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Allow me to throw my hat into the ring!

Let's admit it: Blasted Tree in Apocrypha looks WAY better than it does in Grand Order.
Seeing as how I took so long with my responses, I made a larger than usually one to compensate.

As well as give y'all a little glimpse into Kira's backstory.

"Of course." She answered without hesitation. "If you find yourself in love, Beelzebub, you would understand. I will even wager that you will do the same as I did."


The words of the maid mamono reverberated within Kira's mind, rendering her silent to everything happened around her as she contemplated the Kikimora's plight. As the standoff between the two opposing parties played out, she came to her conclusion: Yes.

She would do the same thing.

If she were in love, she would cause typhoons and hurricanes to get to her love.

To that end, Kira was sympathetic to the maid. And as Nero spoke, her sympathy for her grew.....as well as her fury for him.

Nero, still bound and gagged, managed to remove the cloth on his mouth and gave his answer while still tied up on the ground. "Look, I am flattered that she likes me but... I'm a warrior that has taken an oath to serve justice and protect the innocent. My life is forfeit ever since I took that oath with the Black Wolves, even if they have turned to evil and madness. For me to take a lover will only distract me from my duty."

"Rayya, it's not that I don't like you. Perhaps in another life we can be together, but not in this one. I'm already a dead man, Rayya. Sooner or later, I will die fighting the enemy, whoever that may be. It would be best for both of us that you look for someone else. Someone better than me. You deserve that much, Rayya."

Unbeknownst to everyone, Nero's response struck a nerve within Kira, unearthing a long-since-buried scar and wounding it again. A shadow fell over her eyes as her chitin claws balled into trembling fists, her teeth grinding so hard against each other that one would think sparks would start flying from her mouth. To anyone who would notice, it looked like the Beelzebub was going to explode....but then her fists stopped trembling and uncurled themselves. She stopped her violent teeth grinding and when she looked up, she appeared...calm? Before anyone could say anything, the flygirl stepped in between Nero and Rayya, facing the now crying Kikimora.

"I understand, Rayya. I really do.", Kira began, her voice and tone filled with understanding and sympathy. "Though I have yet to fall in love myself, I've seen more than enough of this type of scenario to know what you're feeling. It's painful, isn't it? Chasing after a man who captured your heart and wanting to give all the love you have in your soul, only for him to reject you at every turn, every time. It's why you're now so desperate and ready to take him by force. So yeah, I get it. But, even as you are right now, you know this is wrong. As painful as it is, you know this is not the right way. It's his decision and you have no right to take that away from him. I know it, everyone knows it and even you know it. If you really love him, don't claim him at your worst....claim him at your best.

"Now....with that being said..."


It happened so fast. Anyone who blinked would've missed it.

To those that didn't, they would be left shocked and stupefied as they witnessed Kira quickly whirling around and striking Nero's cheek with a open chitin-covered palm, slapping him so hard that he could've swore that he almost got whiplash.

"You are a cruel and selfish idiot!", spat Kira at the bounded man, her glare vicious and her tone furious. "Look at her, Nero! Look at what your rejections and cowardice had forced her to do! She had thrown herself at you for years and had resorted to disturbing the peace and kidnapping you to prove her love for you! All because you were too chickenshit to accept the fact that there was someone out there who actually gave a fuck about you and didn't want you dying in a ditch somewhere! Don't deserve her!? Unworthy of her!? Have you forgotten what she is!? If a mamono says you're the one, it's not your call to tell her to look for another! For her, there is no other! And distracting you from your 'duty'!? Are you fucking kidding me!? She is the best thing that's ever happened in your life! The only thing 'duty' is good for is causing good men to die early.......AND TAKING FAMILY WITH THEM, TOO!"

By the time she finished her tirade, Kira realized she was breathing hard, visibly shaking and on the verge of having tears stream down her face, as well as possibly revealing something about herself that was deeply personal. Wiping her eyes to hold off the waterworks, Kira turned her attention back to Rayya.

"You're right. He really is stubborn. It begs the question: If he's still blind to how much he is hurting you, then was he ever worth your love at all?"

With those somber words, Kira took to the skies once more, most likely heading back to the Guild. Not noticing if anyone was following her as her tears finally began to flow.
@VitaVitaAR @Rune_Alchemist

Retcons.....well, shit. Alright, I'll check my responses to see if I need to line things up with the changes.....AFTER I get off work.

