Avatar of RisingRobin


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2 mos ago
Current Does anyone remember Zathura? Low key wanna do an RP in the style of the new Jumanji movies. Space adventure?
3 mos ago
Back after a brief Sabbatical. Testing a new idea here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 mos ago
Any interest in a tournament style Pokémon RP? Just curious.
8 mos ago
8 mos ago
And their collective time in costume comprises less than one minute of the whole movie. Not to mention Madame Web was already played to perfection by Stan Lee’s WIFE in the 90’s.


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Next round of posts are coming tonight, but to hold SOME people over, I've added some notes in the character tab for the new NPCs


I addressed this in a PM, but to avoid confusion. The skill is basically the equivalent of having a crafting notebook in an rpg. As long as Sam has the materials on hand, she can sort of "see" ways to put them together and build weapons as needed. As you might expect, she's starting as a low level goblin so something like a firearm would be off the table for awhile.
First update is posted. I have more penned out that should be coming soon, but work calls this morning.

"It's not your time yet. Rise, humans!" The deep voice boomed in the heads of all three women. Despite their various injuries, all three quickly realized they weren't feeling pain anymore. As they each steadily pulled themselves to their feet, the women were quick to notice their out of body experiences. Before any of them could question it, a hole in reality appeared before them with the dark god Drasil appearing on the other side. He gestured individually to all three, "Step through, humans. I assure you I'm no threat to you."

Feeling something pulling them towards the rift, Kyouka, Petra, and Samantha all complied with Drasil's command. Upon stepping through, the ladies found themselves standing in front of the deity. He addressed each of them in turn as they took in their surroundings. "My apologies for bringing you all here at once, but my time on this plane is limited right now. You ladies may have all died, but you are receiving a blessing today. You are being reborn into my world. The world of Vecta. Now... Let's see what we can do with you three." Without waiting for any rebuttal from his latest victims candidates, Drasil first approached Sam. Images of her life began to float through the air"

"Hmm... Wise, cunning, and rather deadly with weapons I see." The god smirked as he watched scenes of Sam's kills float by. "There may be a place for you to truly hone your skills as an assassin." With a wave of his hand, Samantha's eyes glassed over as a voice rang through her head. A voice only she and Drasil could hear.

"Soul Transfer Initiated! Suitable Race selected! Scanning soul..." The magic began to comb through Sam's mind, dredging up her memories from her military years. "Skills Selected! Experience in Battle- Combat Sense Unlocked! Desire to Lead - Pack Leader Unlocked! High Knowledge of Weaponry Detected - Weaponsmith Unlocked! Racial Traits - Enhanced Evolution!

As the voice faded in her ears, Sam looked up to see Drasil towering over her. "Not a bad spread you've got there. When you next wake up, you'll find yourself in the goblin tunnels. Come to Sombros when you're ready. Welcome to my world." With that, Drasil placed a hand on Sam's head. Her eyes glowed briefly before the light overtook her form and she vanished; leaving only Kyouka and Petra. Drasil turned his attention to the hostess next.

Upon his approach, Kyouka's life began to appear around her. The god studied several of the scenes in detail, noting her strained relationship with her family, her work as a hostess, and her relationship with 'him'. A smirk slowly crept across his face as Drasil turned to face the young woman. He seemed unusually excited about this prospect which only served to heighten the lady's apprehension. "You're an interesting one, human. You possess wit, charm, and you seem to be a skilled manipulator. You'll thrive in this new world." Drasil waved his hand again and Kyouka's eyes glassed over this time.

"Soul Transfer Initiated! Suitable Race selected! Scanning soul..." This time, it felt almost comforting for the subject of the magic. As though her body were being molded like warm butter while the magic took effect. "Skills Selected! Desire to Control - Charm Unlocked! Desire for the Future - Foresight Unlocked! Desire to Burn - Fire Magic Unlocked! Fire Magic combined with Dragon Ancestry - LEGENDARY Skill Solar Power Unlocked! Racial Traits - Dragonskin!

Kyouka slumped to the ground when the Soul magic concluded. Above her, Drasil just nodded as though he'd expected these results. "It seems I was correct in my suspicions. Welcome to my world, young dragon." As soon as those words fell from his lips, Kyouka began to glow and vanished from the pocket dimension. Finally, it was just Drasil and Petra.

"As for you." He turned his golden eyes towards the young girl. With another wave of his sword, Petra's memories began to play out around them. All her years of study and asking questions spelled out in front of her. Not the most exciting life by any stretch of the imagination, but it was hers. Drasil watched several of these memories float past before he found himself being barraged by Petra's own questions to him. "Slow down. All will be revealed soon enough. For now, it seems a race with insatiable hunger like yours is in order." Petra felt a tingle in the back of her mind as the Soul magic washed over her.

"Soul Transfer Initiated! Suitable Race selected! Scanning soul..." Petra felt her memories being scanned. So this was what all those books felt like when she used the copy machine frequently. "Skills Selected! Desire for Knowledge - Archivist Unlocked! Desire for No Pain and Survival - Ragdoll Unlocked! Desire to Amass - Absorbtion Unlocked! Powerful Desire to Change - LEGENDARY Skill Form Shift Unlocked! Racial Traits - Magic Sense!

The last of the group to undergo the Soul magic, Petra came to just in time to see Drasil place a hand on her head. "There is a brand new world waiting for you. Now, you'll have all time time in the world to learn everything you desire. Welcome to the World of Vecta, Human." With that, Petra glowed briefly for a moment before she finally vanished from the pocket dimension.

Each of the three ladies slowly came to, realizing they were now in different spaces (and different bodies). As the darkness cleared from Sam's eyes, she found herself sitting in a small tunnel. Her body was noticeably smaller than before and she could hear the sounds of cackling coming from deeper within the tunnel. Kyouka awoke to find herself lounging on a mountainside. A long, muscular, and snakelike tail was coiled beneath her, granting her a place to sit. As she looked around, the sun was just starting to rise over the horizon. A large city could be seen in the distance and there appeared to be a mansion of sorts at the base of the mountain. Finally, Petra blinked her 'eyes' - or lack thereof - as she came to in a cavern. While she couldn't see like before, she had full knowledge of the large cavern she was sitting in and could see the whole room as though she had three hundred and sixty degree vision!

Drasil meanwhile felt himself being pulled back into Vecta. His last batch of Otherworlders chosen for now, he could relax and watch how they performed. It seemed as though a few of them were already getting to experience the rigors of Vecta firsthand. Now it was time to see if he'd chosen correctly.
Typing out the updates as we speak.
Apologies for the promises and subsequent lack of posts the last few days. Life has been picking up on my end and I've been crashing from exhaustion as soon as I get home from work. HOPEFULLY, I'll be able to get things moving again over the weekend.
I did confirm that. Lol. Check Silver’s post.
Look, this rp may have started off with death and literal murder, but I'm not killing babies. I already had to deal with that in a recent dnd campaign... So many exploding pregnant women (Don't ask...)
<Snipped quote by TheNoCoKid>

You forget who wields the GM powers here, my friend. This is my realm!

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