Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts


The Huntress would frown. Humans shouldn't make such promises like that, in such circumstances. Death would be all but an inevitability, no matter how righteous or how noble...still, she couldn't fault them for it. Humans were weak things, after all, and without the support or guidance of gods often fell prey to it. That was just the way they were. Sometimes, without doing something so foolish they wouldn't accomplish anything, and he did, at least, accomplish what he set out to do - protecting this girl.

"Hm...this Sir Oren went willingly," Alasayana would say. "He did what he wanted - ensuring your safety." She'd stand, turning to the Sun God. "The others are right, but a full explanation would likely take longer than we have the luxury for." One of her tails would would wrap itself gently around Flora. "I will not ask you to not mourn, but we must at least be wary of the time, which we have little of. They may have reinforcements or the like nearby. We should find some place safe so we can discuss what we are doing next."

Klois, klois...the name seemed familiar, but would bring no stronger emotions than curiosity over why she remembered. She could recite the name of nearly every sinner she had executed, and every demon she had dealt with, so she was fairly certain they weren't but she couldn't be sure.
hmhm, I'll

Hopefully get something up tonight
Aluvera - City outskirts


Something was fishy here.

Kokoma didn't like it. Sure this whole thing was fishy - and exciting but she knew plot when she saw it! This was definitely plot of some sort, and not just the plot of the cute elf hugging to her for dear life. Still, if she had to ask whether she should be following these guys or have some alone time with said cute elf...hm.

"Hey hey, don't leave Kokoma behind~" She'd say! If its mounts you want," Kokoma would smile. "I got this guy...and uh, two others. Probably. One will probably only let me ride her." Kokoma said with a grin, as she'd make Kuja slow enough so she could keep pace with Eunice and the other two. "Oh yeah, and just call me Kokoma! beast tamer and all around tanky floof at your service." She'd jovially introduce herself. "And the cute one is Tak-ahem-Sefira. Don't suppose you mind if we tag along to wherever it is your heading if the monsters here are mostly cleaned up?"
Skill Seeker

@Crimson Paladin@VitaVitaAR

“Worry more about yourselves.” Enli would say, shaking his head. “You’re the ones jumping into danger. I’ve lived here my entire life - the forest and land won’t get me, at least.” The old man would start to leave, a brisk pace leaving both Nobunaga and Novak to head to where their hideout were. Assuming they’d move with haste, it wouldn’t take them long to reach the ancient grove where the temple had once been. It was difficult to see through the fog, but it was no longer there as far as Novak could tell.

In its place was a circular pit, an ancient waterlogged altar situated at the bottom.

Of course, that left the question of whether or not they should pass through the mist. It was dangerous wasn’t it? Yet, when they would approach there was the sound of something ripping and tearing, crashing in the distance causing the earth even to rumble lightly! A nearly impossibly strong gust of wind would blast through the area, nearly knocking both Novak and Nobunaga off their feet, and also blasting the baleful fog, carrying it onto the wind and dissipating it giving them a fairly clear path to travel to the entrance of the hideout, should they hurry through. The winds seemed to be picking up, and if they happened to look upwards they may just so happen to see winds starting to coalesce, spinning, some distance further north east...

Unlike with Donovan and Malphas before, there was no illusory wall to act as a buffer...seemed like someone else had already gone in?

The Builder

The trek through the fog would be easy enough, and Donovan would have no trouble locating the entrance he had used last time, nor any difficulty getting past the illusion. The inside was just as he’d remember, the white stone walls with the illuminated crystals for light, the plush red carpet and questionable paintings.

This time, though, it seemed to be more inhabited.

Several hunters had gathered inside, readying to go support the others at the village so they could solve their little Elder Beast problem. One that was now, coming for them and seemed to already have found the secondary entrance Donovnan had told him about. There was little time for him to do what he was going to do here if he wanted to get people out safely.

“What’s it doing here!? Did it follow one of us!?”

“They were all supposed to return to the village! Send someone to tell them-”

A handful of hunters would run into the main worship hall, around four in total would immediately stop as they’d notice both Akando and Donovan. “- did he lead it here!?”

Surprisingly, Akando would be the first to speak.

