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Heya there, I'm pretty interesting in the re attempt of this one. Think a healer/herbalist might be needed? If so I'm pretty much up for the task!

Amelia Payne
Location:General Supply(R) (I6)β†’Water Repair(G)(G4)
Skills: N/A


Amelia nodded at Auntie’s bellowed orders. So they had to do this before getting dinner? Shouldn’t be too bad, though the temperatures outside were still kinda unpleasant. Still it could be worse! She understood that very well now, it could always be worse, so one should always be careful and glad for what you had.

β€œMmm… mhm? Got it!” Amelia nodded as she listened to the girl explaining how they were to proceed with this. Making a mental check in her head, she noted the carts and which was for where. In the end she walked over to the cart for Water Repair and was just about to start pushing it off when another bellow, or maybe a scream, echoed. This one was about a mouse. With Nikki rushing off like the wind and leaving, Amelia realized that she should hurry too. They could think about catching that mouse tomorrow. They had time. She pushed forward the cart for Water Repair and hurried to bring it out from the building, though admittedly a bit more careful than Nikki did with the door. In any case she was outside.

Heat struck quickly as it had done all the time throughout the day. She wasn’t sure if it was better or worse than earlier, but she wasn’t in the dress anymore, so it felt hotter. In any case, pushing the cart down the street, she headed for Water repair which was on one side of the camp and luckily not far off supply. Carefully crossing the street with the cart, she pushed it all the way there. She finally left the cart at Water Repair and turned around, to head back to get the next cart. There were a number of them to bring at the different locations. She wanted to do a god job!


Lisa Mason
Location: Medical(B)
Skills: N/a


Finally after what felt like an eternity with a planter hat, the booming voice, that even a planter on your damn head and dirt in your ears couldn’t hide, appeared. Like a majestic savior the only person that Lisa currently considered sensible and actually not brain dead appeared. What a weird thing it was, for someone sounding usually so angry to be the person you feel most happy to suddenly hear! Well Lisa liked the woman anyhow… better than certain other 2 people involved with her predicament right now. Manny, bless his little soul wasn’t doing anything good with his helping and Doc was well… bloody annoying, almost sounding like it was her fault!

Lisa made a silent yelp as she felt someone step on one of her hips, presumably SB, but she didn’t mind. And with the short counter, finally her head was free from the planter menace! She hurriedly started running her hands across her face and hair, helping to get any remaining dirt off as much as possible, while also grasping for short breaths.” Thank… you...” Lisa said to her savior, before trying to remove some dirt from her mouth. At the words from doc, she wasn’t really pleased. She did try to get off him mind you, but it just wasn’t quite working out in his favor as between the dirt in her mouth, her eyes and generally the fact her senses were still a bit messed she couldn’t quite roll off him.

β€œ...” Lisa rubbed some more dirt off her face.” Just… wait… a … bit… can’t...” She replied, in between making grimaces as she was trying to get rid of dirt that got in her mouth. Was it bad that she felt like just pulling herself just a tad, just so she can just crash down on him harder…? Besides what was he complaining about?

Amelia Payne
Location:General Supply(R) (I6)
Skills: N/A


β€œOhh.” Amelia replied, hearing what Nikki said about Auntie. So the girl likely was nagged on today. She sighed and gave a bit of an apologetic look, she really needed that final closer and honestly that was enough. She was going to make it up to Nikki at a later date! She nodded, hearing the old woman was in the back of the Supply Building.

β€œMmhm, that too. Pretty sure she liked it too...’ Amelia blushed a bit and nodded, mumbling the latter part of the sentence. She got to show herself pretty to Riley so she was happy. She did like to occasionally dress up, but on the road it wasn’t good to do so, too risky. Last time she had ever gotten the chance to do that was the night before Newnan fell, so long ago it felt now. Pushing the sudden dark thoughts that filled her mind away, she smiled.” I will be quick then.” She added and hurried into the building, going through the signing in procedure.

