Avatar of Rhona W


Recent Statuses

13 hrs ago
Current My Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, and I'm like, I drink them! I drink all your milkshakes!
1 like
4 days ago
Goodness. No inspiration or activity for me on here for months (even years!) and now all at once, I have ideas for multiple RPs!
4 days ago
Started a new RP, and I'm excited for it, for the first time in a while. I hope it's a success!
11 mos ago
Man, I can't wait to roleplay as Teak Root Furniture. Sounds wild.
11 mos ago
As Eddie Izzard once said, "Americans say 'Urbs' English people say 'Herbs', because there's a f*cking 'H' in it"


I've been roleplaying in one form or another since the late '90's. I've played as many tabletop games as I have online ones, and the quality of both has varied wildly.
I have an active imagination, and I love immersive, descriptive roleplaying. My genres of choice are sci-fi, and modern-day (with a sci-fi twist). I like RP's that mix reality with fiction, and throw an unusual and exciting twist into an otherwise normal setting - something like Stargate SG-1 would be an example, or Battle: Los Angeles. An almost recognizable world, but with some sci-fi twists.
I'm a fan of military and action-based RP's that do this especially, and they are easily my favourite - though I rarely see any that appeal to me enough - all the military RP's are too 'plain', and anything else modern day is usually fantasy or fandom.
I have a lot of fandoms, but I don't really like fandom RP's - or at least, the ones that come up. I often find them a bit lacking in ideas, or too far away from what actually makes the thing I'm a fan of enjoyable.

I don't play in free, as I find the short posts and bad spelling and grammar infuriating.

I'm 43 years old, and live in the UK, so I may not be on all the time.
I also like playing non-human characters, especially anthro ones. I dig giant robots, and I love military aircraft. I'm also a very dedicated and proud Brony and furry.

Most Recent Posts

Somewhat on-topic: Saw Top Gun: Maverick today. Very good, especially considering what usually comes out these days.

Now I want Ace Combat movies...

I feel your pain! I've wanted an Ace Combat movie, or anime series, or... something since at least Ace Combat 4...!
I haven't seen Maverick yet; I'm supposed to be seeing it with a friend next weekend, but she got the plague. Hopefully she'll be clear by then though.
I've added some non-explosive ordnance to the list in the OP post, as I figured some additional systems might be useful for certain types of missions.
The first IC post is up. I'm launching up straight into the action to give things a chance to get moving at a fast pace off the bat, and for everyone to have some moments of coolness to distinguish themselves.
The first post is just to set up reactions for everyone to the launch, then I'll throw us into combat with the next round of posts.
As stated; there's no turn order. Just get your posts up, and once everyone's posted, I'll throw up another as a reaction. Unless anyone has any immediate need for anything in the meantime.
The planet Edara was an icy, storm-tossed rock orbiting a dim star on the frontier of Commonwealth space. Once it had been an unremarkable planet, home to an automated mining station.
Under Imperial rule, it had taken on a new guise; mining still it's main export, but now through convict labour. Edara was a penal colony, a final destination for anyone the Empire found guilty of dissension, trafficking secrets, or anything else that was cause for 'punishment'.
Hanging in orbit of the planet, an Imperial Yeoman-class transport and its' escort of Lancer-class frigates lingered as the transport prepared to offload the latest cargo of prisoners and take on the latest shipments of ore from the world below.
Between the orbit of Edara and its' moon, at the gravitationally stable LaGrange point, space twisted and ruptured as a hyperdrive exit point formed, and the Wandering Star catapulted into real space along with a marine assault carrier. Aboard the Star, klaxons sounded to signal the launch of Onyx squadron into action, along with the ships' marine assault teams. Their mission was clear; Onyx squadron was to shield the assault team as they made planetfall, engaging the fighters from the planet, and taking out the defence systems. The Wandering Star and the assault transport would tackle the frigates head on with their heavy weaponry, and shoot to disable the transport.
The goal of the operation was to liberate the prison - based on intelligence received from resistance agents, a high-ranking imperial defector had been exiled to the prison, and was in posession of information that was high value.

Strapped into her Excalibur's cockpit with her suit sealed, Asora hit her comm channel to the squadron as her fighters' engines spooled up to launch speed. "Listen in, Onyx. We've got to cover those marine dropships and gunships as they make their attack. Fighters will be scrambling from the garrison planetside, which is also armed with defence weapons. Here's the play; Cataract and Monarch you stick with me. We'll be engaging the fighters and giving top cover to the transports while Hatchet and Tusk, you take out the ground defences. Jade, you provide them with electronic jamming cover. They'll be searching the skies with all defences for targets; we'll need you in the SEAD role for certain. Tusk, in particular; you use that railgun to target the heavy cannons and any anti-capship weapons that pop up. The marine gunships will engage in close air-support for the troopers, but be alert for any sudden changes". She hesitated, beak half open, words half-formed in her throat, wanting to say something motivating, something to spur them on. Good luck sounded insincere, like it didn't trust their skills as pilots. Good Hunting too jaunty and irreverent. "Let's do this. See you all back on the ship," she finally said, her voice firm and even.
With the words said, the voice of flight control sounded in the ears of all the pilots. "Onyx squadron, launch".
The pressure of the electromagnetic launch tube accelerating the fighters so rapidly shoved the avian back into her pilots' seat like a massive pair of hands shoving back on her shoulders, the thundrous rumble dying away into the vibrations of the Excaliburs' engines and systems moving through her seat and body as the fighter moved into the vacuum. Gleaming points of light dispersed all around them as decoys and long-range missiles launched from the Wandering Star and the escort ship, others resolved into the shapes of angular gunships and transport dropships, drives flaring bright as they burned at high speed for the cold blue ball of Edara.
"Stay in formation, Onyx and maintain speed. Let's get these grunts on the ground!"
So what's the status of the IC post?

I ended up with more on over the weekend than expected, and had work today. Then I got distracted by doing some art.
I have an idea, and I'll try and get it into words before too long.

On the upside, for anyone who's still waiting on submitting a character, you have time to squeeze in before the IC starts.
I'll likely be busy most of the weekend too, as it turns out, but I'll get something together at least to try and get things moving.
It's been nearly a week, and a few people here who expressed interest haven't shown their faces in the game thread so far. I did tag everyone, but just putting a bump here to ensure anyone who did say they were interested isn't missing out.
We have at least the minimum number I'd want to be able to start the game, so I'll begin thinking up a starting IC post, with the aim of getting it up over the weekend, if not before.

That doesn't mean that other characters aren't still welcome, or that anyone has 'missed out' or anything similar. But it has been almost a week since I put up the OOC, and I have tagged everyone who replied as interested in the original interest check too, and there have been very few replies from those same people.

Hazel is fantastic, I love the idea of the synthetic body/human brain combo, especially with the medical explanation too.
Pramanik and it's lore also give me really good Belter vibes from The Expanse as well (which I'm currently watching Season 5 of!) which is no bad thing whatsoever.
Definitely approved, feel free to add Hazel to the characters tab.
Would a bomber pilot player need to make a pilot and a gunner? Or would a second person play as the gunner?

If you can partner up with someone else who wants to play the bombardier/gunner, then that's fine. But I was thinking more that anyone choosing to fly a bomber can make two characters for themselves.
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