“I’ll hold my tongue to what I think about you putting Dawn in danger,” Akando would say quickly. “But for now we need to get everyone out of here before the Kyrnith gets here!”

“Akando...fool, we’re doing this for the good of dawn. Without the illuminators guidance the village would have already been destroyed.” Donovan would likely need to interject here, but at the same time it looked like they may not go so quietly.

And this, would also be the scene Novak and Nobunaga would eventually find themselves stumbling on.


Lazhira, was understandably a bit worried that Misaki had more or less just left her to the proverbial wolves. The native would slowly back away from the hunters as they’d quickly move forward, one of them grabbing her roughly by the arm. Thankfully, Misaki had other ideas. The pot of boiling water was fairly easy to lift for her - perhaps surprising herself with her own strength - as the boiling water would slam into the back of the hunter that still hadn’t approached Lazhira yet.

He would scream in agony, the boiling water while absorbed by his furs would still soak into it, and the back of his exposed head would be entirely burnt from the boiling liquid. The pot would sail through the air, hitting the one that had grabbed Lazhira by the arm square in the head. The recipient would give a startled shout as he’d lose his grip.

Narkissa and Leannah both would be able to hear this commotion.

Realizing her chance, and with a bit of spunk Lazhira would kick the one closest to her right the gut, sending him tumbling to the ground for good measure with a hearty laugh before taking off and running after Misaki. Assuming the pair would run to Mie’s camp, they would run right past a man with a bird mask as he’d exit, passing various Oni workers. Mie herself, was just about to leave her tent, too, it seemed as they pair would nearly run into her.

“...well its been quite awhile, Lazhira. What’s the matter? You two look like you’re in a hurry.” A few shouts from outside the encampment would catch her attention. “...in trouble?”

A deal, perhaps?
@Click This

“What else? The Moonless Era!” He’d chuckle. “When the old world and gods all died in abject terror, ahah!” The old man would tap the cane in his hand against the floor. “Fun times, it was...I think. Ah, memories are fuzzy, but oh well. Indeed, I am a god...the one who Illuminates and leads to truth! You don’t need to know more than that.”

He’d then point the cane at Narkissa.

“Power of some sort.” He’d state simply. “Some sort of...thing to make it work. Y’see, I managed to pick all your brains before auntie was able to put all you in those bodies of yours - I’ll take a thank you for that at some point by the way - but that’s not important!” He’d lower the cane again, leaning on it as he’d look to the front of the house, where there was a pained shout. “Needs to be powerful. Needs to be able to have enough oomph to kill a giant in one blow.” He’d smile. “You help me with that...I’ll give you the designs for it, and who knows, maybe I’ll feel generous enough to throw in a bonus. Better hurry and decide though, before your friends get in trouble out there. Just leave the how and why to me, lass. Surely you've got something from that head of yours that can help!”

A Traveler

“You probably won’t be the last to make that assumption.” Cynthia would reply, curtly. “And no, its just a simple cloth and gift from my employer. I was born with a rather nasty disease that rendered my eyes extremely sensitive to even the smallest amounts of light.” The maid didn’t seem particularly interested in such small talk as her gaze would now focus on Nicholas proper. For a moment it seemed she was going to say something else, her mouth slowly opening but then closing as she’d grab the broom again.

“If its a source of light, Viorel can light the lantern for you when you leave. He’s capable of at least that much.” She’d start sweeping again. Not the friendliest sort, it might seem. “Need to get back to work. I think your friend is getting antsy to leave already.” As she said, Elisette was...well, bouncing near the door to the old church, seemingly impatiently tapping a finger on her arm as she'd have seemed to finished whatever it was she was doing.

The Roma Mob

“I-I see...” Leuca would respond to Augusta in her usual uncertain manner.

“...Well, you certainly are a man of discretion...” Sorcha responded to Isidore’s last quip with a small bit of a frown. “Well, that is likely for the best. I am certain to at least be free then.” The woman would move over to Leuca, patting the small elf on the head with a smile. “If that’s all though, then I think its best I get Leuca to bed. She has a long day ahead of her tomorrow, it seems.”

