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Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 04, Barbarian, Level 01
HP: 30/ 34 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: RAAAAAAAGE
Location: Wheat field(literal) of battle, M10->M12
Action: Grapple(athletics) -SUCCESS!
Bonus Action: Healing Light
Reaction: N/a


The angry little tiefling’s charge was interrupted by the very big and hungry bug as it scooped her up with it’s mandibles in clear intent to get a snack on her while it was moving on to the carriage. Maybe it wanted the horses? Not that she cared much for it as the mandibles snapped up at her sides as she was brought along for the ride, it’s sharp implements of munching digging into her taught flesh, the mage armor flashing as it struggled to resist the damage also. Primal beastial anger bubbled up in her as her muscles flexed and pulled as she struggled against it’s grip, being surprisingly effective in mitigating a lot of the possible harm the thing could have inflected her. The only real thing that did well even if not much was the acid it was dripping everywere though she lucked out of most of that.

Her mind kept bare minimum attention to the events outside of her own fight though by instinct she did note enemy position and friendlies positions and of course the fact the beast got afraid when it went to the carriage even if she wasn’t in the state of mind to act on it right now. Maybe when her current target to overcome was dealt with? Or maybe it was going to be when she snaps out of her rage… One could never be certain especially about something she stopped focusing about just as fast as she had noted it.

Suddenly it more or less dropped her and even her rageful mind picked up on it’s sudden display of fear. Maybe it was because she was in primal and almost beastial rage that she realize what was happening and acted on it within a moment on pure instinct.”DAAAAAAAAAANARTH!” She roared and pounced from her posture in an almost beast like fashion, her lithe pale form seemingly propelling itself as the beast and then she went vertical instead.

In a instinctual rapid flurry of motion as her pale body moved over the frightened beast, it tried to react to her antics, but she was faster and surprisingly more effective as it’s attempted failed at tossing her off until the pale woman finally found herself up on top of the beast.”AAAAAARAH!” She roared now on top of the distinctly bigger creature, standing on top of it’s nominal head, holding herself there with one hand and roaring and hissing like a beast herself, eyes bloodshot, the reed bleeding into the usual snow white.”HEEERRRRRRRRRRRAAAAGAAAAAAAAAH!” She let out a final roar of victory at her apparently success because yes she had gotten up there… for some reason.

Though even in her barbaric rage that had consumed her unstable mind she did one thing that for the initiated would have been a clear sign it was still Kosara. While roaring in victory she raised her hand holding the dagger up and above aimed at the skies while she appeared like she was almost riding the ankheg… because… riding a great beast was heroic… probably. Especially since all the while that was happening, the golden sparkles of her celestial magics were covering her injuries rapidly making many of the grotesque injuries on her sides vanish.

@Sigil X1 next
@Sigil sorry sig forgot to tag you in the ic post, X1's turn is next!!!!!!!!

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 04, Barbarian, Level 01
HP: 34/ 34 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Wheat field(literal) of battle, N10->N13
Action: Celestial(eldrich) Blast X2!!
Bonus Action: RAAAAAGE
Reaction: N/a


Kosara didn’t even have time to reply to the tasty Berry pie named draconoid adventurer that she suspected they had tasty lunchables hiding underneath them of some kind of bug-like variety when said lunchables burst forth in an overly dramatic manner. The remains of a carcass were flung up, then they fell down and big green insectoids were there for all to see.” DINNER!” Was Kosara’s very on point reaction scream to seeing them as she contemplated their resemblance to giant scorpions and if they were edible or not. Chances were… that these things were very edible indeed! She can make it work she just needed one or at least enough parts of one that were of reasonable condition to try to prepare to her tastes later!

