Avatar of Rhona W


Recent Statuses

15 hrs ago
Current My Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, and I'm like, I drink them! I drink all your milkshakes!
1 like
4 days ago
Goodness. No inspiration or activity for me on here for months (even years!) and now all at once, I have ideas for multiple RPs!
5 days ago
Started a new RP, and I'm excited for it, for the first time in a while. I hope it's a success!
11 mos ago
Man, I can't wait to roleplay as Teak Root Furniture. Sounds wild.
11 mos ago
As Eddie Izzard once said, "Americans say 'Urbs' English people say 'Herbs', because there's a f*cking 'H' in it"


I've been roleplaying in one form or another since the late '90's. I've played as many tabletop games as I have online ones, and the quality of both has varied wildly.
I have an active imagination, and I love immersive, descriptive roleplaying. My genres of choice are sci-fi, and modern-day (with a sci-fi twist). I like RP's that mix reality with fiction, and throw an unusual and exciting twist into an otherwise normal setting - something like Stargate SG-1 would be an example, or Battle: Los Angeles. An almost recognizable world, but with some sci-fi twists.
I'm a fan of military and action-based RP's that do this especially, and they are easily my favourite - though I rarely see any that appeal to me enough - all the military RP's are too 'plain', and anything else modern day is usually fantasy or fandom.
I have a lot of fandoms, but I don't really like fandom RP's - or at least, the ones that come up. I often find them a bit lacking in ideas, or too far away from what actually makes the thing I'm a fan of enjoyable.

I don't play in free, as I find the short posts and bad spelling and grammar infuriating.

I'm 43 years old, and live in the UK, so I may not be on all the time.
I also like playing non-human characters, especially anthro ones. I dig giant robots, and I love military aircraft. I'm also a very dedicated and proud Brony and furry.

Most Recent Posts

All human characters so far. I guess no one else is a furry.

Doesn't even have to be furry. Admittedly I gave that scope so I could play an anthro character - and, why not - but equally people are open to create their own races. Just no-one has so far. Not that it's a problem either way.
<Snipped quote by Silverwind Blade>
Aww, I was interested in playing a non-pilot flight engineer as well. Maybe if we ever need side characters to pad out a scene.

Additionally, would you allow a thunderbolt retrofitted with a railgun in place of one (or multiple) of the other hardpoints? I love the idea of a clunky, older model heavy-type ship, but railguuuuuuns call to me. Will hopefully be done with my character by the end of today.

Yeah, I can understand the interest, but I've had past experience with trying to integrate and occupy too many different kinds of characters in an RPG like this before, and it just ended up falling apart and losing focus far to easily, unfortunately.

The railgun Thunderbolt might work; perhaps if it was a one-off as a retrofit or a field-expedient modification to cope with some previous damage or something? Give it a little bit of history and character and I'll allow it.

Would I be able to join in later in the RP? I'm really not sure what I want to do for a character and I don't want to hold things up too much.

Sure thing, there's no rush at the moment as it is. Still waiting for enough people to get their characters up/respond before I get started anyway, and I've got to think about how to start, so you may well have time without holding things back at all. And if not, then I'm sure it'll be easy enough to write in another character later.


Silvester looks fine; I like the idea of a family man as a character, that's a refreshing idea to see, and a different motivation for a character as well. Please feel free to post him in the characters tab!

Aeorin looks perfectly fine, and I'd be happy to approve him.
While the idea of a non-pilot character is fine, I doubt I'd be able to throw much to do at them the majority of the time and the focus is intended to be on pilots, so I'd have to sadly turn that down. Which is a shame, as I really liked the art as well.
@Penny, @Shadow Daedalus, @Skwint, @jorvhik, @Cloakedrider, @Dead Cruiser, @ClocktowerEchos, are you all still interested, as I haven't seen or heard anything from any of you in the OOC yet, and have only had a single character sheet posted.
<Snipped quote by Silverwind Blade>

Sorry; I meant no disrespect - I really did want to join but, well... I was also starting two RPs on two other sites at the same time (and joining yet another site) and overestimated my ability to take more.

Please forgive me.

No offence taken at all, I just found it slightly amusing how it just went from maybe to can't so quickly was all. And especially after you asked so many questions too! But no worries.

Interested & thinking about what sort of character to make...

You're welcome to join, and I'm sure you'll hit upon an idea soon enough! Plenty of options.

At the moment, I'm kind of wondering where everyone from the Interest Check has got to, since I've only had one character other than mine so far.
<Snipped quote by Silverwind Blade>
Am aware, I tried to word it in a way that would convey that they don't know either (long forgotten ancestry etc.) They basically knew they must be from the same place, since they're the same species, but that's as far as it goes. Don't know why the mainline Humans forgot about Earth but for Midgard it would be along the lines of "Never been, don't care, this is my home."

The history section is more OOC to explain the "who, where and why" of the system than things that would be known in universe.

Yeah, that makes sense and works out fine. TBH, I haven't decided why humanity has 'forgotten' about Earth, but really; it isn't important to the plot and current situation in-game, in much the same way that in Star Wars humans exist but Earth is never mentioned, let alone the Milky Way or anything like it. Kind of taking the same approach here, really.
I smell some Geth-like mental connection, as we've both managed to independently write characters who lost left arms and had them replaced with prosthetics.

Must be a shared memory! Can't explain it otherwise.

Astrid looks great; although the OP post does mention for humanity that Earth is a long-lost myth, and nobody really knows where humans come from - they just seem to be everywhere.
But feel free to post her in the Characters Tab as well, as she's approved.

