Avatar of ReusableSword


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2 yrs ago
Current i dont recommend getting a pinched nerve, especially in your leg
6 yrs ago
Just a few more hours and i get to dissappear for 10 days. The place we are going has some wonderful views.
6 yrs ago
wow talk about nostalgia. Things to do while your bored, look up "the cluefinders."
6 yrs ago
6 yrs ago
what? its already been a year here? *looks around* well other than loseing a bunch of wieght not much has changed.
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Sup im sword just got here and am getting a feel for things.

Well i got a feel for things and i think ill stay... also recovering from spine surgery sucks but is better than ending up in the emergency room again.

Most Recent Posts

Ardur The Mighty Hipixie
Day break > A strange Deer/// Adventuring day 5 // Morning / Location - Small burrow > just outside the burrow

Ardur was quick to follow Asura out after the invader. Hoping that the inspiration would help with this creature he paused for a moment as he looked at it. Some kind of deer had gotten just a little to curious and Asura was going after it with the ferocity of a badger. He could hear mother slime begin to move herself out of the burrow and Steve would soon be quick behind her.

He was about to leap after the deer and Asura when the slime told him to wait until it looked like he was in trouble. The deer began to bleated and snort, a warning call perhaps? Maybe a call for back up? Or perhaps one meant for intimidation? All good questions that required further study. “I’ll Try!” he called out to him as he watched it move, watched the muscles move under its skin, watched how its eyes moved and focused in on his friend as it lowered his head.

He knew that most animals on earth that used their horns for charging and other purposes would lower their heads and align their spine in their neck with the rest of the spine and shoulders allowing them to withstand hitting a solid object or another with horns several times. However, when the spine was in this position any significant, sudden and precise blunt pressure to the spine could quite easily break it and cause paralysis to half or all of the body. An injury that would likely spell doom for any unfortunate victim. He was well aware of how easily a spine can break when enough force is put on it and forces it to move in an unnatural direction.

The sun is a king and a king must lead,” he whispered to himself in a simple quiet prayer. Looking back to Steve and mother slime, he spoke to them, “Mother Slime, when you get out stay in a position on the hill where you can attack the monster only after I do but stay out of Asura’s way. Go for a body shot and try to knock it over and keep it on the ground. Steve, stay on the alert for other creatures but once I attack it use your web and thread control to hit it in its eyes, mouth, or ears to disorientate it.” They had their orders now he had to do what he wanted to do for some time now. Fly.

Ardur flew up high but not too high. He did not want to fly higher than the treetops in case of aerial predators but still tried to stay in the deer’s blind spot above it just in case Asura needed his help. As with any instance like this getting tunnel vision could get you killed, so although he was focusing on the fight at hand and how the beast moved and reacted. He still kept his eyes up every few seconds to take a quick look around for other dangers. If Asura did end up needing help the high pixie was fully prepared to use point strike, stronger, and his flight ability to attempt to crush the deer’s spine at its neck. Kind of like how he dealt with that lizard in the cave.


The Headhunter and The Mountain.

Dracion waited for the stands to clear and his students to leave the Arena, standing where he buried the offending vampire with arms crossed and a scowl etched into his face. Once he was satisfied that no one was likely to see the proceedings, Dracion drew his blade and the ground rumbled again. The ground separated just enough for the top of Victor's head to pop out and the instructor glared down the Astorio.

"Ye got some explaining to do, boy." Dracion snapped. "Why in the Queen's name did ye think throwin' a mage that don't belong to ye like that was an sorta good idea? Firsts, ye don't wear safety equipment that I specifically required. Twos, ye "punish" a mage who ain't your own by tossin' her halfway 'cross my Arena. Thirds… I don't have no three but my point's the same!"

Even down as deep into the stone as he was, the vampire was almost one with the stone. These claustrophobic surroundings could drive one insane if not prepared. This however, was not the first time he had been in such confinement. Even if at first the stone did hurt, all pain is momentary and fades. He could hear, even through the stone he was melded with, key words and phrases used by the other students. Brute, classic Astorio, savage, barbarian. The list went on but it was all he needed to hear to know he got his point across.

