Avatar of RisingRobin


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2 mos ago
Current Does anyone remember Zathura? Low key wanna do an RP in the style of the new Jumanji movies. Space adventure?
3 mos ago
Back after a brief Sabbatical. Testing a new idea here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 mos ago
Any interest in a tournament style Pokémon RP? Just curious.
8 mos ago
8 mos ago
And their collective time in costume comprises less than one minute of the whole movie. Not to mention Madame Web was already played to perfection by Stan Lee’s WIFE in the 90’s.


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Hello everyone! Sorry for the radio silence the last few days, but work picked up AND I had a small realization that I needed to correct in the RP. In short, I needed more characters than just Morganna and Drasil to flesh out Vecta and the ones I had… well I wasn’t satisfied with them so I went back to the drawing board. (*muffled screams* Don’t look behind that curtain over there… @Xaltwind this means you.)

And yes, Morganna’s reincarnations will indeed be seeing each other. Not in the grandiose way that has been proposed, but there will be a little fanfare nonetheless. Post incoming soon!
@Silver Carrot That's what Zeroth's character (that fucking isekai-consuming nerd) is trying right now. Guess wait for NoCo to post and hopefully there'll be an answer to that.

This post is coming. Needless to say he had the right idea.
All the “Light” characters are set to wake up in Morganna’s temple in her capital city. I tried to spell that out in the first one with Ryoko. I didn’t specify it for the latter segments because I was trying to avoid writing the same thing 3 or 4 times over.

Essentially, Morganna will drop people in a “safe” place and explain everything. Drasil is hard mode and places you where he thinks you’ll thrive on your own with your new race and skills.
@Digmata Working on that

@Kero Yeah, my idea was that - in Vecta - Isabella is a 'child of light', but being an adventurer and given her history she can utilize dark magic and abilities. Shadow Walker comes from her hating large crowds and groups. I figured if she prefers being by herself she'd stick to the shadows if that makes sense?
Also, "13 new posts in subscribed topic," I nearly had a conniption but it was just this nonsense >_<

We will make this the biggest shitpost on the guild if we have to! Outpost everything else! :P
I spelled it out at the start. XD Morganna is the doting goddess. Drasil throws you in the deep end and says "Swim or Else".
One down. Two to go.

As they each felt their lives slipping away from them, four humans suddenly felt a strange sensation of peace washing over them. In fact, despite being 'dead' they all suddenly found themselves able to get up and move, leaving their physical bodies behind. Suddenly there was a brilliant flash of light and they were greeted by what looked like a pristine white angel. Striding up to each of them, she cradled their heads in her hands and wrapping her wings around them. Naturally, they were all seeing the same goddess. Morganna had used the power of her gemstone to split her 'essence' across the world and find souls faster.

"My poor child..." she said. "Do not despair, for this not your time. My name is Morganna and today you've been granted a rare gift. You won't be able to return to this life, but you can take on another. You'll be in a new world and far removed from the struggles of your old life." Raising a hand, a series of images began to swirl around the goddess and the respective human. Scenes from their various lives played out showing the trials and tribulations for each. "We'll use these to start."


As Ryoko's life flashed around her, it was disheartening to see that more than half her memories were just her sitting in front of various computers. Noticeably, she looked more and more detached as the memories went on. Staring in confusion, Morganna eventually shook her head. "This is... unfortunate. I sense a great desire for freedom within you, yet your life seems to have bound you to these strange contraptions. Trapped in a cycle with no escape and only the promise of freedom. I think we can fix that. What do you think?"

As soon as Morganna said that, a memory of Ryoko watching one of her favorite anime floated by. The scene depicted a young fairy girl flying through the air and alighting on a tree branch. The girl subconsciously reached out to the memory as Morganna tapped her gemstone and Ryoko was enveloped in a shimmering silver light.

"Soul Transfer Initiated! Suitable Race selected! Scanning soul..." The influence of the goddess began to seep into Ryoko's mind. "Skills Selected! Desire for Love detected - Charm Unlocked! Desire to Escape detected - Camouflage Unlocked! Powerful desire to become strong - Atlas Unlocked! Atlas combined with Fey Ancestry - Legendary Skill Nature's Might Unlocked! Racial Traits - Nature Bound Unlocked!

Ryoko felt her exhaustion returning as her field of vision went white. Just before she zoned out completely she could hear the words of the angel woman in her ears, "My name is Morganna. You'll awake in my temple. Welcome to your new life, Little One."

The Unnamed Character

While his body had been crushed under the truck that magically jumped into a second story building, the young man found himself laid out on the floor of his bedroom that wasn't wrecked by the hulking machine. Morganna stood over him as images of his life played out around her. She took particular interest in the memories of his beloved card games. Not that there was much else to go on since they took up about eighty percent of his life. She clicked her tongue and returned her attention to him.

