Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts


Fairly standard high-fantasy medieval stuff. Sword and shields are the main way people defend themselves. Travel is mostly done by horses. That sort of thing.
lol well then

Hello guy. Was wondering if I'd see you here.

Scratch my last post I'll see about getting something officially up before I head to bed tonight.
Neat, that's three people.

One more and I'll put up the OOC.
@Dead Cruiser


The knights for all purposes, are human and paragons of humanity. They might have some inhuman blood in them that gives them special abilities, like say, someone descendant from a giant would be much stronger than a human and likely have excellent smithing skills, or someone descendant from Elves might have access to the Leargas, they'd still mostly be human.

As well, without getting to into it a dhampir simply wouldn't be possible.

Heat from the fires, burning the houses filled the air and choked it with thick, black smoke.

A shrill shriek from somewhere.

"Ha...ha...keep-r-running..." A tired, panting, strained breath carried upon the wind as he forced his legs to move. Thunder and lightning crackled overhead, a wind whipping across the wasted plains of the sea-side town. Almost enough to knock a man over, let alone a young child.

"A-ah!!" He would stop dead in his tracks, falling over as his butt would hit the ground and attempting to scramble away from the beastly creature in front of him. A horrid monstrosity, lacking any flesh - only sinewy muscles, black blood and yellow veins. Slowly, the creature would turn atop its baleful steed, its uncannily human face responding to the boy's screams with a terrible, cruel laugh as it would reach a hand out -

A peal of thunder, a flash of lightning.

In a near instant, the creature painfully shrieked - a cacophonous sound mixed of human and horse as it reared back on its steed, shuffling away, its arm cleaved clean from its body in a single stroke. The boy's eyes widened, a woman standing between him and the Fomorian. Hair the color of a warm summers day, a stern, determined countenance and in her hand was a blade with a hilt of gold.

"Those who would dare bring violence and destruction to this land," The beast would quickly recollect itself as the woman in front of it began speaking, her golden blade gleaming against unseen light. "Fey corrupted by the vengeance of the betrayed god," She'd shift her stance as the monstrosity would charge towards her with a shriek, this time of fear. "Die as the pitiful creature that you are!"

The blade swung forward. The large sword cleaved through the air. Blinding light. Lightning fell from the sky, as if inflicting divine retribution and punishment upon the monstrous creature, its shrieks drowned out by the cacophonous sounds of lightning ripping its flesh asunder, the sight of the woman silhouetted against it.

Upon wings of lightning and with voice of thunder
Bearing hair of sunlight and a soul of purest white
The King shall return, to deliver the land form its curse
Beasts of the land shall be slain
The Fey and and their kin will face retribution and redemption
The traitors will have their reckoning
The land cleansed of its curses
Hail, for the King will return and deliver us

The boy couldn't help but to call to mind the old prophecy his teachers told him about.

The woman would sigh, a small smile forming on her lips as she'd turn from the now deceased creature, its carcass burnt to naught but ash.

"Hello," She'd say, to the boy, kneeling next to him, offering a gentle smile and a hand. "Wouldn't happen to know any good place to eat around here, would you?"

Hello hello! Its me again, with another RP! Finally after some months of debate I decided to go ahead and start this and put it up. I was flipping ideas back and forth in my head, but finally settled on this. Before I go any further, I will say this RP is tangentially related to my other RP - The Epic of Beginnings, though no need to go read or do anything with that. While there will be major spoilers for a single character and their backstory and history, it will mostly be its own thing.

The general theme and feel for this particular RP is a fairly light-hearted power fantasy theme to start with in a fairly dark world. That is, the world is in a fairly shit state - but the characters will be making every attempt available at making it not such a terrible place, plagued by wastelands, infertile grounds, monstrous creatures and roaming bands of bandits.

And who will you be playing? This RP takes inspiration from Arthurian, Irish and Gaelic mythology, with perhaps some hint of Norse mythology. Players will be playing knights that somehow find themselves in service to a person claiming to be the reincarnation and avatar of an old king of legend said to once return to deliver the land from troubles.

