Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

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Two years? When she was eight? Mexiue frowned lightly, her cheeks puffing out a bit as she would consider the information. Well that...that was just wrong on so many levels to make a child do that. Just what were the people here thinking! Ugh, she wanted to punch someone now...she would take a moment to clear her throat and calm herself. Well, that was unladylike. She would remain quiet as the elevator descended, mentally preparing herself for the ruin ahead.

Just a short time later, the descent would end. Meixue would step off the elevator, taking a gander at the ruins. Seemed to split off into two routes. One with a suspicious glow coming from it, the other completely dark. Hm. That meant splitting into two teams would likely cover more ground so they could recover more artifacts, though either side may also have nothing while the other had everything.

A simple matter of choosing the right path, perhaps. Thankfully it seemed like the reckless fools who jumped down were safe enough. Must have some pretty impressive skills, then...but as long as they weren't hurt it didn't concern her right now.

"Ahh~" Mexiue would stretch, limbering up her muscles for what was likely going to end at least, in some minor scuffle with anything that would live in these ruins, be they specter or beast. "So Imarui...I'm gonna come with you." She'd say with a smile. "If you don't mind of course."
I shall post tomorrow.
A Heroic Trial
@Click This

Another blast of explosive water. The creature would shriek again.

As Narkissa reached for its core, the slimy creature would attempt to grab her instead. Its gelatinous body reaching out to grab her arm, more tendrils being formed. One tried grabbing her wrist, coiling up her outstretched arm in an attempt to stop its ‘core’ from being messed with. Bony protrusions would dig into the flesh of her arm. More tendrils would attempt making jabs at the rest of her body, but she could easily at least cut them with her sword.

It was for naught, however.

She would pull, the creature would try to pull back, but it was clear at least who was the physically stronger of the two. The core would start to rip, slipping from the center mass of the creature. Its defense would get more frantic until there was a final, pained gurgling shriek as it was ripped entirely free. Narkissa would find herself stumbling backwards as the creature’s entire body would start shuddering.

It would lash out a few, final times, but ultimately it would start collapsing. A single tendril reaching towards Narkissa. And it would fall, body hitting the floor and its mass losing all cohesion.

“My...well, you’ve certainly done it.” A familiar, if somewhat perhaps now irritating voice would be heard. “Congratulations, you’ve managed to survive this little tutorial of sorts. I expect much greater things in the future. Here’s a little reward for the entertainment,”

Something fell from the heavens, landing nearly in front of Narkissa before hovering just above the ground.

A small, raindrop shaped gem.

“What is it, you ask? Fufu, well, maybe ask the one that temple belongs too if you get a chance. I’ll be watching, Narkissa. If you seek greater power and fame, ask any time~” The voice would fade with a light chuckle, perhaps leaving Narkissa somewhat questioning what she was doing now. Lazhira would finish bonking the last of the lesser slimes not seconds later.

“Whew...ugh, now I’m all sweaty~” Lazhira pouted a bit. “But hey, at least the fire seems to be out..so uh...hey what’cha got there?” She’d ask curiously.

Dungeon Diving ho~!
@Crusader Lord@Crimson Paladin

Regardless if her theories on certain things were correct, Leannah would once more attempt this ‘puzzle’. The stone necklace upon the vase holding the statue.The crystal sphere on the outstretched hand. The Crystal necklace on the hooded figure's neck. Immediately upon placing the last object upon where it last rested, there was an audible click.

Two things happened.

A low rumble. A bookcase against the far wall swung open like a door, before coming to a rest as it sat slightly ajar. A secret room hidden behind a bookcase? How cliche. What perhaps, was slightly less cliche, was the cistern below the statue to suddenly drain of water. A rush of water could be heard as it drained somewhere, revealing a room below, and stairs.

The room behind the bookcase seemed to be a small, private study tucked away in the wall. A desk, a few pieces of parchment scattered on the floor. A candelabra with a candle completey burned out. A few books. Notably, upon the desk however, was a sheet of paper she could definitely read.

