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Priscilla Harker

Location: Boat(Sun deck)
Skills: Occult(Mostly researched European and North American Occultism)

Mosi watched with quite a bit of concern and fascination as the woman was indeed vanishing into thin air. Slowly seemingly at first, but then rapidly. It was like someone was actually erasing her from a drawing! This was indeed a horrifying magical experience, depending on what was going to transpire with the woman after she vanishes from here. Would she just appear elsewhere or was she really simply just vanishing? That was a question that she didn't have an answer to. The soldier dude seemed to REALLY want to go get bullets, not a bad idea, if it wasn't for the situation of one of them vanishing. Then the acress decided to advise her to go with him to get supplies and just as Mosi was about to reply to that suggestion, she stopped just before she was about to make a sound, eyes locked on the man.

"So much for that plan of yours."Mosi replied as she noticed the distinct signs of the man following suit to Vera who stuffed a journal looking thing into Josephine's arms before she vanished completely and the man looked like he was about to vanish any moment as well." Good luck, got any words before you vanish as well?" She said to him, knowing he would vanish soon. She didn't have a proof that they would appear elsewhere, but there wasn't a proof against it either. So she choose to believe they were being transported rather than simply erased. Even if they were thrown to the world of the dead, it would be better than simply spotting to exist. In either case she couldn't think of any reason for them to be vanishing.

"Well... seems like it's going to be just us any moment now." She said to Josephine and now that two of them were gone, the idea of stocking up wasn't that bad either." Guess we should go arm up or stock up on supplies ourselves now that it will be just two of us." Mosi mentioned and looked about the ship." Might want to also check if there are any of the crew who might be awake and aware..."

Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)-> H6 (In Front of W)
Skills: N/A

“Well... in either case we could probably at least take a stroll around the beach area where this party thing will be taking place?” She asked of Riley now with a small smile. Closest they could get to a romantic outing really. Though she still honestly wasn't a hundred percent convinced there weren't dangers to crawl out from the ocean. That would have to be dealt with whenever it happens though. She subconsciously changed the supposed 'if' in that sentence with 'when'. Better be sure and expecting it than caught unaware and unprepared!

Speaking of being caught unprepared, she snapped to attention as she heard someone speaking to them and looked at the source to find who it was. Well quite honest, Amelia wasn't thinking anyone quite heard her, but guess she wasn't as quiet as she thought she was or that guy had good hearing to hear her in between the noise of people moving and the like. Well what was being said was not a bad thing though. She slightly twitched at the mentioning of Shears. Ahmm... undeserved irrational negative opinion aside, that might actually be good for Riley. Amelia was pretty sure that Riley would love to sing more and if there was ever a problem, she could back out from it.

When they got outside, the thing she saw was yet another thing she didn't expect to see. It was a... tram? Yeah that sounded about right and the priest man was there along with Daytona who drove. People quickly started to pile in into the vehicle in quite the hurry and she couldn't blame them really. It was leading to a party, so it was going to be an experience they couldn't wait to get faster to. With a smile she went to an unused bench and hurriedly hopped on, looking at Riley.” This feels like a tour ride...” She mumbled, but her impression could have been affected by media prior to the whole apocalypse business.
Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor: Confinement (Attic)
Skills: Dexterity
Hit Points: 4

Rave liked to think of herself as somewhat optimistic person, but reality was trying really hard to mess up with her right about now. Having managed to fall flat on the floor once because of her leg numbed and stiff leg, the pain of which was really unpleasant and uncomfortable, she hoped that she wouldn't feel the cold floor so soon once again. Well luck was a fickle mistress and just as she was attempting to take another step, the cosmic dice rolls of luck decided it was time for her to have a close meet up with the floor once more!

In just a moment between her trying to take a step and her realizing what was happening, her entire body just lurched to the side and as the injured leg gave out she just fell on the floor once more, hitting hard to the side. Her hind areas were starting to hurt from falling this often. She laid down, breathing heavily as she was gritting her teeth to keep the pain and frustration from escaping her lips. The Ferret realizing that the pocket of the coat wasn't the most safe of locations right about now, had already vacated the premises, instead choosing to sit by her, tilting it's head and then do a lap around her before sitting on her torso instead as she was laying there. It was dark and she had no idea about it, but felt it as it hopped onto her chest.