Slowly the sounds stopped and soon he was being forced back to the surface only to met with a blade and a rather upset looking instructor. He didn't seem to pay the man any mind as he said what he had too. Victor was more worried about their surroundings and if anyone was still lingering around. If he was to tell this man what exactly he was doing, he needed to be sure no one would be nearby to hear him. Finally feeling satisfied with their privacy, he looked up at the man standing before him. “You played your part perfectly.” he told him while still keeping his voice a down a little so it wouldn't carry.

“You did exactly as I thought you would, for that I apologize. I’m sure this caused you unnecessary paperwork and I'm sure you despise paperwork just as much as I do.” the vampire attempted to shift his shoulders in the stone but nothing budged. “It would be safe for you to assume that I have thought out ever one of my actions and chosen that specific action for a purpose. I threw her because she is not royalty. If her vampire is, they are more than likely Mirivaldi or Eve. in that case they will be prompted to take the abuse of their mage out on me rather then the princess. If I did it to the Starag, Varis would not hesitate at the opportunity and jump on it like a bitch in heat.” again he tried to adjust to no avail.

Checking his surroundings again for anyone listening in he started again, “I also am very well versed on how to harm or kill humans and vampires alike. I threw her in a way that the worst injury she could have acquired is a dislocation. So thanks to you and at the cost of the girls discomfort the others now think I’m just another impulsive Astorio who does not give a damn about mages. That is exactly what I want them to think, that I am a barbarian. Because now they will underestimate me.” If he could sigh right now he would but it seems he can barely move his chest. “As for the pads? I’ve gone into combat situations with less. I’m sure you have a waiver of some sort I could sign releasing you and this school of liability of any injury incurred while I’m in the arena at my own volition.”

The longer Victor spoke, the deeper Dracion’s scowl buried itself into his face. By the end of it, his right eye twitched and if looks could kill, Victor would have exploded on the spot. It took the man a few seconds of deep breathing to calm the reddening in his face and still the twitch in his eye. He crouched down so he was closer to Victor’s level.

“Ye know why the Devil’s little pet ain’t here on my sands? Mostly cause I ain’t dealin’ with the brat’s whining but also cause I knows there be trouble brewin’ anywhere that lot wanders. Ye know why I have Princess Ryner’s permission to ignore the dumbassery ye snot nosed vampires get up to with yer shit for brains attitude?” Dracion practically spat in the vampire’s face. “Cause that bullcrap is more dangerous than magic when ye get sharp things involved. I strip ye of yer titles and nobility and ranks so this garbage don’t start happenin’. And yet, here ye are, using my Arena to play with yer silly scheming. Furthermore, ye’d have me belivin’ ye plans should keep me at ease on top of it all!” Dracion let out a short bark of a laugh.

“On this campus, yers truly advises the Princess on who should and shouldn’t have combat permissions. Training, sparring, entering matches, everything related to this place is under my command. And if I recommend a cool off period for ye cause ye stepped out of line, ye won’t be even considerin’ lifting a finger." Dracion snarled at the bound vampire. “I don't care want ye agenda is or how ye go about it. As long that ye plans don't involve this pace. Is that understood?"

Grimacing slightly at each shout from the man Victor’s expression remained the same. “It's not a scheme, it's a lesson.” he paused for a moment before beginning again. “I love my job, spending months away from the political shit hole that is my house. Hunting down humans, mages, and my favorite… vampires, who break our rules and laws and try to run. That is where my passion lies, where I am happy and content with the world. So when I tell you that I chose to come to this place and suffer through the same political bullshit that I try to escape from just to try and teach them a lesson or two on survival. I would only hope that you would have some kind of acknowledgement that I was telling the truth.”

His eyes began to flash with red and he was not controlling it this time. “I am aware that my methods are not to your liking and no matter the problems that it causes for me I will keep up with this lesson on psychological warfare as long as I can before they find themselves in the same predicament in the real world with far greater risks of life or death then they will find here.” given that he had an extraordinary small space to work with around him just so he could expand his lungs far enough to talk. Victor used this to wrench his right arm free dislocating his left in the process with a crack. “So I will adhere to your rules.”