“O-oh right...it is pretty late, isn’t it…?”

Unless there was anything else the four needed to discuss, Sorcha would start getting Leuca ready for bed, shooing Augusta and Isidore both from her room, and rather roughly moving Octavia from the room. Weariness from the travels of the day and general events was finally starting to catch up with the group in general, and they’d be hard pressed to get anything else done, though perhaps a few things could still be done during the night should they wish.

Regardless, morning would soon come for the group.

Sorcha and Leuca would probably be the first up. The knight had a long habit of waking up early and getting ready, making sure Leuca would be as well.

Augusta would wake fairly simply, Octavia sitting idly at the foot of her bed, seemingly still sleeping. Curiously a quick check with her eye would reveal that the pup was completely full, along with a little status message for the seed which read ‘Growing’ and ‘Satiated’...it might have also just been her imagination, but she also seemed to have grown slightly.

It was probably fine.

She should probably get ready for Rullphana’s lesson and ready to learn from Leuca.

Isidore would be woken by a knock at his door at roughly the same time as the others. It was perhaps, a bit unexpectedly, the prince.

“Ahem...sorry for bothering you Isidore, but mother has asked me to tell you she wishes to speak with you in private.” He would say through the door. He sounded a bit hesitant, or maybe like he’d have liked to still be elsewhere.

Send Feet Pics
@Cu Chulainn

“Hmm...there’s that other fox...Misaki, her name is. Lets see...there was also, I believe...his name was Donovan? Nice looking man. If I was a bit more inebriated I might have done something unladylike.” The fox would lean forward a bit, keeping her voice low. “The item itself is the metal fragment of a dagger. It’s engraved with script from my homeland. I don’t know why anyone would steal it - its purely personal in value.”

It would be had for Malphas to entirely figure out how much of that was the truth, but it was likely broadly truthful. Someone stole something from her, and she wanted it returned.

“Of course. Ayumi-”

“If he’s gonna give me two fishes then I’ll do it!”

“Well, there you have it.” Mie would respond with a smile. “Ayumi here’s good at her job, so no worries about the hunters either.” She’d sit up, moving to exit the tent with him. As he’d leave, he might notice Misaki and Lazhira running up at about the same time, though he might not particularly care as Mie would quickly turn to greet them.

Seemed like the hunters had been riled up about something other than him. Lucky. Malphas would make his way back to Enli’s longhouse, presumably, where Bolcha still was. Ayumi would however, not follow him directly, choosing to stick to the shadows and for the most part attempt remaining unseen as she’d slip between hiding spots and eventually make it nearby.

The four Oni warriors and Haruno had already taken up positions inside the building. One was covering the door, two were patrolling the perimeter while Haruno and another remained.

“...mhm? Oh, Lord Nomura. You’ve returned. Is there something wrong?” Haruno would gree him, bowing respectfully. “I’ve already received the appropriate payment. I shall return it to Lady Mie soon as I am able to.”

Elsewhere happenings...

Donovan Leads the Way

Donovan let out a heavy sigh as his shield fell to his side; he’d curbed the Kyrnith’s anger away from the town, but he’d far from calmed the ancient beast. If he wasn’t careful, even those completely uninvolved from the slaughter that had occurred in the Kyrnith’s territory would get caught up in this mess.

"Right then." the man huffed as he tucked his warhammer into his belt, "This way."

Rather than rush toward the hideout, Don opted to walk at a pace that was almost leisurely. Hopefully he could bide his time long enough for the Kyrnith to actually listen to what he was saying, rather than just parts of it. After trekking a quarter of the way to the grove in complete silence, he’d pause for a moment; glancing back at Akando and the Kyrnith.

"Aye ever tell yah bout what things are like back home fer meh?"

“We’ve not had a chance to speak.” Akando replied to Donovan. The Kyrnith was silent, the still wind heavy with tension despite the Reincarnator attempting to speak with the Beast. Still, from the way the beast would subtly tilt its head towards Donovan, would show that it was still listening at least.