She quickly showed herself to Auntie to see that she had returned.” I’m back, we just arrived. Thank you for the dress, Auntie.” She said to the woman with grateful voice.” I will get changed quickly and start working again to finish the day!” With that, she hurried over to the place where she earlier changed her clothing and now hurriedly changed back in her regular get up, folding the dress and putting the hat on top of the folded dress.” Alright done, where are we bringing the carts to?” Amelia asked, looking around. Nikki said to bring the carts out, but this being her first day here, she had no idea where to. Just out on the street? Or in another room? Or was it to bring them around to the different locations around town? Well she looked forward to the answer!


Lisa Mason
Location: Medical(B)
Skills: N/a


Lisa’s perception of the surroundings right now wasn’t honestly the best. She had a planter on her head and a lot of dirt everywhere. Not the best feeling honestly, but it could be worse than dirt… could be blood or anything else, so take your blessing where you could. That said, it still didn’t mean it was pleasant. She vaguely heard Manny and he seemed to be joking. She wanted to retort rather angrily, but given that even if she tries, her mouth will only fill with dirt, she didn’t. She will get her chance later… once she’s out of the dirt.

Doc wasn’t helping by squirming about and she really couldn’t move anywhere cause she had absolutely no visibility and she didn’t plan to attempt to stand up, wasn’t sure if she’d be able to do so anyways. Didn’t feel like she hit her head, but might as well be careful. What she did however was to attempt to take off the blasted planter off her. She pushed hard at it in attempt to get it off, but it didn’t work out. No matter how much she tried for some reason it didn’t get removed. Was it because she was that stuck or because she couldn’t pick a proper angle to push it, she didn’t know. As such she was still in this stuck state with dirt all across her head. She could feel it in her hair… in her nose even and despite the attempt to keep her mouth shut, she still felt the taste of dirt.

β€˜Get it off me already dammit!’ Lisa screamed internally as she started pushing it in a more hectic way and knocking on it to get the people to realize to stop standing there and do something helpful! She supposed it would be a fun thing to watch sure, but she didn’t want to spend the day like this.
Naisha Alexandros

Naisha's reaction when she first saw what the machine looks like would be quite hard to describe between the feeling of horror, opportunity and danger." Damn... what's this abomination doing in the middle of the slums!?" She mumbled to herself, making the drone stay low over the junk as to not trigger any attacks from the... sweeper? Was it a sweeper at this point? It looked very heavily and crudely modified... like it was done by huge crude not too dextrous limbs... couple with the damage across the different junk machinery around and it's additions, it wasn't hard to reach the conclusion it might have done it itself?! How?! Was this thing made to self modify? A prototype madness!? Were Shinra out of their fucking minds to allow that thing to roam here? It it got out of the Junkyards and attacked the populated areas, the damage would be astromonic before it could be brought down! Look at those guns and armor! If it was indeed from Shinra why did they leave it here? Was it rogue? Or was it someone else who made it? Doubtful, nobody around here could build a real sweeper, they could modify one sure, but not to this extend. Not without significant specialized knowledge and skills.

Then the sound of a heli was heard and then one of Shinra's appared, followed by a counter attack by the rogue sweeper. This proved the thing was attacking anyone even Shinra, the possibility of it being dropped here by them was gone. Given they send somebody to it, it attacked, it was probable it was rogue and they were sending someone to attempt to disable it before they could find themselves in a real uncomfortable public opinion PR nightmare... Her drone was making sure to capture the footage though. At least until the Shinra flier was repelled, the chopper started moving in her direction." FUUUUUCK!" She cursed as she could see via the drone's footage the sweeper chasing in her direction! STUPID IDIOTS!!! Naisha was about to hit the speed on her motorized wheelchair to attempt to get away, but it wasn't as fast as a chopper so soon somebody dropped in front of her, warning her to get away.

