i dont recommend getting a pinched nerve, especially in your leg
6 yrs ago
Just a few more hours and i get to dissappear for 10 days. The place we are going has some wonderful views.
7 yrs ago
wow talk about nostalgia. Things to do while your bored, look up "the cluefinders."
7 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
what? its already been a year here? *looks around* well other than loseing a bunch of wieght not much has changed.
Sup im sword just got here and am getting a feel for things.
Well i got a feel for things and i think ill stay... also recovering from spine surgery sucks but is better than ending up in the emergency room again.
What was that? > time to train and craft /// Adventuring day 5 // Morning > Afternoon / Location - Forest
The frogs were an issue but seemed to be more of an annoyance than a threat; this could easily change in large numbers. Those frogs were strong but had obvious weakness to sharp objects or attacks. However, the way they expanded although strange gave the high pixie an idea; they more than likely could make a good backpack.
The forest had grown silent after the encounter with the frog, whatever had destroyed that mountain top surely scared out most if not all the other creatures of the forest. He could only assume that whatever was not sheltered in place simply ran away.
The notification that Steve had leveled up filled his mind for a second and he could not help but smile. Soon his friend would evolve and their group would be much stronger for it. “System, display tamed creatures skills and points.” He said aloud and with authority thinking, it may change the response in some way. Then his friend’s voice caught his attention.
Mother slime seemed to be excited about leveling up as well and it would seem Asura was content with staying where they were and training. He had to admit it was a good idea for the time being. Seeing as how most other creatures went to ground already. “Alright I’m good with staying put currently as well.” Then Asura told them to throw rocks at him, he figured it was to raise some sort of resistance but right now all Ardur wanted to do was make his armor.
“Alright Steve, start throwing rocks at Asura if you can, if you can’t, just pick up a few and drop it on him from up above. In the meantime, I am going to work on putting this armor together.” Moreover, with that Ardur left Steve to train with the slime as he set to work on putting the armor together before the tendons dried out. He would still need to find something to waterproof the tendons and he got an idea while watching Steve climb the trees. Seeing the slight glisten of tree sap running down the bark of the tree, something like that could be useful in waterproofing these tendons.
Current Party: Asura, Mother Slime, Steve, and himself.
Magic/Skills: Shield II, Lesser Flight III, Minor Heal III, Physical Conditioning I, Fire Resistance I, Taming I, Fireball I, Stronger II, Crafting I, Muffle I, Inspire I, Guidance I, Spell chant I, Use light equipment, Meditation I, Point Strike I, Keen Sight I,
Kills for current level: 1x bowhorn Deer 2x Rubber Frogs
Hungry Hungry Hippo > What was that? /// Adventuring day 5 // Morning / Location - Forests edge
He was quite pleased with himself, being able to possess even just these two legs with the rough blade was difficult yet rewarding. Continuing to eat the meat by taking bites out of the chunks that were left, the high pixie tossed the meat that came off the front leg near where Steve had the other leg wrapped up. Picking up one of the leg bones and realizing how heavy it was, he knew right away that he would need some training with this weapon to make it effective. Looking at what was left of the beetle and the two bone plates he was sure he could at least make a chest piece or tunic of sorts out of it… hopefully.
Ardur started right away processing the strands of tendons. He remembered something about Native Americans using it for cordage because it was strong and its strength only improved once it dried into place. He also remembered something about keeping it dry so it did not come loose again. Using what he had available to him he took the mandible and with the blunt side began to roll the tendons in between the blunt mandible and one of the leg bones so he could get to the individual strands and loosen the tendons up enough to be workable.
Once he had completed this, he set out the flat bones and the pieces of flack beetle exoskeleton. The exoskeleton felt lighter but more brittle than the bone and the bones themselves still needed to be strapped together. Ardur figured he could use two sections of tendons to strap the bones together, and then use the other four to connect the pieces of beetle shell together with room for his wings and still have enough to have two straps for his shoulders and two straps to connect under his arms. All he would need to do after this was let everything dry and then find something to waterproof it.