“Infiltrating the Illuminators faithful was surprisingly easy. As long as I hide my true self, that fool is none the wiser. It's easy, after all, making them just forget I even exist if any of them start to get wise too. All I’ll need to do is find the orb and make off with it, wait a bit...and then return to finish the job. I wonder how he would react? Me, doing what he couldn’t? I bet he doesn’t even remember I exist...well. He’ll have no choice but to remember once finish.” Perhaps this had been someone's hiding hole? But then why was it locked behind such a complex mechanism…? Or did someone leave it here intentionally for her to find? Regardless, if she took it with her it would fit neatly with the book she pilfered earlier.

The only place left to explore, was the now drained cistern. A brief look would show it was rather spacious, despite the small opening she could fairly easily squeeze into it, the size of her butt only being a small inconvenience as she would drop below. The room smelled old. Like salt water and brine. Moldy and surprisingly humid, too. There was a small path forward at the far end of the cistern, a gate seemingly opened to let out the water. It was a wonder why anyone would even build a temple like this, but being built like this it would be. Thankfully more crystals would light the way.

So Leannah would continue forward, following the slow flowing water until she reached what seemed to be a large pool. A simple, rectangular area made of bricks and large chunks of those Illumicrystal. Light was coming from the bottom of the pool, and Leannah could see objects moving under the water. More tar seemed to hang from the edges of the pool...at least the exit seemed easy enough to reach, on the opposite end.

Something moved in the corridor ahead, but it only seemed to be a shadow. Maybe this area had secrets, if she cared to look around, or would she keep moving?

Taking what seemed to be the correct choice, Novak would ‘press’ them as they were buttons on some code, or a keypad. As he would finally press the chainlink, he perhaps would wait with a bit of trepidation as the images would briefly flash...before dimming entirely. A few seconds passed before there was the sound of a click.

Rather disappointingly, after a few moments, nothing seemed to happen. If he were to don the mask, however, he would see a bright white light hovering in place over the pedestal. A few more figures would also be shown, though it would seem as though they would grab the sphere before a series of flashing, intermittent images of them would quietly run down the hallway he had come from, and heading around the bend to the area that was of yet explored.

Rather disconcertingly, he would see small humanoids seemingly peeping at him from around the corner, before a quiet giggle would be heard and they vanished. A few unintelligible whispers followed.

Really, just what was this mask?

...he might notice what appeared to be a human skull now resting off to the side of the room. Had...had that always been there?

Nobbu, the Fox, and a Traveler

“...I see.” It would state airly at Nobunaga’s intention. “You seek the same perhaps as that other traveler that appeared before me not too long ago. Well, no matter. You wish to know what the deal was that they broke.” It would exhale, a gentle if somehow tired seeming wind sweeping gently through the grove. “It is not a failure, but rather negligence and somes desire for that which they should not. I am not the source of their problems, but rather the thing that is sealed beneath the land here is.”

It would reply, a bird landing upon its antler.

“You know they once worshipped one by the name of ‘The Illuminator’. The God of knowledge, and the one named Iva’Krorh.” The deer would paw lightly at the ground, as if in a mildly irritated manner. “He seeks something of the old world. Something that frivolous storyteller calling herself a Goddess sealed here in the Moonless Era. I know not the details nor the past before the earth woke from its slumber.” He would fix Nobunaga with a surprisingly stern gaze. “The accord they broke was simple. They are to protect this land and forest. In doing so, they had to forsake their previous deity some years ago, and now I can only surmise that since whatever experiments he was using this village for has failed, he is simply sating his curiosity somewhere else by attempting to unseal the past, and there are those in the village which seek to aid him.”

He would turn his head to Misaki, observing her quietly while still speaking to Nobunaga. The fawn cautiously sniffed the reeds, before hesitantly taking the reeds and happily eating them. It would start following Misaki now, content that the fox girl wouldn’t have harmed it.

“Truthfully, I care not for what happens. Should he succeed, I will move, and the forest with I. The Goddess will flood this land once more, and they will have brought it upon themselves.” His attention would suddenly be drawn towards the edge of the forest.

“...it seems we have another visitor.” It would say just as Nicholas would walk into its range of sight. “Speak the reason you have come here, or leave.”

The Roma Mob

Octavia would tilt her head quizzically towards Isidore, listening intently. Seeming to understand she would sniff and paw at Isidore’s feet, before running over to one of the deceased apostles sniffing and getting a scent of some sort from their body. After a few seconds of rummaging around, she would bark and start trotting off towards the western peaks of the mountains.

