Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

And the IC has started!

Lemme know if anyone here has any questions or if I can clarify anything, but for now, you're starting on the Violet Garden's airship and are being directed to the top deck for mission briefing.
Cogfell City
10.000 hours

Sirens blared, filling every home, business, and street with its cacophonous blares. This, was not something most people were familiar with, but was something the citizens all had been warned of during the war five years ago. A loud, resolute sound that the city was under attack. Several years ago, though, they had been on the lookout for Kyrsa warships, sailing high above the the city. Now though? No, the enemy was already here.


"Damn it!" She hefted her rifle, three quick shots rang out, each expertly finding their mark. She ran, huffing, nearly out of breath as her legs carried her towards the sound of fighting. She had to meet up with the others. It was just their luck the moment they had found the culprits they were looking for, would be right when they had finished their little ritual! If that wasn't all, it was much, much worse then what they had been told.

Thankfully the local police had been informed of their operation, and had already been given evac orders and to help evacuate the citizenry.

She briefly glanced at the corpse of a kid, no older than fifteen.

"A-ah field captain!" She breathed a sigh of relief, seeing the familiar uniform of violet garden. "Oh goody, am I ever glad to see you, eheh! Jeez, you'd never believe how hard it was to find you after we all got scattered!"

"Where are the others?" She asked the girl in front of her.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about them. We managed to regroup not far from here. I was asked to bring you back."

She blinked. Relief turned to tension again. Grip tightened on her gun.

"...I'm sorry, but I don't quite think I remember your name."

The Clematis
12.000 hours
@Sniblet@Waylon@Pyromania99@VitaVitaAR@Click This@AzureKnight

The dull hum of an engine in the background. Laughter as the residents in the ship enjoyed some leisurely time before they arrived at their destination. It was the sort of leisure someone on a ship, marching into a warzone, would be enjoying. Despite the joviality, tension and anticipation was palpable. Some of the maids contented themselves with training, keeping their minds sharp on the top decks training area. Some were cleaning, cooking, or otherwise just relaxing as the ship flew to its destination while the ships usual crew kept the ship on course.

It was late morning now, almost the middle of the day. They had been alerted to an incident involving a large scale demon summoning in a small city only a few hours ago. It was impressive they were able to scramble everyone together so fast. Heh, still could use some improvement, though.

“Smell that, Bernadette?”

“...drinking on the job is frowned upon.”

“Ahahaha! No, not that little tinker!” The Krysa laughed jovially. “The smell of it! The ash, the smoke…ah, I can smell it from here. That town’s been turned into a warzone.”

“...you can smell that from here?”

“You been in the frontlines long enough you get a nose for this thing.” Leoniya replied with a chuckle. She’d fold her arms across her chest, gazing at the ground far below them. She could already see it in the distance. Pillars of smoke, rising from the ground. Buildings, fractured and destroyed from here. One could hear the gunshots already, too, if they listened.

“Sounds like someone’s eager to wet their blade.” Behind the two, a rather imposing woman approached, grabbing the Krysa by the shoulder and placing a hand on Bernadette’s hand. “Or blowing them to smithereens in your case.” She’d release them and walk over to the ships railing. “She’s right though, brat. Whatever’s going on down there its…heh, particularly vicious.”

“Are we starting?” Bernadette frowned.

“That we are! Leoniya, be a dear and go tell everyone to gather. Bernie, you go and…do whatever it is you do.”

Seconds later, the Krysa’s voice would blare over the ships intercom, her thick accent easily catching everyones attention.

“Vnimaniye! All maids report to the deck at once! Povtoreniye! All Maids report to the deck at once for mission briefing!”
"A Krysa, hm? Doesn't seem like anything special...well, more expendable presences are always welcome. Assign her to help Bernadette in her workshop."

"...you realize reading is a requirement for this position, yes? Well, no matter, if you are willing, then we will teach you. You've already signed the contract anyways, so for five years you'll be learning to cook, clean...and well, maybe get a little taste of that silly heroic things you admire."

