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Naisha Alexandros

Naisha groaned as she stirred awake from her dream." That dream again..." She mumbled, placing a hand on her face, hiding her eyes from a blinding light. After a few moments, the blinding light proved to be the screen on her computer terminal. She was still in her wheel chair, sitting in front of the PC. Seemed she had fallen asleep while browsing the web. The sound of faint music could be heard from the headphones that had slipped off her head in her sleep." Aghh... ugh..." She groaned and pulled away from the desk, resting her back against the chair, letting her head hang back as she stared at the ceiling for a bit.

She was in her home, a somewhat cozy little place in the slums. Cozy might be an overstatement, but it had what she needed and was cheap to get through...a hmm completely legal means. Her home consisted of 2 garages that had the wall between them demolished to form one big space. Cheap, sturdy and well... hard to find. It also served as a convenient place where she could freely work on all her drones and machines since a decent part of her income came from repairing machines. As such one of the garages was her living space and the other was the work area." What time is it...?" She mumbled, looking at the clock on the screen, grimacing and pulling the wheel chair away from the desk, moving it over to the small walled off area that served as bathroom and rest room. It had convenient railing for her to hold for support and after, with quite a few struggles, pulling herself up to a standing position she walked to the sink, washing her face, before deciding to get a shower. She still smelled like machine oil and turpentine.

About an hour later, she walked back to her bed with her cane for support and picked one of the spare sets of clothing she kept folded in the nightstand. As she started putting on her new set of clothes, her eyes lingered on the big scar that was on her chest. The uneven darkened skin and the sharp edges. She could recall the moment her mother's blade pierced her back then... Why did she hide her away back then? Naisha often wished that her mother stayed with her even if it meant getting caught. She was fine with dying with her parents... now she was alone... all alone. Shinra took everything." ...SHIN...RA..." She ground her teeth, as she clenched her hand and fingers across the scar, leaving deep red marks where her nails slid across bare skin. With eyes filled with bloodlust, her heartbeat sped up. She could hear the pulsating sound inside her head. It almost hurt to be honest, but eventually she calmed down enough and resumed dressing up. It's been so many years... yet she wasn't close enough to getting revenge. She wanted to speed up, but then another side of her stopped her. If she got sloppy, she'd die before killing anyone of importance. She needed to get a grasp to kill one of the high operatives... yes. One step at a time.

Standing up once more, with a bit of a trembling hand she pulled the wheel chair over and settled in it just as she felt her legs starting to strain." I... should be resting more." She eventually concluded at the apparent general lack of energy she was facing. Lack of sleep and not too great diet often left her with somewhat of a lacking health, even more so. With a frown she moved to the fridge and pulled an energy drink and a store bought sandwich, not the most classy meal, but beggers can't be choosers. Besides she wasn't a good cook. With those in place she moved back to the computer terminal. In a way it was her baby, she made sure it was tapped into the network at a place that wasn't close to here, in fact just for that she had set up a few hundreds meters of cabling. Origin of the signal if it was actually ever traced should lead to another building some distance away, giving her ample time to bail. Of course she never planned to be traced to begin with.

Putting on the news to play, she started to browse the usual networks after going through the security motions of setting up the system to appear as if accessing from another town, setting redundant fake traces and all the other good stuff. Finally accessing with a fake ID, she started to look through an anonymous network. She had snatched some Shinra data last time she got into their network, a bunch of banking data, she made utmost sure they hadn't realized that one. She hadn't touched a gil from those accounts. The moment she did, they would be all over it and the banking codes would be changed. So it was use once only deal. Of course it was also possible they were aware of it and were waiting for someone to use those bank account codes for them to crack down and capture. She had felt she gotten them a tad too easily after all. So for those reasons she preferred to just sell those off, if someone else got snatched, not her problem... maybe she'd sell it to AVALANCHE... they likely needed the funds. So she set up her own post to advertise the need of people who could launder big amounts of stolen Shinra money.

After dealing with that annoyance, she was just about to leave the network and go dig around the junkyard for parts when a specific post caught her attention." Prototype Shinra Sweeper? Really?" She mumbled to herself and investigated the post, rather... well crafted post. The code also seemed authentic for Shinra. She knew, after hacking into their networks so many times, if she couldn't recognize the coding style she'd be blind and might as well retire. So... from the avaible preview, authentic code and possibly authentic sweeper schematics. The code itself she didn't really care that much about. She could code her own, the schematics however did pick her interest. Somehow she felt iffy however, it was too... coincidental. Why on earth would Shinra schematics clearly prototype appear on the market. However Naisha did see herself using some of the mech's elements to incorporate into her own drones. It didn't hurt to at least get some info about the offer if she was careful. So she sent a message to the person who set the offer, expressing her interest and giving them the address to a secure anonymous chat where they could discuss further along with a time to begin the discussion. With that she took her phone, set secure access to the chat and headed for the junkyard where all manners of machinery and metal scrap were tossed at daily basis. She wasn't after anything specific, she'd try her luck and see what pops up. Going out of her place she locked the door behind herself and started slowly moving down the streets. She wasn't using the chair's motors and controls, better save those for when they really mattered after all. Batteries couldn't be recharged on the fly and if she needed to escape from someone or something she'd need all the juice in them she could get.