He had the pieces laid out before him in a neat diagram he figured would fit but he would only know once he put it together. Ardur was about to begin when he froze, the sound of thunder in the distance made him freeze. It wasn’t just the thunder that made him freeze. Something about the area changed, everything seemed to grow darker, more menacing. It made the small hairs on his arms and legs stand up and sent a shiver through his body. Watching the clouds closely he saw a shimmer of blue fly from the dark clouds and nearly vaporizing a mountain on the horizon. “What the fuck?” was all he could mutter seeming to agree with the big slime nearby.
Seemingly frozen in place the high pixie hesitated as his friend began to roll away towards the forest. "W-wait, my stuff." He finally stammered out as he picked up the armor bits, tendons, and meat. At this rate he wouldn't be able to carry the heavy bones instead choosing to carry the meat. Something to come back too at some point maybe. The mighty high pixie followed slowly behind the red slime into the forest, once they stopped he would set forth into crafting the armor for himself. He would have to settle for making a small fire to attempt to dry the tendons quicker once they were set in place.
Current Party: Asura, Mother Slime, Steve, and himself.
Magic/Skills: Shield II, Lesser Flight III, Minor Heal III, Physical Conditioning I, Fire Resistance I, Taming I, Fireball I, Stronger II, Crafting I, Muffle I, Inspire I, Guidance I, Spell chant I, Use light equipment, Meditation I, Point Strike I,
time to plan > Hungry Hungry Hippo /// Adventuring day 5 // Morning / Location - Forests edge
He watched closely as his friend continued to try to adhere, himself to the skull while the big slime lingered nearby, “Heal is magic I can use, it makes you feel better when you’re hurt.” Trying to do as Asura suggested and talk to the large slime like a small child. Asura did not seem to off put by the religious stuff but ultimately Ardur was doing it just to see how it worked in this realm. However, the slime still did not seem to want to talk about what he wanted to do or go. To Ardur this his friend seemed to be the type to just go with the flow and roll with the punches. The slimes interpretation as to why he was doing what he was doing to the skull in the first place was also interesting. Watching the two slimes talk to each other with their touch telepathy was curious and Ardur could only wonder at what was said before receiving his answer.
Seeing the larger of the two slimes attach itself to the neck of the beast was interesting to watch. The sudden appearance of a slightly agitated Steve grabbed his attention for a moment as the spider pointed and danced about near the front leg of the deer. Seeing that Mother slime was likely to devour the rest of the deer without intervention the pixie picked up the mandible and moved to the other side of the carcass. “Mother slime wait, let me cut off these legs for us and you can have the rest. This rib cage and spine might be a good shell for you.”
There was still plenty of meat and food to go around, but he really wanted that back leg to use the sinew to strap that beetle exoskeleton together. He was not expecting a lot from it but it was what these two slimes were attempting as well. Taking the now hopefully reinforced mandible, Ardur began to cut along the skin and muscle until he could cut and pop the legs off the rest of the body and move them out of the way of the large slime. It was slow going but quicker than what he could do without it. Making sure to put the front leg by Steve’s other leg and pulling the larger back leg over near the dead beetle so that he could start cutting the tendons and muscle free from the bone.
Current Party: Asura, Mother Slime, Steve, and himself.
Magic/Skills: Shield II, Lesser Flight III, Minor Heal III, Physical Conditioning I, Fire Resistance I, Taming I, Fireball I, Stronger II, Crafting I, Muffle I, Inspire I, Guidance I, Spell chant I, Use light equipment, Meditation I, Point Strike I,
Lots of Food > time to plan /// Adventuring day 5 // Morning / Location - Forests edge
He watched the smoke rise and drift to the south. Its nice aroma filled the air around them and with a deep breath, he sighed with a smile on his face. To finish his little ritual he buried what was left of the charred flesh in a small hole then turned to rejoin the others. Seemingly not caring about his blood stained arms, “well I’m not thirsty anymore.”
