Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts


“Perhaps.” Akala replied absentmindedly to Finnegan as he’d ask for supplies and the location of the Valtem. “The Goddess is known to meddle quite often…though I don’t want to be involved myself…” she’d yawn, stretching and dipping her toes into the water of the reflecting pool as she’d open the book. Oddly, Finn would note, its pages were empty aside from a few inked words on the first page.

“Mmhm, if you want bandages though, you’ll have to find Miss. Calra. She’s our resident doctor and healer. She’s a Chiralta Tycherta. She might be out in the church attending to some patients. You could probably get a spear from the hunters, or our blacksmith, a dwarf by the name of Asvar if he’s at his forge.” Akala rolled over onto her stomach, the book flopping idly next to her onto the ground.

“The Valtem are hiding out in the sea caves near the cliff where the Obelisk is…I think.” The languid priestess yawned again, though fell silent and seemed done with Finn if there was nothing else he needed from her.

On his way out, Finnegan briefly would meet with Achel and Enli, the elder though neither would keep him long aside from thanking him for his potential help as Achel went to clean up the catacombs from her mishap…after apparently getting a stern talking to from Enli. Tracking down Calra though, proved a bit more difficult. She wasn’t at the longhouse where he’d initially be directed if asked. Instead, he’d end up having to travel almost out of the village to run into the Chiralta.

And well, if he thought Achel was an oddity, the small woman with a lower body of a spider would prove quite the interesting sight. Regardless, she’d part with some bandages and a freshly made healing salve if he had need of it. A spear was a bit easier to track down. The hunters grumbled about it, but their apparently leader, a young man by the name of Akando would give him one without too much of a problem. What he didn’t expect though, was probably one of the hunters tagging along with him…As he’d make his way along the frozen coast, towards where the Valtem supposedly were, he’d find himself accompanied by a Huntress since she had been there when the Elf had tried to help deal with it herself.

“You don’t look very special.” The huntress spoke idly as they’d walk, not too far from the Obelisk or sea caves. “You sure you can handle those guys? They have this giant red sea creature with them that’s the size of a house.” That was odd. Finnegan would be vaguely aware of large species of Valtem acting as brood mothers and caregivers for the Valtem Young. Normally, they would never leave their homes deep beneath the seas.


“...how do you get so…strong.” Maira crept out from where she had been hiding, asking Atzi a rather easy, pointed question as she’d put away her bow and arrows. “Are you sure you’re not part bear yourself?” The huntress questioned with a shake of her head. “Sure. I’ll go find the sphere won’t be long.” Letting Atzi do as she wished, Maira would scamper off again, though she’d make sure to keep herself in sight as she’d skirt around the edge of the lake.

The lake itself was a beautiful, tranquil clearing in the midst of the forest now that the bear had been taken care of. The crystal clear water gleamed in the light, the afternoon sun reflecting brilliantly off its surface as a number of lake fish could seen below, scared off by the noise from the scuffle.

On the opposite shore, a number of rocks had been piled up, what seemed to be old, carved stairs leading from the top, around a circular rock towards the water itself. It seemed this was where Maira was heading, having already made it to the stairs and was quickly climbing them, disappearing above the rocks.

However long Atzi spent cleaning herself and letting the bear bleed out, by the time she’d finish, Maira hadn’t returned.

@Click This@Crusader Lord

“We are not arresting you. We merely want to make sure you hold no ill will towards her majesty.” The ratmen said with a small growl that once more, would have probably been more intimidating on a larger person. “Words are easy to say, easy to break. Deceive. We will not let ourselves be deceived again by a vagrant such as you, not after the safety of our people came into question!” A heated squeak from their leader again as Nylah would now make her own plea. He’d turn towards the Mothraki, eyes narrowed beneath his helm, but seemingly relaxing a bit at her more agreeable demeanor. “One of you, at least, has sense.”

