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Bump~ and with a new idea too!

Amelia Payne
Location:Education Center(M)(L6)
Skills: N/A


It didn’t take long for Hunter to be brought. Amelia found herself a bit nervous as she squeezed her love’s hand, but otherwise kept a straight face and looked at the proceedings. The charges were laid bare and Amelia found herself swallowing in confusion, nerves and something else that she couldn’t put a hold on. Well now she was even more confused as of how all of THOSE happened in what… like one day? Half a day? Some of those were rather obvious, but still. Her opinion on him was negative to begin with, but that was mostly because of the dog… and the fact that she just didn’t mesh well with his way of acting so far. Still now she was mostly confused and slowly growing curious how it would turn out.

She listened as they proceeded to talk and explain things to hunter and suddenly bit the inside of her lip. This was a very crucial point made. A chance to just leave if he so wanted. Hell to be provided with gear too! If it was true, well this would indeed mean they were truthful about how they ran this place. Of course Amelia so far had seen many a proof that this indeed was a very good camp. A nice community to live and survive in, but for somebody with her mild paranoia, the more times proofs presented themselves, the better. All in all, she’d be fine with most punishments or results of this trial as long as Hunter wasn’t killed. She probably wasn’t one who had the right to express opinions because she had tried to kill people who endanger her survival in the past. A certain cabbage came to mind and she was still miffed she had missed that hit, now that she thought about it. Hunter hadn’t proven himself to be as much a danger to herself and Riley yet. So she was willing to be lenient in her mind.


Lisa Mason
Location: Mess Hall (M5)
Skills: N/a


Lisa’s eyebrow practically did a perfect β€˜are you serious’ raised curve at Guy, when he explained about the floating zombies in the water. She kept the incredulous expression for a good 10 seconds.” Welp… now I’ve heard almost everything.” She stated with a sigh.” I mean… it’s sort of to be expected, but what would walkers be doing that far deep in open waters? This is just ridiculous at this point. Hopefully water will erode them eventually and they’d sink down… then again...” She grumbled, resuming her meal. Though the possibility that walkers were adapting and that they won’t just get completely decayed by the water with time, didn’t escape her mind. After all… under normal situations all the walkers should be barely held together by now from the decay. If land walkers weren’t β€˜dying’ how they should be, what stopped them from surviving the same in the ocean.

β€œYep that’s the one.” She nodded when the name β€˜Mouse Trap’ was called.” Can’t say for certain, one day she just told me that I’m being moved. I still help with the cleaning when I have to, but at the lab it’s actually rather fun. Back on the traps topic though, currently working on this little idea to propose the bigwigs. Thinking of a competition for such contraptions, maybe for the kiddos. It will be a nice distraction for everybody and will get the kids interested in mechanics, physics and engineering. When I finish the sales pitch papers, I’m going to propose it.” She told him her own little idea she had and was working on.” I get my fun from seeing what the innocent children could cook up with their unhindered thinking and some departments might get potential new recruits in the future.”

She smiled at his enthusiasm about the suggestion for a walk out in town eventually. Yeah, it was amusing, seeing him like this. She appreciated this honest way of acting.” Well, we will have to wait and see then. Guess I wouldn’t mind talking about myself if you are willing to listen.” Lisa confirmed with a smile and looked at him in the eyes.” It’s set then! I suppose today the weather’s too appropriate for a walk around town, so what do you say maybe tomorrow if it let’s up? If not, well we can always grab an umbrella or two first.”

Amelia Payne
Location:Education Center(M)(L6)
Skills: N/A


Many events could be seen happening around the Education Center yet a confusing one happened around Ash it seemed. She couldn’t quite catch what was on, since with a lot of people around it was kinda noisy for the most part, but whatever it was Hank was talking with Ash. Ash did his part by making rather interesting expressions and it all ended up with Hank signaling with a gesture to probably Thana. Why, how, those were questions Amelia had no answer to and honestly she wasn’t sure, she wanted to. There were some things better left unknown in this world. Well… that was until something VERY noisy happened and her attention was drawn over to Thalia… and the less that was being said about it, probably for the best. Instead Amelia quietly returned her attention forward to the call of attention and silence.

Soon after the council walked in and Amelia silently gulped at the lineup. Alright they had indeed by the looks of it gathered some of the scarier people in town. Admittedly they weren’t dangerous scary, but when somebody has a lot of authority, Amelia tended to be nervous. Gather all those in the same place and she got really nervous. More nervous than the time she had her end terms exams at high-school. Though she had to be fair that at least the other half of the council had a more managable presence. Thus, she took a deep breath to calm her breathing. She could do this, she was getting somewhat better with her shyness. β€˜Deep breaths.’ She reminded herself.