Naisha's mind was a very unstable state right now as she stared at the SOLDIER armor. Her eyes were narrowed, chaotic thoughts rushing to her mind, her next action impossible to tell even to herself. Still whatever she was about to do stopped when she heard the loud rumbles from the sweeper crushing a path through the junk to them." DAMN MORON!" She shouted as she moved further away to put him between her and the rampaging machine. Without losing a moment hse used her drone controls to start firing on the Mech from behind, but the drone didn't carry military grade weapons on it. It was equiped with a simple gun... not even armor piercing bullets! Everything on it was avaible on the market, she hadn't gotten any black market weapons or anything, she was staying low after all for crying out loud." This path is a direct line to the populated areas! Look behind us you Shinra Idiot! If you wanted to fight it why didn't you fight it in the heart of the junk yard! If this thing fires a salvo from those autocannons in our direction, it will reach all the way to the people who are out in the slums!" She ahd been on this path for that specific reason originally. It was a straight line and you could see people walking out there, now people seemed to even be gathering at the entrance of hte junkyard, putting themselves even more in danger because they were curious what was happening." The armor's too thick, it doesn't even react to the drone attacks!" Naisha shouted as she reaclled the drone, it was slightly faster than the sweeper cause it was flying after all it quickly made it's way to her.

In Naisha's mind as much as she hated Shinra, hated Soldier and wanted to do very gory things to everybody involved, more than that seh didn't want people to die because of it. In that way she was the oppositve of Avalanche who seemed to want to cause damage to Shinra no matter the casualties. Currently a thought snuck in her mind to hinder the soldier guy just enough for him to get gored by the machine, but her desire to not let it rampage in the slums was stronger... very slightly, but it was stronger. She will get the chance to attempt to kill him later... when he's tired and hurt form the fight too. She pulled her shield drone in front." DAMN IT ALL! I will block smome shots for you, just keep it occupied for a little while! Can't let it go on a rampage into the slums!" Naisha screemed at the man, pulling some more further back as she controlled her drones from distance to provide him with some support... ADmittedly her left eye was twitching and her expression was kinda stiff and not really nice, as every part of her being was scremaing to kill the man right away no matter what, but the better side of her sanity called for tempered reaction.' Mech first, Civilians save, SOLDIER DEAD later...' A somewhat scattered string of thoughts followed.

Naisha's drones could provide very basic support to the SOLDIER. She could use the wall one to block some of the autoshots, though again that drone wasn't military grade either, it wouldn't withstand many of those autocannons shots. However she could use the drone to hinder the Mech's visual sensors by keeping it in front of it's sensor array. It would likely render it very difficult ofr the mech to aim properly for a bit... until it compensates or something. She didn't know how adaptive it would be, Sweepers were known for being generaly dumb, but that was for the ones that weren't able to... MODIFY by themselves. The main support she could give him really was cyber warfare with the thing's firewalls and then start disabling it piece by piece... but for that she'd need to first hack into it and that would take time, thus she asked him to just keep it occupied. Alternatively, they could try to bury it in the junk... maybe draw it into one of hte many junk processing units and crush it there... THe sound of the mech brought her back to attention as she used junk pile for some cover, using her attack drone to start shooting at the sweeper's sensors right away too, but it wasn't easy to hit something moving in such an erratic fashion.

Best plan for the time being was just attempt to hack it, using the attack drone as relay to catch onto the mech's system. 'It is likely it was supposed to transmit data back to it's servers at some point. Otherwise Shinra wouldn't be able to track them, right? To trasmit data it means it could recieve data also... it must have a network...' She thought to herself, scanning the area for any networks that weren't supposed to be in the area. She only had her phone with herself, maybe she should have gotten her laptop... With the phone at most she could attempt to introduce a virus and hope it takes. Of course she also took on occasion the chance to take a shot with the drone gun at the thing's sensors here and there hoping at least one of those shots lands, maybe crack the camera lense. Then suddenly a thought... it would be great if she could make the chopper just crash into the thing and let it explode... But for now more hiding behind cover to avoid shots, using one hand to attempt to find the mech's communications channel and try to send it a virus and using hte other hand to be as much of a hindrance to it as possible with two small drones that would likely by the end of this be just about as junk as the rest of the things in this place... RIP drones.

