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Constantin Kolev

Location: Gretna Green
Skills: Tretiy Glaz(passive), Fal'shbort(passive),Long swords(sabres)

As far as Constantin was concerned this was the most crucial and important part of the fight. If all they had gathered earlier was indeed truth, Veta finishing this prayer would be the end of the beast and she was already going for it. Now it was indeed a brief all out fight for it to struggle away free or for them to keep it contained while the Grand Duchess finishes it off. Everyone was going for it, trying to hurt it, to keep it pinned down. Everyone using their own means. From the man who just missed or to the others mainly the women who were having the better results here. Was this a soulless that had weakness to women?

Suddenly the creature seemed to struggle ever more violently in last ditch efforts to break free of the siege they laid to it. As one of those wild strikes went for Veta, Constantin dove for the creature's tendril, with a powerful mad swing, intercepting it off before it could get in touch with the Grand Duchess.” NO YOU DON'T!” He roared, keeping vigilant. It wasn't getting to her even over his dead body!

What followed next though was confusing as Vlad went sliding across the place once more for reasons unknown. Then it HAPPENED! The vision seemingly indeed came to pass as he saw a fragment of it with the white fire over the altar. Following this the beast finally fell. Maybe it died? Most of it faded, leaving a charred corpse. This was concerning. They all seemed alive for the moment, but he didn't relax his vigilance, looking about, ready still. One could never be too sure with unknown creatures. Maybe it had a mate around or maybe it was playing dead. For the moment though it didn't seem to be pretending. He looked at Veta who asked for water and frowned.” All the provisions I carried are with the saddle bags...” He mumbles and looks around, checking if anyone else was reacting to Veta's request.” I vill bring som...” Before he could finish, the man who failed to hit the creature a few times passed on a flask. Constantin looked at him for a moment, but the decision if Veta wanted to accept it was all of her own in the end.

“No I haven't seen anything like this one.” The firewalker replied to Colette's question as he thought about it. Honestly it had to be some kind of soulless, there was no other way. It was affected by the abilities of Veta, but to track it's origin would be near impossible.” Sadly the one vho might have been able to give us clues on it lies on the altar.” He sighed, as much as he get annoyed by Ludwig, the crazy German fellow was indeed useful and not too bad after you got used to him.

Suddenly his eyes narrowed.” Haze's still here...” He commented and threw a look around, blade rising in stance once more.” Vhatever this is it's not over yet. If this thing didn't cause the haze then ve aren't quite out of the vater yet!”

Priscilla Harker

Location: DttS Fade Between
Skills: Alertness, Lore (Occult)

Well... there was a skeleton with a scythe! This fact by itself seemed ot be taking most of her attention, but even that one aside she wasn't spotting anything else for the moment. No cosmic horrors from on high or bees...? There wasn't anything... at least she hoped there wasn't anything about, she had two near death experiences in an the span of couple of hours, thank you, but not thank you. She didn't want a forth one. She turned to the other woman with a shrug of her shoulders." Well... sorry, but I nearly died twice in a few brief hours. I didn't quite expect to slip the hands of the reaper, only to see him before me... it startled me." She explained herself before her eyes suddenly flashed and her head snapped when she heard voices and other people appeared apparently!

This nearly caused her to jump because well she didn't spot them anywhere until they were this close to be visible and within sound hearing range. The bloody damned hells. Mosi wanted to curse, but held her tongue as she took deep breaths, trying to calm down and focus her mind. She looked at the women who appeared familiar faces at least. She then focused on the location and the skeleton, trying to recall any scraps of occult knowledge that might be useful that could point at their location or why they appeared here, but to no avail. She was drawing a blank right about now. Relaxing her grip on her knife she rubbed her temples. Maybe she should rest a little before she tries to do anything else. Getting almost shot to death may have affected her somewhat.

