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@Tackytaff Shyria is in! Put her sheet into the character's tab when you can.
@DinoNuts Roderick is accepted! Sling him over to the characters tab when you can.
Waiting on a few more applications that I know are in the works but I'm hashing out starting details with Hillan behind the scenes. The playerbase seems to be geared towards independent starts if I'm correct? So I need to work on the best way to achieve that within the setting.

Hopefully at some point this week?
@Jamesyco First and foremost I want to thank you for your interest and for taking the time to draw up a character sheet. Unfortunately, after some discussion, Hillan and I both feel like Gothic, while appreciated, isn't a great fit for us, and the current games you're in aren't at the Advanced level that I'm looking for for Blighted Kingdom.

We're really grateful that you were inspired enough to apply at all, and we're sorry that you didn't find any success this time.

@Nib, @BlackBlood, @Lord Wraith, and @Stitches: Aldo, Lan, Úlfr and Alice respectively are all accepted. Feel free to move them over to the characters tab!
@Roman well I've not finished it as I'm waiting for a response to my question

I'm sorry, I mistook your last message for a statement. I've just shot you a reply now.
@Roman Do you wish me to make the rest of the sheet then submit it, or am I better waiting for PM response?

If your sheet is finished, submit it here so Hillan can see it as well.
@Mao Mao Hillan and I discussed your sheet and both agreed that while the final concept - Sychan Tribal forcibly conscripted into the Wardens - is a great angle, we find the backstory a bit messy. To me personally, with the added context of the PMs, it feels like you approached me with a core concept, and then layered on top every suggestion I made in order to sort it for the game, and then you could play the original character regardless.

For instance, you came to me asking about hybrids, whereupon I suggested animal reverence, and then you've had your character and their tribe mistaken for hybrids in-universe anyway. Your backstory also feels contradictory at times; born as an orphan into the Wardens but brought up with knowledge of the tribe's culture anyway - the Elders (Khemrin elders?) being discovered but not punished - the original tribe approaching the Wardens for assimilation, but being first-generation Wardens?

We both agree that the core pillars of the character are great. Sychan Tribal, separate from Eerum? Great. Ex-Warden, blacklisted and exiled? Great. Rediscovered cultural heritage of animal worship, bringing a forgotten rival to the dominant religion of the Barbed Church? Great. All of these thrown into a cooking pot together without really straightening them out together, making the biography feel like your initial ideas with my PM suggestions layered haphazardly on top? Not so great.

There's a final-product-Gil here that's an excellent tribal making his way back into the world to save what remains of his lost culture, but it needs a bit of sanding and polish to make him really shine and clarify who he is and what he's striving for. Some streamlining would go a long way.
@Zyshi Theron is accepted! Feel free to move her back to the Characters tab. Welcome!
Wow guys. My PM inbox has never been busier and it’s great to see so many character applications up so rapidly. I’ll start working through and discussing all the characters submitted with Hillan this weekend, but until then here are a few discussion points and questions to pose to the players:

Which of the regions do you each find most interesting and enthralling, and which mysteries are you eager to unravel first?

Does anyone have any early theories about the source of the Blight?

When we begin the game, would you rather your characters were drawn to Vasilius and then sent out to begin their quest as a group? Or would you prefer a more individualistic approach, where each character pursued their own goals separately or in smaller partnerships?
@Zyshi please remove your application from the characters tab and submit it to the OOC for deliberation by the GMs. The Characters tab is for accepted sheets only. Thank you!
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