"Well, where aye come from-- is a place far away from ere’. Ya could walk the land and sea fereva an’ still never reach et… And Akando, aye’d ask ya not share this, but aye ain’t of this world. Where aye come from there ain’t no magic, no eternal winter, no elder beasts, no other races, hell-- most folk back home ain’t even sure there’s a god." Don would let a soft sigh escape his lips, "Back home, we got machines tha likes ya never seen before-- great flying machines, massive boats capable of carryin’ thousands, an’ buildin’s so tall they look like they touch th’ sky itself. Between th’ medicine an’ technology it ain't uncommon fer folks to live damn near a century. An yet, even with all that-- over two thousan’ an twenteh years ah progress an countin… An yet, weh still got our own problems. " Don held his words for a moment, allowing them to sink in-- or for his listeners to ask questions, if any needed answering at the moment.

Akando would take in Donovan’s words, furrowing his brow as if trying to wrap his head around whatever the older looking man was saying.

“Flying...machines?” Akando would inquire. “What is a ‘Machine’?”

This, at least, seemed to properly catch the Kyrnith’s attention. While the anger and fury was still there, it would focus its gaze on Donovan more clearly now.

“...Go on. Hunter, focus on making sure there are no traps for us.” The deer would ask Akando. Was that understanding in the Beast’s tone? “You speak of such a far away world, one that even the wind can not reach? Preposterous. I can hear whispers from the otherside of the world, things that will never matter here, and small things that could potentially shape the far sides of the world.”

Don turned his head to Akando, offering a brief answer before moving onto addressing the Kyrnith, "Right, aye fergot how rare they must be ere. Simpleh put, a machine is ahn assembleh o’ parts; often made ah metal, made tah act as ah large tool or tah perform specific tasks. Remind meh later an’ aye’ll draw what some look like fer yah." Returning his attention to the Kyrnith, he would address the Elder Beast’s question next. "Aye, yah can hear whispers from tha other side of th’ world… But at the end o’ tha day-- that’s this world. Not me own world. Hell, tah be honest th’ fact aye’m even ere’ tah tell yah this is damn preposterous. Like aye said, me homeworld ain’t got no magic er Elder Beasts, er nuthin like any ah that. It’s entireleh separate from this one… Aye ain’t even sure aye could get back even if aye wanted to. Remember when yah first met meh Kyrnith? Yah said yeh could smell the presence of th’ moon on meh. Back home aye died at th’ ripe old age ah eighteh-five, and rather than passin ontah th’ afterlife with me wife, somehow this world’s moon Goddess snatched meh soul from th’ jaws ah death an put meh in ah brand new bodeh she’d made just fer meh. Why? Yer guess is as good as mine. But that’s not th’ reason aye’m tellin yah bout meh home." Donovan’s tone took a far more serious turn as he recounted the troubles of his own world. "Even with all o’ man’s achievements, all ah the science an’ knowledge we’d gathered. Weh still had murder. Still had crime. Still fought wars over tha same spot of land that’s been disputed fer centuries. Kyrnith, where aye come from there were still wars goin from minor blood feuds that occured hundreds ah years ago. Despite our differences, yer a lot more like humans than yeh might think. Yer self aware, yah can make yer own choices, yeh can communicate intelligentleh, yeh can be reasoned with, and-- ye love yer kin..."

Donovan would pause here, taking careful note of the Kyrnith’s reaction to these words before proceeding.

Akando would merely furrow his brow more at Donovan’s words, uncertain what to make of them. Other worlds?

“...are you some sort of spirit?” He would ask, the only thing he could think of to fathom what a ‘different world’ would mean in context.

“He is no less spirit than you are.” The Deer would respond as it would turn to Donovan. It was clear the dear at least, had believed his words, or already had some guesses himself about Donovan’s origins as he continued. “You think I do not know of the folly of humans, Donovan? The wind tells me tales day after day of how they brutalize their own kin, stealing, plundering, and taking from those both like them and unlike them.” The deer would pause for only a moment, allowing a small gust of wind to stir the path they walked. “They care not for the cries of the forest, as they cut trees. They care not for the screams of those they murder as the wind carries their final breaths.” He would continue walking, regardless of whether Donovan would. “No Beast, truly value’s human lives, Donovan, I among them. We protect our own, our kin. For that is how we were created.”