"Well... she disappeared in thin air..." She replied to Lauren as the other woman asked about Vera." Honestly I expected to meet her on this side, but she wasn't around when we appeared just a little bit earlier." Mosi explained and ran a hand through her hair.

"Alright, anyone having an idea where we actually are? Last I recall before we appeared here, I saw what suspect to be the lost city of Dionysus appearing in the sands along with a whole lot of shadows. Then we all started vanishing." Mosi asked the newly arrived." Before it all started there was this haze all about though, you all experienced that as well?"

Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: H6 (In Front of W) -> M6 (Condo 14B->Parking Lot For X/tram)
Skills: N/A

Amelia nodded at Riley's words. The woman was right, they could eventually better this home, that much they were told. The degree of things that they could get was honestly up for debate as despite what they were told what would be available and when, she suspected wasn't as defined, but she could be wrong. After all furniture and so on would be hard to move. But anyways, she nodded as Riley suggested they should head back for the tram." Yeah, we should. I will lock the place." Amelia stated as she watched Riley leave the condo.

Amelia reached to lock the door behind herself as she stopped midway and looked at their new home again.' Would it be even worth it?' She pondered briefly before she closed the door and then locked it heading towards the outside after Riley. What if this would turn out to be another pipe dream of some kind? A mirage in a desert of life that would vanish just as they allow themselves to think it would last? She shook her head in attempt to push away those depressing thoughts from her mind once more. Over the time in quarantine, she had got those thoughts a lot of times, sometimes she'd think of it while she laid in bed, surrounded by the darkness of the night. Sometimes she'd just randomly think of it during mealtime.

She stepped outside the building, narrowing her eyes, studying the surroundings for a brief moment, before turning her head to the condo building for one last brief time before she headed back to the Tram, hurrying to get back to Riley and took a seat. Weirdly she didn't think about their room as if it had the danger of being broken into. Thieves wouldn't fare well in small community and honestly in the luggage they got given back there was barely anything worth stealing or concerning herself with. Now it was all about the beach party! Well she wasn't usually a fan of parties, but since it would be a beach one, she'd just find a place to the side if it gets too noisy and roudy for her.

Priscilla Harker

Location: DttS Fade Between
Skills: N/A

Mosi was rather surprised both pleasantly and no so pleasantly as they too started to fade. She let out a groan, a curse and a sigh as they vanished. Sadly so much for her meeting up with her new friend from Cairo... There were other stuff she'd had wanted to do too, but it seemed it was time to move forward to a new journey. If she was dying from this... it wouldn't be too much to be a woman 20 years later once more... or in other words to be reborn. If this wasn't dying, she was hoping they find Redding on the other side. She had a really sharp knife to the balls to give him, the bastard coward that he was! Turning him into an eunuch would be already a mild enough punishment for trying to kill her!

Then all vanished and all reappeared! Sort of... ship, town, river, desert and sun were gone! Mosi blinked at the new sights." What the fucking hell?" She asked as they were at a location of a whole different nature. This was very bleak picture around them, darkness and fog and fires? " Well... can't say I expected the day to go in this direction when I woke up in the morning." She mumbled out, looking about, spotting a figure standing there on the rocks. She jumped into stance, hand reaching for her hip where a sword sheath usually hanged, but instead finding empty air, so she reached for the knife she carried. She was ready for battle as she stared at the figure, only realizing it's true nature moments later.

"HOLY GOLDEN CHICKEN OF RA! THAT'S A SKELETON WITH A SCYTHE!" Mosi exclaimed as she gazed at the thing. The grim atmosphere and the fires, the fog, all of these weren't as much interest to her right now as the skeleton with the scythe and the rags slash bandages for clothing.

Constantin Kolev

Location: Gretna Green
Skills: Tretiy Glaz(passive), Fal'shbort(passive),Long swords(sabres)

Constantin's weapon flashed as he cut into the creature. The strike was true as he felt some elation at it's success. Though it wasn't quite... right. He seemingly had helped that other guy as he cut at the creature, stopping it from striking, but it wasn't really as effective as he would have wanted! The creature's shadowy form seemed somewhat diminished slightly at the area he cut and about, but it didn't seem to have done much else beside that. In fact before he could even react, a tendril lashed out to him instead!

