Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Hiyo hello am interest
Location: Alavaris
@Psyker Landshark@Asuras@Erode@VitaVitaAR@Click This@Pyromania99

The wraiths Dragan had sent out circled back around, heading for the undead that were currently attempting to find their way up to the cathedral wall. Being incorporeal, they were particularly suited to the task, ripping and crushing the skeletons with their bare hands. Alas, though, there were merely two of them and as the ones spectral blades ripped through the ribcage of one skeleton, it was quickly replaced by another.

And well, the skeletons seemed at least smart enough to run through the spectral entities.

Thankfully, though, it seemed that Luna’s song was working mostly as intended. The dulcet tones that waved through the air didn’t disorient, but it weakened and it would make Dragan’s own control stronger as the skeletons would slow their movements further, some seemingly mildly confused as they’d start attacking their own allies.

Still, it would not stop them entirely form breaching the same stairs that the trio had used earlier to climb past the gates, and eventually they had made their way up to the ramparts, a dozen or so having managed to get through and were not rushing towards the vampires -

By now, too, the large skeletal creature had nearly made it to the gate. It was only a few of its long strides away as it shrieked, a pale mimicking of human breathing emanating from its hollow chest while it seemingly studied the vampires, and pausing just long enough for Aleksiya to lob one of her ice spears towards it.

The large skeletal beast didn’t budge as the spear slammed into the smaller, armored knights chestplate, not strong enough to tear a hole through the armor, but enough to give it pause. This close, it was much easier to see now. Tattered, old armor of the old Silverlight god, tarnished and in its hand was a blade…but it was not silver, no. Had Fra been wrong? The humans likely couldn’t have pilfered it, but that just left one question more…on where exactly it was.

The smaller human barely turned its head up towards the vampires atop the wall. It’d raise an empty hand towards them as Giselle's own firearm fired, a bullet hurtling towards the skeletal creatures skull, burying itself in its off white colored dome, whatever action the armored human taking briefly stopped as the skeleton turned its eyeless gaze towards Giselle.

And in the same instance that it would bring its skeletal hand down on top of Giselle, the Paladin would make a similar motion with its own hand.

@PigeonOfAstora@ERode@Raineh Daze@Richard Horthy

"That really seems like a lot of fire!" Cecil shouted, seeing Kat's incantation as completely, and utterly, reckless! Was she trying to burn their comrades, too? Of course, perhaps she had little to talk about in such a regard, recounting a few times she had, on occasion, perhaps got some in collateral damage with her own spells. Thankfully, though, it seemed like the griffin was of the same mind - avoiding the blast of fire and subsequently taking its passengers with it.

"Jeez, alright whatever." Well, then...just one more thing to do here. Since normal arrows did nothing against it, there was just one more thing she had to do here. She could have let the others deal with it, sure. Serenity likely had it covered, the flashing steel of her blade in the embers of fire shone brightly as it aimed for the beasts underside as it leapt towards Lein. And if she was going to be attacking it from below, Cecil would attack it from above, since it had given up the advantage of aerial flight.

She sprinted towards the beast, knocking an arrow.


A fierce upwards gale sprouted beneath her feet as she'd leap several feet into the air, wind coalescing on the arrow as she'd twist her body, aiming her weapon towards the beast.

"Gale Peirce!" The arrow was released, the twang of the bow lost in the currents of air as the arrow ripped through the air, its wind blessed speed aimed right for the Gryphons skull. Hopefully it would be enough to pierce whatever defenses it had.

@Raineh Daze

The axe found a target.

Not its intended one, but it found one all the same.

Steel cleaved right through flesh and bone, the bandit that had attempted to flank the paladin soon taking a good look at his own body as his head was removed from his shoulders. As for the one wielding the axe? He'd find his body failing him, blood seeping from his wound until he'd collapse onto the ground, just as dead as the other bandits that were falling under Tyaethe's merciless blade. More bandits were trying to quell this threat, but their numbers were quickly dwindling, either from the vampire herself or from the rest of the Iron roses stalwart assault.