"My, what a silly looking cat. What do I define as an idiot? Perhaps I should send you a mirror as a gift? Well, no matter. Work hard and I'm sure even someone as crass and unpleasant as you could be turned into a good maid. Or at least you'll be a fun chewtoy for a demon or two."

"...I see. You are here because of her, hm? Well, I won't slander or waste time with needless fluff. Welcome aboard, Miss. I'm sure you'll do well here, hm?"
@Click This
"Ah, how is Lady Giselle doing these days? I should really come and visit soon. Well, no matter. I'm happy to accept her gift...though I do urge you to be careful. I would...dislike for an accident to happen in the field. This training can be rather difficult, after all."

"Roksandic...Roksandic...why is that name familiar...he might have been one of the old fools that colluded with my mother once. Well, no matter. She screwed over the both of us, hm? Well, worry not. Put in hard work you'll do just fine. I can assure you, that I at least, will not go the way Roksandic went."

Alright, so here we are. I think I shall be accepting every who has currently submitted a CS! So feel free to add them all to the Character tab. I will also be aiming at least, to get an IC started in some form tonight simply because I work all weekend and do not wanna wait another week to get the IC started.

Don't worry, I may still be accepting one more, so feel free to go ahead and make a CS, but you'll be the last.

And worry not. The Maison d'Violette has an extensive library full of well...many things. She might even find a book on demonic cuisine or too. How'd that get there? Don't question it.

Also, here's a Discord link! Joining is not required, but I heavily recommend it at least, as that's where I'll be hanging most of the time. The link expires after 24 hours, so please join at the earliest convenience~

@PigeonOfAstora@ERode@Raineh Daze@Richard Horthy

Wind, followed by a storm of fire.

Katerina's spell igniting the air, the storm of fire feeding from her own spell, fiery ash being lifted and falling elsewhere, spreading more. Well, she was certainly glad the Dame was on their side if nothing else. The bandits would fall beneath the assault, surrender, or burn. Not a very fortunate fate, if she had to say. Still, she couldn't leave this half done, no? No merc worth their salt half-assed anything if they wanted a good reputation -

"Eh? That's a bit too much fire don't ya think, Katerina!?" Cecillia shouted, as the great, dead tree began to tumble, ancient wood creaking, groaning, burning as it came crashing to the ground with a resounding thud as the wings of a great predator burst from the cage, illuminated by the orange, smokey light of the fire as it took to the skies, eyeing them with all the great pride and strength of a proud beast.

"Jeez," The gale sailed past, Cecilia stood unbothered. "Sorry beastie there's only one person I'll kneel too, hahah." Cavalier of an attitude as ever, Cecil repositioned herself just slightly to the beasts flanks. It might be able to fly, certainly, and that would give it quite a difficult advantage...but only as long as it could fly.

"Serenity! I'll see if I can cripple its wings!" She'd shout, pulling an arrow. She had never fought a griffin before, so she wasn't sure what to expect...so she'd start off small. Several arrows fired in quick succession, pinpoint accuracy aimed right for the beasts wings.

There's still room, yes. I don't really accept on a first come first serve basis and I haven't fully accepted anyone yet
Alright, with the edits made, I think she'll be a fine addition once I get to acceptances here later this evening.

Hmmhm, seems fine - but just so you're aware if it wasn't entirely clear since it might not have been explained too clearly, the Krysa are heavily Russian.

Ngl, I am slightly impressed with the CS. I was hoping someone would app the 'Didn't read fine print, now hunting demons' archetype in a way. She'll be trained in the use of rifles, pistols, and sword at a base level though she's by all means free to use what she's comfortable with.

Just be warned, the combat instructor will not go easy on her.

Otherwise, nothing else here needs to be changed I think. I'll look over everything else again this afternoon when doing final acceptances.

unfortunately, as mentioned in the Int Check, unless I have a sore need to fill spots in the roster, I will likely not be accepting any butlers or other male characters for this.