“I will hurt them but I will not kill them, so that they may learn and heal. We must suffer and be broken down, so that we can build each other up and be stronger than we were before.” pulling himself free from the stone and rubble, kneeling before the man for a moment to put his limp left arm into place. Standing up but still needing to look up to the man in front of him, “my mission is to teach all of them how to fight an enemy that is gone but not forgotten, an enemy that forged that treaty we all follow, one that nearly drove both of our people to extinction.” the red in his eyes died down but something in his voice or maybe it was his eyes said he wasn't telling the man everything but he was being truthful.

“Yer a pompous ass.” Dracion informed him. “I frankly don’t give a rat’s ass what nonsense fuels yer broken sense of self worth but keep it out of my arena. I’ll say it again since yer head is thick as this stone. Keep yer archaic obsessions off my field. Ye launch a mortal again, no matter how “calculated” the risk, yer out of my Arena and I place yer inane dribbling pompous idiocy on probation. This is yer warning Astorio. What ye do outside of here ain’t none of my business so leave at the doorstep. Yer dismissed.” with a few waves of his hand, the stones Victor so rudely destroyed turned to sand and filled the gap under Victor’s feet. Victor rose a bit while the sand solidified and smoothed out the Arena surface once more.

He wasn't getting anywhere with this one, like his father it would definitely take more than a few words to convince him he was doing this for the greater good. At the same time he could at least accept and understand why the man was this way as well. “As you wish, I will adhere to your demands Arena Master.” Victor was well aware that he didn't ‘need’ this class but it was at least still fun to play with these humans. However, now he felt like he needed to apologize to Lucan. It wasn't part of the plan to get him in trouble. The vampire just turned away from the larger man and retrieved his things. Now he had to go find his mage and make sure he wasn't trying to hurt himself.

Ardur The Mighty Hipixie
Time for a break > Day break /// Adventuring day 5 // Evening / Location - Edge of the forest > Small burrow

Ardur felt relief as his MP was slowly restored and his mana burn lifted. Listening to the system notifications pop up and the low dull rumble of moving dirt by the others who were still digging. He was very tired now but there was still one last thing he wanted to check with the system. “System.” He spoke to himself quietly, “Open Heads Up Display for mana, health, and stamina.” Regardless of if this worked or not he continued. “System, put a Verbal warning on health, mana, and Stamina when they reach 50% and 25% respectively.” He did try one more thing before trying to sleep, Ardur attempted to try and see what he could in the dark hole he found himself in. night vision could be a very useful skill if starring out into complete darkness was how one would get it.

Slowly the Hipixie drifted off to a much welcome sleep, his dreams were once again strange but disjointed. Seeing black and white images like a slide show that made no sense, and muffled sounds to correspond with the sometimes blurry and random images. He could somehow make out some of the images most of who he was and the weirdness that is Portland, with the image of the man dressed up like Darth Vader and playing a flaming bagpipe on a unicycle.

The random images slowly turned to pictures of his home and then of watching someone else. Sarah, the images however would only get glimpses of the girl and never settle on her face. Slowly he could hear something, something in the distance like the wind howling. The high-pitched echo was soon confused with that of almost a far off scream until he could almost make out the noise. As he tried his best to listen for the voice, “TRAVIS!” the sudden scream jolted him awake and he had to take a moment to get his bearings and calm himself down.

The small burrow was still damp and the subtle light of daybreak turned green as it illuminated the large slime in the entrance. Something still made him feel uneasy and on alert. A creature was digging near the entrance and he could see a red ooze moving towards the sounds of digging. Using fireball in this confined area would be a bad idea and he would have to get through the big slime to assist physically with combat so he decided to do what he could.

“I pray to the protector, may his light protect us and help our attacks find their target.” He spoke using Inspire I and offered a small portion of his MP, about 5%, to Guidance I. hopefully Asura would be able to use this to a good degree and same with the others. Ardur was sure this bit of combat would surely wake them up and provide with some needed nutrients and quite possibly crafting materiel’s.


Ardur The Mighty Hipixie
Woo points > Time for a break /// Adventuring day 4 // Evening / Location - Edge of the forest > Small burrow

Ardur paused for a moment and looked at his slime friend while he just sat in the dirt. The slime had a point he was more useful when he had the ability to use magic, hell he could not even fly without mana. Taking his friend’s advice Ardur found a nice spot near the wall and tried to stay the furthest he could from where he was tunneling. “Yeah that’s a good idea. Oh and by the way the spiders name is Steve and she is level 3 now.”