The remaining ones, were perhaps, starting to hesitate as well as the innocent laugh broke through the din of battle.

The knife was yanked from the spearman, he'd clutch his side, grimacing under the stinging pain of the blow as he'd pull it free from his side, tossing it back towards the ground. He was down, not out, as he'd redouble his assault on the Paladin, initially going for a low strike towards one of Tyaethe's legs, but at the last second swerving the weapon upwards in an attempted feint.

Others seeing the opportunity made another attempt, one using a shield to charge towards the paladin, in an attempt to either knock her off her feet or otherwise disorient her.


“...you don’t sound fond of these things.” Soyala said with a small smile. “Can’t say I am either, considering what they’re doing.” She’d heft her spear over her shoulder, walking along the snowy, frozen shoreline towards the cliffs. Finn could already see numerous caves and small openings in the rocks, leading deep into the earth below. “Caves though, eh? We’re not really ones that come out here. Often Calra and that Moth apprentice of hers gather reagents from here.”

She’d shove her spear into the ground, leaning on it and humming quietly.

“If I can just point out a flaw in your logic though…” Soyala smirked. “If they’re protecting the young…then who's protecting the Broodmother and this supposed ‘pod’? Why would she leave the safety of this supposed cove of hers?” She picked up the spear and headed along the coast once more until they reached the rocky shoreline next to the cliff.

“Watch your step. Nothing usually lives here, but the waters freezing and it’ll be easy to get lost, especially if you end up taking a tumble deeper in some areas.”

The cave stretched inside the cliffs, and slowly started to lead down. A slow trickle of sea water flowed in too, rushing along the ground until it’d slowly drop off, forming a waterfall that crashed several dozens of feet below. A small path was able to be traversed with some difficulty, though he’d need to be careful.

“These caves connect all under the shoreline here. If there’s a large chamber enough for that thing to live in, they’ll be here.”


Finding her way to Mira wasn’t as difficult as it seemed, and it was a lot less concerning. As Atzi would walk up the carved, old, stone stairs, where she’d reach the top of the old boulder. The sound of talking was heard before she saw anyone, but it’d soon become apparent who the owners of the voices belonged too. Maira, and what seemed to be an unknown old woman.

“Ah? Whats this, a second visitor?”

“Atzi, this…woman has taken the sphere! And she won’t give it back!”

“Finders keepers, you know how it goes heehee!” The old, haggard woman laughed with a slightly odd smile. Something about her tugged at Atzi’s mind, almost as if she was looking at someone who was familiar, but she couldn’t quite place the name of. In her hand, was a smooth, crystalline looking sphere. “Want it, you two? Then maybe entertain this old woman for a bit?”

@Click This@Crusader Lord

“Hmm…if our positions were swapped, hm?” The rat man lightly stroked the brim of his hat, peering at Lissa with a frown. “Perhaps its a…regional difference, human?” The rat glanced at the three travelers, slowly considering his own options it seemed. By now, a small crowd of Yaga had taken interest in the scene. “We have our orders. Any claiming to be merchants must be investigated by the BVM on suspicion of posing direct, domestic harm to our fair citizens.”

He’d straight posture.

“If that is objectionable to you, then you are free to leave.” He’d huff. “But be warned, if we find you in this village again you shall be held and…interrogated until we determine your true purpose here.” A few seconds of tense silence followed.

Seemed like they weren’t welcomed here after all.

“And what’s going on here, general?” A different Yaga this time would walk up to the group, shortly behind her followed the rough looking one that had been watching earlier. Upon seeing Lissa, her expression shifted to joy while she’d run over to the Raam, wrapping her arms around the merchant with a hug. “Oh goodness! The envoy is here! Sister, sister, bring her to my home immediately!”

“...I beg your pardon?”

“Stuff it, rat teeth.” The rougher looking Yaga snapped.

“Oh goodness, did we forget to tell you? An envoy from Rifelshka’s clergy was greeting us today! Did I forget to mention? Oh dear, silly me!”