Amelia Payne
Location:CMB Assembly(P) (I5) β†’General Supply(R) (I6)
Skills: N/A


Ahh back behind the safety of the walls. Amelia was feeling her nerves relax a tad bit as soon as they were inside. Reality however proved to be just as how she always knew it was. The moment you suspect it’s over, it never was. Something would always go wrong, even if it wasn’t a world ending disaster. Out of nowhere the bus came to a screeching halt for some reason. Amelia didn’t have time to react, before she knew what was up, her face hit the seat in front of her and then she snapped backwards when the kinetic energy ended.

β€œHell… HURTS!” She cursed, which was a rarity enough for her, but it really hurt. The impact rattled her a little bit and her nose was currently hurting. It didn’t appear to be anything too serious, but damn. She knew something will happen! SHE KNEW IT! It always did! Rubbing carefully her nose, and resting her head back on the seat she took the few moments afterwards to calm herself as they were finally at Assembly.

Once more on edge, Amelia carefully made her way off the bus, noting the info. So they had a bit before dinner. Luckily for her General Supply was very close, just on the other side of the street to the south. She separated from Riley with a bit of reluctance.” See you in a bit later.” She said to her love and against her inner voices of shyness, she gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, feeling now even hotter than the heat outside at the end. With that done, she bailed for the other side of the street, heading to Supply only to find Nikki outside. She nearly tripped from stopping suddenly.” Hey, I’m back.” She managed to say.” Is Auntie still in, I was told I have to report that I’m back to her.” She asked and looked at the girl.” Also thank you very much for the help with the dress. It indeed was quite a bit more comfortable with it.”


Lisa Mason
Location: Medical(B)
Skills: N/a


With a tune Lisa was skipping up the stairs like she had done countless times in the past. Well not really countless, but she stopped counting long ago… or rather never did in the first place. For now she just wanted to leave this place, get home, chill for a little bit then have dinner. After that the plans were kinda hazy as she didn’t really have one, but she will figure something out when she gets to it. All was perfect, or rather that’s how it should have been.

Suddenly with no warning, Doc came hurrying for somewhere into colliding course with her. He startled her, maybe he startled himself also because his attempts to avoid collision ended up hitting into the fern. Lisa who was so very darn rudely pulled from her so far perfect day in an uncoordinated movement of some kind tripped over her own legs, falling forward towards him." Fu..." What transpired next could possibly called a slapstick routine, but it wasn’t really fun to experience. She was covered with dirt… and then even more dirt as her head went right for the fern and ending in the planter… which poured the rest of the dirt down her head and shoulders and now she had a nifty nifty hat… heavy hat with dirt in it even if the majority was now down on her and into her clothing too!

With initial instinct to curse, she found the taste of dirt… so she closed her eyes and mouth, holding out the string of curses, as she brought her hands to her head, struggling to get the planter that was so neatly on her head now. It wasn’t getting off… Made her want to curse more, hoping someone would help get this off her.

Amelia Payne
Location:CMB Graveyard
Skills: N/A


Finally as the bus started to move again, Amelia found her nerves calming down somewhat. A moving bus was a lot safer than a stationary target. She was still unarmed, but at least they were heading back behind the walls of the camp. She didn’t really want to venture out of the walls again within the near future unless it was absolutely positively needed for some reason.

With them moving, some talks were happening. She heard Atticus speak and mention Tati and Riley. Her eyebrow rose for a moment as she tossed a look at her lover who was done with work for the day. Well Amelia was happy for her and all that, but these talks really reminded her that she still had work to do and that this trip likely left Nikki to do the work for the two of them alone. She didn’t know if Nikki did the work for the two of them prior to their arrival in camp either, but it wasn’t a nice feeling she had. Now the work was given to both of them after all. She was going to have to apologize after she returns to work in a little while.

The talk then moved towards food and the possibility of fish. Fish was generally a great thing! Amelia was all for fish honestly, before arriving in camp, fish was really hard to come by because unless you had the time to go fishing, it was impossible to get any really. Besides real cooking beat the hell out of cans or other preserves. She then smiled as the walls came back into proper view and they were soon by the gates once more. So close to relative safety, she could almost taste it… Suddenly she turned her head back and looked through the window at the direction of the back of the bus, half expecting something to be going wrong very soon. If things were to go wrong, they would go wrong now after all and she couldn’t help, but worry about it.


