Victor Astorio
Salem was silent as they continued to move, speaking only for direction. Victor was well aware that the answer he gave him wasn’t the best but at the very least it would shut him up about it until after this test was done. Soon the duo came to a stop and the location of what was their next test. The count listened closely to the words Salem spoke and took a few minutes to think.
“Hmm, ‘to whom walks amidst Time’s tangled web, look close at that which walks removed.’ Definitely talking about us and something that neither of us walk with or live with.” Another pause as he continued to think, “Three keys to enlightenment of our kind-Might, Majesty, and Mastery-and yet not all three command them. Pick the light that guides their way and keep it safe on your way to have your diligence paid in kind. Stay to the right as it shines.” Repeating it aloud again. “One to choose, stay to the right? A maze perhaps. Or only when it shines, three keys to enlightenment, three choices paid in kind. Well which ever we choose we will be tested. But might doesn’t solve everything even if we are good at it.” Again another pause. "boar for strength, Ocean Wave for majesty, and Flower for mastery."
“Majesty is lacking with both of us but still there and neither of us have mastered anything. The last part is just in case we are running low on time. I haven’t felt the temperature change dramatically yet and it will get colder before the dawn. Choose Mastery and let’s take the path on the right. I’m sure it will be fun.” He answered with a smile, these tests are taxing but a challenge he wasn’t expecting.