Avatar of Rhona W


Recent Statuses

3 days ago
Current Goodness. No inspiration or activity for me on here for months (even years!) and now all at once, I have ideas for multiple RPs!
3 days ago
Started a new RP, and I'm excited for it, for the first time in a while. I hope it's a success!
11 mos ago
Man, I can't wait to roleplay as Teak Root Furniture. Sounds wild.
11 mos ago
As Eddie Izzard once said, "Americans say 'Urbs' English people say 'Herbs', because there's a f*cking 'H' in it"
11 mos ago
Gotta love people who comment on your RP just to leave a snarky comment about it. GG, good to see you're using your time well.


I've been roleplaying in one form or another since the late '90's. I've played as many tabletop games as I have online ones, and the quality of both has varied wildly.
I have an active imagination, and I love immersive, descriptive roleplaying. My genres of choice are sci-fi, and modern-day (with a sci-fi twist). I like RP's that mix reality with fiction, and throw an unusual and exciting twist into an otherwise normal setting - something like Stargate SG-1 would be an example, or Battle: Los Angeles. An almost recognizable world, but with some sci-fi twists.
I'm a fan of military and action-based RP's that do this especially, and they are easily my favourite - though I rarely see any that appeal to me enough - all the military RP's are too 'plain', and anything else modern day is usually fantasy or fandom.
I have a lot of fandoms, but I don't really like fandom RP's - or at least, the ones that come up. I often find them a bit lacking in ideas, or too far away from what actually makes the thing I'm a fan of enjoyable.

I don't play in free, as I find the short posts and bad spelling and grammar infuriating.

I'm 43 years old, and live in the UK, so I may not be on all the time.
I also like playing non-human characters, especially anthro ones. I dig giant robots, and I love military aircraft. I'm also a very dedicated and proud Brony and furry.

Most Recent Posts

if this is still open, I'd like to make a tentative tag! The setting is quite interesting but I'm not very knowledgable on aircraft so it depends how much I can understand

Definitely still open, and you're welcome aboard. I'd be more than happy to help you out with any questions you have about aircraft and offer any needed hand-holding! Willing to learn is as valuable as anything, as is the desire to embrace the setting.

Alright, here is my character! @Rhona W

I love her, she looks fantastic and really cute too; excellent choice of plane as well! That's exactly the kind of 'never was' proposed/prototype plane I envisioned for the setting
Enthusiastically approved, please post her in the characters tab.

Name: Katherine Kane
Callsign/Nickname: KK for 'Killer Kitten', and a pun on her initials and 'Kat' the short version of her name.
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Katherine is a towering 6'7" tall, and has a wiry, rugged, muscular body, built from hard wear and toil. She is covered in scars, including her left eye being missing and covered with a black leather patch. Her black hair is worn in a shaggy mess, often tied back when working. Her remaining eye is a very pale, icy blue.

Nationality: English
Kat has a personality that might come off as abrasive and stand-offish to those who meet her at first, especially coupled with her quiet voice and fierce-looking exterior. This prickly exterior is hardly surprising given her history.
But her like, fondness, and affection for others is often shown in small gestures and actions. Should she feel the need to express her opinions, her words will often be blunt and direct to get to the point with the minimum of misunderstanding.
She does have a sense of humour, and is thoroughly amused by silly humour and jokes that don't end up with anyone hurt or feeling bad.
She adores animals, due to their simple needs and feelings, and bonds with them easily and quickly. She likes children, but is often confused and somewhat wary of them, due to their energy, enthusiasm and unpredictability.
It takes her a while to open up and trust other people, but once she does, she is a die-hard loyal friend and comrade.
However, her past always haunts her, both in her physical scars and mental ones. Aside from her frequent nightmares and occasional dissassociative moments, she is absolutely terrified of being taken prisoner and the possibility of torture and as such, will enter a blind, berserker rage state if she is in danger of being imprisoned.
Kat grew up in a comfortable life, and comfortable surroundings. Raised in a family with Old Money in the English Aristocracy, she had a childhood with ponies, private schools, and all the luxuries one could imagine...
...Paid for by her father's life of organised crime. It of course, caught up to him and to his family, and in this, Kat was kidnapped and thrust into the horrible underworld of crime. Her captors had no interest in her worth, ransoming her wasn't of interest; breaking her father's spirit was. And as such, she was forced into degrading slavery, and when her father finally met his end, she was of no more use or interest.
Kat fought back viciously against the indignities forced on her. She was beaten into submission each time, but it never dulled her fury and anger, and eventually her captors tired of having to cope with her struggles and violence to present her to clients - who'd often end up mauled and injured themselves - they sold her on into underground fighting.
She fought viciously and relentlessly to stay alive, driven by the constant thought of getting revenge.
Eventually, she got her chance not long after the Heavenfall. As the Soviet Union disintegrated in violence, chaos, and anarchy; the criminal underworld fell apart along with it and she was finally able to take her freedom - not after taking her revenge on her captors.
She managed to find her way through the ruins of Europe, eventually banding together with Scott's refugee sailors, soldiers and airmen, where the two struck up a friendship and a mutual respect for one another. He taught her how to fly, and she picked up the rest of the understanding with her quick, smart mind, and they became an inseprable duo, enlisting together in Shattered Steel, where she learned the rest of the skills and talent necessary to be a RIO for the F-14.