Lisa Mason
Location: Medical(B)
Skills: N/a


All things considered working hard and focused was a quick way to pass the time. Between some daydreams about her hobbies and the hard work to be done, suddenly Lisa realized the one most important truth for the current time!” … I’m done. Felt like such a brief time, especially today.” She uttered in a mixture of happiness and mild surprise. Putting the mop int the bucket and holding it as a legendary weapon, she took a final stock of the situation. Everything was properly cleaned! Checking the time, she was just in front of the schedule with acceptable spare time left.

Silently she gave herself a mental compliment for a job well done and then looked in the direction of the stairs. It was about time to bail from Medical as fast as possible, but first she had to put the tools, chemicals and everything away at their designated storage areas. As someone who did this on daily basis for many years even prior the whole shambling corpses walking the street business, it was a second nature to her. Making sure to arrange everything at storage as neatly as possible, she was finally ready to leave. So she went ahead and hurried to the stairs.

Lisa practically skipped her way up the stairs to the main floor on her way up. Being in a great mood right now she felt very energetic, especially if it was to leave work! Though to be fair she had well realized long since that leaving work, made pretty much anyone energetic. In all seriousness though, the fact she got a promotion and the chance to do something she really enjoyed, made her day and she was ready to share the jolly attitude with everybody!” Ahhh natural light~” She grinned having stepped out of the basement.
Naisha Alexandros

Naisha’s drones were on their usual active high alert as she was doing her thing, scavenging for parts. She was just getting into the groove, maybe allowing herself to venture just a tad deeper into the junkyard than her initial desires, but she couldn’t help it. Some good parts did show up, she found a few rather well preserved computer terminals that at some point or another were a part of a bigger system. She pulled the control boards and storage from those at lightning fast speeds as they were the most precious components and hid them away in her bag. Generally storage could be wiped clean and repurposed, but on occasion you might find interesting data in it. As for the motherboards and other similar computer boards, well she needed those and their chips for repairs and to craft new boards. If she wanted to build new drones, she’d have to assemble her own boards from scratch after all. Not that hard if you know what you were doing and had the right control board as well, though a decent CPU was always a must. This is why finding such well preserved parts made her very happy.

As she put away some decent parts away, filling her bag to a decent size, she heard the sound of rather loud buzzsaws.” … β€œ Naisha nearly froze at the extremely loud sound as her hands moved to the controls of her wheelchair, ready to switch to it’s motorized state to be ready to escape. It was obvious the sounds weren’t from a small tool. It was too loud and too noisy. Coupled with the signs and traces she had found across the junkyard, it proved something heavy weight was working in the junkyard, but she hadn’t seen any heavy crews operating here with heavy machinery equipment for that to be the case. A hunch was telling this was not a good sign.

When the sound of buzzsaws was followed by machinegun fire and a drake shot down from the skies, Naisha’s expression crumbled. This had the trade marks of a certain set of machines, but it didn’t add up, it couldn’t be the colliseum ones, at least not the old Cutty and Sweepy. They had no work here… finally she decided it was time to play it a bit safe and check what was going on with the current situation. Why would whatever was causing this noise be scavenging for parts though? She turned the wheelchair around and started moving in the direction of the exit for a little bit, making sure to put some more distance between her and whatever was making the noise, when she had a decent straight line to reach the exit of the junkyard, she took manual control of her Hound Drone since it had a camera and all that. She very slowly made it aim in the direction of the noise and very slowly ascend. Whatever was shooting down the drakes could very well shoot it down too, so she planned to raise it’s altitude very slowly as to not be easy to pick on any sensors and hoped that the distance and all the junk piles would provide ample cover for it in case it went wrong.