Some of the people whom she met were familiar faces from living here for such a long time so she waved at them and exchanged greetings and other pleasantries like asking what was going on, where they were going and so on. All in all, she was a slum kid after all.

Amelia Payne
Location:CMB Graveyard
Skills: N/A


Amelia had just finished her spoken and unspoken words to James when she felt a squeeze on her shoulder. To her surprise it was Ash. She gave him a sad smile in return as he went to have his words. She in return stood by Riley with weapons quietly in the ready in her hands. Listening to Ash talk, Amelia recalled events of the past. Many a fond memories resurfaced for a brief moment before she closed her eyes and calmed herself. The past was the past, she had to let go. As she pushed the memories aside, she felt rather calm and renewed actually. Having finally gotten some proper closure.

Overlooking the people, they were all doing their thing. Some speaking, some not. Her eyes lingered on Ash for a bit as he was finishing his words about James before moving on to be on overwatch duty as well. Amelia was honestly worried at this point. Nothing was going wrong so far… Having survived both the Franklin attack all the way back before Newnan and then Newnan’s fall later, she simply couldn’t leave the paranoia that something was going to happen. It wasn’t as terrible as it was initially after the fall of Newnan, but it was still there and likely will forever be. Still she noted the guards they had with them weren’t reacting or appearing worried either.

Her eyes darted to the bus, wondering if she and Riley should get moving in that direction in advance. She was about to suggest it to her love, but then after another moment decided not to. In these situations, safer place tended to be among the group. They were all armed after all. Finally she found herself content enough simply standing slightly to the side near Padreman. As long as there wasn’t concern among the escort group, she supposed she shouldn’t worry too much. And if Padre or Daytona weren’t making them dash back to the bus, it should be fine.


Lisa Mason
Location: Medical(B)
Skills: N/a


Lisa threw a glance at Mary as she was putting away the suit and nodded.” Figured as much. Will get to it, who knows I might actually get to enjoy a bit of the break today.” She replied with a smile, hanging out the suit and leaving the place so Mary could lock it up properly. All in all, today was a productive, if a bit hectic day. Between moving around the buildings, while not too much time was lost, it was just enough to eat away at the day, so if she wanted to finish the rest of the rooms in the basement, she’d better be fast worker.

β€œWell, it’s going to be a busy time for me. Not that I mind. I do like working and learning~” She grinned, hearing how her schedule would proceed from now on. When she wasn’t learning, she’d be supervising and teaching the new guy. Well Manny seemed like learned enough fella, so it shouldn’t be hard for him to get used to the cleaning duties. What she was more interested about was the practical trade she’d be learning on the medicine side. She really hoped all that medicine wouldn’t be in great demand soon. For it to be available was a good thing, to be in the needed was not.

β€œMmm… disinfectant smell… yeah. I better finish quick, so I get the chance to grab a shower.” Lisa chuckled and started walking, heading for the stairs.” Never a better time than the present!” She added and headed down to the basement level once more, making a direct line for the storage area where all the tools and chemicals for cleaning were kept. Putting on a pair of gloves she prepared herself for work. They had already done the worst of it earlier with the plasters and so on. Other rooms didn't have plaster splattered about, so it should be quicker to clean!
Edits Made~
@FalloutJack no worries. ^^
great! I will attempt to whip up the character within a short notice! By the by, the discord link has expired @_@.
Hello there, I'm pretty interested in this RP, been on a final fantasy brainwave for a while now. Mind if I attempt to join?

Amelia Payne
Location:CMB Graveyard
Skills: N/A


As everybody left the bus and they got ready to start moving, Amelia carefully held her weapons as she watched Riley prepare hers and with Atticus telling them to follow, she started walking. The graveyard was rather… well calm? Her eyes scanned the obvious direct surroundings and she barely felt anything as she saw the many different tombstones and the occasional tree. Her eyes narrowed at the way everything was rather lit up by the blazing sun. Quite different from what one would usually think off when they think of a graveyard.