Personal Gear:

Personal Aircraft: RIO (Radar Intercept Officer, aka backseater) in ASF-14 Super Tomcat 2010 with Scott as pilot

Anything Else: Kat speaks in a very hushed, rough voice due to damage to her throat and vocal cords. Despite her missing eye, she has extremely acute and sharp vision in her remaining eye, and incredible situational awareness.
She also really loves ice cream.

Lazaro looks great! I really like him; happily approved and please feel free to add him to the characters tab.
@Rhona W I was meaning to get back to that that darn pride of mine overzealed me though to ignore the cropdusters, too. And since using a touch screen mobile device, well anyways. I’ll use the Skorpion, thanks. My Character:

Name: Sebastian Dabrowski.
Callsign/Nickname: Venom.
Age: 32.
Gender: M
Nationality: Poland.
Personality: Sharp, immaculate, mellow, and merry.
History: Dad was a Polish Air Force Kapral. Has a Lady waiting at Home.
Personal Gear: white Helmet with sliding shades, green flightsuit, gloves and boots. Flashlight, compass, atlas map, Dagger, Incindiary Grenade Belt.
Personal Aircraft: PZL-230 Skorpion. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PZL-230_Skorpion
Aircraft modifications: It’s brown camo, Polarized Pitshield, and the Wings can segment inwise and extend parallel.

I love the use of a GI Joe figure as a character image, that's different, but fun.
I'd like you to expand the history a little bit more, and to format the titles/headings for the profile to be underlined - but approved pending the changes.
A new start
@AvaP are you still planning on joining the RP?
So when exactly are we starting?-@Rhona W

Once the people from the Interest Check have all come across and we have a few more characters posted and approved, I'll start working on the IC.
@Rhona W I’m not going to fly. I really wanted a 1 Seater, camo Jet, of Polish origins but Poland’s origins are just under 1939. Whilst several heritage two seaters survive to civilian use, I’ve been playing Solo seater games like sw squadrons, ace combat 8, f-zero, and wipeout, so not interested in that bulk in the back of my mind. There are Jets after 1950, like the current F-16|35’s in the Polish Airforce. Just I’m pureblood about my interest to rp a Attack|Fighter\Combat Aircraft from Poland. Nope, cant let ambassadors get by because ‘history’. So no su or usa allowed even if they were made in PL.


Aha, weeeelll, I might have something to help you there - one of the key things about the RP and aircraft is that prototypes or proposed aircraft are allowed, and I happen to know of a Polish-originated attack jet that might suit you perfectly:


Have a look at that and see what you think?
Hey, I'm quite interested in the concept after you mentioned it.
I'm cooking up some ideas for a character. Should I post the sheet here for approval first?
That took longer than I expected but whatever. Also I won’t be able to join the discord since I do not have discord.

No problems, thank you for doing it. Bell is approved, please post his sheet in the characters tab.

The Discord isn't mandatory either, anything important that comes up there - if it does - will be copied over to here anyway so that everyone has the same info.

Once the people from the Interest Check have all come across and we have a few more characters posted and approved, I'll start working on the IC.
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