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Skarsneek of the Red Hills

"Huh, so what made you change side Revuel?" Skarsneek one eyebrow rose as he rubbed the front of his head where he had headbutted the other sorcerer. "Usually you folks always scream to high heaven and hell that you're gonna kill us all."

Was it blunt? Yes, in Skarsneek's humble opinion. It was the best way to gauge how the other person reacts, whether they're actually a turncoat or a double agent.

It certainly wasn't because he has a grudge against them, no way, he was the most unbiased person when it came to Varjans. Totally!

"Well, welcome to Shizuyama, it's the current rainy season so bring an umbrella wherever you go." Whatever answer he received, Skarsneek rolled his shoulders and slapped the back of Reveul before feeling a huge headache coming when he sensed something in the air.

And true to his gut, when he turned around, the devil himself came.

Gringor of the Ironhide Tribe

Rolling the cart around, Gringor finally reached their camp as he ignored the looks given to him and the cart. Singlemindedly pushing it to the center and giving a questioning look ocassionaly whenever someone comes close to the cart.

It was his loot, no one takes his loot.

Though his nose flared and sighed when he recognized the scent, rolled his shoulders and kept a more wary look. Can never be too careful around the goblins, always taking and stealing things.

"Warboss, came back after a fight. It was fun." Gringor curtly said with a sneer as he tilted his head to the unconscious form of that mercenary. "Brought another boi back for the band, right after bashing 'is noggin in."

"Not sure, but smells bad." He answered as Revuel checked his loot though he glared at the goblin coming close to do the same. "But it's all Gringor, and none for gobbo."

"I won't even touch you if you pay me, orc." Skarsneek said as he swiped at the white powder and let it touch his tongue before spatting it to the sides. "We're gonna have to let someone else identify what it is, could be some alchemy regents."


"Hey, Shizuka. Our orc here brought something back!" Skarsneek waved and shouted at their leader when he spotted him as he stood on top of the cart to get his attention. "You know what this is?"

Eitherways, Gringor would go and store it somewhere secluded and far away from the village. He also made sure to keep it dry as well by quickly crafting a crude shelter for the thing.

Later on at night and after refreshing themselves, the two attended the meeting hosted by Takeshi as he explained and outlined that they're now prepared to move into their final operation.

Skarsneek huffed as he crossed his arms, while Gringor grinned at that. It was time for their counter-strike and both could barely wait for it to come.


As they're dismissed, Kerry came and announced Alice return?

"Oh, she did? Great!" Skarsneek said as he looked at Alice while Gringor only tilted to the sides, head tilted and perplexed. Wondering when did the latter left.

Though laying eyes on Alice, the two had a different reaction.

"That's Alice? Aren't you a little different?" Skarsneek said as he observed with his eyes and senses, sure, the weapon and all are the same but the mana was subtly different compared to the Alice he knows.

"Is gobbo blind, it's the same scent," Gringor commented crudely as his nose picked up the scent, there was a bit of difference but it was all the same.

Skarsneek spun to look at Gringor in disbelief, wondering if the latter eyes are working properly before turning to his wife and sister-in-law to whisper to her. "That's a different Alice right?"

Gringor started to leave as Alice left without much of an acknowledgment to them, which was typical of her and but confirming that it's the same Alice.

Though when Gringor received a flying letter from nowhere, as he snatched it mid-air, he looked at the invitation title. Lots of big words but one part had his undivided attention.

A surge of pheromones came as Gringor thumbed his fingerprint on the paper hard enough that it crumpled before he tossed it to the sides, all but signing his presence as he tromped to prepare himself for another payback. An orc doesn't back down from a fight, much less a high orc.

For Skarsneek, he too saw the same invitation and showed it to Atsuha. "Well, this is a party it but bachelor and bachelorette?"

"Hey, Kerry, who're you getting married to?" He asked as he waved the invitation to her.
[ARC 2]


From afar, Haku wasted no time as he inched closer the ship. Avoiding all lines of sight that could’ve given him away.

