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Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Silversmith's, exterior (J13)
Action: CELSTIAL(eldrich) BLAST!!!( AGAIN!) on guard 1
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


The fight had… basically went with little difference from moment’s earlier. Others joined and then the guards decided to stab at the fallen Kathryn.” OI!” She shouted in righteous anger at them as the scuffle progressed. There were magics and skills used. Kathryn got up and joined the fight somewhere behind her where ol Grumpy was. Then suddenly the sound of shutters hitting something was heard and Kosara barely had time to follow the line of sight before seeing a pair of guards INSIDE the buildings… were they prepared or what?! And they fired crossbows! This was getting weirdly complex and honestly confusing. Berry monk was using some astral thingies of some variety that she hadn’t seen before and it looked somewhat impressive and shiny.

Moments later she felt a tingling from the music indicating that the bard was supporting her. She could practically hear the words in her head! The guards in front of her seemed rather irate, especially the one she blasted with a celestial bolt. She was NOT apologizing! He was a monster, she was certain of it now!” Don’t get all angry at me monster! And stop moving! I gotta hit you real good for attacking Kathryn while she was down!” She angry shouted at the man as the energy once more formed at her horns, forming a ball of golden light that shot out as a beam of energy at the guard she had attacked just earlier. She was going to take him out, and then kick him a few times, and possibly if she got the chance break Cravenfish’s leg! Mind you when she had heard her grandpa use that threat, he had meant an entirely different ‘leg’, but Kosara had taken it as his honest to god legs. On that note…

“I’m coming over for you two next! Cowards! Monsters! Evil! Come here and fight light men!” She shouted at the guards that were most cowardly hiding in the buildings and shooting at them.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Silversmith's, exterior (J13)
Action: CELSTIAL(eldrich) BLAST!!!
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A

The fight kicked it off rather quickly and by surprise, Kosara vaguely realized as Cavendish bashed Kathryn into the ground, rather impressive feat considering size differences and one that rose red flags in her mind." Hey!" She shouted in protest as the man rushed towards the door and bashed it in while ordering his men to turn Kathryn into a pincushion! The never of that man." No you don't you meanies! Don't you hurt my friend!" She shouted at the two guards with the spears as she turned to face them, face locked in justified glorious childish like expression of anger as she stared at one of the guards.

Her posture lightly hunched forward as she pointed her harns at the man." CELETIAL BLAST!" She shouts as sparkles of golden gather at the middle point between her horns and unleashing a point blank beam of golden energies right at him! It hits true, searing at him with just fury! In return Kosara hears a really loud hissing from the man. Why is he hissing, he isn't a snake! Though the reflection of dim red from his eyes gives her a momentary pause before she narrows her own eyes in fury and bares her teeth. They had explored and investigated enough so far. They had information that there were wererats here and possibly other monsters like coffin and tree goblins! Maybe even many others more! This just confirmed it in her mind." YOU ARE A MONSTER AND I SHALL DEFEAT YOU!" She growls, eyes darting between the two men now as she pointed a finger at the men!


Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Silversmith's, exterior
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kosara had fun dancing in the rain and in the puddles. Correction, she had a LOT of fun! Splashing about was just so satisfying, even when she heard the pastry named dragonborn call out to her a few times to get her to stop because she’s apparently splashing him too. She just giggled and continued dancing. Well it wasn’t that bad, surely! Just a bit of water! She just danced, not like she was targeting him specifically. She was sending water everywhere around her with stomping or spinning. She wished it rained like this back home, it would be one incredible spectacle to dance under rain for a public! Maybe she could learn a spell or find an enchanted artifact that would make it possible? She had to send the idea to her family, if they could figure it out, it would certainly make the Oasis even more popular and bustling!

Eventually she turned to look at him briefly when he posed a question and just laughed a bit and nodded as she spun around, sending her braid flying. It was actually shifting her mass a bit because of how wet it was, but not enough to hinder her. Just enough to make it behave differently than normal and she liked how weighty it felt.” No!” She replied and did another spin with a huge grin on her face.” I’m from the desert, so there’s hardly any rain and even when there’s any, it’s way shorter and weaker. I don’t know we’ve ever had rain like this back home. I mean I saw it rained more up north when I began traveling here, but I never stopped enough to pay attention so far! Such a mistake on my part!” She quickly added, giving him a huge grin briefly before hopping away, only to nearly slip and fall over when she heard a certain grumpy constable that had seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Alright that wasn’t right, she had lightly noted somebody making music, but didn’t expect it to be Mr Grumpy.