It would be a rather long trek. Thankfully it seemed as though Octavia’s nose was far better than that of hounds on earth, apparently being able to track things even days old with ease. Leuca would stick close to Augusta, desiring to walk herself after a while. There would be a few more dead bodies along the way. Most had been picked clean, or there would be nothing immediately useful to the party.

Eventually, the sun would start to sink below the horizon. They had come quite a distance, traveling ever so steadily up the mountain taking a relatively safe path whenever possible. The snow hindering their progress only a little, with the storm thankfully holding itself from simply opening on them out in the open again. Just when they would think it’d be a good time to perhaps make camp, the sounds of clanging steel on steel would catch their ears. A few muffled grunts before it sounded like words were exchanged, but they were too far away to be heard.

The sounds came from over a crest in a hill, where the ground would slope sharply downwards to a small valley below under a rocky outcropping that would slowly curve upwards. Two humans stood there, one a woman who looked to be fairly young. She was glaring at the older male, a sword grasped firmly in her hands, lightly armored. Long blond hair flowed gently in the wind, a tattered cloak would hang from her shoulders. The male, white haired but still giving the impression of someone full of youthful vigor and health. A large sword was grasped in one hand, a sword in the other, dressed in full armor and eye patch.

They didn’t seem to notice you, or if they did neither cared. Whenever Augusta tried observing them...well, she’d find she couldn’t really. Especially the woman. Whenever she tried to look to long, she’d start getting a headache.

It seemed as though Augusta’s eye was less helpful here for some reason. Perhaps they had some protection or something she couldn’t see? As well, the human had far more special attributes and abilities, but the exact amount was unknown to her.

“S-sorcha…!” Leuca would quietly exclaim.

Seemed the two were have an intense stare off. Would they get involved? Or simply watch how things played out?

Wayward builder

She might have very well swindled him into doing her dirty work for her. Mie would show him one of the other ones, making sure he at least knew what he was looking for - a giant weasel sort of animal with greyish fur. Apparently they were used as pack animals by the group to haul their cargo and such. Thankfully it seemed like it might not be too hard to track - it left very obvious and clear tracks in the snow.

So Donovan would decide to follow them. It would take him fairly deep into the forest before he would see signs of it. A few pieces of fur caught on some shrubs here and there. Some scratching in the snow, until finally he’d be able to see the beast itself. It was aggressively clawing at the ground, attempting to...ah. It would take him a moment to realize what exactly it was doing - it was trying to maul someone.

“Oi! I can see ya over there! A little help here? You friends with this beastie!?” The one being attacked A...child? With blue hair was currently being accosted by the beast he was hunting. Not quite a child perhaps - they seemed to come up to about half of Donovan’s height, and they were clearly dressed for travel. Armor, sword, shield and all. The shield of which was currently being used to try and keep the animal from completely crushing them.

It would take a moment to glance to Donovan, growling threateningly, but the short humanoid would take this moment to quite literally, punch the thing right in the face and cause it to recoil giving them enough time to roll over and get back to their feet.

“Just cos I’m a dwarf doesn’t make me a chewtoy you oversized rat!”

Send Feet Pics
@Cu Chulainn

Soyala listened to this ploy, and all the sordid details Malphas spoke of. It would certainly make sense. None of the faithful would object, she was sure. There was however, a small problem with that.

“Hm...yes, that should work. If we cook the flowers into the food it should reduce the effects at least somewhat, too. We could at least take the girl, then and figure out what exactly she’s up to.” The one that had accosted Malphas wouldn’t say a word, keeping himself quiet and merely observing the entrance to the closed off temple. “...the only problem would be having Enli agree to it. Holding it here would defeat the purpose of hiding this place.”

She would remove the small mask she wore over her eyes.

“I am unsure if the Illuminator would be willing to bestow such a feat upon you, however. He’s never done such a thing before as far as I recall...but it likely is not out of the realm of possibility. But you’d have to ask him yourself once he returns. Normally to emulate it, the priests simply wear eyeless masks in order to see what he does in the world...but if he finds amusement in it, I am sure he would agree. Regardless, we can find more of those plants as well as hunt enough to make this a possibility.” Seemed like his task was set then. She didn’t say why he would have to convince Enli, but perhaps the village chief was just a bit suspicious of the hunters asking such a thing.