"It's been a bad couple of days..." She mumbled to herself, breathing deeply, trying to gather her focus and strength in attempt to stand up once more. One more attempt and she swore silently to herself that she was going to crawl her way out of here if she had to..." Maybe the place's cursed... people seem to be dying in this Manor like flies." She whispered quietly as her eyes stared into the darkness." Alright now one more time. Three times is the charm..."

@HeMandaddy Ey I finished the character sheet. I think!

EDIT1: moved some of the headers a lil about ot make it more presentable.
@HeMandaddy Alrighty going to get it done by the end of the day. Probably... at latest it would be tomorrow.
And after lurking about for a day or two, I've decided to indeed say that I'm very interested in this RP! If you would have me, I would gladly draw up a CS in short notice! ^_^?

Constantin Kolev

Location: Gretna Green
Skills: Tretiy Glaz(passive), Fal'shbort(passive)

The situation was rapidly unfolding before their eyes as everyone had kinda sprung into action like a MOSTLY well oiled machine. Some people used their well trained skills, others simply acted out of logic and deduction, utilizing regular actions, but in the end everyone tried something to help out with the situation. Honestly part of the vision he saw wasn't too hard. Getting the beast to the alter was probably going to be the easy part and somehow or another, maybe God was on their side, or maybe it was some other kind of fickle entity that controlled their fate, but indeed getting the beast to the alter proved to be easy! It happened fast and with rather utmost precision! it was almost a miracle.

With the joint efforts of everyone, the beast was more or less dragged and hurled with force to the alter! The firewalker reacted like lightning as he reached over, pulling the Grand Duchess out of the way the beast traveled, keeping her behind himself, while he faced the creature. He didn't dare to imagine what would happen if this smoky bastard hit someone with it's seemingly big torso. Especially so if it was Veta, her protection was of utmost importance to him here!" Vell part one completed... now how to do holy prayer to get flames to vhite..." He mumbled, proving to his mind that indeed this was the greater mystery here. No one quite seemed to be attempting to do anything about that right now. Well they were busy getting the beast to alter so that's a nice reason to not having attempted to get the flames white.

He had nothing on that front. Hell his entire head was blanking out as he was trying to think of the prayer and white flames and the like. He knew flames, but it was dancing on flames and embers. This was way out of his domain here. He had no idea what it meant or how to proceed with it... Nada. Still blankness on the vision aside, he had a thing that was at least focusing enough and he could always rely on! Protecting Veta. Now that the beast was pushed to the alter, they were the closest to it along with that other woman that Veta was searching for. Thus he focused on protecting Veta still! Leave the thinking on the weird theological stuff on the people who could do it.

Priscilla Harker

Location: Boat(Sun deck)
Skills: Great Observation

Mosi's attention was suddenly brought to the soldier British man as he started speaking advice and suggestions about their situation and what might be the most prudent way to act from now on. At least he didn't try to deny the supernatural before his very eyes, which was a plus in Mosi's eyes. Her eyes darted over to Josephine as well as the woman confirmed she was armed, the fact she was aware that it might not be effective actually spoke volumes, this was not a stupid woman, a fact that pleased her to no end right now.

“I'm of the same opinion... if those things are completely shadows, no amount of guns or weapons will cause any damage to it. Can't damage what's not really there, can't you?” Mosi mentioned as she glanced at the shadows.” That is if they are only shadows though, who knows, maybe there's something underneath that can be affected. We will have to wait and see... possibly without getting harmed ourselves. Hopefully even if bullets cannot stop them, if we are lucky, maybe they can slow them. As for getting equipped and supplied, that's not a bad idea...” She agreed.

“Well, I'm unsure where the others would be and what transpired to them. After all, what happened to the city we were at? Were we the ones moved or was the surroundings moved?” She asked, questions that had no real answer as of now. Then she diverted her eyes to Vera. Something was happening with the woman. She wasn't speaking, not even a reply to her question. This was concerning, Mosi was worried the woman wasn't feeling well, but after a little bit of observation she was startled.

“What the. Lady Mun?” Mosi asked in actually concerned voice after she did confirm her that her assumption had some merits.” Are you alright!?” Mosi asked as she got closer and looked at the actress and the soldier.” Something's happening with her! I think... she's fading away! Like literally! Pretty sure her hair and fingers are already fading away!” Mosi informed them. Starting to wrack her brains out, trying to figure out in whatever occult knowledge she had, if there was something that might be of importance.

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