“Is something the matter here, gentlemen?” Another voice joined the ratmen, causing the Yaga that was standing nearby to frown, growling slightly before quickly fleeing the scene, though only far enough to remain out of sight of the Krysa. The voice in question, was of a particularly well dressed Krysa man, just a bit taller…well, no, he was no taller, but his hat was considerably taller than the rest of his fellows, being a tall, cylindrical shape and apparently quite fluffy looking and at least giving him two more feet of height so Lissa might feel like she was talking to a hat. He was dressed in otherwise red colored military garments.

“Merchants sir, they don’t want to come along quietly.”

“Hmm…I am General Gershel. I apologize for the gold welcome. We are merely on edge from the events that have happened recently. Allow me to give you a bit of a warmer welcome, traveler.” he’d hold out a hand, seemingly ready to give Lissa a friendly hand shake. “But I must insist you come with us for…discussion. You see, the life of one of our dear comrades was threatened recently and we must be cautious about who we trust.”

@crimson Paladin

A bold plan, perhaps, but it was likely one of the better ones he could make here. Just an innocent traveler, by himself. He was neither Oni or Kitsune, and had no relation to the merchant at all. As he’d sit to take out a drink, Ayumi would quickly join Novak curling up into a fuzzy ball next to him as his plans to overhear and swipe some documents from the rat lady would quickly bear fruit. Ayumi tilted her head to the side after a brief respite, then scampered off leaving Novak to overhear.

“I still don’t believe it.” One of the ratmen said. “The life of Sir Ozven threatened so blatantly. I can’t think of any reason she’d want to.”

“Quiet. You’ll upset Lady Marushka with such talk. Its not our place to question, soldier. Only follow orders. The fact is that it was threatened, and we have proof-”

A scream followed.

“Ah, Fox! That’s not food no stop that!” A few seconds later, Ayumi came barreling past Novak, a bunch of papers in her maw…shortly followed by the Krysa maiden, who’d end up tripping over Novak, and falling face first into the snow with her torso across his lap.

“Lady Marushka!”

“Damn that Vermin’s fast!”

“After it men! It made off with the Tsarita’s orders!”

Maruska was seemingly winded after having tripped over Novak.

The Bandits

@Raineh Daze

The veteran bandit seemed to gain even more confident as just one of his strikes found its mark as the sound of weapon hitting plate rang against Tyaethe's armor. What he was not expecting though, was the paladins rapid advance. Only a scant few seconds later it was his head that was ringing as her fist slammed into his face, interrupting his own follow up as the paladin forwent any favor of defense and caution as her blade aimed to gut him. The sword, would find its mark. Slicing right into the mans guts with a wet, bloody, squelch. His eyes widened, grunting before he'd determinedly grab his axe again, raising it overhead and trying to bring it down on the armored warriors neck before he expired, while her blade was uselessly stuffed in him.

Tyaethe was certainly doing her job of distracting them, more quickly advancing in on her position leaving the rest to deal with the griffin and Jeremiah himself. One, thought'd it'd be particularly bright idea to try and grapple the armored warrior, approaching her from behind in an attempt to pull her off the one she had just gutted.

More bandits were engaging the rest of the Iron Roses, the moonlight dimmed by the smoke from the fire, long shadows cast as steel clashed against steel.

Well, she was honestly expecting that. What she wasn't expecting, was Lucas jumping from a nearby guard tower and onto the bloody beast itself! Well, someone was certainly feeling brave! Not wanting to interrupt him or get involved in Serenity's melee, Cecil opted to do something she could do just somewhat as well as their resident bard if it involved such a risky maneuver. Normally it was something she reserved for herself, but for their allies? Well, a little insurance never hurt, now did it, especially from a beast that could seemingly command the wind to an extent as well.

"Lucas! Catch!~" A shout over the cacaphony battle, hopefully he'd hear it. She just needed to give it to him. A little blessing of wind, as one could say.

"Ugh, you know I don't like doing this..."