Looking back to the spider while he began to get comfortable, “Steve, go ahead and do what Asura said. Your webbing will hopefully keep the dirt on the ceiling stable at least for the night.” Finding a comfortable position and closing his eyes the high pixie began to breathe in slowly through his nose and out through his mouth concentrating on his breathing, while trying to activate Meditation I. He was having some issues with slowing his mind and just focusing on the movements of his body. To help him with this, he began to sing.

“Another day in this carnival of souls, another nights ends end as quickly as it goes, the memories of shadows ink on the page, and I can’t seem to find my way home.” He began to hum the rest of the song before being able to simply focus on his breathing and then opening his mind up to the sounds around him. Never focusing on simply one sound just listening to everything while trying to feel the ambient mana in the world around him. He would continue to do this, trying to absorb the mana around him with his new skill.


Ardur The Mighty Hipixie
Woo points /// Adventuring day 4 // Evening / Location - Edge of the forest > Small burrow

Ardur breathed heavily while he rested. The fire had been smothered and it did not look like Mother Slime was hurt too bad. Everything seemed to calm down and get quiet again. He noticed the colors in the sky start to change as well, darkness would be set upon them soon and they still needed to dig the hole out a little more. “Oh cool level 6.” He said aloud.

He seemed to think about his decision for a little while before deciding, “System allocate 8 points into meditate and 2 points into Point Strike.” The hipixie seemed satisfied with himself as he rested his hands on his hips and smiled. Looking to his friend Steve the Spider he thought about hers for a few moments before continuing, “System, for Steve put 5 points into Web Spit I, 5 points into Thread Control, and 1 point into poison bite.” He was quiet proud of his little friend as well, they had both come a long way from hanging out in that small hole in the cave.

Turning his attention back to the beetle, Ardur began to pull chunks of cooked bug meat from the inside of the beetle and handing it out to everyone. He was trying to be as carful as he could while he was doing this to attempt to both see how the bugs internal organs worked and to try and save as much of the exoskeleton and mandibles as he could. The chitin on this one looked tough enough to make some good armor for him; at the very least, it was better than nothing.

After eating his share of the kill, Ardur began to dig out the entrance a little more and pull the loose dirt further down the hill. “So we stay here tonight then tomorrow what do you want to do? We could look for a better place to make a more permanent shelter or base in the woods or keep exploring to find something more suitable. Right now I don’t really care; I’m just trying to focus on getting this place situated.”


Ardur The Mighty Hipixie
don't let it escape. > We didn't start the fire /// Adventuring day 4 // Evening / Location - Edge of the forest

Ardur was pleased with himself when he pulled the beetle free of the hole. Maybe eventually they would be better coordinated but he supposed this worked for now. The beetle soon attempted to get off its back but Steve was quick to pin it down once more. Apparently, there was a weak spot on its belly or maybe a crack in its armor, he was not entirely sure. Watching the friendly spider sink its teeth into the abdomen only to shrink back almost immediately with a small fire appearing at the bite. What a strange occurrence, fire based attacks wasn’t something Steve could do.

Next seeing Mother Slime come at the beetle with a mighty swing. It was only after she began her swing did he realize that it was the beetle that was the source of the flame. He couldn’t do anything to warn her instead he was pushed back by Asura as the larger slime began to ignite with the bugs juices. Acting quickly, the high pixie pushed the corpse of the beetle over onto its belly and away from the slime.

Looking to Steve who seemed to be watching he called out to her, “Steve make sure you watch our backs and make sure to alert us to anything that investigates us.” He knew very well, there wasn’t a lot she could do but there was a lot he could do. Moving to the mouth of the burrow and picking up the loose moist earth from the tunneling beetle, Ardur moved quickly piling more and more dirt onto the currently burning large slime. Patting at the burning liquid with clumps of dirt while also trying to brush it off knowing that he still had Fire Resistance I to work with.