“And why did she simply not inform of us this?”

“I’m sure you are aware, the ever so magnificent Goddess of the Underworld does not like attention like you are currently bringing to her. We were to greet her quietly without anyone knowing…but alas, if its come to this public display.”

“I simply insist we-”

“Gen~er~al~” She’d finally release Lissa from the hug, turning to the general. “Do you seek to anger the Goddess of the Underworld? The yaga do not, so if you insist on impeding our meeting…then we will be forced to act in accordance with appeasement rituals.”

“...We will be watching you, ‘merchant.” Unless stopped, he’d give orders to his men…and left the trio alone with the two Yaga. The smaller, younger yaga turned back towards Lissa with a smile.

“Well, good day I must be off. Sister quit ogling the hollow one!” And with that, she started to leave, without so much as any explanation.

"...you guys want to crash at my place for a bit?" The rougher looking one asked, giving the three a mildly sympathetic smile.

@crimson Paladin

“Bozhe, prosti, traveler…” The woman, Marushka laughed lightly as she’d slowly push herself off Novak, the Krysa men hurrying off after the vulpine thief that had run off with the basket and important documents. “Uhm, that is, I apologize. This is certainly not a way to greet someone.” She’d stand up, dusting off her dress and offering Novak a sheepish smile as she’d fix her disheveled hair.

“Net, I do not believe we need help…but thank you for the offer, traveler.” Her eyes briefly studied Novak before sighing and shaking her head. “In fact, would you mind if I sit here for a moment? I am Marushka, assistant administrator to the Byuro Vnutrennego Mira…erm, the Office of Internal Peace.” An organization Novak would be familiar with, at least from hearsay and the Oni if nothing else. A major organization in the Krysan city that was entirely focused on investigating crimes and dealing with…dissidents within the territories. Normally they handled more clandestine operations, not something like mobilizing the military forces.

Though, since both are technically in the palm of the Tsarita and ruling class, it perhaps wasn’t surprising. Still, what was one of their officers doing here? And one that seemed pretty high ranking, too?

“Are you familiar with that traveler?” She’d sit next to him anyways, sighing and offering him a kind smile as the sound of her comrades' shouts echoed in the small forest. “We handle affairs that pose an immediate non-militaristic threat to our people usually.” Despite her friendly demeanor, she wasn’t letting her guard down. Considering what she worked for, she was likely incredibly suspicious and was trying to gauge what he was doing here.

@Cu Chulainn

“Living…Vein?” Raelzeth blinked. “Wait, you mean, like an animal that has ores and stuff growing on it? Like a Vein of ore?” The small elfs lips slowly curled into a smile before she’d burst out into laughter. “What kinda dumb thing is that? Ahahah, dad’s gonna love it when I tell him that!” If anything, she was probably just happy she wasn’t being incompetent with her stone singing. “Its kinda far in the forest! This way!”

Raelzeth immediately bolted, not bothering to get a pickaxe or prepare anything else, likely much to the steel sages’ chagrin. Whenever he did decide to follow, Raelzeth would lead the Raam through the forest, over a few hills and fairly deep into the Kyr forest until they’d a patch of less dense trees.

It looked like something recently had disturbed the entire area, a number of boulders laid strewn about. Plants and even a tree had been overturned, and a small depression was in the ground as though something had once been buried there, though it didn’t seem like Raelzeth was aware of this.

“This is where I last found it.” She’d say, hopping up on one of the boulders. “Got any bright ideas?”

Southern Giants Rest
Bandit camp, early morning.

“You don’t look like any witch I’ve ever seen.” The fomorian scoffed, not seeming bother by being bound tigher, the threat to her life mostly over as she’d simply give Fio a toothy, confident grin. “Most have far more appeal than you do. Can’t say the same for muscleheads like that fool down there though, heh…” She wasn’t behaving much like a prisoner, but she was right. The battle in the camp had taken a slight turn. Whatever Annagan has used to seemingly become a fomorian himself, was also leeching into the surrounding area. If this place hadn’t already been a wasteland, surely it would have been after this.