Also, does this mean Charlotte has both Arturia AND Dioscuri as her Servants?
Alright, breaking the silence. Are we on hiatus or are we dead?

Errr...this might just be me from my end, but from what I'm seeing, your edit didn't go through and Ada is still refering them as spider ladies and having big bodies.

Holy hell, where did these women learn how to fight!?

This was the enlightened thought that passed through Kira's mind as she had underestimated the Kikimora's fighting ability and quickly finding herself on the defensive against her opponent's assault. Her lightning-fast fly reflexes, as well as the chitin armor plating on her arms and legs, saved her from the more brutal attacks, but even so, some of the flygirl's uncovered parts had already been hit, none life-threatening thankfully. While Kira did managed to get a few kicks and claw swipes in, all were glancing blows that did nothing to knock the Kikimora out.

"Cloudburst!", the Beelzebub shouted as she slammed her clawed hand to the ground, causing a shockwave of wind to explode and separate the two combatants a fair distance, giving Kira time to catch her breath as she glared at the maid fighter. "Okay...I gotta ask....Why? Why go through so much trouble, huh? At this point, your escape plan is utterly doomed and the town guard is probably on their way here as we speak. Is Nero really worth all of this drama?"
@PaulHaynek @ShwiggityShwah @Restalaan (DIT)

"GAH!", yelped Kira as she struck midair by one of the Kikimoras. Thankfully, Haley was there to catch the flygirl before she hit the ground.

"I got you, Kira!"

"Thanks for the save....but now I'm pissed!", the Beelzebub exclaimed, freeing herself from the Siren's talons once she shook off the stars in her vision. Just in time to see Ozzy about to be attacked by another Kikimora. Reacting quickly, she flew down low and delivered a flying kick to knock the bird/dog hybrid mamono away.

"Ozzy, help Margaret! Ditzy, get Nero out of here!", Kira stated in a rush before engaging the recovering Kikimora, claws and wind magic at the ready.
@PaulHaynek @ShwiggityShwah @Restalaan @13org

Ozzy gave Kira his undivided attention. "Kidnapping? Oh yeah, that takes priority. Let's go Ditzy, we might need your fists." He flapped his arms and went to the sky. He flew up near Kira. "Haven't seen Bart, is he in trouble? You know what, no time, tell us on the way."

He then remembered. "Margaret! You should come along! You get to see how male monsters and the Guild work together! Heck of a learning experience!" He grinned at her before joining Kira to find out what she knew.

"Okay, Ditzy will find them and beat them up!" Ditzy proclaimed as he raised a fist in the air, still full of energy despite having a day full of activity.

Margaret took a large breath in to calm down, returning to her species' well-known stoic and calm nature. "This... is a lot to take in." She said in a quiet tone. "First, a multitude of male monsters. One is an incredible discovery on its own, but an entire group? Unheard of, practically miraculous." She looked at Ozzy and Ditzy. "And now, a kidnapping in this peaceful old port. Does your presence always invite such... excitement?"

"Regardless, we should inform the authorities. Miss Kira, was it? Do you have any specifics regarding this kidnapping?"

"All I know is that the grand prize was stolen and one of the contestants, named Nero, was snatched up in the confusion. That's basically the gist of it. I'm willing to bet they're making a break for the main entrance. If you haul it, we may just catch'em.", responded Kira as she took off once more, Ozzy and Margaret flying by her side while Ditzy followed on the ground. Ozzy's words about Bart's unknown whereabouts bothered the flygirl as she was not able to find him in between any of the places she flew to. Just where did the Guildmaster wander off to?

Soon enough, Kira and company had arrived just in time to see Ada and Yang squaring up against a quartet of Kikimoras, with Nero being bound and held hostage in the wagon. As Ozzy gave Ditzy instructions on what to do, Kira mentally went over her own plan.

If Yang and Ada strike first and Ditzy was unable to reach him, then Kira will go straight for Nero and fly him to safety. All the better and faster if Ozzy joined her in this endeavor.

If the Kikimoras strike first, she'll immediately dive down and disperse them with a air shockwave and assist Yang and Ada in fight them off while Ozzy and Ditzy help Nero.

With a plan set, Kira hovered and waited for what came next.

Only if I join you! XD
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