Avatar of RoseKnightJason


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@imia this looks almost perfect. One last thing: could I get an image claim or at least a description of the sword? An Indian woman traveling to be a pirate in the Caribbean wielding a red katana is just too far from historically accurate for me lol

Could it be a shamshir, or a falchion perhaps? This is the last thing, and then you're accepted!
We currently have two accepted player characters and one active applicant just putting a few finishing touches on their character sheet! With three I'd be willing to start, but I'd hold off if another party wanted to throw their hat in the ring before we're off to the races!

So far we have a blood mage (damage dealer), a biomancer (tank), and a death priestess (rogue). If the combos of those words sound weird, it's because it is! Come throw a wild idea our way!

We could use a paladin, or healer, or perhaps another Frontline combatant to really make some sparks fly on the battlefield???
@imia so this is what I was confused about is I couldn't tell if all this training came from her and her brother being forced to become warriors by the bandits or their original family/tribe. In which case, her abilities and linking to her twin was a magic effect between the two of them and had nothing to do with the training, am I getting that correct?

And by missions, you just meant whatever a bandit camp would make their slave/warriors do?

If that's all correct, I just need you to address this spell number four you have. Are you allowing that person to tap into your mana and cast their spells with it?
@imia so I have very little issue with her powers. I'm confused as to the mana sharing spell. The connected teammate gets access to lava's mana pool, is that it's basic Effects?

In addition, your character's history has a detail I'm missing as well. Was it the bandits who attacked the village who are sending Lava on these missions, or it was her village who raised/trained her and her sibling? In which case, what exactly constitutes a "mission" for what should otherwise be a fairly primitive 17th century Indian village.

I have no problem with her being from India, I'm sure a motivated Indian sailor could find themselves on the other side of Europe (eventually) but the backstory sounds less like she was trained to be a warrior through ancient rites and more like she was a CIA agent lol. If you could clarify what exactly she was doing there (doesn't even have to be IC) she should be acceptable.

I'd also like the "two pools worth of mana," bit moved to her magical Abilities instead of the natural abilities. Natural Abilities should be only your human skills, and anything gained from magic (like the extra 15 years of experience) should go there
I did end up stating Zanjutsu as his primary talent and Hoho as his secondary study. Is this what you wanted in regards to attributes? Since he's already basically focused on swordsmanship and I want to take shunpo as an ability in the back pocket

Edit: I also added a brief (and rough) outline of his Bankai for future review. @Expllo

And hello to all the NEW PEOPLE I have yet to greet! I will get to liking and reading your character sheets eventually!

@shylarah that should be about it then! I believe we have our scouting unit, those little golems covering extra ground, not to mention whatever information the souls of the dead tell you, should get us any leads we could ever want as a band of thieves lol.

Go ahead and put her in the character sheet section, please!

Now for a position aboard the ship, Shiara should do well as the cook! Would you mind updating her Occupation as Scout/Cook in the sheet? Welcome aboard!
@Izurich I thought of another question for you, too, we need to nail down. I feel like to make it balanced your Excruciating Exsanguination spell shouldnt be able to discriminate between friend and foe. So your crew mates need a warning to vacate the area before use. In addition, it's mana drain should probably be pretty high. Not one-time-use-only high, but say 3 per battle unless Beth is really pushing herself.

Does that seem fair to you?
@AliceInRedHeels feel free to brainstorm at us!
@shylarah I love the sheet as it is so far. I do have a few questions:

You mention the golems can help you fight but you don't mention exactly what their capabilities are: how fast can they move, how hard can they hit, can they float, how far away from Shiara can they get before the spell deactivates, etc.

I saw you included their size, which is appreciated.

In addition, do the spirits you raise need to be put into a golem to participate in combat or do they have the ability to interact with the physical world on their own? In which case mortals should probably be able to see them if it's the ladder.

In any case, I believe Shiara is best suited out of the characters so far to be our scout. Maybe later on she could become truly gifted at sneaking, stalking, and infiltration by training with her thief friend? The image of her sneaking into a British fort with the ghost of a master thief whispering tips to her is cool as fuck to me. He doesn't have to whisper because only she can hear him, but it's a force of habit from his life. How spot on am I???
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