"Either that or I catch him like a princess when he falls."

"I will cause you two hundred and thirty five days of terrible windswept hair!"

"I offer thee a blessing, of wind and fair weather," She drew her arm back, knocking a seemingly invisible arrow in the bow as she'd quietly recite. "Sweep away all misfortune!" Instead of something like an arrow, it was more of a strong, very targeted gust of wind right towards Lucas as he plummeted towards the Griffin. His body would feel just a tad bit lighter as he fell towards the beast, a barrier of fast moving wind protecting his body. Hopefully he wouldn't need it, but if he did, it should at least deflect a single blow from that beast and prevent him from getting hurt too badly.

if you three could move your CS to the character tab, that'd be great thanks~

Anyways, have Myrilla being your stereotypical sadistic drill instructor. Feel free to ask for clarifying information to make your jobs easier...or not, and just go for it. I will be aiming to post again on Friday.
The Clematis
12.000 hours
@Waylon@AzureKnight@VitaVitaAR@Pyromania99@Click This@Sniblet

As the announcement blared, the sounds of boots hitting the floor echoed through the ship. The maids aboard immediately stopped any task they were doing, no matter how involved as they’d march quickly, single file in the ships hallways up from the lower decks, until their boots fell upon the open air of the top deck. Some shot Katherine some rather annoyed glances as her and her dolls took up quite a bit of room in the narrow hallways, but ultimately they’d simply decide to find another path or follow quietly behind as she’d meander to the deck herself. Polina would find others eagerly accepting the Macarons, some quickly wolfing them down while others stashed them in their various dress pockets for later.

Astreya would in fact, find most of the engineers likely not minding too much as long as she didn’t break anything. Bernadette, after all, was the one who modified the engine it and she learned under the best Krysan scholars in the region if one believed her. She had the credentials to back it up. It was in fact, bernadette herself that would take issue with the rat tinkering with her work, but she wasn’t here to do that.

The fresh, cool air of the skies would greet each of the maids as they’d find themselves on deck, greeted with the sight of the tall, pink haired woman that served as their rather demonic combat training commander, silhouetted by the sun as she’d gaze out over the fields below them. In the distance, the maids could see smoke billowing from the ground.

A sword, ornate and colored similarly to her own dress hung from her side. A black blade with a red edge, and a pistol with black and gold ornamentation from the holster on her side.

“Privet, morning!” Leoniya greeted the junior maids in her usual jovial attitude while Bernadette simply yawned at Kats introduction, mumbling out a halfhearted morning before shuffling off to check on things in the ship. “Line up, vnimaniye! Not a single recruit out of line! And keep those dolls in line too recruit-” She was cut off by the sight of one of Katherine’s dolls, waltzing up behind Myrilla and smacking her right on the butt. Leoniya seemed to stifle a laugh, glancing to the side. Myrilla, initially didn’t seem to react, only the sound of her heels clacking against the floor as she turned to face the gathered recruits.

Leoniya did not comment as she’d salute, handing Myrilla a paper that was quickly balled up into trash, shoved into her uniform pockets, and ignored.

“Good, everyone is here.” The woman in question turned, narrowing her gaze at the gathered maids. “Welcome to Cogfell. A lovely little backwater city, I’m sure you’ve heard of it. Total population about…hmm, several thousand or so? I don’t care.” The instructor pulled her pipe out of her coat, a lighter in the other as she’d proceed to walk down the line of assembled maids, of which, just so happened to start with Eleanor.

“At roughly zero eighthundred hours this morning, a strike team of six maids had been sent to raid what was believed to be a small group of scholars harboring demonic secrets and trying to bring things from Naraheim here.” She’d inhale on the pipe, standing right in front of Elanor as she’d breathe out the thick, acrid smoke into the girls face with a scowl. “As you can see, they failed harder than you did to get properly uniformed.”