β€œLet’s see...” Naisha mumbled, controlling the drone in search of the potential problem in the junkyard. She was half tempted to send the protection drone to shield it, but if she did, she’d be defenseless herself and she wasn’t a fan of that option.” Where are you, you bastard… I swear, the noise came from that direction.” If this was a rogue shinra mech, this could be a good target to attempt to hack and acquire, if it was someone's possession, depending on whos it was, same good option. First to find it and check for the potential owners though. She didn't have the intention of stepping on any of the local slums power houses toes for the moment.

Amelia Payne
Location:CMB Graveyard
Skills: N/A


They all were loading onto the bus, but curiously enough Amelia actually didn’t pay as much heed to the people getting onto the vehicle this time around. She was resting her head on Riley’s shoulder and was deep in thought. Besides she didn’t have a weapon anymore, so she shouldn’t be worried about being on the lookout as much. If worst came to shove, she’d take a blow for Riley instead. Still as they were waiting for people to finish taking their seats on the bus, her eyes slowly opened, eyes drifting over to the outside via the window and looking at the graves lined up there for a bit.

She had finished saying her goodbyes, she didn’t feel as much emotions anymore as in the past when the wounds were all too fresh. Time had dulled it and she now probably moved on. It was time to return to safety and she almost couldn’t wait for the bus to start moving again. How weird was the human mind… just last night she was worried and concerned over the safety of the camp and now she couldn’t wait to be back there in… safety. No matter what the camp was safer than the wilds, but she felt weird about the realization of those thoughts. She just wanted this stability and safety to pan out in the long run, after the joys and conveniences of civilization, she didn’t want to return back to constant danger and walkers on every turn, witnessing deaths of people close to you at unexpected times.

In the end after pushing away even more stray thoughts she started chatting with her lover about their jobs again and curious events that happened. Amelia didn’t forget to mention the rodent encounter and so on.


Lisa Mason
Location: Medical(B)
Skills: N/a( Not feeling lucky. I’m scared)


β€œ...” Lisa was whistling a tune as she was busying herself like a busy bee around the labs. Clearing here, clearing there, clearing everywhere! A good honest work was the best after all, especially while your head was filled with other thoughts to keep your min occupied while your body was doing menial tasks. Time passed fast and there was no boredom for her. Granted that might be partly because of her own general personal preferences rather than something specific in the work.

Working with an almost relaxed and casual flourish in her movements, she suddenly halted for a moment, thinking about something before resuming her task. As the thoughts of the past had passed finally, she thought about the present. Well given the pace of work, she’d get done with a bit of time to spare so that was fine. Though she wondered what to do afterwards. Ideally she wouldn’t spend too much time tonight and get some rest for her new schedule tomorrow, but that also wasn’t the most enjoyable plan.” Maybe I should do something tonight, but not overdo it… cards?” She mused to herself and shook her head.” Mmm… β€œ There were more than a few possible options, but she wasn’t sure which one to pick. Well in the end she decided to check what Nikki’s planning for the night first and know if she would be home and when. Occasionally chilling at home alone without anyone to be around was nice as well after all.

β€œit’s probably time to get a whip of some kind...” Lisa mumbled to herself, cleaning a mop. It was a thing that was admittedly always on her to get list. Question was… did they have whips in the camp and if not, what would they want to make one." Well no other way to find out other than asking."
Naisha Alexandros

Naisha's trek through the chaotic streets of the slums weren't too different from usual. People walking up and down, heading to do their thing. Aside greeting the people she knew here and there, she mostly kept to herself, silently moving herself forward. It was hard not to notice the looks some people were giving her, especially the riffraff. There were always people who saw her as easy prey. It was the nature of things in the slums. Admittedly she had already taught many the errors of their ways when they came after her, or rather her drones did, but it seemed there were always new self proclaimed thugs all the time that weren't aware of who was who around these parts. Part of it was probably her general attitude of laying low and not making her presence known much. She sighed as she pulled her phone and checked her messages, the time and other misc info while moving herself over to a street stall that was selling junk food.