Normally people would think of dark, gritty, possibly misty and shady. Perhaps even humid and unsettling with distant crows. A very clichΓ© like appearance. This seemed so different, probably because of the climate zones she supposed. What was even more curious was the distinct lack of feelings and opinions at well a graveyard. Suddenly she realized that for all that graveyards represented, they felt like a place where one can truly be at peace and quiet. With the lack of Walkers so far, it felt rather… okey.

With the world’s default state nowdays, Amelia finally realized that places like cities, villages and other such locations of life and civilization previously, now felt a lot more scary and connected with death than this graveyard. Her thoughts had kept her mind occupied all the way to the location of the people they came to visit. Overlooking the graves, Amelia looked at the priest and shook her head lightly.” I’m personally in no need of anything special. Thank you.” She told him as she walked over to Jame’s grave and stood about a step away from it. Looking at the dates on it, her mood twisted somewhat and she sighed.

Amelia didn’t say anything aloud, what she had to say to him, she kept in her mind. Final goodbyes were said a long time ago, before he even died. She just didn’t want to face the finality of it until now. The saying that time would heal all wounds was to at least a degree true. She did miss the man, but it was already so long. At least he had a proper resting place.” I missed you, so glad for this chance to say proper goodbye. It’s time to accept reality, sadly.” She said quietly making a step back.” Not sure when and if I will be able to come again, so… Until next time… one way or another.” She said taking a deep breath and turning around. She didn't need loong time to say final words, now she had a more important task. Be ready for shit to hit the fan.


Lisa Mason
Location: Medical(B)
Skills: N/a


β€œI thought so.” She said to herself with a smile, hearing about her new schedule arrangements. Back to learning and working, not that she complained really, she might have initially, after years of completely following no rules rather than her own, but in the time since then, she actually grew to appreciate the structured living in the camp. Living with other people and following societal rules or at least those that still applied, made it easier to maintain a better outlook on life and she was all about that!” Seems I’m going to be kept busy for a while, guess it’s time to push back my requests to arrange traps for a while.” She chuckled, there went her hobby.

Not waiting to be reminded, Lisa hurriedly complied with Mary’s order and made a direct line to the door, leaving the lab. Once it was locked, she started to take off the lab suits, not the most comfortable things to wear, but it wasn’t terribly bad all things considering. At least they weren’t outside in the heat! She was glad to be out of the suit.” So I get the rest of the day off?” She asked, a bit confused.” Well I won’t complain about it, many thanks for it.” She told Mary with a smile and nodded.” Doing this while maintaining absolute calm might take a little bit of practice and experience, but point noted. I will keep my calm as much as possible.”

β€œOn that note, are you sure I shouldn’t at least finish up what was left from the other spaces down in the basement? We didn’t finish the entire usual space of the basement aside the lab for the blood tests, because we went to the boat.” She asked, taking her work ethic to heart. Still if Mary and the other people calling the shots really wanted her to rest now, she wouldn’t mind it at all. She fancied herself some lazying in bed and maybe going for a game night afterwards.

Amelia Payne
Location:The Bus (Outside of CMB -> Graveyard)
Skills: N/A


Her head resting on Riley’s shoulder, her eyes were looking to the side out the window of the bus. They were traveling for a bit out of the walls now when they reached the cemetery. Amelia’s hand softly squeezed the handle of the bat, reassuring and confirming it’s presence as she relaxed it a bit again. The sun was blazing outside and she was wondering how hot it would feel to step outside after being in the nice comfortably air conditioned bus.

Her eyes glided across different gravestones and the trees. Padre and Bass were outside, so if something was clearly present, she expected the gunshots to happen soon, but nothing was heard as they got a bit deeper into the graveyard until they finally stopped. Moments later the green light to leave the bus was given. Amelia’s eye twitched as she stood up and went to leave. With one hand holding a spiked baseball bat and another holding an axe, she disembarked the vehicle.

Stepping out of it, she felt the heat right away. The hat she was nicely given by Nikki did help to keep the sun out of her eyes at the very least, but darn this was hot and stuffy. She really had to find a way to express her gratitude to Auntie and Nikki for the dress and the hat. They were a life saver in this heat! Thinking about gratitude and the fucking heat, Amelia made a few steps to the side to clear the door of the bus and looked around, hands holding the weapons in the ready, though honestly she only needed one of them… the bat especially was a two handed weapon for ideal situations. Well she could always just drop one if she had to, so she wasn’t going to leave one just yet. The short axe could be wielded in one hand easily enough. She waited for Riley to also get off the bus and then hurriedly got into close guarding position by the other woman.” Need to keep an eye out...” She told Riley, not trusting the seeming calmness of the area.


