Avatar of Rhona W


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10 hrs ago
Current My Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, and I'm like, I drink them! I drink all your milkshakes!
1 like
4 days ago
Goodness. No inspiration or activity for me on here for months (even years!) and now all at once, I have ideas for multiple RPs!
4 days ago
Started a new RP, and I'm excited for it, for the first time in a while. I hope it's a success!
11 mos ago
Man, I can't wait to roleplay as Teak Root Furniture. Sounds wild.
11 mos ago
As Eddie Izzard once said, "Americans say 'Urbs' English people say 'Herbs', because there's a f*cking 'H' in it"


I've been roleplaying in one form or another since the late '90's. I've played as many tabletop games as I have online ones, and the quality of both has varied wildly.
I have an active imagination, and I love immersive, descriptive roleplaying. My genres of choice are sci-fi, and modern-day (with a sci-fi twist). I like RP's that mix reality with fiction, and throw an unusual and exciting twist into an otherwise normal setting - something like Stargate SG-1 would be an example, or Battle: Los Angeles. An almost recognizable world, but with some sci-fi twists.
I'm a fan of military and action-based RP's that do this especially, and they are easily my favourite - though I rarely see any that appeal to me enough - all the military RP's are too 'plain', and anything else modern day is usually fantasy or fandom.
I have a lot of fandoms, but I don't really like fandom RP's - or at least, the ones that come up. I often find them a bit lacking in ideas, or too far away from what actually makes the thing I'm a fan of enjoyable.

I don't play in free, as I find the short posts and bad spelling and grammar infuriating.

I'm 43 years old, and live in the UK, so I may not be on all the time.
I also like playing non-human characters, especially anthro ones. I dig giant robots, and I love military aircraft. I'm also a very dedicated and proud Brony and furry.

Most Recent Posts

@Silverwind Blade: Okay, the two main things that stick out to me immediately are the fact the tech company is directly from UC Gundam you should change the name, and similarly to the first bio on this list it's the mecha waaay too obviously from a pre-existing property. At least scrubbing the big Gundam logo off and changing the color would go a long way.

I can certainly change the name; I left it the same as a homage, as my line of thinking was that this is (obviously) a separate setting from UC Gundam, so just borrowing the name would be a bit of fun. But I can change it.

Obviously, it's a lot harder to change the colour image of the mecha itself. I don't have the skills to edit it myself.
I can use the line art versions that don't show the markings and colours, and then add into the appearance what the colour scheme is, if that's better?

Short of that, I'd have to find something else to use that I like as much, and TBH, the Gundam aesthetic is my preferred one, especially the S-Gundam. And Gundam was mentioned specifically as one of the inspirations for this setting, so I thought it was a fairly safe bet.

If we aren't supposed to use mecha from pre-existing properties, that should probably be made clear.
It does also limit a lot of the mecha that can be used. Though it's not like this is going to ring any alarm bells with any corporate interests.
I've rewritten the entire backstory of the mecha as it is, and changed a lot of its' features and abilities from Gundam Sentinel, called it something different (but still a homage) and so on, in order to distance it from its' origin.
About the only thing that is the same is the appearance, and the weapons fit is vaguely the same, though without UC Gundam's terminology and background.
I'd look past the appearance, since we're going to be playing via text, and what it represents and can do narratively is a lot more important than how it looks. I just chose it because it looks cool and it's a personal favourite, and because everyone else had chosen things that look completely different from one another. There isn't exactly a coherent aesthetic at play here.

If that's not enough combined with the change of colour/art, I'll reluctantly find something else.

EDIT: Changed the corporation name, and the images used for the mecha to lineart. Added a completely different colour scheme in the description.
Here we gooooo.
I had a different idea for appearance/race/etc originally, but I wasn't sure if it would fit the setting, and if 'altered' humans were allowed (i.e. a human who was anthro), so for now they're a normal human.
I was also undecided about which gender to play originally, as there's a lot of female characters, but I went for a guy in the end.
Also, I invented a lot of lore for people who live and work in space... I hope that's all right. I had a flash of inspiration and ran with it. If it's not, I can come up with something else.

@Silverwind Blade: While there's certainly going to be plenty of dark elements and moments, I'm not looking to make something totally miserable without any hope.

Superb. I'll see if I can concoct a character sheet and submit it for your approval as soon as I can!
Hello. I haven't been active on the Guild for a loooong time, but this is the first RP I've seen in a while that interests me.
I haven't played an Armoured Core game for a veeeerrryyy long time, but I absolutely love real-robot mecha anime, and have run numerous mecha-based online and offline RPGs for a long time.

I'm quite interested, though it depends on a few things. One being, is there room for another player, of course.
Another one being where does this fall on the scale of heroic to grimderpdark. How misanthropic of a game is it likely to be?
(Because yannow, escapism from the drudgery of life is why I'm roleplaying, not because I need more of it)

I can probably concoct a character and a mech fairly swiftly. Not like I don't have plenty of ideas for those.
Hi, yes, sorry.
TBH, I just completely lost all motivation in online RP over forums at the time. It all became too much of a chore and I just wasn't enjoying it at all anymore, so I just... stopped.
My apologies for just doing so abruptly without saying anything, but I just kept logging in and finding myself loathing typing anything at all. And after a succession of RP's that have just repeatedly died over and over and over again because of nothing I could do about it, I wasn't really willing to put all the effort in again and see the same thing happen.

I'm not 'back' in any way, as I'm still pretty jaded and burned out on forum RP, and after looking at what's around on the Guild lately, there's even less that interests me than ever, which doesn't help in the slightest. But I am sorry for just dropping everything and not offering any kind of explanation or apology previously.
Jeez, we're losing a lot of people, and the game's barely even got started.
<Snipped quote by Gunther>

Yes, sorry; I realised I hadn't edited that yet. I'll do it right now

Done; Jade is now teamed up with Hatchet and Tusk to tackle the ground defences, acting in a SEAD role.
<Snipped quote by Silverwind Blade>
I am actually ready to post now. I checked back to see if "Jade" had received a mission.

Yes, sorry; I realised I hadn't edited that yet. I'll do it right now
<Snipped quote by Silverwind Blade>

Please share your impression or ideas for the Dranfel? the only thing I had to go on was the image you linked to the word.

Just your more commonly seen anthro dragons. with more of a muzzle on the face.

@Silverwind Blade Submitted for your review.

Gleefully approved; she's not what I imagined Dranfel looking like, but she's more than fine anyway. Please feel free to add her to the characters tab, and post in the IC as soon as you're ready - I'll edit my original post to give her a role in the mission.
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