Fingers found purchase in crevices of the rocks near the ship as he climbed down like a lizard, seemingly sticking to the surface as he edged closer.

All he was doing, was relying on his finger strength and balance to get him past this.

Slow breath came as he was now within jumping distance of the ship, with no one at the crow's nest.

He held his position like a statue, ignoring the slow-burning sensation as his body hung alongside the rocks and water droplets falling off him.

Motionless, still. Haku kept his breath steady, waiting for a single moment

Then it came, lightning struck across the skies, flashing everything and would’ve revealed himself if he had continued moving.

The moment it returned to darkness, Haku thigh muscles twitched and he leaped across to the ship like a tiger towards the ships mast.

In sync, thunderous noise roared following the lightning's path and echoed multiple times.

Because of that, no other pirates realized the smaller thudding noise on their main mast.

Using the momentum, Haku spun once and then twice as he let go, grabbing onto the riggings then quickly dropped down.
Everything happened in less than a few seconds, and he immediately got to work.

Making a knife hand, it blurred towards a pirate that was about to turned towards him and struck his neck. Right at the artillery to slowed the flow of oxygen. Transitioning to a sharp palm slap to the chin, it sent the force right to the brain and shut the consciousness down.

Arms shot forward and he hugged closely to the pirate, spun and laid him down on the ground in one smooth motion to prevent any noise despite the rain. No need to take the risk.

One down. Haku looked to the next target, moving like a ghost. Aiming to disable all of them before binding them.

Those on the top of the deck on watch, came to a weird realization as a precise blow struck on their neck. Severing their consciousness as they went into the deep embrace of sleep.

Once done on top, Haku looked around as he took a small knife, cut the rigging easily before using it to bind them.

A moment later, he moved towards the deck, and kicked the rudder chain off before moving inside.

Once inside, he approached more carefully despite the water dripping off him.

It wasn’t too unusual, but it wouldn’t last long.

Eyes scanned around as he forgo stealth and focused on speed by moving through the narrow passage quickly.

So far, it seemed the skeleton crew was all above and busy.

If luck holds, it’ll just be the hostage only. If not-

Hearing something at the edge of his ears, he moved quickly before reaching the door of the cargo hold.

Pressing his ears and extending his sense, the best he can do was feel that there was someone behind it.

No other choice then. Haku pushed the door slowly at first to prevent any sound. Fingers went to the throwing darts attached to his back and switched to the blunt side first

But once it was free, Haku flung it open in a burst of speed.

Eyes swung around the area and his main attention came to the only man standing in the hold.

Hands shot out as his throwing dart was aimed directly at the neck and Haku closed immediately. Aiming to incapacitate the pirate by tackling him to the ground. Hands already ready to throw another dart if needed.


Skarsneek of the Red Hill

"Hmm, feeling a lot better now." Skarsneek said as the fairy strained herself to do a final spell for the benefit of everyone. Not exactly wise since it'll just make her vulnerable.

Still, that it managed to affect the villagers was something he certainly isn't going to deny that it was helpful. Support was at least on their side for now.

Scooping the fairy gingerly with both of his hands before passing her to Shizuka.

"Here, she wanted you to carry her." Skarsneek nonplussed said as he packed his weapons together.

"Well, if you want to decorate using Varjan corpses, do it in front of their base. Scares and rattle them, after all, that's what they all say about us monsters anyways. So might as well take advantage of it." He placed a hand on Io shoulder at her comment.

"Just don't do it too often, otherwise they'll stop surrendering and start fighting to the death." Skarsneek pointed out after a moment of thought.

As they walked back, Skarsneek looked towards a certain direction for a moment before deciding against it. He just wants to go home.


Once he was back with everyone, Skarsneek waved lazily as towards Takeshi and...another person.

"Hey, you betcha! We took care of all the Varjan. Even bag this guy called Na'Kratz or something." Skarsneek played it off with a smile and a thumbs-up. "Ports open, and we can put the refugees over there. If they want to."