He returned to where he had started cutting through the animal and picked up the mandible examining it closely and thinking. Looking to the big slime with a smile remembering she had asked him a question earlier. “Oh when I touched Asura I healed him. Like when I healed you after you were attacked by that mean slime in the cave.” Tearing a small strip of meat from the rib cage, Ardur began to eat while still looking over the mandible and then at the bones he could see in the exposed chest cavity.
The cogs in his head were churning as he remembered some of the ideas he had gotten while in the cave. Using Shield I as a base, the high pixie concentrated the effects of the spell into his right hand that held the mandible and then tried to extend it onto the part of the bug itself. As if he had done before with using shield and fireball to have the offensive spell feed off the defensive one. Once he felt he was close enough to what he was trying to do with it, Ardur then began to focus mana into the tool he held. He was not trying to make a blade but trying to reinforce the mandible to be sharper and stronger.
He tried this approach for a few minutes before stopping to continue eating. It definitely was an interesting thought but he felt he was trying to use a combination of spells when he only knew the one. Still, just another thing to try again later if he ever wanted to try to wield weapons. A better skill to do once Steve was full and rested would be a speed and agility test. Running back and forth while occasionally dodging the web spit of his friend seemed like a good idea for later. However, right now he figured the most important thing he could do was try to work out with the red slime where they wanted to go from here.
Tearing off another chunk of meat and talking with a half full mouth Ardur spoke towards his friend. “So I feel I should bring this up just so we are on the same page with things. I do not care if you do or do not want to do the whole worship thing, that is on you, just do not pray to the demon king. He basically said he would screw us up if we did it again.” Pausing for a moment to swallow his food before continuing. “So what should be our next step?... other than trying to posses a deer skull, honestly that’s kind of creepy but at least you have horns now.” Examining the friendly slim try to do what he could with the skull was both eerie and captivating in how the slime body seemed to move through the rest of the skull.
“I personally wouldn’t mind trying to do some training, maybe work on tactics of some sort, then try to make what’s left of this beetle exoskeleton into armor maybe even use one of the bigger leg bones of this deer as a club.” Ardur continued eating occasionally glancing over to the larger slime and watching how its internal acidity dissolved and processed the deer meat. He was curious to see if she was able to dissolve the bones as well. “Still, I don’t think the burrow is a good shelter for us and I vote we try to move south to find something more fitting. That and I did over hear the goblins say something about a farm near here. If that is true, it is likely going to be a target, and then comes the next decision." pausing to chew his food. "Do we help the farm? The goblins? Maybe just wait and scavenge what we can from around the area? Or make them an ally or an enemy if the goblins don’t show up?” he was curious to see what the quiet Slime’s choices would be. They really had not had any down time to talk and regroup their thoughts and choices, now was likely the best time for it.
Current Party: Asura, Mother Slime, Steve, and himself.
Magic/Skills: Shield II, Lesser Flight III, Minor Heal III, Physical Conditioning I, Fire Resistance I, Taming I, Fireball I, Stronger II, Crafting I, Muffle I, Inspire I, Guidance I, Spell chant I, Use light equipment, Meditation I, Point Strike I,
Food? > Lots of Food /// Adventuring day 5 // Morning / Location - Small burrow > just outside the burrow
Ardur didn’t hesitate with his strike from above. The deer was suffering now and its noises could attract more dangerous things. Finishing it quickly was the preferable choice. He felt his strike hit home and with a satisfying if not unnerving pop and crunch the Deer stiffened for a moment with its final death throws before going still.
The high pixie rolled off to the side of the beast into a crouch with the force of his momentum. It was obvious now that he could let his guard down, as the animal was clearly dead. Mother slime and Steve were quick to claim their prize, with Steve taking a front leg and mother slime a back one. Ardur began to make his way up to the charred carcass of the beetle from the night before and drug its exoskeleton back down from the burrow and to the deer.