However, the beastly man, was completely focused on the two enemies in front of him.

Fio, had a clear, very easy shot.

She was feeling fatigued already from the constant spell use and the complex binding spell, but this far away, without needing to protect herself now?

The same time Fio released, hurtling through the air towards the man, Luna charged forth. The crack of steel resounded through the area as Annagan’s hammer met Luna’s shield. The sheer force of the impact nearly caused her arm to buckle, there was no doubt she’d be suffering a broken bone from that, but for the moment? It held. It held as the fell, malice filled energy slammed into her shield, the very curse seeping into her shield, staining it with its spiteful energy.

But still, it would hold, even if it was all she could do against the creature in front of her now.


There was no doubt, that she could not block a second strike. Annagan would raise the hammer high for a second strike.

But, neither of them were alone.

Niall had weathered the brutal mans attacks, and though he was beaten and body exhausted, one last ditch effort was made. So focused on Luna was Annagan, he didn’t see the owl knight barreling towards him.

Talons from a fearsome bird of prey pierced one of his eyes. Dark red, cursed in fused blood spilled from the beastly mans face as his second strike was rendered ineffective as he was forced backwards from the blow, his bestial feet sliding back into the soft earth.

“You-filthy…meddler…stay out of this!” A feral roar, Niall would find himself being grabbed again by the beastly mans claws before he had a chance to retaliate or evade. He was raised high, but what he could see that Annagan could not…an Ethereal blade hurtling towards him at speed, and within seconds the blade severed skin and bone, impaling the mans spine and right through his now cursed heart.


His grip on Niall loosened, his entire body slumping and going limp.

“Gah…ahah…” The third, grotesque eye on his forehead began to petrify, quickly turning to stone and rolling right out of his head as his monstrous body hit the ground with a dull, lifeless thud. “...haha…I guess…I was the…weak one…after all, wasn’t i?”

A quiet silence followed.

Harzel Border Village

Reinhardt bared his teeth in fury as the Dragon’s razorlike teeth dug into his sides, a short cry of pain carried on his breath as he was thrown to the ground tumbling.

The Knight’s sword sank into the scorched and crack earth, catching himself quickly as he stood confidently before the scaled beast. Though the fury that had clouded his thoughts in the previous battle still lingered in the back of Reinhardt’s mind– his expression; stoic as a mountain, betrayed it not. A gleaming spark roared to life within his breast as his eyes locked with that of his hated foe.

”Child of Varakel… Ye loathed Tyrant–”

Elias boomed as the Wyvern released a torrent of flame from it’s maw, ”Ye who scorches our fields and homes. Ye who’s flame consumes the innocent Men and Women and Children of Albion–” the knight continued to roar as he moved to evade the flames; hurling his sword into the beast’s gaping maw, ”This day we have had ENOUGH!”

Rather than attempting to block the oncoming attack, Reinhardt ran toward the incoming blow; leaping and rolling across the top of the wing as he would grasp his halberd with both hands as his chant’s tone would fill with ever-growing fury.


The sword flew, sailing through the air, aimed for the beasts maw. Fire met steel, and steel began to melt under intense heat, but not before the weapon struck true - lodging itself right in the beasts throat. The gout of fire immediately ceased as the creature began choking and sputtering, the momentum of its charge slamming into the ground as Reinhardt evaded the blow. The dragon slayers skin scraped against the beast's scales, landing near the back of the wyvern.

Coughing, sputtering, unable to breathe its hellish fire the draconic creature flapped its remaining good wing. Three of the holes on its underside roared to life, searing fire blasting from the holes and sending waves of fire from them as though fire from the creature had been blocked, firing from the holes like a blocked river or stream, overflowing. The creature leaped lightly into the air, unable to truly fly, but having enough lift to at least launch its massive body upwards…and then aim to bring itself back down on Reinhardt, waves of fire searing his skin, burning his flesh as it came crashing back down.