The large man scowled at the beast’s words as he continued his forward march toward the sealing grounds, "If yah know man’s folly, then yah know damn well what yeh intend tah do es no different." Don replied sharply, "Folk’ll use one slaughter tah justify tha next. Over an’ over, an endless blood-soaked cycle ah sufferin’ an death. Aye, man can be cruel. Ehts ah cruel fuckin world. Man can beh hateful, prideful, greedeh, or any number ah sins… But if yah listen close, beneath all th’ din an ruckus ah all the world’s sufferin-- you’ll hear somethin’ else. Yeh’ll hear song, dance, and laughter. Yeh’ll hear tha joy of ah Man an Wife seein’ their newborn babe smile fer tha very first time. Yeh’ll hear the gasps ah wonder from a man at tha summit of ah mountain an’ marvelin at tha raw beauteh of tha land before im’. Yeh’ll hear the doors of ah humble cottage creak open tah offer shelter to ah stranger, dyin in th’ cold… Yah may even hear the sound of a human treatin’ tha wounds of a beast for no other reason than goodwill… There’s a helluva lot more tah man than dehstruction." Donovan stepped directly in front of the Kyrnith’s path just before the group could enter the fog-covered clearing of the old sealing grounds, "Yah say no beast trueleh cares about th’ lives of man. But I can tell yah now, mankind es tha sentimental type. Weh get attached tah all manner ah things, regardless ah how they feel about us; like th’ little lass yah told me likes tah visit yah…"

"Yer world has somethin’ ere that my world never did. Ah clear definition ah evil; regardless ah perspective--" Donovan’s voice would raise as he shoved the branches aside, thrusting an accusatory finger into the depths of the thick, swirling fog. "That! That right there, es true evil! Nearleh evereh follower ah the illuminator aye seen aint had any ah his influence as part of em! There ain’t no way most of em’ would knowingleh aid somethin’ like that! Not when their own homes an’ familehs are at stake! Those lot are bein’ led ahstray, yer plannin’ on killin ah hell of ah lot ah people, all the while THAT; which threatens tha’ both ah yer groups AND tha’ village becomes ah bigger threat by th’ day!"

Don stood firm, staring directly into the Kyrnith’s eyes as he made his declaration, "Death begets death… Es that what yah want? Fer that damnable cycle ah violence tah whittle ahway at tha village, tha misguided hunters, and yer kin till whatever tha fuck is down there consumes tha lot of yah? Es that what this village deserves? Es that what yer kin deserve? Either yah continyah on destroyin’ each other as slaves tah the cycle until tha sea swallows tha’ land-- or yah can come together and drive back against th’ darkness, an’ build a better future… Fer the village, and yer kin."

"What's yer choice? Will tha cycle continyah? Even in tha face ah total destruction? Or will yah build somethin' better here, an' thrive through this crisis?"

The deer would only pause long enough to listen to Donovan’s words, its hooves pressing against the snowy forest ground. Wind that had once danced around its antlers in a frenzy of fury would calm, though not entirely cease as the human before it would plead his case. The emotional tone, appealing to human emotions. It was...something to be seen, to be sure. It’d have likely at least given any other human a pause at least long enough to rethink their action.

Unfortunately, Donovan was not dealing with a human.

“Ignorance.” The beast would begin, airy voice having once again seemingly taking a quality of aloof indifference. “You speak as if you know this world. You do not - your own words just now have cemented my own assumptions about you and those other travelers. You know not of us Beasts, nor the Divine. If you did, then you would realize your words will be lost upon a breeze.” It would start walking once more, the winds around its antlers picking up as it would do so.

“I am tasked with the protection of not just the forest. Willingly or not, they consort with Divinity to bring harm to the earth, so I will become that which I was born as. I will not harm the village, but those that still reside within the walls of their temple that protect them - they will be ground to dust as stone upon a furious wind. Be grateful that I do not seek to exact judgement for their folly upon the rest of them.”

It would pass Donovan, sparing him no further glance.

“...Donovan. Do you wish to stop him? Or…?” Akando would glance between the other man and the beast. It seemed like Donovan’s words had cooled its fury, but it seemed as though it was still on a warpath...but at least the village would likely be ultimately spared.