"If you need a blade let me know. I can make myself sharp but not like a razor." Asura said while trying to take the deer’s head off.
He paused for a moment, taking a breather to look at their kill and then all of them quietly. He was glad he stayed with Asura, a man of few words that simply acted instead of talked with no hint of treachery in his words or actions. He liked that about him, for now it seemed they had similar goals, to be stronger and survive what more could one ask for? Then there was Mother Slime, he remembered saving her a few times now. The lovable oaf of the group who was a much-needed comic relief with the stress of this new world and new surroundings. Then the ever-adorable Steve, always willing to help without ever sensing that she didn’t want too. A good friend indeed, like a dog with more personality.
With a content sigh Ardur looked to Asura with a smile and stepped up to him, “well if you don’t mind trying to cut the legs off for these two will help them eat faster. I do want some of the ligaments from the other two legs to try to get this beetle armor working. But if you get the head I call dibs on the heart.” Still smiling Ardur knelt town and touched the slime casting Minor Healing I on him. He was slammed against the tree earlier.
Stepping back to the beetle and tearing one of its mandibles free with some difficulty, the high pixie began diligently scraping the belly of the deer from the ribcage down towards its hip with the mandible until it cut open the skin. He then began to pull the intestines and organs out of the beast the wet hot smell of what he could only describe as strong wet dog made him grimace for a moment but he pushed on. Pulling out what looked like the liver and cutting it free from the chest cavity and tossing it toward Asura, “I think that’s the liver. Plenty of nutrients there.” He never found a taste for liver, it was always too dry and the texture was almost pasty with a strong iron taste.
Finally, he found what he was looking for, an organ nestled between the lungs towards its chest. The heart was bigger than his hand and he could barely reach it as he cut it free with the mandible. Pulling his hands out of the beast, his arms stained red past his elbows. Ardur looked at the heart in his hands and turned away from the others taking a few steps into the sunlight. Taking a moment to drink some of the blood from the heart and trying not to gag because of the warmth. It was not the first time he drank the blood of another creature in this world but it was still weird.
Stretching his arms toward the sky, blood dripping down his arms, he spoke, “An offering to those that helped us. To those who we met and are now gone, to those who made us stronger and survive, to those that watch over us, I praise. For the protector, who helped us defend our home from the unknown. For the king, who helped us lead and work together. For the mother, who has rewarded us with a fine gift. I praise you and offer this sacrifice. The heart of the beast, may you take its strength and let it join you to find peace.” With this, he focused on his hands and cast Fireball I without the intention of letting it fly but simply to burn the offering in a sort of ritual sacrifice.
Current Party: Asura, Mother Slime, Steve, and himself.
Magic/Skills: Shield II, Lesser Flight III, Minor Heal III, Physical Conditioning I, Fire Resistance I, Taming I, Fireball I, Stronger II, Crafting I, Muffle I, Inspire I, Guidance I, Spell chant I, Use light equipment, Meditation I, Point Strike I,
A strange Deer > Food? /// Adventuring day 5 // Morning / Location - Small burrow > just outside the burrow
Their small party still needed some work but seemed to be able to make their own decisions quite well and all seemed to be working well together so far. None of them seemed to be trying to be a glory hog or wanting to get the killing blow. He wondered if the other two non-reborn in their party were being influenced by his and Asaura’s own personalities and willingness to grow and be better. At least that’s what he assumed was Asura’s reasons for sticking around, at least they made a good team.
The deer soon collapsed to its front legs from Asura’s strike and helped to be held there by Steve’s web. Mother slime launched an attack at the deer’s head seemingly taking it down again further. It was basically immobilized now and didn’t hold much of a threat. The thought of letting this creature live did cross his mind but this creature was a possible treasure trove of resources and would ultimately make them stronger. Not to mention the tendons could be used to bind the beetle exoskeleton to him as a crude type of armor. A small breeze rustled the brush of the trees behind him and he saw it.