The Knight’s teeth ground together furiously as he launched himself into a combat roll in an effort to avoid taking the waves of flame head-on; tumbling over the edge of the crater and landing into a three point stance as he would catch himself in a tight pivot to face toward the beast once more. Reinhardt scowled as he reassessed the situation. As far as he could tell, the beast was unlikely going to be capable of flight for the near future, but still had more than enough strength to continue putting up a fight…

While the Dragon remained fully capable of fighting with its jaws, talons, and remaining good wing– Elias was confident that he could best the creature handedly with the assistance of Lonan and his men in a purely physical battle, the beast's greatest asset; it's ability to breathe fire, remained a glaring issue.

Unlike the Dragon's physical attacks, the spouts of flame that spilled forth from it's maw sacrificed little in terms of positioning, and offered even less in terms of openings for riposte or counterattack.

Perhaps worse was the fact it seemed as if the creature could continuously spew it's flame without the slightest of fatigue…

However– Reinhardt had noticed a flaw.

Wherever the Dragon was generating it's flame within it's body; despite the fact it could do so at will, it seemed as of the beast needed a moment to prepare it's flames before release. Not entirely dissimilar to stream in boiling pot of tea; the creature was clearly gathering the flame inside itself, before releasing the concentrated pressure out a singular frontal vent.

But unlike the teapot; with but a single vent with which to loose it's steam– the Dragon had five, all of which seemed to connect to the same place based on the result of what happened when it's primary vent encountered a blockage.

Were he a gambler, Elias would wager that such vents were regulated by some kind of muscular valve or flap located inside each recess…

"MACE!” Reinhardt bellowed as he planted the head of his halberd in the dirt beside him, "SEIGE WEAPONS– VOLLEY!”

The dragon crashed into the ground, earth and fire searing the ground and billowing into the air as it landed. Though Reinhardt was quick on his feet avoiding the crushing might of the Wyvern, the Wyvern did not simply stop there. As it slammed into the ground, it bulldozed its way through the lip of the crater, throwing up more rock and earth as it lunged towards Reinhardt, maw agape, one wing reaching forwards towards the dragonslayer.

“-FIRE!” Just as Reinhardt would give his command, Lonan shouted too. There was the twang of string, the creaking of wood as the few siege weapons they had launched their payloads towards the beast.

“Grrrooooohhhhh!” Just as Reinhardt was about to become dragon feed, a boulder crashed into the side of the dragons neck, sending it veering off course, momentarily dazing the creature as a second soon followed, slamming into its injured wing while three ballista bolts would careen towards it as it recovered. A breath of fire as it turned its attention towards the siege weapons, burning them to ash and knocking their trajectory off with a wave of fire.

“Useleeeeeesssss….!” It roared. “Everything…shall burn…for our kiiiing!”

“Reinhardt, catch!” Lonan rode by, tossing the dragon slayer a mace. It didn’t look like the siege weapons had done much aside from annoy the beast, but its attention was now off Reinhardt and on the weapons as it prepared its breath - An orb of roiling magma appearing in its maw!

Elias swiped the mace from the air, tucking the weapon into his chain wrappings as he adjusted his strategy once more, and taking the halberd back into his hands.

A pulse of molten light surged visibly through the Knight's veins as the aura from his chest flared with intensity. With both hands he drew the halberd behind him as he rushed toward the Dragon– driving forth with a devastating upswing!

Steel met dragon scale.

Metal cracked as the haft of the weapon strained under the force of Reinhardts swing and the hardness of its target. Hot, boiling blood spilled from the dragons head as the head of the axe firmly lodged itself inside the creature's neck! The roiling magma continued to grow in the beasts maw, the pillar of bright magma escaped the beasts maw, sweeping to the side as its head was rocked missing the majority but not all as one of the ballista was blown to cinders.

The Wyevern roared, wrenching its neck out of Reinhardts hands, twisting the halberd painfully and with a disappointing snap the weapon broke in his hands, leaving the blade lodged in the creatures neck as it would turn its attention back to Reinhardt.

