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Conner & Medusa

Outside of Book Store, Greek Quarter, Streets of Fusang

"I don't blame you if you never heard of it. Bone is a largely underrated graphic novel series.", said Conner Griggs as he and his Servant walked out of the book store with their newly gained goods. "It's pretty much the same genre that you like in your books, Medusa."

"Possibly.", softly replied the Rider as she walked beside her Master in her casual grab, which consisted of a long sleeve black sweater, long black jeans, heeled boots and her special glasses. "Though, I'd doubt they would be as much of a.....spectacle."

"Heh, yeah, no kidding. Lord of the Rings is on another level. It's no wonder there's a movie trilogy of it."

As they came up and waited at a crosswalk, Medusa turned her gaze toward her Master, a curious spark in her usually calm eyes.

"There's a movie trilogy?"

Conner looked toward the purple haired beauty, surprise in his eyes before giving off a chuckle.

"Well, I know what I'm gonna show you when we get back home."

So involved in their conversation, Conner didn't notice the approach of a certain former Lord and his assistant from behind. Medusa, however, did and gestured with her head to look behind him.

"Hm?", the 17 year old mumbled as he turned around. Oh, Mr. Velvet."

@PKMNB0Y Sweet! I'll jump right in then.

Also, do you want me to put my sheets in the characters section while I'm at it?
Someone really liked that one Spongebob episode, apparently.
@PaulHaynek @Restalaan (YANG) @13org (ADA)

"Hey! No tasting until the contest's done!" Nero angrily called out from his station. "Hahaha! I'm just messing with you. But seriously though, let's not be unfair to the rest of the audience and let's try all of these at the same time. Alright?"

"Tch....Fine, we'll wait.", Kira pouted as she sat back in her seat. Thankfully, she didn't have to wait long. Soon enough, the time ran out and Yang, along with the other contestants, began serving their meals out to the audience, which the announcer declared that the winner of the cooking contest would be determined by which dish the crowd liked best. Then, and only then, did the audience got the go ahead to dig in, to which Kira happily obliged.

The first dish was the blonde man's meat dish: Mmmmm, so juicy. So savory. And so tender it almost melts in your mouth. This guy knows how to handle his meat!.....Hehehe.

Next, came the Ushi-Oni's 'sushi' dish: Huh, never had this one before either. The appearance is certainly something. Rice, salmon, sauce and a bit of vegetable all wrapped in what looks like seaweed. The texture is unique and I don't know how I feel about it be served cold, but the taste certainly ain't bad. And all of this was made by an USHI-ONI. Who taught her how to cook, an Inari? Pffft, yeah, right. Could you imagine?

Then came the Kikimora's homemade dish: It's good. Really good, actually. It's just....I could go to my parents back home and almost get the exact same dish. It's something I've had before, so it's not anything too impressive.

Finally, Yang's 'ramen' bowl, which Kira was saving for last. And her thoughts on it were...

Oh my gods....OH MY GODS! Where has this food been all my life!? The smell! The texture! The flavors! It all comes together to create this wonderous culinary masterpiece! Who'd ever thought soup could be this good!? We have a winner!

"Aaaahhh....Yang! Hands down!", exclaimed Kira, saying as much after she had finished eating(and drinking) Yang's dish. Most of the audience were in agreement with the flygirl and with that, the busty monk was declared the winner.

Well....all except for one.

"You cheated, you monk!" The Ushi-Oni exclaimed. "You won because no one here has tried ramen before! They liked your dish because it was new and exotic!" She accused.

"That....doesn't make much sense. How is serving something no one here has tried before considered cheating? Plus, you brought something new to the table too.", the Beelzebub stated with a raised eyebrow. The blonde haired man, going by Nero apparently, said just as much.

"Your dish's pretty exotic too, you know? What's sushi anyway?" Nero interjected.

"Yeah, well, hers is exotic-er." The Ushi-Oni retorted. "Regardless, she has cheated and I will bring her to justice!" She declared before leaping high into the air and landing in front of Yang. The ferocious Ushi-Oni was ready to tear the blonde monk to pieces.

Oh, shit!, Kira thought to herself, shocked over how quickly the situation escalated. Ada seemed to have had a similar thought process because she quickly went to Yang's side, hissing and baring her teeth at the Ushi-Oni. The flygirl followed suit, swiftly buzzing over and placing herself between the monstrous spider mamono and the monk.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Slow down and actually think about this!", Kira yelled, trying to play mediator. "You're getting riled up over losing a cooking contest! Don't you think that seems a tad silly!?"
@PaulHaynek @13org (ADA) @Restalaan (YANG)

"Phew, made it just in time!", exclaimed Kira as the trio arrived at the cooking contest going in full swing. She could her guildmate Yang competing, going up against a blonde haired man, a Kikimora and....wait, is that Ushi-Oni!? However, she couldn't contemplate on the paradox of seeing a literal rape train cooking as a much more important matter made itself known through her nose. Mainly...

The food....Oh my Demon Lord, this food smells AMAZING!, the flygirl thought to herself, licking her lips furiously as she gazed at the buffet of meals the contestants had already produced.

"F-Foo?" Ada asked with a surprisingly clear and melodic voice, which was rather unexpected seeing how she didn't seem to speak that much.

"Foo!" she said again, gently pulling Kira's arm towards the food as she looked at it excitedly.

"I know, right Ada!? Look at all this food! Talia, I don't even know where to start! Should I try the steak first? Or perhaps the fish? Balanced dish, maybe? Or....wait, what even is that!?" Kira announced, eyeing the soup bowl full of noodles in brown broth, mixed in with veggies and meats. She looked toward Yang, who was still in the midst of cooking. "Yang! Is this your dish!? It is, isn't it!? Please let me try it! I've never seen food like this before!"
Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. I can wait. Would feel a tad awkward if I came in right now

I await for your go sign.
Really? Well, I was gonna find a way to have my master and servant meet and pair up, but since you said that, yeah. Conner and Medusa are a pair.

What I was really asking was how are you guys gonna bring me into the fold?
Excellent! So, what's next?
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