Kosara Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 04, Barbarian, Level 01HP: 30/ 34 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: RAAAAAAAGE Location: Wheat field(literal) of battle, M10->M12 Action: Grapple(athletics) -SUCCESS! Bonus Action: Healing Light Reaction: N/a | ![]() |
The angry little tiefling’s charge was interrupted by the very big and hungry bug as it scooped her up with it’s mandibles in clear intent to get a snack on her while it was moving on to the carriage. Maybe it wanted the horses? Not that she cared much for it as the mandibles snapped up at her sides as she was brought along for the ride, it’s sharp implements of munching digging into her taught flesh, the mage armor flashing as it struggled to resist the damage also. Primal beastial anger bubbled up in her as her muscles flexed and pulled as she struggled against it’s grip, being surprisingly effective in mitigating a lot of the possible harm the thing could have inflected her. The only real thing that did well even if not much was the acid it was dripping everywere though she lucked out of most of that.
Her mind kept bare minimum attention to the events outside of her own fight though by instinct she did note enemy position and friendlies positions and of course the fact the beast got afraid when it went to the carriage even if she wasn’t in the state of mind to act on it right now. Maybe when her current target to overcome was dealt with? Or maybe it was going to be when she snaps out of her rage… One could never be certain especially about something she stopped focusing about just as fast as she had noted it.
Suddenly it more or less dropped her and even her rageful mind picked up on it’s sudden display of fear. Maybe it was because she was in primal and almost beastial rage that she realize what was happening and acted on it within a moment on pure instinct.”DAAAAAAAAAANARTH!” She roared and pounced from her posture in an almost beast like fashion, her lithe pale form seemingly propelling itself as the beast and then she went vertical instead.
In a instinctual rapid flurry of motion as her pale body moved over the frightened beast, it tried to react to her antics, but she was faster and surprisingly more effective as it’s attempted failed at tossing her off until the pale woman finally found herself up on top of the beast.”AAAAAARAH!” She roared now on top of the distinctly bigger creature, standing on top of it’s nominal head, holding herself there with one hand and roaring and hissing like a beast herself, eyes bloodshot, the reed bleeding into the usual snow white.”HEEERRRRRRRRRRRAAAAGAAAAAAAAAH!” She let out a final roar of victory at her apparently success because yes she had gotten up there… for some reason.
Though even in her barbaric rage that had consumed her unstable mind she did one thing that for the initiated would have been a clear sign it was still Kosara. While roaring in victory she raised her hand holding the dagger up and above aimed at the skies while she appeared like she was almost riding the ankheg… because… riding a great beast was heroic… probably. Especially since all the while that was happening, the golden sparkles of her celestial magics were covering her injuries rapidly making many of the grotesque injuries on her sides vanish.
@Sigil X1 next