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*High Frequency Bump*
Medaira looked at the woman in semi amused semi concerned expression, that was not mirrored by her servo head that was flying about doing rounds and keeping watch for potential hostiles." Ohh, silly me." Medaira chirpped happily, seeing that Andromedai was indeed mostly alright and not hurt, though she would have loved the chance to give her some upgrades should it had been required. Well in any case." Must have been me completely thinking of our great psyker friend and how much better would she have flown through the air, for she's got better aerodinamics and padding, much better suited for uncontrolled kinetic events hurtling one self through relative space." The tech priestess added cheerfully with a digital happy whistle from the breather like device on her mouth that distorted her voice some to begin with.

"That said, I'm happy to report my great operational status remains~ Same for most of those present indeed!" She chimmed in after Stukov spoke. Medaira's eyes were filled with mirth as she looked at the woman's reamins, clearly indicating her as the one not in good condition for obvious reasons.

"Glorious Leader Celestian Lady Adromedai, if they've had the chance to setup an event like this one, I would concure that they've likely waited for somebody to come. Us not being atacked right now, I'd put to possible use for us at another date or place with this being just the welcoming greeting from our nefarious targets and their mastermind~! This seems like a show of force and parading arrogance! If they do have a need of us, it'd likely an evil ritual of some variety, or possibly target us at a more convenient for them chance deeper in our investigation. Here in the open and the city it's not a easy spot to set up an ambush for a inquisitorial picnic party after all!" She practically sang over the comms, giving her opinion on the matter as her eyes rested on the statue for a moment. It had reverted back to the Goddiest of Emperors!" Do we know if illusionary layers over holy statues constitute as proper heretical alters of worship?" She suddenly asked." If they do, we will have harder time findign traces of heretical worship as they could just hide their evil ways in plain sight."
@Odin thanks ^^ kid of a mashup between two of my older SW drawings actually. Turned out better than I hoped.
on a side note, I went back to redesigning and redrwaing some of my old stuff and a few of them were SW related. So figured why not. This is the sketch results. Not really my character for this RP, but ohh well.

Kosara Sal Valas

Deep Space->Orbit around Jedha

Kosara's journey in hyperspace wasn't the most pleasant one. The same doubts and waking nightmares that plagued her earlier returned while in transit. She didn't have much to do while waiting to arrive at the destination. Luckily she wasn't too far, given she had picked up the signal as faint as it was. Still, it made her depressed and with her irritated mental state, she found it difficult to start calming down, lacking the guidence of her long time partner." What was the mantra again...?" She tried to remember, giving herself an anchor in the chaotic sea of her mind and thoughts. After a bit of thinking, closing her eyes and refocusing just enough to find her answer, she took a very deep breath before speaking out.

"There's no emotion, there's peace..." She spoke to herself in slow, but stable voice and breathed in and out. It didn't quite help, sure they can proclaim that you should detach yourself from emotions, but if you did, what did that left you with? What was a man without emotion? Should she forget her grief and the origin of those emotions?" There is no ignorance, there is knowledge..." Still with eyes closed, she cursed out silently. Knowledge... where was the knowledge about what was to happen? She regretted everything, the what ifs returned as a flood, flashes of her partner's face rushign through her mind. She cared for her more than she had ever admitted and sadly will not get a chance to admit." There is no passion, there is serenity..." She tried dammit, she very well darn tried, but serenity was the last thing she could achieve right now.

"There is no harmony,..." The galaxy was set into a silent inferno with it's protectors being killed off like dogs. With Vala dying just because she saved her when she was being silly and not paying attention!!! No there was no harmony it seemed." There is only c..." She froze, eyes snapping open. What was she doing? She asked herself in shock and confusion. This was not what Vala would have wanted, not what Kosara herself wanted! She let herself wallow in self pity and regrets. Into her own anger because of her own weakness. A shiver ran down her spine as she realized what nearly happened in a single slip of the mind. She was not a trained jedi or a padwan, but that didn't mean the darker side of the Force didn't affect her just as much. The force was in her just as well. Vala had told her that she was sensitive and she'd sneak her some training after the war... Did she... just nearly let in to the dark side because of her own regrets and anger?" NO!" She stated firmly as it was as if a veil lifted." There is no chaos. Only Harmony. There is no death, there is the Force" She fixed her statement. Vala was gone in body, but the force was eternal. She tripled her efforts. There was a planet to visit and likely fight to save jedi to die in!