“Hello Mr Sir Constable Cavendish! Also company!” Kosara chose to greet him loudly, energetically and with a huge happy smile as she did a salute in the rain, sending water about again. Also didn’t miss to greet the constable’s stooges. Had to be noted, she was happy enough right now to call him by his real name without butchering it in some form or another subconsciously. Him appearing wasn’t going to BREAK her fun. No sir! That said, she tried to be a bit loud and hoped that anybody inside the silversmith might note the chaos outside. Kosara would have no qualms escalating things into a fisticuffs for the right reasons, but she wasn’t sure what was happening, despite strong leanings that Mr Grumpy was possibly part of the ones up to no good. So she attempted to give a bit of a warning to the folk inside. Wasn’t sure if they’d hear, but it was worth a shot.” Thank you! It’s very fun!” She quipped and hopped nearby.” Why would you want him to resist though? Aren’t men of law always wanting people to resist less cause it makes it easier?” The pale tiefling also asked, voice completely filled with curiosity this time around. It was a fair question she wanted to hear the answer to. Usually in her travels most guards grumbled about extra work while Mr Cravenfish seemingly wanted MORE work. Did he like fighting that much?

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Silversmith's, exterior
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


With the joyous use of her cloak and the coat, Kosara was MOSTLY relatively dry with the exception of her head. She really needed a fancy hat that would allow her to protect at least the top of her head form the rain! Maybe one like V’s, but with holes for the horns? Possibilities, possibilities, or a bigger cloak that she could hood over her head despite her horns. That was also a possible solution and admittedly she could have put her own current cloak over her head as if it was a blanket and it might work… mostly. She didn’t think of it though.

Silversmith’s place was calm...ish? Yes that was a proper word or maybe it wasn’t? Kosara wasn’t really sure if it could be considered calm if they knew that for a fact on the inside there was a very paranoid and irrational man that had a crossbow. On the outside it was calm though, and the rain was making everything have this almost pleasant feel to it. She was starting to get used to being wet too by now as she hid under a ledge by one of the buildings while the negotiations crew went to start talking to the man. She vaguely noticed the door opening as she instead looked around and he attention focused on something she hadn’t paid attention to so far. As the rain gently fell it formed puddles across the roads. The rain drops made tiny splashes as they made contact with the ground.

While everybody was busy doing their own thing, she kneed down to look at the rain making tiny splashed closer. There wasn’t much if any rain in the desert. She had seen rain when she came to the north, but this was the first time she had actually nothing else to focus on, it was always usually something or other. Now as they were waiting outside, her idle hands and mind caught onto the rain and it’s many curiosities. She paid little attention to the happenings as she instead followed the way to a rather big puddle in the road where many raindrops were falling and making noise and rather pretty splashes before she did the only logical thing that anybody who hadn’t seen puddles before would do. With both feet she hopped into the puddle, splashing it’s water everywhere, including onto her pants and blinked at it. It was kinda like playing in the oasis, but different. She looked up at the rain that fell on her face and grinned at the dark crying skies. She had a childish glee as she spun around, sending water all around herself as she stomped and spun around. Her long and wet braid, now rather heavy also spun.” Hehehee!” She giggled in joy, happily splashing about in the water, stomping and kicking about, sending happy splashes. She didn’t even notice the door opening until the smith exclaimed rather loudly and only turned about to see Kathryn going there, before refocusing on the puddles and the rain and resuming her improvised watery dance of joy, not minding the fact that said energetic dance of joy was making her pants and coat rather wet also, with all the water splashing about. Nor who would have to clean the thing later.

This was part of why she chose to journey away from home! Back in the desert she’d never get a chance to play in the rain. Wondering about it, while dancing under the pretty rain, she pondered briefly how many other interesting things she may have missed on her way here, so busy to see everything and unable to keep up. Well she had time, all the time and was hearing that this Snow thing that was apparently similar to ice was gonna happen before long. She knew ice, cause of magic, but snow? Snow was something she hadn’t experienced so far and really wanted to also see snowfall. She was told that watching the falling snow was an experience even better than watching the falling rain! She didn’t know if it was nearly as fun though. Splashing about in the rain was amazing!
"Ahhh so... unamusing. This is sad, we could have had a greaaaaaaaaat time~! Maybe next time. Yes indeed!" Medaira chirpped when the idea for a drinking contest was all but shot down by everybody for one reason or another. These people, this group was so not fun rightnow. She was going to have her work cut out for her to slowly show them the error of their non having fun ways and get them to live a bit. All the while killing evil xenos( possibly elder farseers present not included),traitors and evil warpy boys and girls. Ohh well, she swirled her drink again. Eventually they were going to appreciate it.

