Allow me to throw my hat into the ring!
Name: Fran(a.k.a Frankenstein)
Class: Berserker
Personality: Despite being an artificial being, due to her being abandoned by her father, Fran has interacted with the world enough to achieve and understand human intellect and, perhaps more importantly, emotions. Where she lacks in vocal eloquence, she makes up for in emotional intensity. She can quiet and demure just as easily as she can loud and confrontational. Gently tending to flowers one moment, destroying a city block the next. One should take care of deal with a Berserker who wears their heart on their sleeve like Fran does.
Class Skills:
Madness Enchantment(Rank D)- In exchange for increased power, one loses their logic and sanity. In Fran's case, speech is rather difficult for her, mostly communicating through grunts and non-verbal gestures. When she does speak, her words are fairly broken and come in short, choppy sentences.
Personal Skills:
Galvanism(Rank B)- Unrestricted conversion and accumulation of magical energy and bio-electricity. In other words, Fran can is able to absorb and store mana, whether it be magical energy from the environment or electricity. Also, depending on the amount of mana stored, it can be put to use strengthening the body and rapidly repairing damage.
Wail of the Falsely Living(Rank D)- Fran lets loose a shrill cry that seems to go on endlessly. Increases in effectiveness proportionate to Madness Enchantment rank. This skill causes enemies and allies without distinction to lose their ability to think, and those without proper mental resistance will panic and become unable to breathe.
Overload(Rank C)- A double edged sword of a skill. With it, Fran converts the mana accumulated with Galvanism into more electricity than the maximum permissible level, and bounces the attack power of her Noble Phantasm up by outputting all of it. Due to the overwhelming power and her body not being able to handle it, Fran suffers damage from this skill.
Noble Phantasm:
Blasted Tree, The Lightning Tree of Crucifixion
Rank- D~B+
Type- Anti-Army
Appearance- Mord survived because of plot
Fran's ultimate attack and mark as a Heroic well as her last ditch trump card. By releasing all of her limiters and using all of the accumulated mana she had stored, she unleashes a powerful maelstrom of electricity to devastate the battlefield and fry her enemies. Regrettably, this comes with a major drawback. At full power, this attack WILL kill her. Even when not at full power, it will overload her body and cause substantial damage to her, rendering her unconscious and unable to move without her Master's assistance. Ultimately, this Noble Phantasm is regarded as, at best, a suicidal hail mary. Thankfully, this attack is kept in check by her lesser known Noble Phantasm, Bridal Chest, A Maiden's Chastity.
Bridal Chest, A Maiden's Chastity
Rank- C
Type- Anti-Unit
Appearance- Swingin' from the heels!
Fran's large war hammer (battle mace) that discharges electricity with the appearance of tree branches when used as a striking weapon. Kept on her at all times even while not in battle to power her, the large, spherical orb on the top contains her reactor core, her heart. Although used as a bludgeoning weapon against enemies, particularly effective against armored enemies, it can be considered only a secondary use to its primary function of absorbing excess magical energy from the environment. Combined with Galvanism, thaumaturgical attacks involving no material existence, such as wind manipulation, energy bullets and beam attacks, can be converted into electricity and rendered without effect upon her, discharged into the environment. It also serves as a limiter for Blasted Tree, ensuring that Fran doesn't use too much mana and electricity recklessly.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Let's admit it: Blasted Tree in Apocrypha looks WAY better than it does in Grand Order.

Name: Fran(a.k.a Frankenstein)
Class: Berserker
Personality: Despite being an artificial being, due to her being abandoned by her father, Fran has interacted with the world enough to achieve and understand human intellect and, perhaps more importantly, emotions. Where she lacks in vocal eloquence, she makes up for in emotional intensity. She can quiet and demure just as easily as she can loud and confrontational. Gently tending to flowers one moment, destroying a city block the next. One should take care of deal with a Berserker who wears their heart on their sleeve like Fran does.
Class Skills:
Madness Enchantment(Rank D)- In exchange for increased power, one loses their logic and sanity. In Fran's case, speech is rather difficult for her, mostly communicating through grunts and non-verbal gestures. When she does speak, her words are fairly broken and come in short, choppy sentences.
Personal Skills:
Galvanism(Rank B)- Unrestricted conversion and accumulation of magical energy and bio-electricity. In other words, Fran can is able to absorb and store mana, whether it be magical energy from the environment or electricity. Also, depending on the amount of mana stored, it can be put to use strengthening the body and rapidly repairing damage.
Wail of the Falsely Living(Rank D)- Fran lets loose a shrill cry that seems to go on endlessly. Increases in effectiveness proportionate to Madness Enchantment rank. This skill causes enemies and allies without distinction to lose their ability to think, and those without proper mental resistance will panic and become unable to breathe.
Overload(Rank C)- A double edged sword of a skill. With it, Fran converts the mana accumulated with Galvanism into more electricity than the maximum permissible level, and bounces the attack power of her Noble Phantasm up by outputting all of it. Due to the overwhelming power and her body not being able to handle it, Fran suffers damage from this skill.
Noble Phantasm:
Blasted Tree, The Lightning Tree of Crucifixion
Rank- D~B+
Type- Anti-Army
Appearance- Mord survived because of plot
Fran's ultimate attack and mark as a Heroic well as her last ditch trump card. By releasing all of her limiters and using all of the accumulated mana she had stored, she unleashes a powerful maelstrom of electricity to devastate the battlefield and fry her enemies. Regrettably, this comes with a major drawback. At full power, this attack WILL kill her. Even when not at full power, it will overload her body and cause substantial damage to her, rendering her unconscious and unable to move without her Master's assistance. Ultimately, this Noble Phantasm is regarded as, at best, a suicidal hail mary. Thankfully, this attack is kept in check by her lesser known Noble Phantasm, Bridal Chest, A Maiden's Chastity.
Bridal Chest, A Maiden's Chastity
Rank- C
Type- Anti-Unit
Appearance- Swingin' from the heels!
Fran's large war hammer (battle mace) that discharges electricity with the appearance of tree branches when used as a striking weapon. Kept on her at all times even while not in battle to power her, the large, spherical orb on the top contains her reactor core, her heart. Although used as a bludgeoning weapon against enemies, particularly effective against armored enemies, it can be considered only a secondary use to its primary function of absorbing excess magical energy from the environment. Combined with Galvanism, thaumaturgical attacks involving no material existence, such as wind manipulation, energy bullets and beam attacks, can be converted into electricity and rendered without effect upon her, discharged into the environment. It also serves as a limiter for Blasted Tree, ensuring that Fran doesn't use too much mana and electricity recklessly.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Let's admit it: Blasted Tree in Apocrypha looks WAY better than it does in Grand Order.