Much later, after she stopped counting the minutes and track time, she allowed herself to almost fall into a trance like state, repeating the mantra over and over again. Feeling distinctly better, Vala was gone physically, but she'd never be trully gone. The force was in everything and everyone. As the fighter finally exited Hyperspace, she had set the exit coordinates to be behind planet NaJedha. She was certain the clones likely had a good deal of forces above and on Jedha itself. So the plan was to appear behidn the planet and use the planet to hide initially before slipping into the atmosphere to provide some measure of scanner protection and hten approaching the moon." Alright buddy, I know Vala gave you the know how on how to run this bird silent. If we are lucky, they will be too preoccupied to notice us approaching from the planet. If not... well.... I'd be a fun ride." With that said, she put the helment back on, turned off her transponders, leaving the droid to monitor the communications for anything relevant, she turned down the heating some, feeling her body chill right away. Finally she lowered the power levels on the engines. Kosara wanted to run this as low profile as possible. If she wore proper protection suit, she might have even shut down life support, but as it stood, she needed the life support systems, so she hoped the lowered power signatures from the fighter wouldn't be detected right away and with the help of the planet's atompshere and mass, maybe, just maybe, she'd get a chance to scout this properly before having to make a mad dash for the moon's surface.
gonna post tonight!

Amelia Payne
Location:Education Center(M)(L6)
Skills: N/A


Arricing at the Center was a bit nerve wracking with all the security alright, even they weren’t being late for it. She gulped silently as they were informed that those there for witness duty were elsewhere from the rest. Yeah not surprising, but yeah, she didn’t like it too much.” I guess, I will be fine, Chase.” Amelia told the other woman with a smile, Chase was being directed up to the balcony.” If I’m lucky, I’d be among the earlier ones to be called and leave early as well after all.” She had no plans for sticking around the Court for too long. As soon as she was allowed to leave, she was going to leave. She didn’t have any attachments to Dog Boy and while she hoped he wouldn’t be put two feet under, that was about it.

β€œSee you later.” She added, waving a bit to Chase as she headed in the direction she was pointed at or in other word the stands. Yeah this was a court room alright. A bit different from what you’d see on TV back in the day, but a court room non the less. She took a seat as she looked around, noting that people from their time in quarantine already gathering up. She was alone for now and she took a deep breath. This was just a regular event, she repeated to herself silently. It would pass without danger and without chaos surely. At least people she trusted were here so that soothed her somewhat strained nerves. Again she repeated to herself that this wasn’t anything too bad going on really. No executions or anything of that nature it seemed by what she was hearing.

In the end she felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up to see Riley who had also just arrived. The former musician took a seat by her as they waited for this whole thing to start.” It shouldn’t be too long now. I think almost everybody’s here. Think the questioning will go fast?” She whispered to Riley, noting the faces around the stands. Her answer was similart to what she herself felt, uncertainty. Who knew how they will proceedw ith this Court Martial case.


Lisa Mason
Location: Mess Hall (M5)
Skills: N/a


The line for the food wasn’t quite as hectic as always, probably because not everybody went for a food rush with the rain being what it was right now. That and quite a few people were actually involved in the Court Martial case going on, she supposed. She had grabbed her tray and food and headed for a nice empty table a bit out of the way with a good vantage point to observe people in hope of getting to see something silly happening. You never knew when bad luck would strike. Besides some incidents bad luck cases were a pure inspiration material in her opinion. A sheer streak of unlikely coincidences were technically a rubegoldberg conceptual machine after all.

Her people observing quickly caught some familiar faces, be it Thana and apparently her beau Ash. There was also Guy. She suspected Ash would have to bail any moment now to get to Educational. He will have to rush getting there, likely running in the rain, but overall she gave him a silent seal of approval. It seemed like he wanted to see Thana more than he cared about getting drenched by the rain. At least that’s how it seemed from where She was looking, without hearing anyways. Putting food in her mouth, she noted Guy walking over.” Hey, sure. It’s free and empty after all.” She smiled at him and gestured towards the empty seat.” Did they give you a case of adorable lovers aura poisoning or something?” She asked him jokingly, seeing how he bailed on Ash.

β€œAnyways, how have you been? Terra Firma treating you alright?” Lisa asked, taking a bite from her lunch and swallowing it before continuing.” It’s been a bit hectic the last week with all that’s going on and the weather’s not helping really helping is it.”
@Sep Rightooo. No worries.
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