Avatar of RisingRobin


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2 mos ago
Current Does anyone remember Zathura? Low key wanna do an RP in the style of the new Jumanji movies. Space adventure?
3 mos ago
Back after a brief Sabbatical. Testing a new idea here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 mos ago
Any interest in a tournament style Pokémon RP? Just curious.
8 mos ago
8 mos ago
And their collective time in costume comprises less than one minute of the whole movie. Not to mention Madame Web was already played to perfection by Stan Lee’s WIFE in the 90’s.


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Most Recent Posts

I should have a post coming. I wound up traveling for the two weeks (hence the aforementioned ACL problem) and have been trying to get my personal life back on track now that I’m home for the foreseeable future. 🫤

@Zeroth Wow on the post! My only correction would be that - when Inara is talking - she says Da-ru-tan as she’s sounding it out because it’s a foreign name. No biggie.
@Zeroth I did actually. You caught me right before things went south so I forgot to reply in detail. I'll get that fixed.
Last Health Update: Leg is almost back at 100%. New 'world' post should be incoming tonight. Also, trying to get characters to 'link up' as fast as I can so you aren't stuck waiting for me to update constantly.
Health update: I'm clear and back to work. Will work on posting soon!
Posted a status update but TLDR is I’m in the hospital right now for a potential ACL tear. Taking a hiatus for a few days…
There we go, a little post for Minami the Nameless Vampire Fledgeling.

Correct me if I’m wrong but has she named herself verbally?
A Wild GM Post Appeared! Moving along the Drasil plot points for now. Exhausted and will have a Morganna post up soon unless you all wanna keep talking with each other and figure out the plan. Mirielle will answer questions.

Interactions: @ERode@SilverPaw@TheMushroomLord@Xaltwind@Expendable@Zeroth

Sam and Petra
As the goblin and slime were getting used to their new appearances, neither of them noticed shadows creeping along the cave wall. A pack of feral goblins were out hunting in the tunnels, and it just so happened, Petra found herself dropped right into their hunting ground. The large cavern - lit by pockets of bioluminescent moss - provided ample enough light for the small creatures to see by. Normally, their preferred prey were the bugs and other cave dwellers they could get their hands on. Imagine their shock when the cavern was noticeably darker than the last time they'd entered.

Through a series of feral and incomprehensible growls, the pack argued amongst themselves as to whether or not they'd come to the right cavern. The true reason for the darkness was the translucent ball of slime that had once been Petra. As she moved along the floor, the once girl was blissfully unaware of the four monsters arguing at the mouth of the massive space. It wasn't until she accidentally fell off a ledge and landed on the floor with a soft "Plop!" that echoed throughout did the goblins cease their debate. Finally listening, they could hear the squelching sound of a particularly delectable trat: a slime. Their lips salivating at the possibility of an easy meal, the four little creatures fanned outward as they began to comb the cavern for the creature that had 'stolen' their light source.

Sam meanwhile, had little choice but to wander aimlessly through the tunnels with the vain hope that following the torches and markings would eventually lead her somewhere. She hadn't been given much when she woke up in... wherever she was. In addition to her new body, all the female goblin carried were scraps of tanned leather to cover her body and a small knife with a serrated edge. In a larger hand it might have been mistaken for a butterknife, but it fit her current hand quite well. In the enclosed space of the tunnel, it was much better than any long weapon she could have been given.

Sam's suspicions were proven correct when she came to the mouth of a large cavern. Despite the darkness, there were a few spots where something that looked like moss left off a soft glow. Somewhere in the darkness, she could hear the guttural growls of several smaller creatures. From her spot at the entrance, the assassin could recognize the sounds of predators hunting. Suddenly, one of the voices erupted in a cheer. It seemed whatever the creatures were looking for... they found it.

"I'm sorry, Milady, but I've never heard of this 'Japan' you speak of. You are currently on the continent of Vecta. The land of Drasil, the Lord of Black as he's known to the vampires. If you truly have met with Drasil, then it means he's chosen you to become an Otherworlder. If you don't mind..." A smirk played at the corner of the vampire's mouth, but he kept it concealed. "Simply say these words after me 'Status Open'."

Dragomir watched in fascination as Minami repeated the worlds and a golden status window flared to life in front of her face. Apparently, her name had not been set and her race was designated as a fledgling vampire. A pity, thought the elder vampire. She truly must have first arrived if she's only this strong.