It was generally slow going for her because the streets in the slums weren't all quite properly layered with asphalt if at all in some cases. It was the reason why she had made her chair with slightly wider wheels as to not get stuck in dirt and mud quite as easily. That and few people generally were accommodating to her and stepping aside so she can pass more easily. Most were out for themselves only after all. With a bit of difficulty and after waiting her turn on the waiting line, she finally next to order herself some food. It was a familiar stall owner and the older man recognized her right away. He was selling hotdogs of some kind or another, she never bothered to ask what exactly was in it. Growing up on the streets made one forget such stupid questions after a couple of nights sleeping on an empty stomach." The usual, Naisha?" The man asked with somewhat of a tired voice as he rested his hands on the stall for a moment.

"Mm, yes. Just make it two and in a bag for later." She replied as she rummaged through her pockets and pulled a small wallet rather than a purse. From it she pulled enough gil to cover the price for two hotdogs and put them in the small tray for coins. The gil made a clanking sound as she dropped it and put away the wallet again.” Everything fine these days?” She asked the man while he was preparing her food.

β€œYou know, the same old.” The man replied to her.” More patrols maybe, dunno. It doesn’t really matter too much for us in the slums at the end of the day, it’s mostly those fellas upstairs that should be concerned. As for me... I'm getting old... I'm guessing I won't be running this stand for too much longer.” He shrugged his shoulders. Shinra controlled the area, but the slums were generally left alone for the most part. Also with the literal hive of people down here, it was nearly impossible to find anyone. What better place to hide than here under Shinra’s very noses.” Here you go, 2 plain hotdogs without any sauces or spices.” The man suddenly said and handed to her a plastic bag with the food. She smiled to him, thanked him and after putting the bag away into her bag, she started moving away again.

The junkyard was already in view in the distance. Honestly it was a dangerous place if you ventured too deep into it, towards the edges it wasn’t overly big problem however. However she knew of the rather wild critters that liked to fill that space and she by herself wasn’t in the mood to fight with them. As she had finally broken away from the crowd and headed for the entrance, she suddenly stopped her movement.” I’d advise you to stop what you are planning right now.” Her voice echoed to the man who was walking with fast pace towards her just moments ago. He was frozen mid step.” It never ends well… Just leave me alone.”

β€œHehe… what are you talking, girlie? I’m just trying to help ya.” The rough unkept looking man said. He had a very unlikable look.” Why don’t I help you move about and we can get to know each other better, what do you...” His words were interrupted by something metal flying into an arch and then nearly hitting him in the head. He barely caught what it was at first as a metal looking disc was now flying around between him and his prey. He was about to reach for his weapon before a the disc flew in direct line for him at low height and whacked him right into the legs, causing him to fall to the ground. A rather loud cracking sound was heard when the drone hit the man's leg. It then hovered for a bit, before returning to Naisha.

β€œSigh… well let this serve as a lesson to you. And anyone else watching today.” Naisha stated and started moving back into the junkyard. Some parts of the junkyards would be guarded and patrolled sometimes, but as far as she was aware this one wasn’t. She didn’t plan to enter deep into it, but as she rolled her chair into it, she activated her main utility drone. It had a gun and a camera and she had programmed basic watcher function into it similar to old security measures. It took a record of the area and if something changed into it, it gave a signal. Her defensive drone was also hovering still, so she had choices on how to proceed if the need for those arose. With those ready, and hovering on both side of herself, she started moving down between the mountains of different junk, looking for parts. Today she was mostly here for electronics, looking for good chips and boards she could repurpose for her needs. In this case she wanted to build a new drone and needed a lot of parts for it also in general simply so she could live. She mostly made her gil by repairing things like computers and other electronics. She also got gil by messing with Shinra, but that was a slow burner and she had to be extremely careful to not leave an easy money trail right to her doorstep, as such money gotten by messing with Shinra was usually only digital, she rarely cashed it out. She used it also digitally, making sure to leave no trail leading them to her directly. This is why her living expenses for food and the like came from her job of repairing stuff.

