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Conner & Medusa

"Saber...", responded the Gorgon enchantress, feeling just as on edge before the blonde swordswoman. She remembered the last time they met back in the Fifth Grail War in Fuyuki. The fight they had then....really wouldn't be called a fight, given the circumstances.

Taking note of the slight tension between the two Servants, Conner kept his conversation friendly with Ritsuko, as he always had, to keep things civil.


"Oh, h-hi!" she said, scratching her head and trying to make it look as if she hadn't been attempting to peak at the hooded figure's face, "Griggs-san! I was a bit distracted, sorry!"

"Don't worry about it. Knowing you, there's plenty on your plate already. Have you been using money saving advice I've been talking to you about?", he said with a small smirk. The young man could sorta predict what she was gonna say next. Howver, before Ritsuko could reply, Professor Velvet spoke out.

"R-right. Well then..." he began, slowly forcing his body to stop tensing up as he turned towards those present. "I suppose that in my role as a professor, I should also hope that you have the requisite materials for the course. Though I suppose if there is nothing else, we should be off. I would rather not miss my appointment to check the Servant database of the city."

"Oh! Well, don't let us hold you two up any longer, professor., replied Conner, stepping off to the side to let the man and his companion through unhindered. However, Conner noticed how said companion hadn't said a word throughout the entire exchange. Specifically, they hadn't said a word since Ritsuko and Saber walked in. The young man raised an eyebrow, finding it a tad strange.

@PKMNB0Y @VitaVitaAR

Why not? I'm betting she's short circuiting at the sight of Ditzy and she'll full on faint when she sees Freyr.

Kira watched as Freyr sped off into town before turning her attention toward Haley, whose face appeared to be in a similar state of red as Freyr's was. It only took the flygirl three seconds to realize what just happened.

"Confessed your feelings to each other?", Kira commented with a giggle, raising a clawed hand to stop Haley's potential denial. "I'll keep quiet about, but I wanna hear the full story once all of this is over. For now though, I think you should fly around town and see if you can find anything suspicious. Reed, you should go check the docks. Let no stone unturned, as they say. I'll go find the others."

With a supportive wink to the Siren, Kira flew off toward the ports, where the Quiz contest was being held.

@Restalaan (DIT) @ShwiggityShwah

As she approached, she caught sight of Ozzy and Ditzy, along with a female Owl Mage. Again, Kira seemed to have caught the two avian beings in the midst of a conversation, with the male Hobgoblin being the unwitting third wheel.

"Oz! Ditzy! We got a situation! There's been a kidnapping at the cooking contest and we need to act fast if we want to catch the baddies! Also, have you guys seen Bart? I don't think I've seen any sign of him in any of the places I've been."

"Everybody, watch out!"

"Wait, was that Tal-ACK! The hell!?", exclaimed Kira as she, along with her companions, were caught in the middle of several smoke bomb explosions, the area soon becoming clouded and difficult to see through. A brief scuffle was heard from Nero, but no one could do anything due to the lack of vision. So, wanting to clear the air...

"Wind Art: Cloudburst!"

...Kira used her wind magic to create an air shockwave, not enough to blow everyone off their feet, but more than enough to disperse the smoke clouds around them.

"Everyone good?", she asked, checking on her guildmates. She noticed that Nero was now missing. "Just what the hell was that?"

"Damn it, I was too late!" Talia arrived at the scene. "Sorry for disappearing on you guys, but I saw some suspicious behavior from the Kikimora contestant and had to secretly track her down. I found out that she stole the prize for the cooking competition, thatnooneseemedtohavenoticed, and then was gone for a while before here we are."

"Seriously!?", the young Beelzebub replied, shocked. Of all the mamono here, she didn't even think the Kikimora would be the one to doing anything that can cause a stir, let alone cause trouble. "It's just a cooking contest! Why go through this much effort!?"

"Whatever her plan is, it seems to involve kidnapping Sir Nero." Neil voiced his thoughts. "Where do you think they've gone?"

"Since we are witnesses to her deeds, she would probably attempt to leave Boreal Port as soon as possible. We can go to the town's entrance and catch her there." Talia said. "Although, I'm not sure if she would actually be there. Do you guys think we should split up?"

"We also haven't reached our other members yet. Someone should go and tell them about this so we can all work together." Neil suggested.

@Stern Algorithm @Restalaan (YNG) @13org (ADA)
"I'll go find the others. I'm the fastest one here anyway. You guys worry about getting to the entrance and cutting that Kikimora off. I should probably find Bart as well, let him know what's going on.", the flygirl quickly chimed in, seeing the situation take a turn for the serious. Not wasting anytime to even hear responses, Kira quickly took to the skies to inform the other guild members.

@13org (FYR)
The first stop Kira made was at the archery range where Freyr, Hailey and Sir Reed went off to for the Target Contest. However, as she came in to hover near them, she could see that the rabbit man and Siren were in the middle of a rather peculiar conversation, with the rugged knight standing off rather awkwardly.

"Errr, am I interrupting something? You know what, on second thought, that's not important right now. One of the contestants of the cooking contest has been kidnapped!", Kira quickly informed the trio, cutting to the chase.

Well, damn. There goes a cool Heaven's Feel reference. Alright, hold on...

Edit: Done. Is that better?
Quick question:

Are Servants allowed to remember the past Grail Wars they've been in? Or, at the very least, feel like they've seen certain Servants way before they were summoned to Fusang?
Conner & Medusa

Before the conversation could carry on, Conner noticed the professor looking beyond him and saw how the older man's visage fell to that concern and worry. The hooded figured at his side seemed to have also noticed something, for they had stiffened as well. Curious, yet a bit on edge, as to what would elicit such reactions, the young magus turned around to see...


"Ritsuko?", Conner called upon seeing one of his classmates. He had met the redhead on several occasions and had held some rather enjoyable conversations with her, as well as giving the girl some advice on managing one's finances. Poor girl just can't seem to hold on to money for some reason. Standing by her side was her Saber Servant, a young-looking woman wearing lion printed shirt and a skirt....who also had a look of surprise on her face. The 19 year old raised an eyebrow. What was that all about?

At the same time, Medusa had also turned to see the approaching duo, though her reaction was subtly more alerted and guarded as she remained silent and narrowed her eyes at the blonde woman. She had seen and met this Servant before, but she couldn't help but feel like she had seen the woman way before she was summoned in this city.

@PKMNB0Y @VitaVitaAR
Sorry, for the long wait. Work has been keeping me busy and such.
@PaulHaynek @Restalaan (YNG) @13org (ADA)

"I'm just glad glad everything worked themselves out.", Kira said with a big sigh of relief. She really wasn't looking forward to stopping a rampaging Ushi-Oni, two if Yang ended up getting corrupted. Thanks to Nero's interference, it didn't come to that.

Soon after that, Neil and the Altissima sister arrived to join them.

"Hey all!" Neil announced his and the Altissima sisters arrival. "How'd the cooking competition go?"

@Stern Algorithm

"It was great! The food was spectacular, but Yang's dish ended up winning it all.", she replied before turning to the Liliurane twins with a smirk. ""You two missed out. Y'all would've definitely been in the running."

Then, at this point, Kira noticed a missing member in their group.

"Hey, did anyone see where Talia went off to?"
@Silent Showers

Looking for someone to play with? I'm curious
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