Then both Kathryn and Berry burst forth into action, the monk speeding up ahead of the curve over everybody as he unleashed his attacks on the leftmost giant bug that if the sounds and reactions were to go by, did a good number on it. Then Kathryn did it also, getting huge much to Kosara’s delight and possible future uses of such a conveniently useful ability. There was going to be much ranged attacks that involved tossing an angry theifling at the enemies indeed! Also for dramatic entrances and good perching point to keep track of the surroundings, she could see it as invaluable especially in something like the busy market streets of the far southern lands of her birth where it was so packed with people it was hard to keep track of everybody around. Naturally that caused the buggy to appear tastefully crunchy from the impacts. Good idea actually, would make pulling out useful chunks easier from damaged carapace.

Finally there was the third of the ankhegs that appeared and it was to the far right where there was only Kosara in nearest reasonable distance so she was going to fight it and bog it down too! Maybe blast it in chunks… OR RIP AND TEAR it to pieces. Especially as a weirdly gleeful and bloodthirsty mood took her as she craved to rip it’s mandibles and whack it with them.” CEEELESSTIAAAAAL BLAAAAAAST!” She screamed and cast the spell as a golden streak of blasting light flew out at the target and did… absolutely nothing. Kosara’s monochrome eyes and even her white irises contracted at the sight in shock before a surge of anger overtook her and she assumed a crouch dash ready position, horns blazing into golden light again, mouth twisted into a furious snarl.” CELESTIAAAL BLAST!” The second beam was fired and did exactly the same as the first one… nothing. It was hard to describe the feeling that Kosara felt at that moment, the sensation as if she was useless, the knowledge she was lesser and that she lacked the strength of her peers to help and protect… and the simple fact that this damn bug was… not… HURTING.

[Kosara has become… ENRAGED!!!]

Something inside her snapped and she saw red. Loud and piercing roar escaped her mouth.” GRAAAAARH!” The mage armor she had on constantly was crackling and sizzling trying to maintain it’s cohesion. Becoming visually distinct to it’s usual practically transparent and not very noticeable state. It luckily didn’t fizzle out though, just adapted itself to Kosara’s current state. Her muscles then flexed and she dashed at the ankheg arriving face to mandible with it, roar still going on and only one thought in her mind - CRUSH HER PREY.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 04, Barbarian, Level 01
HP: 34/ 34 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Scene of the Crime(just north of the bundles by the rocks at the fence)
Action: Investigation, THUMATURGY TREMORS!!!
Bonus Action: N/a
Reaction: N/a


All things considered the summoning of the very helpful rant Chauncy was a great idea in Kosara’s mind. Sure enough the lil guy helpfully proved that yes it was still dangerous by quickly rushing back to her asap once she let him to go find clues. That told her the simple fact that – IT WAS DANGEROUS HERE. Which meant whatever was being mean and dangerous to the sheep was lurking very very close by. That gave her the immediate reason to stare at the tall fields that any number of wheat goblins might be hiding in and for some reason she pondered the benefits of burning it all down just to be sure and then dancing merrily on the ashes. Kosara blinked and scattered the random weird thought aside. She had to find them and break all their bones first before dancing on the ashes. That was better… probably.

“Not that I spotted really, but… think whatever did it is still around. Chauncy’s very afraid and returned right away in fear so… yeah. We aren’t alone.” She confirmed to Berry who inquired on her state of investigation. So she had to be ready for a fight! Well she was always ready for a fight more or less. She never really let her mage armor fade for that reason. It was just so convenient to have it up all time all the time. Except when she didn’t want it.

Now that the danger was established, she looked back to her friends and very good friend and spotted Kathryn’s sudden interest in the ground that turned out to be a mound. Which V was helpfully insistent on not being disturbed. Now that she looked around she spotted a few possible mounds.” Ohh...” She stated and looked at the others, noting that Cecily was making movements to secure her and Liz’s escape. Good idea!” Well… it reminds me of the sand critters back home… we used to hunt them by flushing em out...” She mused and looked around with a very wild gleam in her eyes and a huge almost savage grin on her face. A grin that looked so out of place on the usually happy bubbly Kosara. If these were critters and they were anything like those aka underground ambush predators… well…

