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The gap in the door... it's a separate reality.
The only me is me.
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It all reeks of fascism and such.

But not too many misconceptions...
imprisoned at a metahuman concentration camp.

I really need to get this OOC into a presentable state and dispel some misconceptions.
Anyway, after talking privately to Hound and some others, I will more than likely be choosing to stick around. Just hit me up with the new discord or whatever when it comes around.

Oh sure, now I gotta manage a new discord server too?! When does it END with you people!?
Again, please have faith in Hound and I that we are taking this all into account and trying to push the setting in a direction that caters to existing characters as well as any new characters you may want to create for a fresh start.

There's a very solid foundation crafted today that I think will cater to everyone, but I want to hash things out better with Hound rather than forge on ahead without him. We're grizzled vets, guys, and I like to think we're well-attuned to what's wanted from this new launch.

I will freely accept your best 'I told you so' gifs though if once we get the finalised concept out it still doesn't work for your desired character(s).

Edit: FWIW, Luce isn't well-suited to a 'delinquent' characterisation either, but I have no qualms that she would fit in what we've got so far with minimal-to-no changes.
I think it's probably best to wait and have faith in what we're working on for the most popular idea (Ju-V currently) which is very much geared to be similar while remaining distinct. 'Complicated situation' is probably underselling it and Hound and I are doing our best. We hope to have something substantial up by mid-week.

The perfect solution is to not have this problem in the first place, but we do, and we're committed to providing something that excites everyone, captures the same themes and atmosphere as the game that originally brought everyone together, and keeps the cast as intact as possible while also having room for fresh faces.

I'm confident that, with the current direction Ju-V is taking in early write-ups, anyone who wants to should be able to transplant their P.R.C.U. characters across nearly 1-for-1. All I ask is that everyone else has that same confidence in myself and Hound.
Completely appreciate that all of the proposed games divert from the initial foundation of 'School for Superpowers' that P.R.C.U. is based in, however Wraith has already mentioned he's uncomfortable handing the reins over to another in his stead (which I completely understand, given that the setting is nearly a decade's cumulative work forged into a singular brainchild), and as a creative myself I am often cautious around ripping off existing ideas (often to the point of self-sabotage). I can't speak for Hound, but I would assume he feels similar, and would be uncomfortable essentially re-branding P.R.C.U.

I understand that we all came together for the Academy setting, but the objective of this thread is to find something that's close, but not the same, and also get the majority feeling from the group so that it's as close to a collective decision as we can manage. The consensus on Discord was to carry on with super-powered individuals, and Hound and I have tailored what we felt would be (and our instincts are proving correct so far) the most popular pitches accordingly, but I also wanted to throw out some curveballs just in case there was appetite for something radically different. After all, you don't know until you ask!
Thanks for the votes so far everyone. I've been subtly tracking choices and trying to weight votes appropriately - in hindsight I probably should have said something like 'spread 6 points across your top 3 picks however you like' but we move on (and I think I'm keeping track of priority picks well enough).

I'm also tracking who's popped in to vote - inevitably I think some amount of the roster will fall away but it would be nice to carry forward as many of us as possible!

So far it's looking like 2 is out in front, which honestly Hound and I anticipated. We'll start looking at the structure needed in closer detail.
Crucify me if you want but I am not a Zelda fan. Never was, never will be.

Put 'im on the cart, boys.

This interest check is mainly for those from the recent P.R.C.U. game; due to major life events, the consensus has determined that the game will, sadly, come to a premature end. However, we've formed a close-knit group and writing together has been extremely fun, so let's keep that going!

With that in mind, the key objective for this thread is to take a poll on a number of premises from the P.R.C.U. group, and find the most popular setting to re-launch a new game.
Those people, in no particular order, are:
@Lord Wraith✓ // @Hound55✓ // @Tackytaff // @Mao Mao✓ // @Junkmail // @Kuro✓ // @psych0pomp✓ // @PatientBean✓ // @Zoldyck✓ // @Skai✓ // @Jarl Coolgruuf // @webboysurf✓ // @earthtogab // @Wei Wuxian✓ // @Pirouette✓ // @Theyra // @Lawful Newtral✓ // @Nemaisare✓ // @Hillan

However, I don't want to dissuade further interest from those who weren't in that game - but please, if you're coming in fresh, understand that you may get overridden on your choice of game if the majority of P.R.C.U. players want something else. Votes are weighted differently, basically. That said, if there's extreme interest in multiple settings we might see what we can swing.

With no further ado, please find below a list of 'elevator pitches', for free voting/discussion/brainstorming/what-have-you.
Based on the results of this thread, @Hound55 and I will take the most popular concept(s?) away and expand them out for a full game.

1. Post-Apocalyptic Superpowers ||||\ |
A virus has ravaged the human race, leaving only those with a specific gene mutation behind; in the same incident, this virus caused the gene mutation to warp the very biology of its bearers, granting them wild and powerful metahuman abilities.
In the wreckage of the old world, the survivors are forced to band together, but when some begin hearing voices and seeing strange visions - not always from the same sources - it begins to look like the soul of humanity is at risk just as much as the species itself.

2. Ju-V ||||\ ||||\ ||||\ |||
Juvenile Vigilante System/Program

In a world of great tension between superpowered people and regular humans, Ju-V is a last ditch effort by a desperate society to prevent the cataclysmic results of more superpowered "villains" being created by a society which all too often sees an "Us and Them" divide between those with powers and those without.

Not a superpowered Academy/School, but a "rehabilition system" to instil morality and allow identified powered "Persons of Interest" (either from criminal act, wonton destruction, or a scenario primed for retaliation which would exacerbate the superhuman/human divide) the opportunity to learn how to control their powers and either not use them in the future, or display a newly gained sense of morality over when to use them. It's a place designed to prevent the worst case scenarios of superpowered villainy from being unleashed on society as a whole, with a focus on personal control and self-restraint.

3. Post-Apocalyptic Modern Fantasy ||||\
In a world where a cataclysmic event has destroyed the ability for people to route between major settlements without getting lost, ending up where they came from, or being utterly desecrated in mind and body, a select caste of people - ‘Navigators’ - have become the only remaining links between pockets of civilisation, able to depart from one city and arrive at another, completing the journey to their intended destination.

A select few of the select few have been able to charter their journeys and make rudimentary maps - ‘Cartography’ has become a type of pseudo-magic skill, the maps making travel possible for non-Navigators perhaps once or twice before the map loses its efficacy; but there are rumours of an Atlas, a definitive map, permanently effective that would allow humanity to guide itself across the globe once more.

4. Inter-Apocalyptic Dark Fantasy ||||\ ||
Premise + Setting info

5. Wild-card Zelda RP ||
Premise + Setting info

6. Wild-card American Gods/The Wicked and the Divine-style RP ||||\ |||
look stop fucking around, finish this:

and this:

and put them together, and then come up with a plot.
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