However, before reading further - note I want this to be a small cast. SMALL. I will be accepting no more than 4 active characters at any given time!

Also, I would like to go for a fairly brisk pace if at all plausible. I'll be aiming for a post from me twice a week! While that schedule can be somewhat flexible, though the longest I'm ever waiting is a week from the previous one.

A few notes about characters:

  • Players will be fairly powerful to start with, and should possess some manner of power from somewhere and while they might have some inhuman ancestry - they for the most part should be human. Aim for a middling power level. They should be able to reasonably handle most non-boss level threats without too much trouble either by themselves or with a companion.
  • Powers can come from pretty liberal places - is your sword special? Is your armor special? If so, where did they come from and what do they do? Perhaps you have fairy blood that gave you supernatural senses or the ability to control wind. Maybe your family was once in service to an Elder Beast, and were given special abilities by it. Or maybe you're just a really fucking strong dude that can bench press a dragon. I'll be pretty chill with anything, but generally think less mage and more Sorcerer/Knight.

Some world info:

Albion is a sick, cold, unkind land. When the Fey and Elves betrayed the last surviving god to live through the Endless Night, with its final breath and power it cursed both them and the land itself. The land became sick, unable to sustain large scale crops, and the Fey and Elves were twisted into abhorrent beings that seek nothing but to bring pain and further curses to the land. Once upon a time, a king sought to bring justice to the elves and heal the land, but he was betrayed by the one closest to him.

Such tales though, have been lost to the echoes of time. What remains is a wasteland where humans struggle to simply live.

On Gods, Elementals, and Spirits:

While you can't play as a full blooded demigod, perhaps you claim some form of divine ancestry in some manner? Or perhaps you possess some relic from one of these divinities that give you superhuman feats. There are many gods that once inhabited Albion, though most are now long gone and only possess a fraction of their former ability and being regulated to little more than spirits and ghosts haunting particular areas. Still, perhaps you somehow gained ones favor and thus boons from it.

Elder Beasts:
One of the main threats upon Albion and the rest of the world for humanity - are Elder Beasts. Great, Powerful, and often times terrible beasts that stalk the land and more often than not, end up negatively affecting humanity. Most don't do it intentionally - most do not possess intelligence and seek little more than to do what they were created to. One could say each one is some embodiment of some natural phenomena.

However, as strong as they are, they can be killed. And from their corpses can be crafted the finest of weapons and armor. Mystical in abilities, and world-shattering in power at their greatest height. However, working with such materials usually requires a trained or more mystical hand.

Conversely, some more intelligent Elder Beasts take humans under their wings. Protect them. Teach them - and share a portion of their power with humans. To be sure they don't do this out of love or a desire to actively protect. Most do not understand such concepts - every portion of power they give to a human returns to them when they die. If the human cultivated the power, then it will return much stronger to the Beast. But in a world that is difficult to live in, humans care not for such things if they can live and eat safely.

~Character Sheet~

A skill Seeker and Warlord
@Crimson Paladin@VitaVitaAR

“An…old woman?” One of the hunters frowned. “Hasn’t the old woman been missing?” One said with a grunt.

“And what, we’re going to believe him?” The one with the axe responded, hefting the heavy weapon in his hands. “I bet these outsiders are the ones doing it.”

“But he’s not lying about what happened…” The conversation at least, had diffused the tension somewhat, but it didn’t seem like the hunters were entirely convinced just yet. The one with the axe didn’t seem like he was going to be taking no for an answer though, and before the other three could stop him or talk further would charge at Novak, heavy axe swinging downwards in an overhead strike for the mans head.

Misaki and Narkissa

@Click This@PKMNB0Y

“Guh, well this…is less than ideal.” Lazhira grimaced, quickly getting back to her feet. She was mostly fine, though that was definitely going to leave a bruise. The hunters were starting to surround the now rampaging slimy beast - and consequently her. The native girl would take a moment to look at her options, and notice Narkissa making a stealthy move towards the archers positioned further away from the rest.