“Shake and Tremble!” She proclaimed in wild manner as the magic forces inside her rushed into action and the cantrip spell was triggered. Well one variation off the cantrip Thaumaturgy to be specific as the usually rather harmless but notable tremors spread out and she drew out one of her daggers. If it was a creature she was so trying to cook it and see if it tasted like a scorpion.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 04, Barbarian, Level 01
HP: 34/ 34 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: On the Road - > Scene of the Crime(?)
Action: Investigation
Bonus Action: N/a
Reaction: N/a


All in one it seemed everybody was in agreement that they really needed to go and check what this deal with the dying sheep was. Kosara was very interested in this for a few reasons, first she really… REALLY needed to kill something. She wasn’t sure what, second, for their rest and relaxation they needed no monster nonsense happening and third… well sheep were adorable. At least the ones she had seen from distance. There weren’t sheep back home for obvious hot reasons, but they did look soft and fluffy and likely really nice to hug and Kosara was all about the hugs whenever it suited her which was most of the time. Also wanted to see how raw wool felt and not one in clothes.

So with all of them in favor for the next great adventure on their merry way, sadly without their merry priest, they were onto to discover the evil doers… or evil doing things anyways. Who knows what it was, maybe it was a very fancy monster scorpion. Wait did they have scorpions in these lands? Now that stumped Kosara for a bit until she recalled spiders were a thing and it looked… similar-ish. So! Maybe it was a monster spider! Or as they had mentioned to Berry… it could be goblins. Still with the wagons getting a move again, the white pale tiefling scampered onto their wagon and made herself comfortable for the journey ahead once more, just a tad bit more… paranoid now, but hey it wasn’t paranoia if they were out to get you and Kosara had no plans to let any sneaky tree goblins get the jump on her or something.

As the time shifted to early evening and the weather was growing colder again, Kosara made herself comfortably tightly secured in her coat, a marvelous gift from V indeed. She had tried to write in her book again while on the road, but couldn’t focus at all. Her nerves returning to their strained selves again as she expected everything to turn hostile and a tree to turn out to be disguised by magic goblins, or monsters… or monster rats or something… anything! When they arrived, the pale lady, lady title pending review, jumped out the wagon without waiting any. She also looked at what their local guide was pointing out and sure enough there weren’t any meaty bits left.” Got dragged or collected away?” Kosara suggested in an offhand manner as she got over to the area and began investigating in her own little way. She was decently perceptive most of the time and her thought process while… generally unusual, usually gave her a different view of things that sometimes helped. In this case though… focus was a bit too hard with expecting monsters everywhere and every little a bit unnaturally sounding noise causing her to snap in attention at that direction. Mostly turning out to be people walking about and things on the ground making noise.

Finally she took a deep breath, having not found anything, she pulled the little medallion/amulet and pulled on to magic inside it.” Come on, Chauncy.” Soon enough the adorable helpful little rat appeared since she had kept his summons for special occasions like right now.” Chauncy, we’ve got problems with missing sheep! Possibly monsters, I failed to find anything, can you see if you can find any clues as of what befell the tasty walking mutton?” She very seriously asked.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 04, Barbarian, Level 01
HP: 34/ 34 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: On the Road
Action: N/a.
Bonus Action: N/a
Reaction: N/a


Kosara’s reaction to Kathryn’s revelation about her size changing schenanigans and what exactly was happening whenever she was going to go GIANT on them left the tiefling nodding in some partial understanding. So Kathryn was using magic to simply increase her size rather than actively altering her being? Possible… maybe… could be? In any case, it still left Kosara with very much a lot ideas on what she could do if she had a giant Kathryn to help. Shoulder rides? She hadn’t had those since she was a child and people could easily carry her on their shoulders. Being tossed into the air for maximum vantage potential and aerial attacks from on high? Getting tossed at the enemy for ultimate dynamic heroic entry into a battle!? Ohh, Kosara could very much see a great deal many ways a giant Kathryn and herself could team up to wreck havoc upon all evildoers out in the wide world… and probably cause an untold amount of concerns given the absolutely gleeful smile that spoke of nothing, but headaches.

