferred magic into Ariel and with a flash of light, she now had a new unpredictable form. That transformation looked like it was painful though."Are you-? Mph!" He was cut off by the fact that he had face full of fluff. To be honest, it actually wasn't unpleasant at all. That's really soft. Nolan thought to himself as he plucked some of the fur out of his hair.

"It's okay, it's not your fault." He brushed off bits of pink fur from his shirt and wiped down his glasses to get those hair follicles off the lenses. The tips of her tails trailed across his face and he looked at Ariel's playful smirk. Uh, wait hold on. Wasn't her Charm form supposed to be the more flirty one? Or was it Crystal? What the hell was the personality of this form?

Whatever the trait was, this form definitely had way too much impact. She already knew that she looked cute as hell, but that mischievous minx wanted to hear it from him. It looks nice. "Holy shit that's cute." His eyes went wide-eyed as he realized that what he wanted to say and what he was thinking got switched around. Now he was just dying inside. "Just forget I said anything."


"Huh, okay." Dalton said, watching Nyssa bound towards Ariel again and watched the scene that unfolded before him. Well, that happened.

The kitsune skipped back to the Exceed and bombarded him with a series of questions, quite unaware that she inadvertently caused Ariel to transform. Perhaps it would be best to lead her away from that so he wouldn't suffer a death via overdose on questions. "Yeah I have wings and no, as far as I know I'm da the only with two tails. The fire never seems to go out though."

Dalton lead her through the mosh pit of people and over to the bar. He hopped up onto a stool and waved to Jarvis. "Ayyyye Jarvis, we got dis new girl that wants to join, but she's not from around here and needs a place to live. Do ya know how long till Jamie is back? Also, a shot of milk please." He fished around his jacket pockets and pulled out a wad of Jewels as payment.

Nolan Waltz

One of these days he's gonna get one over Karn and Neil, but today was not that day. Instead, there was that strange tailed girl. Was she a Kitsune? He heard of them from a passage in one of the old tomes back when he was studying as a child in the monastery though he did not expect see one for himself. However, he did not expect her to be so forward.

"Life-mates?" He caught Ariel's glance and then back at Nyssa. "I'd say that we're almost there." He said reassuringly, his hand reached out hers and gently squeezed it. She was being patient, he knew she was, but he also knew that she wouldn't wait forever.

So this fox girl was pretty much completely striking out on her own in a foreign land. Well, he couldn't say that he didn't know what it was like to be a stranger in a strange place. Nolan took a great deep breath and exhaled to calm his nerves. "Nyssa huh? My name is Nolan Waltz. I'm one of the S-Class mages of this guild." He introduced himself as any proper guild mage should. "Where you are from is irrelevant to whether or not you can join as long you are serious about it. I don't see Jamie around, but you can ask Jarvis about joining." He said, pointing towards the man tending to the bar. "He's the Co-Guild Master and Jamie's husband so he can get you all set up with becoming a member and finding you lodging for the meantime." It was as much passing her off to someone else to deal with as much as him helping someone unfamiliar with how things worked around there.

"I'll take her over!" Dalton chimed in. For some reason, he had a sneaking suspicion that if he didn't lead her over she would somehow find herself getting derailed by something else.

Nolan watched as the Exceed took the kitsune off their hands. Trinity was making a ruckus over her mental privacy being invaded by Brianna's sword, but it seemed to have resolved itself so there was no need for him to interfere. He glanced at Ariel and knew that she was pushing herself just by being here. "Do you want me to take you home? It must've been a tiring trip back."

Sengoku Enma

"Ayyye, you know it." He snapped his fingers and finger gunned Prince his way.

That chilled out attitude went as quickly as those snaps; Enma choked on the air from pure surprise at what the strange things the little miss was saying. What in the actual hell was up with this kid? "No Keiko, no. I cannot be your master. That is quite literally illegal and I'd rather not be known as the oni that enslaves teenage-. Oh shut up cinder brains!" The oni yelled at Ash for her hysterical laughter at his expense. For her, pissing people off was as easy as breathing; it was her own natural talent and god damn did she make use of it. The only thing that kept Enma from picking a fight with her was the fact that Ammy announced one hell of an S-Class mission.