"Ah!" He exclaimed as the tendrils struck him, sending him tumbling backwards from the impact. How could a simple shadowy tendril be that effective and contain that much power? This as everything else about the soulless was a mystery indeed. What was even more a painful mystery was the fact that he felt a burning sensation at the location teh tendril struck. He gritted his teeth and made a deep frown as his eyes locked on the source of the burning sensation. He was used to burning sensations, dancing on burning embers was his thing after all, but he wasn't used at feeling that much heat and burning pain at places aside his feet.

His expression turned ever so more furious as he saw the creature strike out at Veta! Of course the moment he acted out the creature attacked her! At least she didn't seem to have been hurt any right now, but he suspected she was slightly burned as well!" FOUL EVIL YOU DARE!" He shouted in fury as he dashed forward again, going to stand and protect her once more for her to finish her prayers.

Myako Arashi

Myako was sitting in her room. Her eyes were closed, her legs were crossed as she was meditating there. She couldn't sense the outside... her mind was elsewhere at first. In a distant world in the middle of the void where seh was spending a lot of her free time in secret under the pretense she was just meditating to train her reiatsu and understanding of her zampakuto. Suddenly her eyes flashed open though. Just in time as Kido impacted door of her room and her eyes sharpened as she also sensed something was up finally, but... she couldn't get a spec of reiatsu sense outside. What was going on!?

As her door was broken open, she saw a number of the shinigami from her squad charge at her with weapons drawn and she didn't take kindly to such betrayal. Her body flickered from her position as she appeared behind htem and slowly sheathed her weapon, the few low leveled shinigami that had the gall to attack their own lieutenant fell as logs on the floor, not even realizing what had transpired. The moment she stepped outside her room, suddenly she felt the grander picture and understood vaguely what was happening. People were battling everywhere... She knew something was stirring, but didn't quite expect it to be this big! At that moment she felt a familiar presence vanish. Her heart froze as she looked in the direction of the other side of the barracks and rapidly moved there, only to see a scene that made her nearly lose it.

"Sorry, you should have checked your loyalties. I'm the captain, you fools. Should have listened to me, not that woman." A guy with a white overcloth, said as he gesture to two shinigami to finish of a very young pair also wearing the uniform of the squad.

"SCREW YOU!" The boy of the pair replied without fear despite hte captain level pressure and his innability to actually move even a little as the former first lieutenant of the squad cut him down! He felt satisfied, finally getting his revenge on that woman just a bit, but he realized that his weapon had not actually felt resistance just now and looked at the ground where the two kids he tried to kill were actually not there anymore.

"Ahh... Was hoping the spell would have kept you out of this until the entire barracks were dealt with." The captain mentioned as he was gazing into the darkness. There was an area of darkness, hidden by the shadows that he had felt her presence." Seemed I underestimated your perception... or did someone break the spell by attacking you?" He asked, but didnt recieve an answer.

As he was about say something else, suddenly two things flew out of the shadows, like demonic snakes they bend in the air, flying at extreme speeds as they wrapped the former first lieutenant. one across his legs and one around his neck, strangling him before he could even call out the name of his weapon." I thought you were up to something..." Myako's voice came from the darkness as she stepped away from it, the two basically children behind her were alive, her having rescued them at the last moment. They were her two little informers and also charges in the squad, she had taken a liking to them since the moment htey joined and took care of them." Who would have thought you would have rebelled... or rather you and so many others... I can feel the chaos across the entire Seiretei." Myako said and with a mighty swing of her arms, the chains that were strangling and holding down the shinigami she had attacked earlier came to life as they pulled in two separate directions, tearing him into 3 pieces, she was ruthless and this was the first definite sign that the captain got that she was stronger than she let out others to believe.