A beam of light made its way through the trees and settled precisely on the creature’s neck. It was at this moment he decided that they should kill it but still give something back to those watching them. Taking the hint given to him Ardur positioned himself for his attack and dropped toward the Deer’s neck and the target marked for him. He used Point Strike I and just like with the lizard the other day he brought his feet together, his heels pointed toward the base of the neck, and bent his knees slightly so he didn’t hurt himself and hoped this strike was enough. "Point Strike."
Current Party: Asura, Mother Slime, Steve, and himself.
Magic/Skills: Shield II, Lesser Flight III, Minor Heal III, Physical Conditioning I, Fire Resistance I, Taming I, Fireball I, Stronger II, Crafting I, Muffle I, Inspire I, Guidance I, Spell chant I, Use light equipment, Meditation I, Point Strike I,
Dust still drifted off him like trails of smoke as the tall vampire made his way through the crowd of students freshly released from their classes. He could hear them whisper as he walked through them moving at a faster pace than most of them, most would barely make eye contact with him but apparently, a small video had begun to float around the masses most likely recorded from someone in the stands. Victor caught glimpses of it as he moved through the crowd.
What he could tell was someone was recording that motion picture actor Eris fight his opponent before the camera focused in on a scream and a white haired girl flying through the air in the back ground. The video focused on victor for a moment as he smiled but abruptly ended when he was pounded into the ground. Now he was sure everyone was going to know that he was the Astorio count, information spreading this quickly among his peers could very well be a double-edged sword for him.
Again, he was met with glares and the odd good job from another traditional vampire or so he assumed. At least they were staying out of his way for now, but this would hopefully draw out the ire of those mages and vampires that would try to take revenge on his public treatment of that mage. As he scanned the crowd, he found it slightly difficult to follow the scent of his mage, the scent he did pick up from him was unique but not very strong something along the lines of dirt and onions would be how he would describe it.
As he was far too focused on the task at hand he hadn’t seen the small outbreak of mages slinging color changing enchantments nearby. A small group of them didn’t seem to be paying attention to what was behind where they were shooting. As one ducked out of the way of one enchantment, the boy instantly froze as he saw what he just hit. Victor didn’t know what happened he only heard a small sizzling sound before a thump hit his left shoulder. The other boys in the small group stopped as well, almost like deer frozen in the middle of the road.
The vampire looked at his coat sleeve to see a patch of dark purple seemingly burnt into the fabric. Slowly turning his head towards the mage in question with an angry look on his face. The boy simply stuttered for a moment and pointed at his friend, “Uhh... He did it.” Before running off toward the rest of the group, the other boy just giggled nervously as he rubbed his arm taking a few steps back before running off towards the rest of the gaggle of mages, who momentarily paused what they were doing to see if they would need to fight this vampire or not.
A few tense seconds of mages holding what he could only assume where their focuses before victor broke his stare with a sigh and continued down the path toward what he assumed was student housing. The mages soon began again making sure to give the other boy crap for hitting a dangerous vampire.
Soon Victor caught a strong scent of his mage and the girl from the arena. The vampire slowly made his way through the heavy doors of the building and followed the scent until he could see what he was looking for. The two mages were talking to a receptionist at the department. He couldn’t make out what they were saying but could tell Salem looked nervous or anxious. Locking eyes with the man behind the desk for just a moment, he turned and left the building the same way he came. Victor was pondering how to proceed before deciding on simply waiting for his mage out here in front of the building. He found a nice spot along the path with a bench and sat down so he may wait for his prey to emerge.
Sup im sword just got here and am getting a feel for things.
Well i got a feel for things and i think ill stay... also recovering from spine surgery sucks but is better than ending up in the emergency room again.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Sup im sword just got here and am getting a feel for things.<br><br>Well i got a feel for things and i think ill stay... also recovering from spine surgery sucks but is better than ending up in the emergency room again.</div>