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Quick post is quick.

It was assumed correctly that Ludo would try to dodge the attack, but how does anyone avoid an invisible attack. The answer was that they couldn't. All he could do was recoil from his body being bludgeoned by an unseen series of blows. Blow by blow his body was beginning to be wracked with pain as he could not guard against attacks that he literally could not perceive. With his one free hand he held onto his broom to brace himself to maintain his balance while his grip on the sphere tightened.

On one hand, he knew that he could Death's Touch to protect himself from the attack, but he couldn't keep burning through his supply before the final round. Ludo didn't need to. All he could do was just keep eating the attacks and hope that Wildcard would be able to land the finishing blow.

"Hey Wallflower! I'm not the one you need to watch out for!" He shouted up towards her with a big grin even when he was getting his pelted with invisible blows.

Hey quick question. Is Ludo being constantly pelted or was it just one big burst?

Take your time my dude. Your health always comes first.

Do you guys want me to respond as Isvelt? I can do that if you want.

Sorry to see you go, but it happens.
Hell yeah, looking forward to it

@PlatinumSkink@Joshua Tamashii

That was certainly a reaction. It was fair. Not everyone would think that Volta was adorable, even if they were wrong.

Volta looked at Anise with a vacant stare while she gave him some mild pet-talk. "Bleh."

Basil would watch Anise get excited over Amelia offering to help train. Well, if she was offering. "I guess I should train too. I need to get some of my newest members a bit toughened up. Actually, I think I have a few Pokemon that I caught recently and have neglected to train." Basil rubbed the back of his head with one hand while holding Volta. Was he a bad trainer? He felt like a bad trainer.
@Sanguine Rose

So, after a brief look around for her one of her desired catches Faye found one of the bouncing sentient things of fruit. "Boun boun!" It bounced along with not a single care in the world. Faye approached the Bounsweet and it looked up at her curiously, but then that changed into panic when Tilla came into the picture. Then as discussed in Discord, Faye ordered the leafy owl to attack with a combination of Tackle and Leafage, however, Bounsweet as species were notoriously weak Pokemon and the first two attacks easily nearly knocked it out. The only reason that it wasn't knocked out was because it used Play Nice to use its cuteness to somehow appeal to the Rowlet, which lowered its attack somehow.

With a thrown Pokeball, it was absorbed into it.

It rolled once... it rolled twice...it rolled thrice!

Frankly speaking, the Sewaddle didn't put up that much of a fight either though at least it did attack back. Tilla suffered from the bug-type attacking back with its own Tackle, hitting the grass/flying type for neutral damage. However, Tilla could deal with enough damage that she could attempt to capture it with a Pokeball.

So, now what?


As Stella pressed into the room where she once sat with Ms. Osman. There were paintings that needed be restored and old sepia photos, images that showed of the family. They told a story. At first it was that of a young couple, young and happy with a baby girl in a house that once showed its glory and overtime they matured, the child grew, and a second baby girl was born into the happy family. As Stella looked around she noticed that all of the subsequent images moving forward only had one child, the eldest daughter. However, there was something odd; there were parts of paintings where certain parts were slashed off.

Turning the lights did not do anything. It was actually a miracle that the lights actually still worked at all and did not set the entire place ablaze with old electrical wiring. "Gas." The Gastly stared at her with a deadpan expression on its face. Spoops had been following her in broad daylight through the streets, the actual sun had filtered through the toxic gas cloud that was his body and now she decided that this was the perfect time to ask?

While conversing with the gassy ghost, Stella would hear footsteps above her, but they were strange. There was a slight clacking, as if claws were hitting the ground.


So, Jason decided that his next course of action would be to eat his feelings away. Well, mainly his hunger, but sometimes in the face of existential dread you just had to eat your problems away. Of course, there were any number of options, but Jason is what could be described as poor. If he opened his wallet, metaphorical Venomoth would flutter out to show just how dirt poor he was. Fine dining was out of the question, or really anything below that too for that matter where civilized people ate.

However, it was not like there were places outside of his price range. There was a restaurant that served curry that ranged from spicy to spicy. The sign outside was a red neon sign of a Munchlax breathing fire with beads of sweat running down its head with the word Masaledaar flashing underneath it. Then there was a burger place that had a Trubbish eating a burger winking at the viewer with Junk Burger wrapping around it in a circle.

Both places seemed to be pretty popular with the college crowd, which was to be expected. So, what does Jason feel like?


Lucky for King, he was just far enough to be able to dodge the crackling sphere of natural energy hurtling his way. Flying high up did give some room to breathe for the shiny crow, but now it was in a problematic position; the Murkrow had no long ranged attacks unlike the Grovyle. If King were to land an attack, he would have to close in the distance and pray to whatever god that felt like listening that the attack would do some damage. However, if Tristan was smart then he would know that he had an out, but he was panicking too much to see it.

"Don't let up the pressure. Keep using Energy Ball," Ramos ordered calmly. The Grovyle would keep throwing those destructive green orbs of energy at King. It definitely seemed a bit too eager to shoot that bird out of the ground.

King would duck and weave, looking for an opening as it tried to get closer. However, the pressure was too much, and it just did not notice a stray Energy Ball flying towards it. With a bang, King collided with the green sphere for not super effective damage.

What does Tristan do?

What the hell kind of potion did that greaseball take? Ludo gritted his teeth, doing his best to push the slime back with his own poison. How much power would he need to waste just to break through this bastard's doped up magic? He knew he could, but it would've left him running low if he made it to the next round. He glared defiantly, trying to think his way out of this pickle he was in, except that's when he saw something from the corner of his eyes. It was fast and it was... coming closer? "Huh?"

And like someone coming out of nowhere with the steel chair, this girl smashed into Edward with her god damn elbow. She was absolutely wild. They should be friends.

However, his attention torn away from the girl that threw a literal flying elbow at Edward and noticed that the mass of slime and poison only grew and grew. It had only occurred to Ludo that with the slimey fuck distracted, Ludo's magic was able to takeover and now they had a big fuck off bubble that was absolutely a biohazard ready to burst from its thinning membrane. Ludo blinked when he saw that it ballooned up and was shaking as it barely held itself together. "...Oh shit."

And popped it went with toxic slime raining down over the portion of the arena like cats and dogs, very toxic and disgusting cats and dogs. Well, not his problem. He glanced down at the girl who saved his behind and winced when he watched her get absolutely haymakered. Damm that looked like it stung a bit.
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