The first blast of water would strike the hunter in the back - not penetrating his skin but enough to cause him to give a shout and then stumble over when the next one hit. She would have enough time to switch targets before one of the other archers even figured out what was happening - but before he could do raise the alarm he was swiftly silenced as well, falling upon the ground as the third would swiftly turn, trying to locate where the water blasts were coming from.

“Soyala! We’re being flanked!” He’d shout. He’d raise an arrow, attempting to fire it towards Narkissa, but the slime beast would lash its tendrils outwards, deflecting the arrow as it would grab the hunter and slam him into the ground.

“Tch, focus on wrangling that thing! Don’t let the girl die!” She’d shout back. The monstrous slime would shift focus to the loudest one - this being Soyala. The huntress would evade one of the tendrils, slashing another with her spear while taking a small blow to the shoulder from another as it lashed out at the hunters around it, its tail slamming into one unfortunate enough to get to close, impaling it upon its body where he would soon disappear inside it.

Misakis distraction well…it was difficult to tell if it was working entirely. The already now chaotic mess of a scene was devolving fast as the hunters attempted to regain control of the creature they had seemingly planned to use to capture or kill whoever had messed with the Obelisk. It seemed as though the slime was busy attempting to fight whoever was closest to it - be it hunters, or Lazhira.

Speaking of the girl, she was mostly fine as far as Misaki could tell, though now that she had been discovered it seemed her little magical trick was less effective. She’d narrowly avoid getting slammed by another tendril, only to land right at the feet of a hunter that would grab her by the neck - only for that hunter to be grabbed by the slime.

The deer, seemed scared. Understandably so, perhaps. Still, it didn’t seem to want to let Misaki down. The fox would get a vague sense of confidence and determination from the fawn as it would attempt focusing its more supernatural abilities. A small ball of wind would launch towards the slime, barreling past a few hunters and knocking them off balance before slamming into the creature with a thump.

Understandably annoyed, it’d turn to the nearest people - the hunters, and began assaulting them.

It seemed like the hunters might not be the biggest threat here.

A Traveler

The girl, if she had any thoughts about Nick relatively odd way of speaking, said nothing as he spoke. It was difficult to tell really what she was thinking, under her as of yet removed hood. She didn’t seem hostile, but she seemed guarded and cautious of Nick.

“A traveler…” It was hard to tell, though she said it with a tinge of mild anger and perhaps a bit of bitter acceptance. “...there are protective charms.” The girl replied further, after a few quiet seconds. “...parents taught me to make them…should keep evil spirits and other things away.” She’d glance out the window, but her gaze didn’t linger and soon fell back on Nick.

“I’m...Baba…of the Yaga tribe. I…live here.” She’d frown, shaking her head. “Not that it matters. I know…why you’re here. I’m accepting my fate, servant of the Goddess. I have no regrets or misgivings about what I’m doing to that village. Just…make it quick.” Seemed she might have some misconceptions about Nicholas and why he was here - but it seemed like it was something of a confession and that this girl was the ‘witch’ the villagers had mentioned.

Send Feet Pics
@Cu Chulainn

Well, why not? Of course with his blessed body and his own magical energy enhancing his body further, certainly this wouldn’t be much of an issue to match this Oni blow for blow. He had already experimented and tried with it before, so it was more or less a trivial matter to strengthen his body with magic. He’d focus, like had done before with both his legs and eyes before - except this time on his arms.

The sound of clashing of metal on metal followed.

The Oni, seemed surprised that his blow hadn’t merely cut Nomura in half. Even with Nomura’s enhanced strength his body would strain under the impact from the heavy blade and likely much stronger Oni. The blade, however, was deflected, and there seemed to be just the ever so slight smile on the Oni’s lips as he’d pull the blade back, and in a swift motion his left hand left the hilt of the blade, aiming to jab Nomura right in the face with it.

