Avatar of ReusableSword


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2 yrs ago
Current i dont recommend getting a pinched nerve, especially in your leg
6 yrs ago
Just a few more hours and i get to dissappear for 10 days. The place we are going has some wonderful views.
7 yrs ago
wow talk about nostalgia. Things to do while your bored, look up "the cluefinders."
7 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
what? its already been a year here? *looks around* well other than loseing a bunch of wieght not much has changed.
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Sup im sword just got here and am getting a feel for things.

Well i got a feel for things and i think ill stay... also recovering from spine surgery sucks but is better than ending up in the emergency room again.

Most Recent Posts

more like claws and teeth
Root - The Hidden

“Root do not know.” A long tongue flicked from the lizards lips licking its own eye for a moment. “We could go look at lake shore for fun things that washed up?” The small lizard like all of them enjoyed the water and always found it a good escape route if nothing else was available. The only problem was the bigger fish you see further out. The night the goblins tried to sail a small boat they made down the water was interesting. Especially when the big fish came out, they didn’t last long after that.

Root crept over to the side of their area and began to tend to some cave ferns he had been taking care of. These plants were important to him because they could be transplanted and attached to the shoulders of the bigger lizards. This allowed him to camouflage himself in with his changing scales to the ferns and allowed him to make ranged attacks from stealth. He cared for them by putting some of the fish guts in with the soil. Luckily there was always plenty around.

With the last of the few plants tended for, six being fern plants and four being medicinal herbs that help with healing and skin problems with lizards. Root picked up his bow and arrows walking back toward the lake slightly. “Come come we go scout while others think about where to go.”

just stick with me for power leveling lol
im likely going to continue the necro path for mine but he also likes to use his hands but is more ambush predator than anything lol
Wooo its back after 2 years.
@Dark Cloud thats were i was at evolution wise before it stopped.

@Jangel13sounds good to me
awww no ghoul for me... i geuss thats fair though
its so dusty in here
I dont mind either way
Root - The Hidden

Cold dark and damp a few words to describe the existence of living in the warren. These few words combined with the sounds of crumbling stones, the occasional scream or howl echoing through the haunting hallways and the ever present drip of moisture dropping from the cavernous ceiling above. The dark and dreary landscape although not very fitting for most civilized people was a haunting paradise for those creatures that called it home. At least that was how the small Lizardfolk cloaked in the darkness with bow in hand felt.

Root had been standing perfectly still on the water’s edge for the last 15 minutes. His bow was drawn and the special barbed fishing arrows was sitting there waiting to fly and impale the next fish that swam by. 3 more already lay still on the rocks behind him the blood dripping into the water and drawing in smaller fish. His quarry finally showed itself after it thought it was safe, a large green and black carp swam by just close enough for Root to shift slightly and relies his arrow.

With a furry of movement the fish tried to swim away but found itself drawn out of the water by the rope attached to the end of the arrow, the barbs keeping the projectile lodged in the flesh of the fish. Root had already eaten his fish for the day and this fish meant there was food for his friend as well as giving the rest to the tribe. He didn’t entirely like how they hunted and preferred this method, fish don’t scream.

Root had pulled the other fish along behind him on a stick when he finally got back to the old tubs. The other lizards said that it was a place for humans to clean themselves. He wasn’t sure why they would want to but at least the tubs that were left held enough water to be comfortable. The small reptile quietly passed by a few other members of his tribe and left two fish in their food pile taking the other two to his friend.

Karn was a massive Lizardfolk, they were called black scale and like himself were not too common in this part of the world. The mighty warrior seemed to enjoy his time relaxing in the large tubs of water. Although the both of them yearned to be mighty in their own way sometimes it felt like a slow grind. At least it was fun. Root set the two carp next to his friend and sat down starting to change out his fishing arrows for his normal ones, “Got food Kull, more fish. These ones big fish for big friend.”

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