"I will kill you now, you know?" He asked with a shrug as he pulled his weapon and called out it's name, summining his shikai. As he put his spirit pressure and captain grade presence to supress her, he found that it wasn't really working." What... just how much did you hide from us all?" He asked as he abandoned the fancy ideas and directly summoned his bankai to finish her off. He couldn't waste time here for too long. The rest of his goons were already gathering at the location, most of the squad having joined him. His bankai was a huge hammer, focusing on heavy strikes. As he flash stepped in front of her and swug down to kill her, her reiatsu surged as she flashed away and appeared behind him with seemingly great ease.

"Fool... let me show you what I can do... WE will enjoy hunting you." Myako smiled as her chains spun in her hands for a moment."BANKAI!" She shouted as the chains started to tremble and her reiatsu surged. Blankness envelopped her and spread all around her, swallowing everything in it's path. This was the color of her reiatsu, pure simple black. No fancy shades or touches into it like red or gold. It was pure and simple black."Ryōshi Fukami-rensa!"

"You..." Her captain spoke out, but before he finished her realized, something was off. The chains were gone. In fact she appeared like she was unarmed. He knew she'd never leave herself unarmed and she had shouted bankai. He had felt the initial power and spirit energy ,but now he couldn't sense it. He knew a power was out and in effect, he could sense the pressure, but couldn't sense it's location. Her bankai was seemingly invisible and all around them. He decided to finish her before she could do whatever she wasp lanning to, but something stopped him midway. A massive web of chains just appeared out of thin air and stopped him in his track." WHEN!?" He asked, realizing this was not a brand new bankai. She must have had it for a while, judging by teh calmness she was displaying as she coldly looked at him.

"Took decent control over it a few decades ago. Let me show you." She replied and suddenly a great number of chains appeared, piercing a lot of lower ranked shinigami on his side, before the chains vanished, leaving only a bunch of people with holes in them." As for you... YOU ARE MINE, AFTER I KILL YOU, I WILL MAKE SURE EVEN YOUR NAME IS FORGOTTEN! SHATTER!" She shouted as she grasped in the air and a chain formed directly into her hand as it wormed it's way towards her former captain. Powerful energies gathered into the chain, making it appear as if it was radiating darkness from the massive amount of reiatsu concentrated into it.

The man blocked with a swing of his giant hammer, both attacks hitting in mid air, causing a deafening explosion, that made her skid about a meter backwards." Seems like you are still lacking compared to a proper captain. TIME TO DIE!" He shouted and flash stepped at her, already attacking. She defended by creating a great number of chains between the two of them and the horrifying struggle continued. The man realized something that unnerved him - she was smiling. Even as he was hitting her and she was barely making a dent, she was still grinning.

Bankai was a great weapon, but it was a double edged one... It drained a lof of the user and soon she was starting to run behind him. The barracks no long resembled a habitable place. She had redused them all to rubble and ruin with her wide attack and powerful swings. Chains were still scattered all about the place, hanging in midair, as if attached to insivible hooks. He was already sure of his victory, even if she had understanding of her bankai, it wasn't complete. He could tell from it's manifestation. It was too rough, too unfocused and how old was she? Not even 2 hundred years old! A great talent true, but it was still too early for her!

Suddnely as he was finally taking his killing blow to her head, he felt danger. He wanted to pull out, but it was too late. Just an arm lenght away from her, his hammer stopped in mid air, bound by chains coiling around it. More chains appeared as all her shikai and bankai abilities were being utilized rapidly to tie him down, then he saw it. She was also bound by chains, a lot of them, tying them together." Metsubiru Naminde!" She shouted as the chains were suddenly floored with reiatsu, making even him unable to break free in short notice." Let's have fun, traitor." She grinned as four chains materealized and flew in the tiny space between the two of them. The four chains were radiating with so much reiatsu that they were growing unstable.