“Alternatively...there’s a good chance she’ll be alone at some point. She always seems to manage to evade us, but perhaps you could have more luck in that regard should the temple not take care of her for us. A far less elegant solution, but still one nonetheless. I’ll pass the plan on to lordship while you are off convincing Enli and taking care of that business the fox wanted.”


"...I'll just have...a cheesburger." Thalia gave her own order. Right. Scylla was ravenous in all meanings the word could be applied to. She still had trouble keeping that in her head. "Large drink...sorry about that." She'd laugh, slipping an extra few dollars in as a tip with the order. She would heft the guitar over her shoulder and wait for their order after that, not particularly bothering to say hi or take interest in anything else.

Instead, she would walk back over to Scylla, taking a seat across from her...and bonking her right on top of the head with the side of her hand. Not hard, of course. She didn't want to actually piss off the actually crazy anger fueled mythical squid monster.

"I know you're actually crazy, but goddamn it I'm not an infinite source of money." She would sigh, leaning back in her seat. "Ah, forget it I shouldn't have said 'whatever you want'." Not that she minded in the end. She was at least somewhat successful both on the internet and in real life with her gig work.


"A pleasure to meet you all." Mexiue would reply as the energetic girl introduced herself. A Navran name? What was she doing so far here from the north? Did her family move here, after some time? Hm. Well, it wasn't her place to question such things as long as Imarui seemed happy. It was then, a rather rude kid would shove his way past them. Meixue frowned, almost desiring to drag him back by the scruff of his neck and making him apologize, but the elevators arriving cut short such plans.

"Hm, yes. Imarui's safety concerns me." She would follow Imarui and Turel onto the elevator, watching as a someone just...jumped from the top of the chasm to the pit below. Well...at least she had seen far more curious things in Fuso. They were probably alright since it looked intention. "As for that young man, well...he better hope he doesn't need an exorcist." She'd hum idly. Of course, she wouldn't let any old spook harm anyone if she could help it. She wouldn't be a good Undertaker if she did, but he seemed to be in bad need of both a lesson in manners as well as a modicum of respect for others.

"Is it normal for children to be artifact hunters here?" Mexiue would ask her own question to the energetic kid
I'll do another post here tonight or tomorrow.

heads trying to hurt this morning.
A Heroic Trial
@Click This

And so the battle ensued. Lazhira ran off to the creature's side, skirting just outside of its effective attack range and kiting the smaller slime creatures to her.

“Hey you dirty blobs, over here!” Narkissa could see Lazhira using more of that strange ‘light’ magic to fight with. It was difficult to make out what exactly she was doing, but it seemed like she was able to handle herself, using the odd light magic to seemingly deflect blows whilst at the same time harming the blobs that attacked her, rarely directly attacking herself.

Narkissa had to focus on the blob in front of her, however.

Its body had already mostly reformed. The blue light within seemingly to shimmer tauntingly as its body roiled. The black slime began to shape itself at one end, creating an almost fist shaped blob. At the same time though, Narkissa’s own spell would fire off. The stream of pressurized water this time taking a somewhat different shape. Rather than a stream, it was just a fast moving ‘bullet’ of water. It would peirce its flesh, burying itself within.

As much as she hoped, it then violently reacted as it superheated itself. Encapsulated by the slimes body, the steam had nowhere else to go as it expanded. Its body bubbled and began to deform as the bubble of steam expanded until it could no longer contain itself within the weak prison.

The slimes body exploded on one side, sending a rain of black slime, bones, and whatever other viscera made up its body all over the area. Its own attack seemed to fall short of Narkissa, slamming into the ground just next to her as a gaping hole in its side threw off its aim..

Within the center of its body, a blue stone shimmered weakly. The slime however was still not down for the count. She could see its body attempting to still reform. She’d need to act fast to put it down for the count.