Now on the topic of new arrivals, potential friends and potential enemies, Kosara stared intently at the people after she explained the situation to them. She also looked at V who chimed in to add additional explanations. The tiefling tilted her head, wondering why everybody looked concerned about something. It wasn’t like some grand lies were being told or something. She had spoken the truth as her story was correlated by V and Cecily. At the halflings’ words though, Kosara’s eyes sharpened as she stared at him. There was this faint whisper at the back of her head… well not whisper really, more like a growing rumbling growl that demanded him to apologize for even suggesting what she suspected he just did to Cecily.

Kosara was just about to open her mouth and object when their host and guide did so first, assuring him they weren’t lying and she was fine. The tiefling’s expression remained somewhat displeased now, but the growing unknown to herself snarl faded away at least.” Kosara.” She replied back with a pout when they were all introducing each other. That was her name, she never really got a last name.

Her expression did a complete shift back to nice Kosara when she heard they were suffering some kind of danger attacking the cattle. Kathryn jumped at the idea of helping them almost too fast so, given the speed at which she did it.” We should check it out. Helping people is important.” Kosara agreed, looking at V and Berry and then at Cecily.” We’ve already faced dangers in this neck of the woods. Could be goblins… or rats… or anything really. Given the state of the area, we should make sure to secure it as much as we are able to. If the farms around here are being attacked, whatever it is, it might eventually attack the winery too.”

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 04, Barbarian, Level 01
HP: 34/ 34 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: On the Road
Action: Prestidigitation.
Bonus Action: N/a
Reaction: N/a


Kosara ate her packed ration with bland expression for the most part. She didn’t like the hard bread it had… It wasn’t nice. It was probably going to be more acceptable if it had something else… a sauce mayhaps? Yes a sauce would do well to give it some pleasant taste and maybe get rid of some of the hardness that she was dealing with water. All in all she would give the bread in the ration a low 3/10. She supposed hard dried bread was long lasting or something, but still.

“Sure.” She quipped and reached over to the bottle of alcohol that Kathryn had and with a quick use of prestidigitation chilled it down even more to a nice comfortable cooler temperature. Well comfortable for hot climates, but the resident half giant was free to drink her drink however cold she wished to! Kosara smiled and returned to her ration and the dried meat it had in it, listening to Kathryn’s magical exploits.” Ohhh, even bigger, Kathryn.” She blinked at her in amazement before looking at something above the warrior woman’s head, clearly trying to imagine how she would look like if she was even bigger.” Does your body change in any way in proportions?” She curiously asked.

Her eating pace sped up a tiny bit after that to devour a few more mouthfuls, her cheeks at one point comically full before she washed it down with water because the hard bread just refused to go down without a fight. Thus in that moment she swore to find a way to deal with it eventually. Maybe turn it into mush by soaking it in water first… but that would be kinda unpleasant to eat.” Hmmm...” She made a pondering sound. That was a good topic to ponder indeed!

When the unknown travelers got closer they revealed themselves as not so unknown ones, at least for the L’Roses’ anyways.” HELLO!!!!!!!!!” Kosara called loudly back with energetic waving of her hands. Both of them, for good measure. She listened to their words and heard their plea. Apparently they were in danger too. Weird, she turned to the L’Roses.” How close are they to the winery?” She asked, looking at their guides and future hosts.