"Finished!" She replied after a while and their leader asked if htey were ready with the food. She wasn't not completely, but she had eaten what she wanted to eat, enjoyed it and drank as much booze as she wanted for the moment. There would be time for more. Possibly snacks while watching a compilation of hereteks exploding. Or maybe chaos worshippers getting turned to mush via giant titans. She was going to have to check the archives for any recordings worth watching for entertainment.

"I am REAAAAAADY to serve!" Medaira exclaimed as she stood up and saluted with a white metal hand to her chest." Aftera moment..." she quickly added, put her breather device back on, readjusted her hood, looked at it in a small ahnd mirror, nodded and then saluted again." Now I am ready to serve at prime pranking parameters and capabilities!" Medaira was ready and excited to get to work again. Her entertainment of a drinking contest might be gone, but there were more excitement to be had! Maybe she'd get to prank some people soon! That or she'd wait to return to base to ebgin the pranking again. Stukov could very well use a paintjob. Maybe bright pink in his hair cleaning agents would brighten him up! Also some color in his toothpaste! To mach the hair on their absolutely L0V31y eldar companion.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: The public house(street) -> Silversmith's, exterior
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


“ I would love to do so too, V! And you can call them horns! I like my horns! Make me feel a bit like grandpa though he only has 1 and his is golden. And if we ever go South, I would love to help you pick some suitable stage outfits from my homelands, if for nothing else but for making nice memories and souvenirs!” She stated sagely as she heard V’s words on the topic of getting to go shopping for new garments and accessories. Kosara didn’t have much chances to do so, since most of what she would wear or would be bought to wear when younger was from traveling merchants who specially visited the oasis just for that purpose. She and her sisters there more or less had all their silken, transparent or near transparent clothes from the same tailors and merchants.

The trek to the silversmith didn’t take too long a time this turn around, mostly because they actually knew exactly how to get here now. Though it was a lot better when it came to the weather in difference to their journey from |the Honey Barn to the tavern where they had lunch. The rain lessening made everything a lot better, though it was still quite chilly. Now Kosara was really realizing why people this far north wore more clothing and thicker and more protective ones at that. Leather cloaks or something would be a great boon. Or at least something to keep covered from the rain.

The street around the silversmith didn’t look different, nothing that stuck out to the casual glance when they arrived. She pondered if the sheriff… constable? Yes Constable, had the place under watch just in case they visited, she wasn’t sure if he knew their interest here, but one never knew. There could have been words that reached him about the earlier event of their improptu musical performance on his door. That was a fun thing she was almost tempted to repeat, but decided not to and to leave the interractions with him to V and Marita. Mentioning the Cleric, Kosara turned to her as she was disarming herself to go talk with the map.” Alright, Marita. I will watch over them like a hawk! Well… I think that was the saying!”

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: The public house - > The public house(street)
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


“That we can do!” Kosara energetically pipped in when Marita brought up the rest standing good old vigil outside the silversmith and be on the look out for evil doers and other general miscreants that might or might not be plotting sneaky schenanigans that bring about evil intent and general annoyances and grief! Like certain name confused constable that might or might not be in on the evil schemes. Then again he could just be a mean old man who is mean and is trying to stop the evil schemes, but one cannot be too certain until there are enough clues and facts established. So far Kosara could very well count Mr Cloverwish, Cavefish, Cavendish or whatever his name is, into the evil being plotted. On that note as the cleric mentioned the Municipal building as the rat nest, Naisha let out an energetic nod of sorts. It would make sense. That or it was locked down just on the purpose of stopping infiltrators from said nest. Again needed more facts to make decision. Better operate under the assumption that both were true!

“Yes, sir!” The tiefling exclaimed to Robert’s statement and query! He couldn’t be seen as housing them so that much was alright! Besides they did make a mean breakfast… well lunch here! Having their noon meals here was good enough, especially with the hayloft as a very good sneaky accommodations that allowed them to spy on the happenings outside.

“I got everything I need with myself, Kathryn.” Kosara stated, patting her well cared for and used traveling bag that was very much filled to near capacity in very organized manner as to be able to store as much as possible. Besides her most useful tools were magic related and her ability to use said magic. What’s more with her magical appearing sword she was gonna fare well enough and had options if it came to close up fights. Celestial blasts for the far and heroic scimitar to the gut for the melee. Seeing the others paying, she quickly left the coin for her lunch on the table by her plates.