Dungeon Diving ho~!
@Crusader Lord@Crimson Paladin

Leannah would wander about the library, bookshelves full of old tomes that seemed to be mostly foreign to her. Perhaps is she dedicated some time to going through each in a painstaking manner, she could find something but time was probably something she didn’t exactly have much of, here. The fact that there was potentially someone else down here and potentially something else probably meant staying in one spot for a long amount of time unwise unless she was extremely confident in her abilities.

The tower carving she checked, was indeed hollow. Seemingly fragile, too. As though it was made to be broken. The contents of the carving was...well, something to be sure. A necklace made of smooth, carved stones strung together. The centerpiece was an ultramarine colored teardrop shaped gem. A star shape had been carved into it. She would also take the necklace from the other statue in hand. It was heavy, much heavier than it should have potentially been for its size.

She would then walk over to the bust of what she assumed was the God of Knowledge...and would place the necklace retrieved from the tower on it.

Nothing happened.

Even using the stone necklace would achieve nothing.

It was clear that the necklaces were important though. One of stone, one carved gem. One came from the tower, one from the carving of what she assumed was the Goddess Delphiti...then, perhaps, what was the statue of the woman in the back with the vase? It couldn’t be just for decoration, could it?

Perhaps she was recreating some legend symbolically here as she assumed.

Clearly the hand was reaching for something, but if it wasn’t this necklace, then what, perhaps was it? She took something from the tower...but then what was taken, and who took it? If it wasn’t the god of knowledge, that took whatever this necklace was supposed to represent...more clearly looking at the statue in the back, there was something carved at the base of the pillar.

“Thus, the exodus was made. The beloved Sage led from the place of birth, the heretics cursed to remain. The moon wept once more, the cistern overflowing, and brought life back to the land. This, would in turn give birth to Knowledge, which in turn gave birth to the desire for the secrets of the Oceans. Desire turned into actuality, and thus a seal was made by their accord.”

Her eyes would also find the vase hollow, with something resting inside of the vase. A small, crystal sphere.

Novak continued, concerned for his partners safety but knowing that he at least, should make sure there was nothing immediately life threatening in the area. Checking the paths, he saw the same rooms Leannah would have. A room with a pedestal, and a hallway that would curve so he couldn’t see around it. The darkness of this area did indeed feel rather oppressive...its use as a living area once quite apparent. The kitchen had not been used in a long time, and the bunks were full of beds that had been haphazardly made, remnants of robes and what was once perhaps a lively area left behind. As he donned the mask, darkness would envelop his vision again...but soon, the greyed out world would return. Motes of light floated in the air around him as he would look at his surroundings.

The room that Leannah had fallen trapped in, showed little. Bright white light filtered in from the cracks in the door that had separated them, but also curiously a single line of light would trace between the bricks which made the walls, curving all the way around the wall towards the unknown path. It seemed as if he wanted answers to what was in that room now, he may need to travel that way.

The Pedestal room however, was perhaps, far more lively.

As he gazed inside, he could see humanoid figures. Whispers began filling his ears, but they were too distant, and too numerous to make out. If he decided to enter, the figures made of light would disperse, and a series of images would light up on the pedestal. In descending order

A crown.

A sphere.

A trident.

A single, vertical eye.

And lastly a chain link.

What these meant, he certainly had no idea as of yet. Looking around the room would show what seemed to be claw marks carved into the wall creating what seemed to be tally marks in various places. If he took the mask off, the figures of light would disappear entirely. A closer inspection would indeed, though, reveal images carved into the pedestal carved into the wall, but no tally marks. ‘I’ was carved by the Eye, a II was carved by the sphere. III by the Crown, IIII by the Trident, and a IIIII by the chain link.

Nobbu and the Fox

The duo approached the grove, the unsettling peacefulness of the area doing little to dissuade them from walking towards the small shrine. Nobbu would then take a bit of the reed, remembering Lazhiras’ words. Focus inward...and then attempt ‘igniting’ it. It certainly wasn’t something that seemed to come as easy to her as others. She could certainly feel something, but it was...distant. Almost somewhat strained, like she was trying to feel for something in pitch darkness.

A few more moments of trying, though, she would achieve something. Between her fingers a small flame would form. It would first shoot upwards, and nearly threaten to engulf the reed entirely in flame, but after a quick flash of heat it would die down, only causing it to smolder and the edges of it start to burn. A scent similar to what Misaki might know as ‘weed’ would fill the area. It seemed like she could easily practice with this more, and eventually get better with it given time.