Amelia listened as the way the court was going to proceed was explained. Alright, her initial hope that it would be quick and she could leave as soon as she had said her piece was crushed. It was crushed and dashed into dust. They had to stay until everybody had the chance to testify and then afterwards all questions and concerns by the public were posed as well. She squeezed Riley’s hand silently for support. She could do this, once she was done with her testimony and what not, she’d just keep quiet and all will be good with the world. Her eyes snapped to the side at Wayne’s comment. She could hear Riley’s stifling a chuckle. Amelia instead just sighed, but did smile at his antics. That alone boosted her mood and lessed some of her stress and nerves.


Lisa Mason
Location: Mess Hall (M5)
Skills: N/a


Lisa had to fight a snort of amusement seeing the expression on Guy’s face at first. It was absolutely bloody priceless. In fact, that was a fight that she lost as she couldn’t help it and eventually did let out a slight chuckle at least. Well it was hella amusing to her after all. True to herself, Lisa found her fun in the good things in life, one of which was looking at people acting funny or doing dumb stuff. The man’s current reactions were rather up there on the short term amusement scale and he was a nice Guy. Pun completely intended and the mere thought of it brought a smile on her face.

His next comment made her raise a single eyebrow as she looked at him, smile still on her face. He was acting honestly quite adorable there. It’s been a while somebody acted that way when it came to her. She might have been a somewhat weird person with her own quirks, but she wasn’t completely oblivious and dense. Cleo chuckled once more.” Well it is nice to see you too.” She confirmed, playing along.” Always good to have a friend back from long journey. Even if ocean is devoid of the walkers, unless the fuckers learned to swim while I wasn’t watching, I’d imagine that the mere day to day life on a boat would lead to some very nice and enjoyable stories to tell?”

β€œYeah, I didn’t expect it, but apparently Mary was keeping an eye on my progress I suppose.” Lisa stated, eating some of her food.” I have to admit that I do enjoy it. Job comes with quite a bit responsibilities, but it’s rewarding in it’s own way. Who knew that the world would make a pharmacist out of me in some variety or another.” She grinned tossing him a mischievious yet thoughtful look.” Say, since you are back after a good long while and all that, wana meet up later? A walk down the beach or something? Chat, swap stories and the like...” She asked. Lisa would have to be blind to miss the clues after all and she decided why not give it a try. Live is short lately and every opportunity counts.

β€žIt means you’ve got a very nice well developed body and secondary sexual characteristics...” Medaira tilted her head to the side as she replied to the psyker with innocent look on her face, her eyes clearly staring at Adrianne’s body.” … soft cushioning effect, no?” She added, still ever so innocently, pointing a finger at the other woman’s chest. Now the question if this was just to annoying her Psyker friend or her thoughts on the matter was probably going to be the subject of many scholarly and philosophical debates in the far future.

The techpriestess made a happy whistling sound as she looked around, their Celestian Leader Lady currently busy focusing on the psyker friend. Meanwhile her attention was focused on a very specific wall for a good few seconds, calculating the chances of breaking through said wall, using naught but a strong kinetic impact from a semi organic humanoid torso of average proportions and of course a organic body of greater proportions, her eyes sneakily making their way to Adrianne for a moment, before the order to take cover was issued. Medaira hurled herself behind the barrier with Andromedai because the two of them were closest to one another to begin with.

β€œYes it was, Stukov friend! Yes it was!” Medaira whistled at his denial of the situation. Even she could see the irony in this, it was almost worthy of a passing mark worthy prank! A very good use of timing and irony! Didn’t stop her from providing covering fire along with the Celestian from the hiding place with her own boltgun. Maybe she should have taken a more heavy weapon attachments to her mechadendrites… Yes, next time she’d bring in a plasma gun! Or maybe a more personal solution like a few handmade IEDs would be well worth it. Choices, choices…

As Stukov and the Psyker friend vanished from real space to place that was not in real space and back to probably real space if the faltering of the heavy bolter fire was anything to go by, Medaira looked at Andromedai.” Leader Lady Andromedai, I’ve been having a ponder. What are the chances this is the only ambushing party that’s descending on us?” Medaira asked with great curiosity as her servo flew over and she reached into her robes, pulling from inside a frag grenade and with a gleeful expression pulled the pin from it, the servo head flew over, in arm’s reach, it’s visage completely identical to her own down to the short white hair. It’s mouth opened and Medaira neatly secured it into it’s jaws, it’s holding the safety in place with it’s teeth. The pin was pulled, but it wasn’t really activated until it was let go after all. With that, she directed the drone to ever so tactfully gain altitude and be ready to be headed over to any would be ambushers to drop a surprise gift of Imperial Friendship!
*tosses a hammer at the wall to make a BUMP*
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