β€œHmm… maybe?” She mumbled as she went to a nearby pile of different junk and rummaged through it, she thought she had seen something but it was a bust. In any case there was a lot of junk to go through, she was bound to find a thing or two of use. Though now the thought of that sweeper schematic was buzzing in her head. If she could get it and build one of those… granted her to do because of it’s sheer scale, but… if she did it would be great tool to use. What’s more she could always make it a more of a transport thing than simple automated weapon. Now her head was filled with thought of her riding a modified sweeper as a combat mech right through the front doors of Shinra and rampaging.” Hehehe...” She started giggling, which probably to any outsider viewer would look rather offsetting cause a grown up woman was randomly giggling in a maniacal creepy manner. Nothing she could do about it though, the thought of using a massive machine to crush her enimies, drive them before her and hear the lamentations of the Shinra officials brought her untold delight.
Amelia Payne
Location:CMB Graveyard
Skills: N/A

Amelia caught Ash’s nod and gave one in return as she stood silent vigil now, waiting for everybody to be ready. Admittedly it wasn’t her duty or anything, but again since she had finished saying her farewells already, she found it her duty to be careful of shit going south fast. It practically did every darn time and she was getting a bit nervous that everything seemed to be going too well for the moment. Inside the walled camp she could rest easier, but here, it was apocalyptic setting prime and everything being so calm was nervous.

Ash being a hugger made Amelia raise an eyebrow at brief disbelieve though. She decided the man had probably gotten emotional because of the occasion. She was at least glad he didn’t come over to give hugs here. Suddenly movement by her caused her to tense up as she turned her view around only to see Thalia. Amelia was a bit concerned and also curious as of why the woman was approaching them right now. Did she have something to talk about or something? Something important or about the people who were laying in the graves? Well she was sort of right, Thalia did ask a question. A question that made Amelia blank out of a moment." Ehh...?" She made a sound of confusion and embarrassment and looked at Riley for help, unsure how to deal with the situation. Luckily the world gave her a bone and she heard the call to get back to the bus.

Amelia actually looked a tiny bit conflicted before she started heading for the bus doors with post haste to escape the situation she didn't know how to deal with. As she reached the door and Amelia looked at Bass, she looked at the bat in her hand longingly for a moment before with very much conflicted and reluctant expression she reached slowly to hand it over… Then a moment later with similar, but a more willing manner she handed over the axe as well.

β€œIt was nice while it lasted...” She mumbled to herself as she headed into the bus to their earlier seats where she had left her earlier clothing. Taking her seat, she looked at Riley and then at her hands. Admittedly being back in the bus with the air conditioning was very nice, but… as she grasped empty air with her hands a few times, Amelia frowned and looked at Bass for a moment, before sighing and resting her head on Riley’s shoulder, clenching tightly her clothing. She couldn't wait to get behind the walls again, at least there the urge and desire to have a weapon felt a tiny bit eased... just a bit.

Lisa Mason
Location: Medical(B)
Skills: N/a

Lisa’s lucky break with getting let go of work early today kind of fell apart with her doing the rest of the job after all, but she didn’t mind. In fact she was smiling as she was working hard with all the different tools and chemicals to clean every bit of the different rooms and furniture in the basement. With a song on your mind work went faster! She had done this many a time now, being in the camp for a decently while. She’d be done within reasonable time! Hell she even gave it a quick realization that at the current tempo, she’d make it likely with a bit of spare time at the end, about enough to catch a quick trip home and maybe a lightning speed shower… maybe.

As she rapidly went through the available tasks at hand, she recalled her first days at camp. How different her life back then was. Fresh out of the wastelands, suspicious of the surroundings, in a new unfamiliar enviroment. She had to admit that at first she didn’t think she’d stick around Medical for too long, who’d guess that she actually had a fancy for the subject and study so well. Just one of the many unexplained mysteries of the world. If she had realized this passion before the end back during her early days, would she have had the chance to become a doctor or a chemist? Maybe, who knew, not her. Does she care now, not really. She actually didn’t dislike her time spend as a mere housekeeper or maid or however anyone would choose to call her back then. And it could very well be the reason why she’s still alive right now!
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