Donovan looked to Akando with a frown, shaking his head as a deep sigh passed his lips. " Don't think aye could stop 'im even if aye wanted tah."

Stepping forward just ahead of the beast, Donovan pointed due northwest of their current position for Kyrnith to see. "Just keep headin' that way. Look fer ah shallow cave with a tree growin' on th' entrance… Aye'm well aware there ain't any chance you'll hear meh out further, an' I refuse to be there fer whatever slaughter ensues. This is as far as aye go with ya."

“...Donovan.” The Deer would say, as it would move past. “Your heart is far too human for most beasts to understand. If you seek to understand the Beasts and prevent the slow journey of the winds bringing more of such tragedy you wish to avoid...then seek understanding.” The Beast would bound off, leaving nothing but a trail of slowly moving wind in its wake before it was gone entirely out of sight.

The large man sighed as the Kyrnith bounded away, silently watching the beast disappear into the trees before turning to Akando, "Arright, behtween tha distance, an' tha time et takes im' tah bust down that door, weh might be able tah get intah th' temple through tha one that's closer and drag out as many ah tha hunters as weh can; kickin' an screamin' if need be. If yah don't got ah way tah make it safe through tha fog, I can protect tha both of us but you'll need tah stay close."

Don would flash the younger fellow a hopeful smile. "Can't talk the Kyrnith down no further, but if weh hurreh you an' me can save as many ah those damned fools as possible… Whaddya say lad? You readeh tah race against an Elder Beast?"

“Never thought I’d be racing against the wind in my life,” Akando would shake his head, a small smile. “I don’t see the point in keeping these traitors alive, but we could get some information out of them if nothing else.” Seemed for now at least, Donovan had Akando’s help, even if he wasn’t entirely on board with saving everyone.

Don gave the man a light clap on the shoulder as he led the way to the mist's edge.

"Aye doubt eht's that simple lad. It ain't normal fer folk tah turn their backs on they own people… Soyala is th' onleh one of em' aye sensed any blessin' on. Fer all weh know th' Illuminator coulda messed with their heads lad. Even if they're servin' of their own free will, aye doubt much of em' would be keen on harmin' tha village if they had a choice… But that's enuff ah meh ramblin' fer now. Now keep close, aye dunno how much range this has."

Standing at the edge of the thick fog, Donovan placed his left hand on Akando's shoulder, and grasped his emblem firmly in his right as he prayed to his patron god. "Oh Suthainn, may yer eternal grace protect us from tha evil ah that which es sealed here. An' by yer hand may weh be swift to tah realize our goal. Amen."

Akando would frown at Donovan’s prayer...but the hunter would merely pass it off as some foreign God he hadn’t heard of before. The fog itself would seem to still at Donovan’s passage, whatever harmful effects of it would be staved off. For now, Akando would follow Donovan into the mist, traversing the enveloped land, heading to perhaps, if nothing else - save a life.

If it was possible for her to spare a moment to berate Trina for flying off, she would have. Instead though, she'd have to contend with the goblins running towards them! She'd briefly wonder why they seemingly had been running this way. Were they running from something? Or had it just been happenstance that they were leaving when they were entering? She hadn't seen any scouts or the like that would have alerted them...

"Trina! Careful! Go-Go...Green skins!" She'd shout to her fairy friend and the others present. Neffy would immediately draw her sword. "Surrounding us!" Oh dear oh dear oh dear she wasn't suited to fighting directly like this. Why was she in the front again? Oh right, that Fairy. She was really going to scold her after this.

The Nem would make a movement to channel magic through her blade, lining the edge of it with a fast current of water before doing as she had done before and launching a watery blade at the goblins, not wanting to get too close. If she could find a way to slip through while the others were engaged, though...she'd just have to look for an opening.

"...I can't say I've hunted someone calling themselves a Holy Emperor before." A small smile would form on her lips, the edges of her mouth curling, fangs evident. "And it might be unbecoming for a Goddess of justice...but I am finding the idea of it entertaining." It seemed at least they were clearly in agreement about their course of action then. How curious. She had met and occasionally worked with the other gods on occasion, but nothing so grand as this endeavor seemed to be shaping up to me.