Ardur The Mighty Hipixie
Battle Stations! > don't let it escape. /// Adventuring day 4 // Evening / Location - Edge of the forest

Ardur gripped and pulled as hard as he could, digging his heels into the ground as the beetle squirmed in his grasp. He noticed how Steve got a lucky shot or two into its wings and the other legs helping to pin it down further. Then came Asura delivering a good blow to the creature just as something began to glow on its underbelly. For a moment, he forgot about the other slime. That was until the green glob rolled through and over the hole attempting a strong smash attack on the beetle.

The High pixie was unable to tell if the attack delivered the punch it needed to hurt the beetle but it did seem to pin the beetle and Asura under the large slime. Seeing that both of them were pinned under the slime and it looked as though the beetle was attempting to dig its way out, Ardur began to dig. Trying his best to dig his strong hands into the dirt under Mother Slime to attempted to both dislodge her and grab at the beetle to pull it out of the confined space and into the open where they could all attack it at once.

He was sure to only dig under mother slime and the mouth of the small burrow. He wanted to kill and eat the beetle sure but keeping the shelter in good condition was also the objective. Ardur did not want to spend the night out in the open.


Ardur The Mighty Hipixie
one last fight for the evening? > Battle Stations! /// Adventuring day 4 // Evening / Location - Edge of the forest

Ardur nodded toward the red slime while he thought of how he was going to deal with this bug. It definitely would make a good meal but how was he going to approach it. Possible defenses in its rear with a heavy shield and more than likely strong mandibles for digging. Getting it on its back was their best bet as long as it didn’t have friends. At the very least it didn’t look like it was very long like a centipede. More short and stout like a beetle.

“Steve, I’m going to try and flip it over by grabbing its legs on one side and pull it towards the other side. Once it is over try and entangle it in some of your web. If you can use that hypnosis of yours then do it, otherwise do what you can.” He spoke in a hushed town towards his friend before moving to follow Asura. Half way to the thing, Ardur was already using Muffle I to mask his approach as he split off from Asura and Mother Slime to the left. He was unsure of the creature’s senses and simply hoped it was making a mistake of its own and not paying attention.

Finding his moment to strike with Steve hopefully right behind him and the two slimes still slowly making their way down the hill, being as close as he thought he could get to the creature. Ardur foregoes Muffle and sprinted towards the beetle’s side grabbing at its legs and hard shell attempting to jump over it and down hopefully turning the beetle over and pulling it out of its burrow. Planning to use its sleek armored body as a sled and work against the creature if it tried to cling to its burrow.


@AwesomeZero5 yeah something like that works super busy
Ardur The Mighty Hipixie
rest sounds like a good idea > one last fight for the evening? /// Adventuring day 4 // Afternoon > Evening / Location - walking through the mountains > Edge of the forest

Ardur listened closely to what the slime was saying and eventually nodded in understanding. “So something like, System show Stats.” He said in a confident yet still kind of questioning way. After pondering it for a moment longer, he spoke again, “System Describe Mana Burn.” He pondered what it meant that they got updates like this. Maybe other creatures got this as well.

The slime continued to ask him about mana and how to regenerate it, while they headed down towards the forest edge. “Well I’m not sure about stamina regeneration other than resting or eating, but one of the others showed me that meditate can regenerate mana. I think getting some rest should work too. I am currently suffering from mana burn and my mana is not regenerating normally. Hopefully that goes away after we get some rest.” He was a little worried, the sun was near the horizon now and the four of them were still out in the open as the day light dwindled.

As the group got closer to the forest, they could see a large burrow in the ground with what looked to be some type of large beetle burrowing or pulling something out of it. “Look down there, that might just be big enough for all of us for the night then we could look for another base camp tomorrow. All we have to do is scare off or kill that beetle.” He watched it for a few more moments carefully looking over what he could make out of the beetle from the distance they were at. “Just have to be careful, if its exposing its backside like that I bet that’s where its defenses are.” Another important thing to learn from the nature documentaries.

Then he heard a mockery of his name come from the large slime of their party and then the partially dissolved remains of the lizard he had killed and called dibs on right before his transformation. “Uhh thank you.” Giving the slime a strange look. Picking up the lizard and tearing off its tail and one of the hind legs, he tossed the rest back in-between the two slimes. “Were a team now so we help each other out. You two split it then after lets go mess up that beetle, sound like a plan?” he asked tossing the leg to Steve who quickly pounced on it as he began to eat the tail.


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