"This is status magic, Milady. It's a power that is unique to those who arrive here from another world. It seems as though Drasil has graced you with being reborn as a Vampire like myself. To answer your question, the sun is going to hurt for awhile. Newly turned vampires have a natural aversion to the light and it drains our strength and mana. The stronger you become, you'll be able to move about in the light, but you'll still feel tired and unable to cast spells effectively. As a result, it's much safer for you to stay in the darkness when possible." As if to demonstrate his point, Dragomir gracefully moved through the hall and pulled open a hidden door to reveal a descending staircase. "My home is a refuge for vampires on their travels. I have a spacious crypt in the dungeon and quite a large host of guests this morning. You may sleep there until the evening if you so wish." Even if she was weak, having an Otherworlder under his employ wouldn't be an opportunity the lord would waste.

As if waking up to discover she was a snake hadn't been weird enough, Saki awoke once against to find herself being carried down a tunnel into the mountain! Immediately thrashing to break free, the woman found her new body was considerably stronger than before as she broke free with ease; her tail knocking someone away and into the wall of the tunnel. She would have continued if a high-pitched voice hadn't cut through her panicked state.

"Peace, sister!" The voice almost sounded like a pre-pubescent child. The lamia blinked as a creature no taller than three feet stepped out of the shadows. It looked like as though someone had taken a dragon, removed the wings, and added human arms and legs. "Sister, lamia! We wish you no harm! We only wanted to protect you from predators!" Seeing that Kyouka had paused her attack, the Kobold continued, "If you would stop your attack, we have summoned our Elder to speak with you. It's rare to see one such as yourself roaming the southern lands. Much less alone and without your guards!" Before Kyouka could utter a reply, a vision suddenly appeared in her mind. She saw... herself? Or at least, whatever thing that winged god had turned her into. She sat coiled in the tunnel across from another of these lizard people. This one was much older, frail, and hobbled on a walking stick. Was this the future? Whatever it was, it seemed these creatures truly meant her no harm.

Inara shook her head at the strange ramblings of this Merrick, "You... don't wish to kill unworthy prey?" This was a foreign concept to the girl as Merrick's were often taught to use their natural shapeshifting abilities and underhanded tactics in order to win battles at any cost. Clearly, whoever this was, he was raised improperly or... he was just an idiot. Inara suddenly fell to the gound laughing, "Oho-ho-ho! A MERRICK with a sense of honor! That's a good one!" In that moment, Dalton suddenly felt as though his combat sense no longer detected any threat from Inara. To his surprise however, she picked herself up and shook his hand. Then she promptly grabbed his wrist...

"Of course I can take you back to the tribe, Da-ru-tan! They are never going to believe me otherwise! An honorable Merrick!" Inara continued to laugh as she started dragging Dalton through the forest. "If you love honor so much, perhaps I can convince our Alpha to let you challenge the Mouthclaw in the caves! Members of our tribe have been trying to claim that skin for nearly a century. I'm sure that will be perfectly worthy prey for the mighty skinless hunter!" Dalton was so distracted by Inara's laughter that he didn't notice the branch the girl had pushed aside swing back to hit him in the face. Picking him off the ground, Inara began carrying him, "I'm Inara by the way. I'm training to become the next Alpha of the Silverclaw Tribe!"

After she eventually set him down again, Inara continued leading Dalton by the arm through the Penrithe Forest until she came to a large wall of gorse vines. With a practiced motion, the Merrick pulled aside a group of vines to reveal a hidden passageway, "After you, skinless hunter Da-ru-tan!" Dalton climbed through the opening and followed the passage down into a ravine which opened to reveal a large encampment! A large group of Merricks busied themselves on the ravine floor while other had carved dwellings into the cliff face. As you might expect, several faces turned to stare at the (essentially) naked newcomer who just walked into camp.

After what felt like hours, Belo eventually discovered a light at the end of the tunnel he was exploring. There hadn't been many threats in the cave. A few large bats here and there, and a small gangly green creature covered in leather scraps. He thought he could make out the sound of something 'slithering' deeper within, but good sense had made him not investigate further. Upon exiting, Belo found himself in the middle of a massive forest. The trees grew taller than anything he'd ever seen back on Earth and everything was a lush shade of green. He had to stop and take it all in for several moments before remembering he was on a mission to find... something.

From his back, the little goblin child began to mewl pitifully. It seemed as though the whelp was starting to get hungry after hours of traveling through the darkness. Feeling a rumbling in his own stomach, the captain realized food was going to be priority number one now. As if by fate, he spied something that resembled an elk in the distance. Seeing a chance, the orc produced his weapon and began to quietly stalk the beast.

Little did he know, a new pair of eyes were fixed upon him. From it's hiding place in one of the trees, the red-eyed Merrick lept from the branches and - using a feathered headband - transformed into a falcon and flew off into the trees.
I’ve got a post coming. This last week was not great because I had a houseguest and my writing desk was converted into temporary storage….
@Archangel89 You can still pick Deity. Everything else is random.
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