Giving a small cough as she'd get her more bestial aspect under control, Alasayana would turn her attention to the Priestess again.

"My, has being humbled given the Sun some semblance of compassion?" She'd say as she'd approach. Hm...how does one console a human that is sad? Should she give a hug? Should she praise Sir Oren's bravery and then offer a burial? How did...they even honor their dead in this time?

"But he is correct...we do need to know what is happening, Priestess. You have summoned us for some request, that much is obvious. As the Goddess of Justice I hear all requests made of me, and should it be a just cause I will see that it is carried out and any judgement delivered no matter where or what it is." The Huntress would slowly take a seat next to Flora. Understanding humans, how to interact with them wasn't something she was good at. She knew how a god should behave and how she should behave as one...but humans baffled her. Being so weak...really, offering to help with whatever it was, was the only thing she knew that could maybe offer some semblance of comfort to the girl. "...maybe telling me about him will make you feel better?"

"E-eep?" Goblins? Well, they were certainly scary, weren't they? They had a hard to pronounce name, and looked the part too. The Nem would glance back at her companions. Someone made a joke about her ending up in a soup. "...I'm not...very tasty." Neffy would rebutte, not seeming to understand that it was probably just a playful jab. Briefly, she'd imagine a large pot of Neffy stew. "Oh dear...I miss the desert...a-ah! Trina wait...!"

The Nem ran off after the fairy, making sure to keep her wits about her. She didn't want the fairy (or herself) To actually end up in a goblin stew of some sort. Still...goblins hm? Well, really, they shouldn't be too much of a problem, should they? As long as she could...sneak up on them, of course.


I didn't even get the mention here. Probably got lost in a sea of other notifications <_>

I'll do something today. Just got a bit lost in moving across country.

Okay, I did a thing! Again, really sorry.
Skill Seeker

@Crimson Paladin@VitaVitaAR

“They were likely trying to draw it to the village...” Enli would frown. “...if it attacks so broadly and openly then it would only cause even more people to hate the Beast, in turn likely drawing more people to the Illuminator.” The older man would frown. “I...may only know a little of this ‘Seal’. My grandfather mentioned something about the Illuminator and the Ocean Goddess having some sort of...deal to protect something but it was so long ago I can’t remember if there were more details.” He’d do his best to avoid looking at the deceased bodies in front of him. “And I would trust Bolcha with my life. I already asked him to watch the longhouse for me. I’ll see if I can’t find more about what they mentioned once I return.”

Enli would turn to leave, unless stopped by Nobunaga or Novak, certain at least he could make it back to the village on his own so long as he hurried. The hunters were likely occupied elsewhere, and wouldn’t likely be able to realize their ambush had failed yet.

They knew at least roughly where the man had spoken of, all that was left was going there and seeing what was what if they desired. Considering how things were clearly escalating, they may need to figure out a plan sooner rather than later.


“Eh? Fast paced? Like fighting and hunting?” Lazhira would tilt her head to the side with a grin. “Eeeh, Didn’t take you for a fighty sort Misaki...” She’d shake her head with a light giggle. “I’ve thought about it, but even if I do go somewhere...that won’t solve anything, will it? It’s not like I can get rid of-” Of course, interruptions abound. Before she could finish it seemed Misaki’s fears were on point. The two hunters would slowly approach the two, Lazhira seeming to not have been paying attention enough to notice them.

“The girl. Nowl.” One of the would say, pointing to Lazhira. The other would brandish the spear at his side.

“...B-but he said I wouldn’t-”

“Don’t involve yourself traveler. Hand her over.” Lazhira would stand quickly, nervously rubbing the silvery emblem on her hand.

A little secret
@Crusader Lord

@Click This

“Oi lass, ya most certainly can!” He’d say in a jovial, friendly manner. “In fact, I’m glad ya haven’t just shunned me like the other one. Really now. I’m trying to help everyone here. Unlike the other one. No idea what’s going on in her head. She doesn’t tell us anything! Which is fun, in a game of guess what experiment I’m performing on this mortal, but not when she’s doing something I don’t want her to.” He didn’t seem put off or otherwise perturbed by her defensive posture, walking over a bit closer in a casual manner as he’d twirl the can in his hand.