Placing it on the Altar would let it still burn, as Nobunaga took the old wooden flute and would start to play. It took a few tries to get the notes right, the old flute didn’t seem to be doing its job very well, but soon enough the warlord would start.

An upbeat airy tune would fill the area. It would even overcome the quiet feeling of the forest, as the feeling of being watched would turn from unease to something feeling of approval. The deer within the grove would lift their heads, turn them to the pair with seeming interest. Even the small fawn which had followed them would approach, at least realizing that these two didn’t pose a threat to it now.

It would be when Nobunaga eventually finished whatever performance she gave, did something finally happen. The wind gently began to blow, a relaxing and calming breeze, reminding one of perhaps a spring day. From the edge of the grove, a tall deer whose antlers reached the branches of the trees above began walking towards the pair, its long legs gracefully stepping across the ground.

“...the scent of the reed and the melody of the wind...” It would say in its airy voice. “It has been a while since the village has visited...yet you are not of the village. Another pair of outsiders, seeking an audience...and you too, carry the scent of the moon.” It would say. “...hm. Regardless of my thoughts on that, allow me to say that was a pleasant tune, human. If only others could perform such instead of making such racket with their words and instruments.” It would raise its head proudly. “You stand before the Kyrnith. The Elder Beast of skies and wind. Upon my rest rest the skies, keeping them from the unworthy. My breath is the gentle breeze. What brings thee to my domain?”

It tilted its head to the small fawn.

“...I do believe that one desired a reed you were carrying on you.”

Wayward builder

The older gentleman looked up at Donovan, unable to say anything as the construction worker placed a firm, but gentle hand on his shoulder. He was nothing but a washed up old man, doing his best to simply keep the village running and going in the face of a slew of problems. Bounty from the forest drying up due to the danger. Lack of children...lady Mie even saying this was going to be her final trip here.

He would still say nothing as they left.

He watched them leave, slowly taking a seat, watching the back of that man as he left the house.

...perhaps he had been too passive in how he was handling things. He had his suspicions, but had been cautious to take action for fear of upsetting the fragile peace they had. But...perhaps. Perhaps something else could be done.

Donovan would then make his way to Mie. The midday sun slowly starting its descent, now, as he would ask one fo the guards for a ‘Gambeson’. The masked Oni would simply stare at Donovan. For a moment, awkward silence.

“...well I don’t know what that is.” The owner of the establishment would pipe up, making her presence known by walking into view. She’d wave off the Oni that Donovan attempted to speak too. “But I like the name of it...also don’t bother the Oni. They’re not supposed to speak with anyone but me or Haruno.” The diminutive, fox tailed merchant would lean over a nearby table, smiling at Donovan cheekily. “Two of those eh...hmhm.”

At least it did seems he had something comparable. Perhaps not exactly a ‘gambeson’, but from what he could tell it seemed like it might be a decent equivalent, for now at least. Rather than a single shirt, it would be something of a few pieces of cloth armor covering his upper chest, shoulders, with a thick cloth armor covering the rest of his stomach and midsection.

After seeing how much money he had, Mie would click her tongue.

“Tsk, just barely not enough here.” She’d nod with a frown. “But since I’m so nice, I’ll tell you what. One of our Kamaitachi’s ran off after one of our workers left it untied. Don’t worry, these are docile and don’t usually hurt people as long as they stay fed and happy.” She said, passing a small bag of what seemed to be a few fruits to Donovan. “They love these, and will probably find you if you hold it long enough. Should follow you once it does, so bring it back and you can have the armor.”

Nicholas, meanwhile would have split off to find this pair from Chagawa. Asking around the town, he’d learn that they left and headed into the forest. He’d also run into Haruno would would say she thought she saw them head into the forest and head towards the ‘Kyrniths Grove’. She would also tell Nicholas where it was and the easiest way to get there.

It wouldn’t be too difficult for him to simply head there without much issue if he wished it.

Send Feet Pics
@Cu Chulainn

“...hmph, you were supposed to find your way here yourself.” The voice would gruffly reply. “One learns nothing by being led by the nose.”