“Meany Cavendish is gone! He was a monster in disguise. Was very mean and tried to kill a lot of people in Avonshire with his monstrous army of monster rats. They were very mean and ugly too! Not exactly sure who killed him though… It was a heroic adventurous story worthy event in the middle of town. There was fire, rain, monsters, pain… cages with innocent citizens… and a sea of rats! Also ratmen and huge undead rat monsters that could snap me in half like a twig! They all dealt with though.” She called back in explanation.” You can try Arbalest the Sheriff who is apparently not an arbalest, still not sure how that works. He should be in Avonshire still or at least his people should be. Anyways, the sheriff should be able to help! Also we killed some goblins a while ago! Maybe it’s goblins?” She suggested and thought about it.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 04, Barbarian, Level 01
HP: 34/ 34 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: On the Road
Action: Prestidigitation.
Bonus Action: N/a
Reaction: N/a


“Right away!” Kosara merrily replied as she proceeded to almost hop over to the mule that was pulling their humble transport. Now it had to be said that the white tiefling was very much liking anything that had to do with horses too. What with her Grandpa, so she liked and respected them. That and everything that lived their lives helping people even if it was helping them pulling their luggage, deserved respect.

“Hello, mister mule. Let’s see if all is well, yes?” She ashed him with a smile pulling some dried fruits from her rations in her bag, offering them to the small horse-like being. Mules were… a curious breed indeed.” It’s good, right? Alright, let’s see...” She mused as she began checking up the the creature of burden. Make sure it wasn’t being bound too tight by the harness that tied him to the wagon, make sure there weren’t any bruising or injuries that might have occurred. Once she was sufficiently sure in her evaluation she gave the mule a few more dried fruits and let it graze on the grass if it wanted.” Mister mule’s right fine! Though he would deserve a nice bag of animal feed once we arrive.” She reported as she returned back to the others.

“So… where’s the meat?” She asked, with metaphorical stars in her eyes, looking at V.” Is it of Morty fame?” She got a bit curious if it was what remained of the party mascot. Which was fine, a walking undead pig made out of preserved foodstuffs, this was it’s destiny!

“I’ve not eaten broth, but I did try some proper soup a few times while I was traveling. Seemed nice. At least not when it was too thin though. I mean… why waste perfectly good water on something like that?” She inquired with curious voice and pulled a partially unwrapped ration from her bag. Her eyes moved to the knightly friend who was requesting booze.” Need it chilled afterwards?” She asked with a smile.

She looked back to V who apparently decided to test her connection with her familiar and was using it too look from it’s eyes. Did it have eyes? Hmmm… She shook her head and looked back to V who returned to local awareness.” Well, what we should prepare for is lunch! Events come after. Hunger is often the enemy.” Kosara offered her peace of opinion and made herself comfortable as she pulled some dried bread from the ration. She tried to bite into it, only to cringe and eye it with utmost distrust and hatred. So she pulled her waterskin to get it a bit wet so it’s easier to bit off. She also did a bit of prestidigitation to give it a bit more flavor than soggy bread.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 04, Barbarian, Level 01
HP: 34/ 34 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: On the Road
Action: N/a
Bonus Action: N/a
Reaction: N/a


“Yes!” Kosara readily agreed with V’s apparent assessment of the ring. The sentimental value was of immense importance to the pale thiefling, but if there was one thing that Kosara really darn liked it was shiny trinkets and baubles… jewelry was a thing she was very enthusiastic about. Glittering gold was probably her favorite color and nobody could convince her otherwise.” I will, cause it’s a gift and I can show it to my sisters and grandpa later!” She was very proud of it. “Well… I’m not as fan of platinum myself. Gold’s much much better. It shine’s way prettier and glimmers very pleasantly under the sun once polished.”

“Mort’s a nice name, very catchy.” The tiefling agreed grinning at the corvid that had descended quite on time. She would take her word for it since she hadn’t had a familiar herself… if you didn’t count the adorable little rat that was summoned by that pendant now hanging around her neck. Chauncy was a good animal, he just had a bad master previously, but his presence being limited to 2 hours a day meant that Kosara didn’t want to summon him randomly least she needs his help when he cannot appear. Maybe once they arrive, she was gonna summon him to offer him munchies.