“Just a little proposition.” He’d say with the same air of mirth. “I want to know...if you’d be interested in possessing a little something that could help you with that whole, everyone wins, lives happily ever after you want. I’ve got a little something I think you people would like...tried to give it to that black haired girl, but alas, she was too stubborn. Supposed I should have showed her this to start with, but oh well.” From one of his sleeves, he’d pull a scroll of paper, slowly unrolling it, briefly showing it to her.

“A little something I’ve been cooking up since you meddling travelers have showed up. I think I knocked it out of the park, this. Better than anything even before the Moonless!” If Narkissa happened to get a good look at it, they seemed to be some sort of blueprint, of some long narrow...cane of some sort? It had a short circular barrel, that slowly grew in size. There was some sort of trigger mechanism too-

He’d quickly roll it back up. She didn't get a good look at it beyond that, but it seemed something like she might have seen before.

“What do ya say, lass? Help me finish this, and maybe potentially even use it and you could solve all this villages problems if it all goes to hell in a mindbasket. Just need some...help getting the last few materials I need.”

A Traveler

Having tools to see with was always welcome, but perhaps he should also find a method of lighting said implements with.

“Always.” The maid would reply airily. “Fools always make messes we have to clean up...” She’d stop her sweeping motion, looking up from her task and towards Nicholas. Not exactly at him, her head was looking in his direction, but she’d be looking a little over his shoulder towards Elisette. “I ask politely that you do not. I do not take kindly to others adding to my workload when I already have ten other things I must see to clean. If you are here to help though...” She’d lean the broom against a nearby wall. “I’m certain both these people and my employer will be quite pleased.”

The Roma Mob

“That...is a lot to take in.” Sorcha would frown, releasing Leuca from a hug. “I have no qualms teaching you how to wield something, as long as you do not complain and can keep up with the training...” The warrior would slowly turn her head towards Isidore. “Our date time apparently already being occupied aside...what do you mean someone of influence is accusing Rullphana of something?” Understandably, Sorcha was likely concerned for Leuca’s safety if the Court Mage was up to something shady.

Octavia would sit idly next to Augusta, seemingly wanting some pets though she seemed a bit restless again. Seemed she was hungry again already.

“Uhm...Sorcha, can Augusta even use the Leargas?” Leuca would ask, pulling her attention from her question with Isidore.

“You’ll have to help her with that yourself, Leuca. I’m not an elf, though I can at least help with instruction and theory as I did when you did it.”

“Uhm...R-right.” Leuca would nod in an uncertain manner. “Uhm...I guess I can tomorrow a bit before my lessons with Rullphana...”

Send Feet Pics
@Cu Chulainn

“Aye, thank you Nomura.” Bolcha would respond, waving him off. “I’ll tell Enli you were able to help.” Of course, the craftsman would then turn to the Oni, intent on making a deal for the safety of his friend.” It was easy enough to return to Mie. The fox was sitting languidly where she was usually, behind a table in her tent. Seemed she had been drinking a bit again.

“Ah, well, someone works fast. I’ve already been informed by Ayumi. Good work, I’m impressed.” Mie would say with a nod. “I’ll give you a little bonus after this next job I have of yours...and it might require you getting your hands dirty a little, if you don’t mind me saying.” Mie would say, motioning one of the Oni guards to close the flaps to the tent, silencing and preventing any from seeing within. They were likely preventing anyone else from entering either.

“...Someone stole something of mine.” Mie would say with a frown. “I want you to find out who...and if possible, return it.” The fox’s tail would swish back and forth seemingly in thought. “Its...an heirloom of sorts that was stolen from my family many, many years ago. I had been in contact here with someone that managed to find it, but it was stolen before it could be returned to me.” She’d tilt her head to the side. “No one in this village would steal it...and if they had, they would have likely already been talking about it or I’d have heard something. So I can only assume one of you travelers have in some fashion.”

Ayumi would bolt in from somewhere, and position herself in Mie’s lap.

“You also owe Ayumi...a fish was it?”
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