In an instant the collided right between the two of them. First there was a huge bright spark, then it was followed by darkness and radiated outwards, erroding everything. Then came the sound... or rather the lack of there off since it was way too strong, deafning everyone in the vicinity. As the darkness expanded and swallowed everything, the light within it exploded, resulting in a massive explosion that seemingly shook the surroundings. When it was all done, there was a massive crater left where the barracks used to be. Myako was laying motionlessly at one side of teh crater. Her body bleeding, broken and surrounded by chains that were now desintegrating. Finally all chains vanished and a wakazashi simply fell down, stabbing into the earth by her head.

The captain of squad 13 was... not gone. His zampakuto laid cracked on the side by him, but the most important thing was that he was missing the majority of his torso along with his left arm. It was a lethal wound for him even if he wasn't dead right away. She had come out on top despite the fact she was the slightly weaker one. When ther bankai was called out, the space became her domain, she could still portect herself to a degree. She was still gravely injured though, she couldn't move anymore and all her reiatsu was used up. On the plus side of life, she had finished out everything with that last attack. There wasn't a signle living soul left in the barracks. They all were either killed off earlier or swallowed up in the last move. Except the young pair of shinigamis that she saved earlier. They had moved further away as she ahd instructed them before she attacked the captain. Instead of running, they returned though. The two of them picked her up and ran away with her, before any of the other rebels could arrive and kill her!

Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: H6 (In Front of W) -> M6 (Parking Lot For X -> Condo 14B)
Skills: N/A

Sure enough this had all the makings of a tour ride. At least it felt like this when priest man started explaining which location was what and so on. They even got told that it was time for them to be housed first before they get to head for the beach. This was actually a really nice thing to finally happen. She was really eager to learn where they would be living from now on and was pondering if the true accommodations were as decent as the quarantine or if the quarantine was times better just to make it a smoke screen to recruit people.

Didn't take much time for them to be led to their new homes which turned out to be apartments and condos. They were already aware that it would be joint housing of some kind from earlier, so at least she wasn't harboring vain hopes of it. Amelia was certainly very curious and concerned about their neighbor, but Atticus said she was quiet, so they should get along well enough as long as they don't intrude to each others' space or cause problems.

Having been giving the keys, it was about the time to now actually visit their new home.

"It's... alright. Got everything we might need." Amelia commented when they had arrived at their new home for the moment. It was kinda barren, but not like she was expecting too much. It had the essentials and that would do, personal items were naturally not something that would come with the place by default. Their own stuff was located on the bed, but her face cramped when she spotted the things they arrived with. Well pretty much nothing from her things was left, probably because it was all mostly gear or other useful supplies. She felt really salty about the bat actually... It was her trusted friend for so long and even that axe! She sat on the bed with a sigh.

"Well it's not like we need too much stuff, right?" She quietly spoke out, somewhat deep in thought. There was where to keep the clothing, there was basic entertainment set up, though she would have loved to have books instead. This would do, especially for unproven location that it was still unknown if it would last for any distinct great length of time. Admittedly she really had to get hold of the location where they keep books. She was certain there would be a library set up somewhere at the very least.

Priscilla Harker

Location: Boat(Sun deck)
Skills: N/A

All happened too fast. Way too fast! One moment she was speaking out and the next she had a gun aimed at her head! All her body went into overdrive to react to the sudden situation, but it was simply too late already and her body didn't react in time. They say that before death life flashes by your eyes... In a way that was what Mosi experienced, she forgot how to breath as that singular moment lasted for eternity. Many a thing flashed though her mind before the bullet was releashed, good decisions, bad decisions... a singular regret about stuff not yet realized... She had yet to learn so many of the occult. Then there was another regret in that moment, she wished she could have stabbed that bastard in the balls if she was to die...

