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@imia it is a very interesting, original, and broad concept for a support mage that I haven't heard of before. I think that it's an acceptable start, and could definitely have a place in the roleplay. The things I would need to know for sure are:

What exactly is the reason this magic exists in the world? Is it involved with a specific god, religion, or culture? Is it for some reason a unique psychic (or empathic) ability that has only manifested in this one person? Making the lore fit the power is key for me.

Are your character's powers changing based on what person they're linked with, or do you simply need a connection to activate your own buffs? Are these buffs effecting both parties every time? I'm not worried so much about balance here as I am wanting a clear definition of what happens when you're linked with someone and why. Why would someone want to serve as your conduit? What's in it for them, and what might the drawbacks be for them.

I would honestly be very interested to see a character with rather powerful spells, but their spells drain their own mana AND their conduit. I think this concept sounds very fun.

If you can give me those answers, it should work out just fine.
@shylarah enchanted items are more than welcome! I will say, I'd like it to make sense as to why your character has that specific item even if it's that you robbed another mage for it!

Lots of ways to go with a wind mage! Lots. Can't wait to see what you come up with, but take a look over my example character James at the top of the OOC thread, and the accepted Player character Elizabeth to see where the power level is. It's pretty high, so I could see lots of room for speed enhancements, flying, multi-cutting attacks, etc.

Edit: Having some specific lore around a few islands shouldn't hurt anything, either. So long as it doesn't get too crazy.

I've also been hoping someone might pick necromancer, so go nuts here as well and I'll reign you in when you've gone too far. Having zombies make up a chunk of the crew would be useful in giving the living mates a bigger share of the loot!

@imia please let me know what you're thinking, only one way to find out if it's acceptable!
We are still open and searching!
@Izurich HMMMMMMMMMMMMM well he is kind of my de'facto tank on the enemy side. One of the only ones I have a real personality in my head for. But I'm sure with a little direction from me you could play him just fine. Think a grumpy conservative for this guy. Doesn't even like how loosely members of the church today take their faith. That's without even scratching the surface of his hatred for witches. It is a bigoted, uninformed, uniform judgement as many religious fanatics do. Now put all of that in a physically imposing, 6'4" frame covered in Platemail and quoting scripture as he cuts men down, and you've got Gregor. The most violent and bloodthirsty of the witch hunters.

Edit: he really is everything Elizabeth hates huh lmao
@shylarah more on the dark and gritty side. I cannot deny the adventure allegations, but we're thinking pirates of the Caribbean, not One Piece.

Thinking ghost ships, decks of ships filled with zombies, zombie krakens, going to be stranded once or twice, might get close to starving, and a big BIG focus on the war. Robbing, looting, pillaging (minus the murdering of innocent civilians) our main characters will be very morally questionable without being complete sociopaths. Y'know, PIRATES! hopefully this was the answer you're looking for!
I should need to just add my attributes, and I'll be going with Shunpo as my only one for now. Is it okay to post my character sheet to the character section already with those changes?
Reserved for GM characters
@AliceInRedHeels for now, yes. In my experience multiple characters tend to cause posting to drag. However, I'm thinking I'd like to allow players to play some witch hunters or British captains for certain sections. Sort of a "bad guy of the week," scenario. So there's options there.

@lexisheeps Careful throwing too many concepts onto one character. I believe Alice was offering to be a more full time healer in her last post, plus like Izurich pointed out we each have healing spells already lol (though James can only heal himself) I say forego the healing if you're going pyromancer and just add in a little extra firepower, eh?

@Izurich imagine James using his self healing, you activate your heal spell, and he just walks through an unlockable attack. If that doesn't get Veronica's men to question their faith who knows what will lmao

Also, the limitations on your new power is perfect. Elizabeth is our first accepted character everyone! Please move her to the characters section
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