Kosara looked at V and shrugged.” Well I do have preserved food and rations on me too, so not like we will go hungry or anything, but I might need to check what can be made off those rations later and possibly buy a few things we can keep in the wagon in case we need to prepare fresh food later.” She explained, but then Berry had the perfect moment to also announce he had purchased fresh meet and cheese and Kosara eyes took on a predatory focus as they shifted towards him.” Good, bacon and cheese sandwiches!” She stated with finality, throwing a challenging look at Kathryn whose disagreement on what it meant to be a sandwich was still quite present on the tiefling’s mind, albeit with a bit more levity and mirth than anything.

In any case with the resting spot located and the group settling in for a breather, Kosara rummaged through her bags to locate what foodstuffs she had. In this case it had been a packaged rations of a few variety, but when it came down it to it, it was mostly hard bread or dried bread, some dried meats, dried fruits and other assortment of things that took a long time to spoil, but in this case they had a boon from V for smoked meat! Went very well with the rest of the ration foodstuffs.

Meal was going fine really, there wasn’t a campfire though. It kind of broke her fantasies about adventuring lifestyle, it seemed that every adventuring rest featured a large or medium campfire… at least in the stories she has heard from the traveling adventurers back home, but she supposed it wasn’t logical to set up fires every time you stopped even for a brief breather and a quick meal on the go. She spotted Kathryn look at something in the distance and followed her gaze down the road till she spotted them too.” Ohh look, people! I wonder if it’s traveling traders?” She mused, looking at the people in the distance. Of course there was a possible chance of them being up to no good ruffians too! Well... ruffians had loot!

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 04, Barbarian, Level 01
HP: 34/ 34 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: On the Road
Action: N/a
Bonus Action: N/a
Reaction: N/a


Kosara looked very gleeful indeed, double so when the rings were revealed to be a matching set!” Best friendship rings ever!” She exclaimed happily before quickly putting it on her left index finger. It matched very well with the rest of her decorations for dancing she decided. Well it was clearly of different make and style, but it was shiny and that’s what mattered in the end as far as she was concerned. Glittering gold, trinkets and baubles, paid for in blood and sweat! She blinked suddenly at that last loose thought that randomly ran through her mind before dismissing it for the time being as unimportant thing as at the end of it all it didn’t matter. Adventures were usually paid for in sweat, tears and blood as their recent experience confirmed. It wasn’t something that just hearing it could prepare you for though.” Thank you~! I will treasure it always!” She confirmed again.

“Ohh you should see them, yes! They have so many and not just rings, they got all kinds of friendship trinkets! Headdresses, earrings, anklets and all other sorts of jewelry. A lot of it gifts!” She explained very enthusiastically.” I don’t have though… I mean I got some, but it’s mostly from grandpa and my sisters. It’s my various accessories I wear when dancing. I guess I wasn’t making too many friends with the travelers, though they did buy and gift me all sorts of foodstuffs since I was a child. Maybe after we finish with traveling the north, we can head south?” She reminisced about the past, it seemed so… peaceful and she felt oddly wanting to go back to it as something nagged in her mind just beyond awareness, as something was just at the edge of her view and her head snapped to the side, but nothing was there. The lack of sleep might have been getting to her… probably.

Suddenly she poked her head out and extended her arm besides V who was driving the wagon.” Hey, V, look! Kathryn got me a Friendship ring!” Kosara hurried to show her new ring right away because of course she did. It was shiny! She took a look at the bird that V had now too." Lil birdie got a name? Something Morty worthy?"

“Lunch sounds like a good idea!” She commented when the topic was brought up. Kosara was very much an appreciator of food.” Hey I bought myself some cooking implements back in Avonshire so I can help cook! I know how to make flatbreads! They are very tasty and can be prepared on the go on a cooking plate rather than an oven!” She exclaimed offering her own skills to the glorious task of cooking food. Because it was important, otherwise how was she to convince Kathryn what true sandwich was down the road.” Though… I kind of forgot to buy much in the way of ingredients aside some spices to go with the food rations… drat.”

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