"Well, Ash is right about that. You best stay behind and- Wait, what?" Enma arched his brow at Ash. There she was again making decisions on her own without even consulting others about it. "Yo, hold on. Who says that I'm not interested in the job?" The oni stood up, the floor beneath him creaked as he shifted his weight. "I'm sure as hell not being left behind and let you guys have all the fun." Though someone did need to keep an eye on Keiko and show her the ropes. He turned to the flirtatious cat eared mage and asked, "Hey Prince, can you keep Keiko company? Maybe give her the grand tour and explain what Dragon Fang specializes in?" Prince had been in this guild longer so it should fall upon the more senior mage to watch over the newbies. At least that was what Enma's excuse was.

Silver went off to do his own thing though not before saying his own piece. That guy sure had a chip on his shoulder for what class he was placed in, but Enma trusted Jack's judgement. After all, there were plenty of monsters in this guild and beyond. Maybe someone needed to give him a reality check?"He really needs to learn to relax. It's like he constantly has a stick up his ass. Anyway!" The oni turned to Ash and had a fanged smirk. "You're talkin' mad shit for someone who gets scared by a bit of water."
Whhhoooooaaaaaa, 77 pages of Pokemon RP, holy craaaaap

Oh hey Citrus


Yup, this was the man they were looking for. "We're sorry to disturb you. I'm Basil Rivens, employee of Professor Kalmia, and this is Anise, disciple of the Redcoast gym leader." He motioned towards the red head. We came here for your help. You see, we were tasked by the gym leader of Highhill to uncover the mystery of the never ending rain and have reason to believe that." Well, hopefully this man was far more open to the idea that this constant meteorological anomaly was completely unnatural.

"You are more than likely aware of the three shrines: the Silent, the Abandoned, and the Deepforest Shrine, which is the latter is known as the Shrine of the Center. However, we have reason to believe that there is a fourth shrine hidden within Mt. Strength. Anise, can you hand me the map?" Basil asked. It was a crude map, but it helped them get their point across. He placed the map on Paulie's desk and traced his finger along the three shrines. "As you can see, the three currently known shrines form an obtuse triangle, but if you extend the triangle to the point that its three sides are equilateral, the next point is shown to be on Mt. Strength and the Shrine of the Center is in the center of the new triangle." Basil picked up the map and folded it up before handing it back to Anise. Somehow, she was relegated to the role of assistant.

"But if it were that clear cut then we wouldn't be asking for your help. While we can guess that the shrine is the western part of the mountain, we do not know which entrance to proceed with. Mt. Strength has various twists and turns, and then there is the cave with the remains of the ancient civilization, which leads us to here now. Anise, can you place the mirror on the desk?" He asked kindly, trying to pull out all the stops to convince the professor of their discovery. "This relic is what the Abandoned Shrine is dedicated to and is the key to the mystery, but we lack knowledge and expertise. We would like to ask for your help to lead us through Rainrock cave and teach us what you know about the ruins. "

Seriously, what the hell was Tone expecting when they were walking around in the middle of a festival? Did he have stupidity stuck between his ears or something? What a tiring fellow.

I will castrate him for this. Zenith thought to himself as he maintained a smile on his face while being asked what a 'date' was. "He's not talking about the fruit. There a few definitions of date; one is where a couple of individuals go out together with the aim to form a romantic relationship, which is what we're obviously not on." The older boy shuddered in disgust at the thought of going out with someone he considered to be his little sister. "The other definition is when people meet for an activity with no intent of romance. That is what we're doing."

There were some things that he needed to warn her about. Akemi was such an innocent girl that she would easily fall for some scumbag's tricks, not like she would not be able to blast them to hell, but still."However, you should be careful of certain people who ask you out. There are some that want to take advantage and hurt you. Some may just want to have a one night stand and while there is nothing wrong with that if that's what both people want, if the other expects something more than they'll just get hurt." A certain playboy jackass popped into mind.

"Come on, let's go to the gardens. No need to worry about that kind of stuff for now." Zenith said and motioned her along to walk with him.


What a grand building. He felt completely out of place in being in such a place of higher education, but he one day he knew he would have to go there if he wished to defeat the major league as well. Definitely a great place to start looking for help, but where do they begin? Thankfully, there were plenty of students and staff walking around and found himself asking an older lass on who would be the best to help them.

So it was either get someone who knows his way around an ancient civilization or someone that could lead them through the caves? One could possibly help make connections with any possible myths related to the shrine and the other could tell them everything about the composition of the caves. Basil hemmed and hawed with what they should do, but it seemed like there really was only one sensible option. "Sounds like Professor Paulie may be our best bet then. It is more of a archaeological matter than a geological one. Do you have time to show us to where he would be right now?"

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