Myrillas hand reached out, adjusting some of the aspiring chefs' dress in a mildly rough manner, not bothering to mention what was out of place if anything even was - but this was Myrilla. She wasn’t known for being reasonable, or friendly. She’d soon move on, taking another long drag on the pipe as she’d walk down the line, passing Astreya with a hostile glare, followed shortly by Senya who’d receive not even an acknowledgement as Myrilla would stand in front of Polina.

“We don’t know what went wrong, but we had been coordinating with the local police. They sent us a panic alarm around zero eight thirty five. Forty minutes after the raid began they already started evac protocols and started quarantining the town. As you can tell from the fact the zone is now a smoldering crater, we can safely say the six operatives failed at their job. It should, have been easy.” Myrilla took one of the Macarons Polina had prepared, whether the maid had any objections at all the instructor didn’t listen or try and stop as she’d bite into the treat, immediately make a disgusted face, drop the confection onto the deck and resume her walk down the line, crushing it under her heel. “Easy to make as a good Macaron, which one of you can’t even do it seems.” Myrilla walked past Lucrecia, more smoke from the pipe briefly clouding the air as the instructor would now, find herself standing in front of Katherine and her dolls.

“Our job is simple. Go in, kill the demons, look for those failures and drag them back if they’re still alive, or bury them if they’re mercifully dead. Any questions?” That as a distinct lack of any solid information on Myrilla's part, as she stood in front of Kat, seemingly waiting for her to say something. Likely intentional to see if the maids wanted to make their job easier or harder by asking anything that might be relevant, or if they just wanted to get straight to it. It was likely as routine a job as any.

Go in, kill demons, look for the missing operatives, and figure out what exactly was going on and how such a simple seeming task went to literal hell so quickly.
First of all, sorry for taking awhile to get back. I work sixteen hour shifts sunday so my time on the weekends is limited lol.

That aside, being under powered is totally fine, just wanted you to be aware so there was no misunderstandings later.

And I think making her a human would probably work better if I'm being honest.

Everyone else - since everyone has posted at least once, I shall be working on an update to get up at the end of the day.
Okay, I don't have a lot of time to really respond here as I need to head to bed soon, but...

The sheet, is mechanically and grammatically fine. In fact a family of demon hunting elves could work great. I think its a good sheet...but as it stands, I'm not sure it makes a good elf in the setting.

There is not an Elf in the world that doesn't have a bonded fairy of some sort, since an Elfs entire reason for existing is to protect their fey friends. It's considered a huge social and cultural taboo for an Elf not to have one. Think of a bonded fairy as sort of, a lifelong best friend or something similar. They'd overall be shunned and frowned upon by most other elves and they'd probably be constantly harassed by Fairies too.

I believe you mentioned that her family ended up here in the human realm from a magical mishap? I would like to mention, if it wasn't stated earlier that Fey are pretty inherently magical beings that sort of overwrite the laws of whatever realm they're in with their own. It'd be extremely easy for her ancestors to return to the Cosain forest or the realm.

Its fine if she doesn't, and fine if you do want her family to stay in the human realm for 'generations' as its ascribed to the long lived elves, but even if her family does, her family would still likely at least take some effort to get her a bonded fairy. You don't have to create an entirely new character here if you don't want too, but I'd like at least some mention of one and whether or not they're joining her on her demon hunting or not.

And also, as previously stated all Elves are capable of accessing the 'Leargas', a sort of...hm, ability that allows them to briefly harness all the knowledge and experience of their ancestors. Its dangerous, but all elves of the Cosain forest are capable of it. I'd like to really know her skill in accessing it or using it, if any.

Those are the main criticisms I have at the moment. Lesser so, is the crossbow...I'm gonna say I think its a bit too low tech here, but I think it could work if you don't mind it being a bit on the weaker side technologically speaking.

Southern Giants Rest
Bandit camp, early morning.