Alright don't have time to review in total tonight, so I'll get to final acceptances tomorrow along with finishing up the IC and some OOC stuff
@Click This@VitaVitaAR

Alright, as both of you have discussed stuff with me, I see nothing here that needs to be corrected before tomorrow acceptances.


As for you, uh, well I never thought I'd have -this- problem, and this might seem a bit nitpicky but I'll be honest, I do not think she'd fit in overall with the setting which is intended to be pretty heavily French, Italian, Russian, and Germanic inspired in terms of cultures.

To put bluntly, uh, I think she's a bit too Japanese.
Location: Alavaris
Church Ward Gate
@Psyker Landshark@Asuras@Erode@VitaVitaAR@Click This@Pyromania99

The vampires scoured the Cathedral, looking for anything that may aid them in their quest. The thrall, still nameless and recovering from nearly dying, had taken to sitting beneath the statue of Ichor and the witch, not seeming to want to speak unless spoken too, or the vampires required something of her. Little more than a meek shadow, perhaps, seeking not to be seen or heard.

Dragan and Giselle both had luck in the armory. A number of weapons still in serviceable condition left behind from ages past, either from the old paladins of the old Gods or their vampire thralls once the place had been overtaken. A hefty warhammer, perfect for smashing if not overly fancy was the Warlords pick. For Giselle, a pistol, and a few rounds of ammunition would be found in serviceable condition, not that she would need ammunition once she had regained some of her strength.

Akyasha found the Gorebats at least, being friendly enough for blood drinking pests, though whether they shared any such emotions beyond simple desires was hard to say. With her command, though, and a chittering cry, they’d be off, swiftly disappearing out a broken window above and out into the darkness. Perhaps sending the only two she could summon for now scouting, wasn’t the smartest of ideas. Unlike Ilena’s shadow puppets that were a physical part of her body, the bats were less so and would need to physically report back, but with as swift as they were, it would likely not be long before they came back with relevant information.

Luna decided to get acquainted with her new Thrall. As the others searched for weaponry or useful items, the Thrall would find herself having her hand taken by Luna and being taken to her feet, still seeming a bit unsteady as she was led from her resting place towards the cathedral wards gate.

“F-fra…Fra Mauro?” She’d stutter out. “O-oh forgive me, Mistress…this weak Thrall is undeserving of such a name…” She’d shuffle her feet quietly, unable to meet Luna’s gaze, shaking her head. “I am useless at anything other than being unseen by anyone…” The newly named Thrall would turn to the others, bowing just as Dragan began to wrest control of the mindless undead, though remained some distance away from the others, not seeming to want to make herself a target or to otherwise get in their way. “A-allow me to introduce myself proper, most gracious and merciful lords…” She’d quietly say. “I am…Fra Mauro,” She paused a moment, the name, perhaps, feeling a bit odd on her tongue after being so long without one. “Mistress Luna’s servant…”

With their preparations done, the Vampires would then set out. Dragan made his move first, reaching a hand out, necrotic energy suffusing the skeletal undead on the other side of the gate. Immediately, some of the creatures responded with shrill shrieks as the necromancer wrest control of the old undead. It should have theoretically been easy, but it almost felt like he was wresting control of them from something or someone else, his magic being deflected by a few while others were more easily controlled.

In all, he now had about ten skeletal soldiers under his command, armed with various makeshift weapons and about two spectral entities, one without any weapons and another seemingly holding onto some jagged, aged knife.

And it seemed, the former Paladin knew what was happening, or at least had some idea of it. From far off near the city’s main gate, the vampires could hear it shrieking once more as the undead Dragan did not control slowly began to turn towards the undead servants Dragan had made, hostile intent clear. The gate was still closed, though the gatehouse could easily be accessed from this side and lifted fairly easily should they wish, but perhaps...the gates could be used to their advantage.

Well, do run anything by me either in PMs or here, if you have things that you have questions about, or if you have reservations about anything. I should definitely be briefed on anything you have planned that may affect anything story or game wise.

The tone itself with be somewhat lighthearted to be sure, but there are definitely going to be some pretty serious moments here and there.
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