  • Name: Asora Ebonwing
  • Nickname: Ebony
  • Age: 41
  • Sex/Gender: Female presenting (gynomorphic hermaphrodite; i.e. she looks female but has organs for both biological genders)
  • Species: Estrati (Avian-like Mammals)
  • Appearance:

    Asora is a dark-feathered and furred Estrati with white and light-grey markings on her face, front of her body, and her wings, which are located on her back and allow her to fly and glide for short distances, like all Estrati. She has fur and feathers to her knees and elbows, which are then scaled and skinned like those of a conventional bird. Her right arm has been replaced with a black-and-white coloured polymer and composite materials cybernetic replacement that has a full range of functionality comparable to her original arm.
    She is physically fit, reasonably strong and possesses relatively good stamina, despite being somewhat (caution: NSFW image) fuller figured than others, which may suggest otherwise.

    Outside of piloting, she tends to wear relatively robust and pratical clothing, such as boots, combat/cargo pants in grey, tan or olive, T-shirts (usually purple) and leather or flight jackets, often coupled with a bandana or scarf around her neck and appropriate belts, holsters and webbing for her day-to-day duty gear.
  • Height: 7' 5" (226.06cm)
  • Personal Qualities:
    Bold, curious, intelligent, quick-witted, sharp-tongued, daring, hot-headed, playful and kind.
  • Biography:
    Asora was a Commonwealth fighter pilot during the Imperial Coup. She had not long completed her training before the coup erupted, and found herself thrust into the crucible of combat abruptly, and without warning, thanks to the Empires manipulations and cover-ups.
    Once fighting erupted, she quickly gained a lot of experience in personal and bloody way, through hard lessons in the cockpit and even on the ground, fighting against people she once called allies and brothers-in-arms.
    Over the following years, her reputation grew with her experience, putting her into the position of being an experienced ace within the Resistance' ranks.
    Her major notable incident prior to taking command of Onyx squadron was during the Resistance assault on the Rivas system and the shipyards there. While carrying out a strike against the shipyards' orbital defence platforms, her fighter was engaged by four enemy craft. She managed to hold her own and down three of them with her fighter taking heavy damage. The fourth was later identified as the infamous Imperial ace, Garlan Frost. She managed to damage - but not destroy - his craft, while he inflicted heavy damage on hers, leading to the loss of her left arm, and causing serious damage and injury to her.
    She survived due to swift medical intervention, though her recovery was long and difficult. She was promoted following this, and used the rest of her recovery time working as an operations controller and ground instructor, before returning to flying.
    Despite her rank and achievements, the only open position for a squadron leader was aboard the Wandering Star, the oddball ship of the Resistance fleet. Accepting the challenge, Asora turned to recruiting pilots for the newly reformed Onyx Squadron.
  • Fighter: AS-103 Excalibur
  • Fighter Customisations: All over low visibility digital camouflage pattern in grey/dark grey/blue. 'Shark mouth' on nose.

How long has the Resistance been active? Did they start immediately upon the coup's success 20 years ago, or did it take a few years to get the basics down, then some to gather men and equipment and they've only recently started actually fighting?

Sorry; I completely missed this. The Resistance would have been formed from forces that fought the military aspects of the Empire's coup, as it was not bloodless by any means. They have been fighting on and off over the 20 years since, but it took time to organise, and especially to do so with the Empire hunting them down the whole time.

Would playing an AI that uploads himself into his fighter be alright as a character?

As stated in the OP post; 'Sapient' AI are relatively uncommon. There are species and races that are 'synthetic', however.
While technically it would be possible, I'm going to veto it, as I'm aiming more for a traditional pilots-in-craft (primarily for the rule of cool and the feel of it) approach, and also for the interaction with other characters outside of a fighter, and the associated vulnerabilities and inherent dramatic potential that comes with being tied to a body.

It seems I might not find the time to join after all; sorry about this.

<Snipped quote by Silverwind Blade>

So, another question:

How brutal is the Empire towards both Nonhumans and Dissidents?

There's a bit of info about that in the OP post, but generally speaking, nonhumans are treated as second-class citizens on all Imperial controlled worlds, with few civil rights and freedoms, and are, by Imperial definitions not even considered 'citizens', as they have no right to vote or participate in civil matters.
The only kind of work they do is essentially manual labor in poor conditions with minimal safety conditions and working long, gruelling hours. Housing is limited to ghetto-like conditions with minimal comforts and their 'pay' is via a series of 'vouchers' or 'scrip' that can be exchanged for limited goods. Nonhumans are also subject to searches and seizures without provocation or due cause on the whim of any law enforcement or military personnel, and can be taken away with little provocation. Nonhumans regularly disappear, and little is done to investigate their disappearances.
And that is on 'civilized' worlds with governors who probably believe they are kind and fair. On worlds with less 'caring' governors or personnel enforcing the Imperial Decree, nonhuman citizens may be housed only in shack-like shanty towns, have no access to organised education, computer network services, healthcare and even regular employment. They may be forbidden from meeting in groups, and even subject to regular sweeps for 'dissidents' or other troublemakers that a simply excuses to brutalise people and murder them.

Political or ideological dissidents that are human are often dealt with harshly. Depending on the nature of their actions, they may be investigated and monitored and then find that a lot of their options in life start to disappear, such as their accounts frozen, career oppotunities drying up, their freedoms to travel becoming limited and other such limitations being forced upon them.
If their 'problematic' issues persist, or even alongside these measures, their life may become a terrifying, mentally and emotionally draining cycle of random capture and interrogations at any hours or provocation from the Internal Security Forces.
Those who commit more serious 'violations' of Imperial decree may be 'permanently' disappeared, or even publicly made an example of, with propaganda spinning their deaths as being the elimination of deadly or dangerous terrorists and informants against the Empire.
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