“Let him go.” Soyala said, turning quickly and hand going to a dagger of her own. “The Illuminator also teaches that we should consider opportunities when we see it.” The dagger would press harder against Malphas’ neck briefly, before it would withdraw. The one that had accosted him would move back to where he had assumedly been before. Just out of sight. One wouldn’t be able to see him if they entered normally without looking back.

Malphas would recognize him as a hunter from the village that he had seen previously.

“Fine. I’d likely end up on the receiving end of his experiments if I did.” He’d grunt, folding his arms. “Go on, but the Illuminator has left to watch the show elsewhere.”

“As expected. I’ll make sure Malphas here understands what is happening.” Soyala would relax, as the stone behind them cracked and would return to its seemingly solid state. If Malphas followed, Soyala would lead him further into the cavern, where it would open up into what was some sort of temple.

Plush white and gold colored carpet led from the entryway to an idol against a far wall, and upon the walls themselves...hung paintings of...well, it was difficult to tell some of them. Some were of a man ripping his own face off. One was of an odd contraption. Some sort of...plane? It was difficult to tell. Some were of more abstract sort. It was difficult to take them in, and looking at them made Malphas’ head hurt slightly. The entire room felt vastly different than the rest of the more primitive lodgings and outlook of the village of Dawn. The emptiness of the room felt oddly oppressive.

“Right, here we are. The actual temple.” Soyala said with a nod. “We...moved here to use the old one as a decoy.” She’d say with a nod. “His lordship will return shortly, but I will relay to you what he likely would ask of you.” Soyala would smirk. “Someone stole something from him. A...key and a memory if you will. We want outside help in returning it. Someone in the village is likely the culprit, and that...girl known as Lazhira is the most obvious one. And also the one currently in the decoy. She’s probably looking to steal something else with the help of those other outsiders.”

Malphas could make out a few more hunters he saw in the village here. Seemed like most of them were on the the Illuminators payroll, so to speak.

"Doubtful she died from that fire. Seems those allies of hers have some divine help themselves."


"Huhm...so this is Hensia." Walking down the streets of the town, was a very clearly figure from out of town. Getting a temporary license was easy enough, with her Burial Agency credentials. Just some fact checking, verifying and otherwise just making sure everyone was doing their job. It was a quaint little place, certainly wasn't it? Definitely a far cry from the haunted forests of Fuso. She almost missed them, if she were to be honest. Which, she shouldn't. They weren't exactly places to take a leisurely stroll even if she found herself doing just that more often than not.

She bit into the apricot in her hand, the last of the fruit disappearing into her mouth before she tossed the cores to the side as she arrived at the site.

"Whew...thank goodness no one was hurt." She would idly comment, looking at the massive hole that had opened in the ground. She couldn't imagine what would have happened if someone had been in the building at the time. As she looked over the other gathered hunters, she would also notice something out of the ordinary.

What in the name of all that was holy was a child doing here?

"A...child going to hunt artifacts?" Mexiue would walk up to the pair. "My...children your age shouldn't be doing such dangerous things." She would say, though realizing she did in fact, probably do just as dangerous things when she was a kid. That did look to be an official license, though, just from a cursory glance. That did leave a bad taste in her mouth, but now wasn't the time to cause a scene about it. She doubted saying anything to that affect currently would help anyone. "Ah right...I should start with introductions. Meixue Yanqi from the Fuso Burial agency."
I will endeavor to post tomorrow.


Fusang was not quite as she had expected. She had hoped it would be lively - and it was. With as many servants running around as there was, it was hard not to get word of something interesting or fun happening. If not, she usually just made her own fun. Picking up the guitar and just starting a random jam session on a street somewhere was always fun...and sometimes ended with having to make herself scarce. Some people just had no appreciation for talent. Or her good looks.

The servant at her side too, at least kept things interesting. She was a bit hesitant when she had summoned a berserker, having wanted someone a bit more musically inclined, but she couldn't deny Scylla at least made things fun more often than not.

Well, as long as she didn't let her get too carried away.

"Agh, ugh...man I need to stop staying up so late." She grumbled, yawning as she found herself in line. She adjusted the guitar case hanging from her shoulder. "Order anything ya want. I'm gonna get me a cheeseburger."
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