Earthen debris smashed against Niall, the armor absorbing most direct blows but still, from the force of hammer, claw, and ruptured earth would break the bones of the toughest ebast. Yet, still, the gargantuan beast man could not land a decisive blow as Niall backpaled from the frenzy of blows - but Luna would not find it quite so easy to strike the mans legs.

As he’d strike out in a frenzy of blows, his claws dug into the ground, hefting his body to spin his entire body around, a flurry of cursed infused energy smashing into the ground next to Luna as her blade of light just barely nicked his ankles.

“Lightsword…you’re…the lightsword, brat…gahaahah!”

An open hand reached forward, attempting to grab Luna.

The sound of whistling air as Niall lunged forward, lance aimed towards the beast man's eyes. As swift as he was, Annagan was now proving to have gained some form of more agility, quickly bringing his hammer up to deflect Niall’s blow, clanging of metal against the mans heavy hammer, a low bestial growl.

“You…pest! Stay out of this!” He raised the hammer high, a swirling mass of cursed energy coalescing on its head. “I won’t be beaten by the likes of you!”

Southern Giants Rest
Bandit camp Overlook, early morning

“Ah? Hey wait aren’t you supposed to not go for me?!” Whatever logic she used to come to that conclusion was quickly shattered as binds of light appeared on the tip of her blade. “Guh, I dunno what you’re planning brat but-wait that’s a binding spell oh this isn’t good, is it?” Seemingly aware of what was gonna happen, the Fomorian made an attempt to avoid the spell, ordering one of her abominations to move between herself and Fio, but ultimately, it was far too slow.

Chains, bound. Like little pieces of barbed wire, digging into her skin. The Fomorian stood completely still as blackened blood dripped down her skin, the earth below being stained with her own cursed blood.

“H-hey watch the robe! Its more expensive than your life!” She’d hiss, the magical binds ripping parts of her clothing. Her mouth though, was still turned into a challenging smirk. “Aren’t you being, nngh, a bit violent for a so called knight?” The fomorian challenged…but it seemed, she was far more bark than bite.

“...hah, whatever fine. I’ve distracted you long enough anyways. I got what I wanted, so fine then. Destroy my life's work like the little cruel human you are.” The abominations would quickly start turning on one another, seemingly at the fomorians command.

The sickening sound of ripping, tearing. One even tore off its own arms. It was quite the gruesome sight, all things considered.

“Is the part after this the one where I get tied up in a dungeon somewhere?”

Harzel Border Fort
@Crimson Paladin

The frozen knight dismounted, lance pulled from the wyverns back as it’d leap over the ramparts wall…and then quickly plummet to the ground, slamming into the earth with a resounding thud. From above, Ethelred could see it make feeble attempts to get back to its feet, but its back had been thoroughly frozen, and the ice had even started to spread to the creatures front, small spikes of ice piercing its scales from within.

Its scales might have been tough, sure, but perhaps its insides were just as fleshy as the rest of them.

Regardless, that was two Wyverns down…one more to go. The beast was still tearing through the soldiers of the border fort, most having ended up taking defensive positions, and some having the mind to attempt fleeing inside the castles walls.

“Ha…do I…look alright to you, frosty?” Grainne replied with a grimace, blood covering a good portion of her face, and her otherwise mundane plate armor had been dented and pierced in some areas, no doubt from the beasts fangs. “Ugh, damn it…” Still, she’d run over to the Ballista, and if to answer Ethelred’s question she’d start loading bolts into the siege weapon herself.

“Get down there and keep it occupied for me, Icicle!”
At work rn so ill do a full read when i get home tonight

Check leoniya's little profile in the character tab for your answer~

Its more of a dormitory back at the Maison, but the Airship is more well, what you'd see in a military ship so it'd be more of a barracks.

And some variation is allowed in uniform, as long as its clearly identifiable as a maid dress.
My schedule is actually pretty busy and there seems to be plenty of characters, so I'll rescind my interest. Good luck to all of you!

I see, well that's a shame

I'll keep a spot reserved for you in the future just in case.
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