With them getting outside at least the rain appeared to be lessening for the time being. She heard V mentioning her cloak.” You know I should probably get a cloak too, one with a hood!” She commented as she got out by the others.” Or at least a hat not too dissimilar to your own to protect my head!” Kosara stated, noting that yes the rain and weather wasn’t too good for one’s hair. Though she did somewhat enjoy it. Back home there wasn’t really rain like this. Even if it left her rather cold due the season.” Though a cloak might be the best choice because of my long hair and braid. I could keep it under it while a hat wouldn’t protect my braid.”

“Might have to go shopping after this adventure is done.” She mused to herself and looked around in a bit of a casual or maybe even distracted manner as she scanned the surroundings for anything of note to her mind. She didn’t see anything really so that was good! Unless there was something hiding in plain view that was way better of hiding than her seeing it. It could happen, though she still wondered how it was possible at times.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: The public house
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


“Maybe this is some kind of secret evil clan of em that wants to do something big and evil...” Kosara quipped to V’s statement before demolishing a few more mouthfuls of the tasty food.” Hey, I know it probably isn’t that, but I can make wild theories and hope one day it is right!” She added, returning to her food and looking at V again.” I am in agreement with V. She’s way better at talking with people. Apparently most people like me and how I talk more only when I’m dressed in my usual set of clothing.” She stated. Though it made her wonder if she and V could literally run verbal circles around people of they paired up their strong sides on the topic of talks and distraction in talks.

Dragon-man, or Blackberry as his name apparently is or at least as he likes to be called in company, made some curious statements about their wererat problems and said a word that she really wondered if it was real and planned to scribble down later when she had the chance to write in her journal. Her grandpa would know if Rodent-tropes is a real term. He also suggested that it’s possible to talk with them, which was… partly true, but also made her wonder if it’s possible in this case. If they had anything to do with the mass disappearances and were plotting evil schemes, they wouldn’t just talk. Though if the dancer was to be fair, they hadn’t actually gotten confirmation of the evil ploy in itself quite yet. Lots of evidence suggesting to it, but no confirmation aside a returned person who turned into one and a paranoid silversmith that might be stockpiling silvered weapons. That and Robert who also had dealings with the silversmith.

Martia continued to talk and brought Robert back into it which went to two of the missing folk that revealed even more potential clues that were at play, but she wasn’t able to figure them out quite yet. There seemed to be something just underneath it all, so close yet so far for the time being. Maybe they just needed one solid veil lifting clue to piece it all together and crack the entire thing wide open, but Kosara herself didn’t have it yet.

While Kathryn spoke, Kosara hurried to get the final bits of food she could over with and smiled contently. There wasn’t much more to be done here in the tavern and they really should be going before long.” Alright, so V and Marita are going to meet Mr silversmith, what would the rest of us be doing then? I mean as much as I like the idea of running around and looking for clues, I don’t like the idea of anyone finding themselves face to face with the constable without our full group or in any other sort of troubles without the full group to have their backs. I’ve heard horror stories about adventuring groups splitting and the possible terrible situations they found themselves in. Is there anything the rest of us that we can do while near the silversmith location? That way we aren’t splitting the party too far and should something happen, we can easily regroup to deal with any complications. In any case we should be at least somewhere nearby.” She asked, readying herself for going out again. The rain was still going rather strong and it was concerning, but what could one do? She also eyed curiously the way V pocketed the gold.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: The public house
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Things were sort of escalating rather fast here and Kosara was barely keeping track of it and she liked it like that. It was when things were most interesting and exciting. Robert was a bit grumpy in his own way, but she couldn’t blame him, having to deal with the lot of them right now. She was hoping that he calms down soon, anger would cause health problems and they didn’t need any other Cloverfishes… Cloverdishes? Cavenfish!… no Cavendish! Yes. The dancer very much hoped that Robert calms down and brightens before he reaches the grumpy levels of the constable.

Then out of nowhere( or maybe from the precisely needed somewhere) Marita dropped the were-bomb and delivered the grand news of the problem with people disappearing. Lycanthropy and apparently wererats of all things. She had never seen wererats before, but she hadn’t seen werewolves either. Wasn’t that a curious thing, made her wonder how Wererats became a thing. Did somebody get cursed to be a rat and the curse misfired? Though unknown enemy like that, posed unknown danger and she didn’t know how Wererats worked.” Food, thank you!” She exclaimed suddenly, mind pulled away from the pesky wererats that were hindering their nice time in Avonshire to the aromatic display of foodstuffs that Lea and Daisy were putting before them on the table.