Hearing the back and forth, Skarsneek inclined his head at the sentiment of rest. "Yea, we'll need some time to rest. Sharpen ourselves and get some final preparations. Don't worry, if the Varjans didn't kill him on the spot, they won't be killing him anytime soon."

"Probably wanted to 'convince' him to join the Varjans. Not standard tactics but there's precedence. That's how they managed to grow so fast over the years too. So we got some time, they'll need to reorganized too since they lost the momentum." Skarsneek extrapolated further to Takeshi, giving him a slight insight to their enemies and calming him down.

Granted, he left out the details they might stop being sweet and start being really mean if Takeshi father kept being stubborn in resisting them.

Skarsneek however stopped one foot away from Reveul, looking at the man as he studied him up and down.

"Also, who are you?" Skarsneek asked with a raised brow, he don't recall meeting this person before.

Afterall, he definitely would've remembered. Considering this was a Varjan.


Gringor of the Ironhide Tribe

Patient. Gringor said in between strikes, missing the air as he slowly figured out what's going on.

"Don't worry, you get joke soon." Gringor swung his weapon once, then twice.

Well, as that monk said, does what he do best.

At the last moment once he got closed, Gringor swung his weapon horizontally in an obvious manner.

Only with one major difference, he let go at its apex.

The axe spun wildly, forcing the mercenary to either dodge or deflect.

That was a distraction, as Gringor swiftly charged forward and tackled the man in a crushing bear hug. Dragging the two down into the mud for a fistfight even as he landed a few jabs into the liver before landing into the solid ground.

Once there, Gringor tightened his grip and raised the mercenary in his grasp before slamming the latter down into the ground again.

On and on, he would continue the process until either the man succumbs or pass out.
How the hell do you slice someone in half with a knife? Did he take multiple swings until he got all the way through?

He's both that strong and skilled to do that, it's not an exaggeration when lots of heroes (And sometimes villains) pulls their punches on normal people. Korbl in this case didn't and ended up outright just cutting a man in half.
Editted, waiting for GM approval.
@Master Crim

I see, cause I was thinking of makimg a neutral character, so I was wondering in between large collab events, I would be crafting my own story that would eitger build into the next main story or expand my own characters story?

Or would you occasionally guide or put an update for these sidestories?

So just to check, we're free to make our own stories exploring the cities/underground so long it within reason during the downtime (Which I suppose also builds into the main story)?
Crap, was a little late in my posting. Sorry.

Skarsneek of the Red Hill

Its worked? Great Demon Lord, it worked. Skarsneek continued to held up high the helmet, even waving and shouting threateningly at the remaining Varjan that quickly turned tail.

He’ll loved to pursue them but as it is, securing the place was far more important. The stragglers will have to be moped up as bandits in the far future.

Hearing Ayu talked them up had him smiling despite the exhaustion and urge to just lay down as the headache grew.

Though his ears picked up the consequences of the monsters did jerked him up a bit as he considered it.

“Yea, but think on this, morale is low and they’ll need every bit of it.” Skarsneek pointed out to Shizuka quietly, “Also makes it easier to operate since they’re more likely to trust us.”

“I'm surprised they even kept him alive, Varjans aren't usually known for mercies. This is downright lenient compared to what they often” He replied to the topic though he had a few suspicion. "They must be trying to get him to turn by treating him well, or torturing him for information."

"Anyways, yea, let's head back," Skarsneek said to everyone. The raid turned out better than expected.

They might run into someone in the way back, but that'll depends on the task force. For Skarsneek, he was heading straight back.


Gringor of the Ironhide Tribe

Gringor raised his axe sideway with a smile, this one had a spine!

Also like that idiotic sneaky and annoying Gobbo, adjusting his swing, he utilized the far-reaching length for a sharp horizontal strike. Aimed for the wrist since it felt suspicious to Gringor. He'll then follow it up with another flurry of strikes. Taking a slightly cautious approach to this fight.

After all, he also wanted to appreciate this fight for a bit longer too. The camp fight was way too fast for his liking.

Besides, he also has yet to show this person his own funny joke.
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