The Roma Mob

“Chair? Yeah, maybe. Maybe I’ll get one. Standings a pain in the ass.” She’d grumble, though wouldn’t say much more as Isidore left. She’d merely head out of the room, towards a small side area in the main hallway where a bed was located and plop herself down on the bed with a yawn. Heading back out onto the perhaps now familiar street, he’d walk and head back to the blacksmith that he had been at the previous day - easy enough to find now.

The streets of Gloomhaven were as busy as ever, courtesans would beckon from a few nearby places, while a patrol of soldiers would pass Isidore by on the street as he’d make his way back to the blacksmith. Octavia trotted along beside him seeming a bit restless. Couldn’t already be hungry again, could she?

He’d step into the establishment, the resounding sound of a hammer working away would meet his ears, the place appearing the same as ever. A familiar sight too, with Raelzeth carrying - well, attempting to - carry a heavy looking box of dark red colored ore from what seemed to be a storage room to the forge proper.

“Just-guh-a second,” She’d shout to the front of the store, straining a bit. “Guh this is heavy. Stupid ore. Stupid swords. Useless. First that dumb elf shows me up…to my own teacher…and now…working here…Uuugh-HEAVY.” She’d end up placing…well, really it looked more like dropping it onto the ground just out of Isidore’s sight in some backroom.

“...oh its you again.” Raelzeth seemed just as indignant as ever to be working here. “Need another weapon? Or you here to give me a reason to not be here?”


@Dark Cloud
Yeah, you are. I've been keeping up with things on a google doc though, so things haven't been updated here for a bit.
That said, still full. No one's dropped or has been kicked.

"A-ah hey you're still hurt!" The Shenke would shout in an obviously concerned manner as she'd watch the cub stumble as it'd attempt to leave. "Jeez, that leg of yours is still broken. Stop moving!" She'd gather a few pieces of wood from the felled tree, just some twigs and smaller branches as Eunice would walk over saying something about healing it and setting the limb. "A-ah! Right. That's probably a good idea, thanks Eunie. I'll take this guy back to camp so we can work there."

She could make a temporary splint with some branches and some threads of silk, so it'd be easy to heal...probably. She was still somewhat concerned she hadn't seen any parents yet, but if they hadn't shown up by now...well...they probably weren't. She'd walk over to the downed cub.

"Hey! Hey. I'm Kokoma." Now, whether the cub liked it or not she'd grab the thing by its waist, gently if she could so she could bring it with her. A few scratches or bites would be fine as far as she was concerned. She'd hold it in her arms, cradling it perhaps a bit like one might a baby - somewhat unsure how to hold it that would stop its leg from hurting otherwise so this was the best thing she could come up with. "No worries, I can do my thing later. Just wanna get it safe for now. Sides, I doubt I could just...eheh, beat some sense into it." Unless there was anything else to do here, she'd grab a few more branches and then head back to their campsite.
"Shhh, shhh." The huntress would coo as she'd wrestle briefly with the beast. It was unfortunate she had no real way of dispatching it quickly and painlessly, but lacking such a clean method to kill, one of her tails would latch around the creatures neck, the fangs sinking into its flesh and quickly severing the spinal cord from its head. Relatively painless at least, hopefully. Still, even if this was a relatively tame hunt and not too exciting, she was rather pleased with herself all things considered. Probably should save the skinning and preparation for later - though come to think of it, carrying the food with them would no doubt attract the attention of other predators.

"Hmm...well, it will probably be fine." She'd say to herself, scooping up the carcass of the creature in her tails. She'd prepare and skin it once they made camp. Maybe its pelt could be made into something useful, such as a blanket...though she'd have to perhaps, rely on the mortal for that.

"I have secured food for the evening." She'd say, smirking confidently as she'd catch up to her companions glad that they didn't seem to have run too far ahead. Any predator that came after them would be a non-issue anyways.
Will make efforts to post tomorrow
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