Conner & Medusa
"Saber...", responded the Gorgon enchantress, feeling just as on edge before the blonde swordswoman. She remembered the last time they met back in the Fifth Grail War in Fuyuki. The fight they had then....really wouldn't be called a fight, given the circumstances.
Taking note of the slight tension between the two Servants, Conner kept his conversation friendly with Ritsuko, as he always had, to keep things civil.
"Oh, h-hi!" she said, scratching her head and trying to make it look as if she hadn't been attempting to peak at the hooded figure's face, "Griggs-san! I was a bit distracted, sorry!"
"Don't worry about it. Knowing you, there's plenty on your plate already. Have you been using money saving advice I've been talking to you about?", he said with a small smirk. The young man could sorta predict what she was gonna say next. Howver, before Ritsuko could reply, Professor Velvet spoke out.
"R-right. Well then..." he began, slowly forcing his body to stop tensing up as he turned towards those present. "I suppose that in my role as a professor, I should also hope that you have the requisite materials for the course. Though I suppose if there is nothing else, we should be off. I would rather not miss my appointment to check the Servant database of the city."
"Oh! Well, don't let us hold you two up any longer, professor., replied Conner, stepping off to the side to let the man and his companion through unhindered. However, Conner noticed how said companion hadn't said a word throughout the entire exchange. Specifically, they hadn't said a word since Ritsuko and Saber walked in. The young man raised an eyebrow, finding it a tad strange.
@PKMNB0Y @VitaVitaAR