"Just what are we going to do with you, Little One?" She just shook her head when no replay came. "You're the silent type I see. Well, not everyone jumps at the idea of meeting a goddess the first time. I'll speed things along so we can bypass the awkward conversation. I'm Morganna, you're getting reincarnated, and your life is very hard to create something usable out of. All I see are these cards. Nevertheless... It's better than letting my brother take you. Now let's see..." Morganna raised her hand and the silver light appeared over the young man's body.

"Soul Transfer Initiated! Suitable Race selected! Scanning soul..." This time, it seemed as though the process went a lot faster. "Skills Selected! Desire to Build - Architect Skill Unlocked! A Cunning Mind Detected - Merchant Skills "Appraisal" and "Imbue" Unlocked! Racial Traits - Morai Discipline Unlocked!"

Morganna smiled weakly as she knelt next to the man. "It's not the perfect way to start a new life, but I'm sure someone with your... skillset will find a way to make use of it. You're about to cross the barrier now. I'll see you in the next life." With that, the man's world went white.


Kenji found himself staring into the flaming wreck of his car; his mangled body resting inside. He didn't have time to process what was happening when there was a flash of light and Morganna appeared. Noting the uncertainty in Kenji's eyes, she raised her hands and sauntered over to him.

"I'm not going to harm you, Little One. In fact, I'm going to offer you something much better. You see... this wasn't your time. If you'll allow me..." Kenji stood there in amazement as Morganna gave a summary of her identity and the knowledge that he was chosen to be reincarnated into a new world. "First," she said, "I'm going to need a look at those memories." As the scenes from Kenji's life began to play out in the air around him, Morganna took note of each memory like it was an entry in a journal.

"A hard life indeed, murmured the goddess. "Yet not a challenge for me. I think I know just what to make of you, Little One. I think you'll enjoy where you're going." With that, she brushed a hand against Kenji's temple. Plata began to glow and Kenji's vision went white.

"Soul Transfer Initiated! Suitable Race selected! Scanning soul..." The magic flowed through Kenji as it found every single trait to turn into new abilities, both his positives and negatives. "Skills Selected! Desire to Deceive - Silver Tongue Unlocked! Stored Anger Detected - Enrage Unlocked! Anomaly Detected! - Rare Skill Unlocked! Artisan's Eyes! Racial Traits - Anti-Charm and Ageless Unlocked!


Eventually, the noise on the other end of the phone faded out of Isabella's consciousness. Silence overtook her and the pain from her throat even ebbed away. From her place on the ground, she saw a bright flash of light and Morganna appeared before her. This time, the Goddess knelt down and cradled the girl's head on her lap. For some reason, Isabella felt suddenly calm in this strange woman's prescence.

"Such a shame to be cut down in the prime of one's youth," said Morganna as she studied Isabella's features. "Quite the shame to lose such a pretty face as well. Don't fret though, Little One. You aren't going to die here. We just need... a change of scenery." Before Isabella could question anything, Morganna snapped her fingers and the two of them were suddenly standing in an empty white void. Much like before, Isabella's memories played out around the two of them and the goddess looked at each one as she determined just what this girl was going to become.

"You're quite the traveler you know? Perhaps we find somewhere you can use that potential? I know of a fabulous guild in Ilios that could use someone with your skills. And of course, the new skills you're going to receive now! Let's try..." Isabella was cloaked in the silver light as Morganna's transformation magic triggered again.

"Soul Transfer Initiated! Suitable Race selected! Scanning soul..." Isabella's mind raced upon hearing the voice in her head. It was almost like hearing a disembodied spirit. "Skills Selected! Desire for Companions- Charm Unlocked! Desire for the Occult - Curse Magic and Spirit Caller Unlocked! A Powerful Desire for Shadows Detected - LEGENDARY Skill Shadow Walker Unlocked! Racial Traits - Morai Discipline!

Even Morganna raised her eyes a little at this news. "A child of light wielding dark magic? You really ARE and interesting one. Perhaps you'll be worth keeping an eye on." She waved her hand as the silver light vanished. "Welcome to Vecta, Little One. I trust you'll find this life quite a step up from your old one. Enjoy the new adventure!
I was writing until 3am and had to go to work, fam. Got them typed up (mostly) and trying to post when I can. Take my word I'm not letting this rp die.
Currently trying decide if Oriel can change the flower/plant she's bonded to for travelling convinience or if she can't change it and is stuck in the forest outside Lumis at first. Both have pros and cons

Plot twist: She uproots it and puts it in a pot. XD
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