Lisa Mason
Location: Medical(B)
Skills: N/a


Lisa calmly and quietly from the side waited for Mary to finish inspecting the batch. She was pretty sure she did it right in the end there, but it was a bit of a lucky one. The silence in the room was a bit heavy as the inspection progressed, but Lisa felt rather good right now. With her in high spirits, she smiled as she was slowly pinching her leg to pass the time. It was actually kind of interesting to watch Mary work. She looked so proficient at it too.

After a wait that seemed a lot longer than it was, Mary finally said the words… Or rather that’s what Lisa would have thought if the words spoken weren’t the ones that were. She rose an eyebrow and nodded.” Thanks, but I will be honest that’s because I’ve had good teachers and was specialized into learning for this specifically...” She said with serious voice, before continuing.” Didn’t spare the efforts and most importantly of all… I Was fucking lucky. I honestly can’t believe I managed it, I wouldn’t say I’d happen with good regularity quiet yet. Got more to learn from ya. Besides for those 8 years you’ve got a whole lot of knowledge I might never actually get to learn.” She added.

With a smile and happy thoughts she started to fulfill Mary’s new task which was to sterilize after her. At least this step wasn’t too different from the regular lab.” I really should redouble my efforts on my studies if I’m to work here. Don’t want to be wasting ingredients… leaves bad aftertaste to do so.” She mumbled and sighed. Still she was glad for her luck today, however she didn’t think that luck could be counted on.

Amelia Payne
Location:Streets of CMB (The Bus: Q6) -> Outside CMB:
Skills: N/A


Looking around, resting her head on Riley’s shoulder, Amelia waited patiently for the bus to leave the camp, pondering a whole set of misc topics and ideas on what she could do to properly give her thanks to Nikki. It was hard to figure out actually, she had no way of actually doing anything for her, she couldn’t provide her with anything. While in thought, they passed by the gates and finally found themselves outside. Amelia’s eyes glanced out the window, frowning, now that they were back in the dangerous great wide world. So far no walkers could be seen, she supposed, but you never knew.

Her attention was attracted by their caretakers who started explaining how the whole weapon situation was going to go down. Nothing too crazy honestly, about as expected, she wondered if they will actually count the bullets afterwards, like weapon by weapon. They did say to return all unspent ammo so, they might be? She pushed the thought away as the guns started to be given out, at least until it was her turn. Padre called out her name and after a spark of confusion on her side when he pulled the other bag, her eyes took on an enthusiastic sparkle as the contents were revealed.” A bat! Thank you! I will be careful!” She nodded repeatedly as she took her temporary weapons. She didn’t dwell much on the temporary status, but the mere presence of having the bat and an axe at arm distance, made her feel secure. Granted the spiked bat looked gruesome and she preferred a more traditional setup for her bats, but it was still a god damned bat dammit! She gripped the handle and smiled in happy manner.

Daytona’s voice brought her attention to the fact that they were nearing the cemetery. She looked at Riley for comfort and rested back in the seat, right hand not letting go of the bat at all. All was good in the world now, she could protect Riley and herself should something go wrong out there. Hopefully nothing does, but counting her luck, her paranoia...ahmm carefulness, didn’t allow her to not consider the worst possible options. Soon they’d be out of the bus and the dangerous part will begin.


Lisa Mason
Location: Medical(B)
Skills: Science (Chemistry)


Lisa’s eyes were narrowed at the samples in front of her. She had restarted her efforts with it, having only one step left to complete, however she hit a snag pretty much right away once more. She was certain she had done everything right this time around, however it didn’t seem to be the case.” … β€œ Her hand hovered in the air for a moment, before she grabbed the folder, gave it a quick look over and then placed the thing back down, eyes narrowing at the samples like a predator on prey. She had gotten to this point, this wasn’t beating her.

Clearing stray thoughts away, she recalled the lessons, she recalled what she read in the folder just moments prior and looked at the samples once more. Somewhere in this big maze of things to do was the path to success, she just had to follow it. With hands moving with purpose, she began the next attempt, paying no further attention to distractions as she began working on the sample. It was a task that was very delicate, she still felt uncomfortable with it and result would be known only when she’s done. The moments seemed to go on to eternity as she finally was done and checked the result, to confirm if everything was fine.” Well… it’s done.” Lisa stated flatly with calm face, pulling a bit away from the samples to allow Mary to double check the results.

β€œNot that anything, but I wouldn’t dare work on even imagine working on this outside of controlled testing situation like this one. It seems I’m still too green when it comes to this, sadly.” She said with a smile. She wasn’t too sad about the struggle. If they had given her to do this a while back, she didn’t think she would have succeeded at all! So she certainly took this as a sign of great improvement, allowing herself some optimism!
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