Mr. Grumpy had a reaction to the rats being mentioned and Kosara was pretty sure he knew something about it and by the sound of it the Silversmith was aware and very paranoid about it. Would explain his reaction, though didn’t explain his reaction to her inquiries on the topic and how he tossed them out like kittens in the rain. She was pretty sure that was a true saying, but anyways. Mind refocused on the topic, she looked at the coin on the table and at Robert.” Well, I’m pretty sure he won’t open the door to me… unless I raise a lot of noise and he does so out of annoyance in attempt to fight.” She quipped.” The smith was very eager to throw us out when we tried to talk to him." She ate a few quick mouthfuls of food.” Maybe you could have better luck with it as a Cleric, Marita. With the note he might just be willing to talk and listen to you.”

Kosara was just about stuffing herself with food since she had this distinct feeling that before them was a very hectic day and night, one that would probably lead to a lot of energy being used and she needed to be ready for it. She was in the middle of chewing that very tasty food when Kathryn raised the question about healing the missing victims. Now wasn’t that a very important thing to figure out.” What if they don’t want to be healed if at all possible? We still don’t know why some returned while others didn’t… We should be very careful.” She mentioned after a bit of thinking.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: The public house
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


“Thank you, V!” Kosara replied in joy as she in turned listened to her bard friend in turn recount a brief summery of her own story and what brought her out there adventuring. If truth was to be told, Kosara had a loose tear in her eye at that point when the half-elf had finished. A lost family member! A journey to discover their unknown fate, a truly dramatic and epic tale worthy journey.” I’m really hoping you find out whatever the truth of it is, V!” Kosara stated, wiping the loose tear from her eye.” If I could help, I will try! Can also probably ask Grandpa next time he appears. Who knows, he might knows something. Or know of somebody who might know something! He seems to know a lot of stuff.”

She nodded, looking now at the dragonborn who was very in tune with the typical adventuring backstory. A trouble brewing at his homelands, a desire to find help and the inability to find said help. Very much classical parts of an adventuring epic in the making.” I haven’t been to or heard of your home, but listening to you, it must have be a marvelous place. I hope your also accomplish your task soon.”

Marita’s tale about her past was not as informative as the first bits she had told them in the past, but it was new and curious still. It made Kosara wonder what her temple had to exile her like that and for her to still follow them despite the exile. She wasn’t a cleric, but she was pretty certain if Marita had crossed the deity she served, she wouldn’t have her powers… probably. Kosara realized that she really must ask her grandpa more questions on religion next time they met. Well him or any priestess or clerics in a temple. It made her now most curious if it was possible to cross the tenets of your faith as a faith based magic user and still access said magic. The sudden proclamation about them leaving right now because they had a thing they were forgetting made her a bit confused… alright she was confused a LOT. Mostly cause she hadn’t had the lunch yet. Robert’s reaction was even more shocking as his tone suddenly changed and he seemed really irritated suddenly. Mostly with Marita’s attempt to get them leave and her excuse for doing so.

What he then proceeded to do was get a chalk and scribble scrabble some scratchings at the table in a language that she didn’t know. She felt like she might have seen it somewhere, but then again she had seen samples of many languages in her time at the Oasis, she had no idea which was what. She knew Common and Infernal and realized that she might do well to compile a bit of a dictionary at the back of her journal of most common words in different languages! Now that was a curious idea! One that she might well explore with V and Kathryn later.” Well grandpa had called me stupid a few times… but I know 2 languages, just not this one. Ask me about infernal and I will tell you all about it.”

To her great benefit and the party’s reassurance Kathryn apparently recognized the thing as ‘Geas’. Being of the magical inclination even as skewed as she was, she nodded at V’s explanation. Made sense, magical contracts were a thing apparently. She wondered what her grandpa knew about them and if what she was doing with her own power was something akin to it?” That… sounds bad.” She added at the end when V relayed that it was possible for the Geas to have some nasty negatives effects should it’s agreement be broken.” But yes, V’s right, food!” She joined in the joy for a meal, before looking at Robert.” So somebody’s holding you with one of those pact things, don’t reply if you shouldn’t. Seems to be a weirdly grand issue of things like these are involved. Anybody capable of affecting that? I know that in the future I might be able to dispell magical effects, but not strong enough yet.”

“Ohh yes, tangents… if you can write it in that language, can you write more things in that language? Or maybe can we ask questions and if you keep quiet on a question, we know you’ve been told to not answer that one or something? Like if you were told to not say WHO did it, then we ask names in succession and when you keep quiet one of them, we know we’ve got the person?” She asked. Contracts and pacts meant words like promises, words had meanings and meanings could be circumvented. Like that time she was told and promised to not eat some sweets as a child, so she instead ate honey instead.
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