Then the force slammed into her head, throwing her back. Her eyes were unmoving, unfocused, her head was clear of thoughts aside the force that pushed her back. The sky filled all her view as she just slammed backwards onto the deck. There was no breathing, her heartbeat was uneven, but rapid for a moment. She was sure she should be dead...' The sky is... pretty.' Was her singular thought as her back and head finally hit the floor.

Mosi stood there unmoving..., unblinking and not breathing for a good few long moments... It was a lot for her head to process. When a body convinced itself that it should be dead, it might even do so, or so she believed anyways, but as she was there still as dead, suddenly she gasped. A fast and deep breath was heard as she inhaled with all the capabilities and capacity of her lungs. Following that was a rapid breathing as she could barely keep her breath, before she rolled to the side and an arm reached to her head. She was alive. She shouted, an angry yet joyful scream that was as she pulled up onto her knees, eyes starting to focus as she looked madly about like a wounded beast.

"R...R....Re...Reddish!" She screamed in fury not finding the man anywhere." COME BACK HERE YOU WEAK TEA DRINKING SON OF A WHORE AND FIGHT LIKE A MAN! DAMN COWARD, RETURN AND FIGHT AS A MAN, DARING TO PULL A SNEAK ATTACK, YOU BALLLESS COWARD, I WILL TURN YOU INTO AN EUNUCH IF I EVER SEE YOU AGAIN AND THEN FEED YOU YOUR VERY BALLS!" Mosi shouted as her fist hit the deck, still trying to regain her breath." Damn you, your parents, your grandparents, uncles, cousins, aunts, great grandparents, and all your other relatives to the ninth generation! I HOPE YOUR CHILDREN SUFFER BALDNESS FOR ETERNITY YOU DICKLESS BASTARD!" She continued for a while more and took a more focused deep breath." I WILL FUCKING TURN YOU INTO A WOMAN IF I EVER SEE YOU AGAIN DAMMIT! To shoot me in the head when I was honestly concerned if you had any last tasks that needed fulfilled after you vanish! So much for my honest desire to help unworthy imperial bastards! Even if I die, I will haunt you to suffer in hell!" She hollered some more and took yet another deep breath then her eyes fell on the actress and she finally stopped shouting at the no longer existing soldier.

Constantin Kolev

Location: Gretna Green
Skills: Tretiy Glaz(passive), Fal'shbort(passive)

As clueless about the resolution of the situation as he was, there was indeed a need to act. People continued to do their thing and all of them were more or less good and useful actions or ideas to different degrees until one of the women he didn't know spoke out. God bless her pretty blond hair, but her sudden powerful proclamation about the meaning of what had to happen seemed to put it to focus to all of them and give a pretty good goal for everyone in the church to complete! Constantin was impressed and while he was not really a fan of people outside the circus, but should what the woman said really be the solution, he was honestly up for giving her a not bad for an outsider evaluation!

Axes were at play and screaming was heard, creature to be affected. Knifes at work and so many other wonderful actions were taking in attempts to keep the thing attached to the alter so Veta can deal with it once and for all. Since they all were doing their best, there wasn't room for doubt. It appeared to his eyes that the entire group in the church were pitting their eggs in the basket that was this specific plan. He was not going to be left behind! As Veta moved to start the ritual, a rather unpleasant situation arose. One of the creature's hands grasped the British woman that they all had chased all the way here for some unknown to them reason! A man called out something about 'Tir, Tyre', or something like that and charged only to fall somewhat short of executing his attack well.

There was a goal to be had here. Keep Veta protected, keep thing to altar and if possible help that woman before she actually dies from being suffocated or have her neck crushed by this smokey bastard. Taking a look of the field of battle, he stood by the alter roughly between Veta and the beast still, but this time the most effective use was to make the beast not able to escape! Damage him or stab him and pin him down. With a sword in hand, enthusiastic expression on his face and a song at heart he swung at the beast in attempt to damage and weaken it as to keep it locked at the altar! Who knows it might just drop the woman!

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