As the wooden shaft splintered and snapped in Elias’ hands; the Dragon turning to face him, the knight yanked free his mace with a swift motion of his right hand. The halberd he’d wielded thus far had performed well above it’s station; and for that Reinhadt was grateful– but he still had use for what was left of it.

Raising the splintered end of the shaft still in hand toward the Dragon’s eye; he slammed the mace on it’s butt!

The beast roared, magma dripping from its mouth as it’d slam its head forward with enough force to shatter bone in normal men. Its eye closed, as the mace hit dragon scale, but Reinhardt could tell at least, the blow connected as he’d find his body giving way beneath the dragon’s own strength, the beast threatening to knock him off his feet from the headbutt.


The cracking of ribs cut short Elias' shout of pain as the Dragon’s head slammed into the Knight's chest. Even as the creature’s blow struck it's mark, Reinhardt endured. Foot and toe clawed the ground for purchase, blood and saliva bubbled violently through bared teeth, the mace fell aside as soot covered fingers dug into Onyx scale, and a pulse of heat rose within Elias' chest as he attempted to force the Dragon's head aside!

Flesh met scale, Elias’ body barely standing firm against the scaled draconic creature's body. The gargantuan drakes body would have completely crushed lesser men, but for Elias? What was a broken bone or two? Fingers burned to the bone grasped the scaled beasts neck, wrenching it off course and redirecting it just barely sending the beast charging some distance away.

“Sir Reinhardt!” The galloping of spectral hooves broke the momentary lull, Reinhardt would be finding two well made halberds being tossed towards him. “A word. We have an outpost not too terribly far from here, with functioning siege weapons. I’ll follow your lead whatever the case, but you aren’t looking too good friend, and whatever cursed luck let you avoid death once may not be as fortuitous a second!”

Elias snatched the pair of weapons from the air as they were tossed toward him, taking quick assessment of the situation and his own physical condition before offering Lonan a small nod, ”A break would be preferable, and sturdier siege equipment as backup would be ideal… I’ll trust in your judgment Lonan.''

“I doubt that beast will give us much of a respite!” Lonan grabbed Reinhardt by the wrist, pulling him quickly up onto the spectral fey steed. Indeed, the dragon was already righting itself, flames spewing from its maw as it laid its eyes upon the dragon slayer and the harzel knight. A frenzied, feral roar as lava blood dripped from its wounds.

“Flee, yes fleeeee. You shall burn all the same.”

“If I could ask you to make sure it doesn’t blast us with that fireball, that’d be very welcome!” Lonan kicked Steblas’ sides, setting the steed into motion with a yip, the dragon soon giving chase not far behind.

Harzel Border Fort
@Crimson Paladin

“I’m not that clumsy! Just give me a good shot!” She’d retort with a shout, scrambling to get the weapon loaded and working as the shouts from below continued, the men doing their best to hold the beast at bay. To say Ethelred joining the fray was a blessing, was an understatement. The blood red blade shimmered as he swung, feeding off whatever magical energy the frozen knight possessed. In front of the oblivious wyvern, space warped slightly…and it was difficult to see as it happened so fast, but Ethelred could almost swear he saw the blade appear at the point of impact…or what seemed to be an extremely larger version of the sword within the twisting space that impacted the wyvern.

The beast screeched, a long slash upon its chest, whatever the hows of the blade, the results were clear and the same even if the cut was otherwise shallow. The beast immediately zeroed in on Ethelred, taking to the skies only to come down on top of the knight, intent on crushing him with its claws.

And that's an update here!

Apologies if it seems rushed, but I wanted you guys to get boots on the ground sooner rather than later. Feel free to ask or if you have a quick question or something to ask Myrilla or Leoniya before you drop I'll see about getting a response up.

I also added those weapons I mentioned under a 'Demon Hunting Gear' tab as best as I could. Fairly standard gear, nothing fancy, something the rank and file maids would use. You dress has free low-level mental interference protection. You can thank your glorious leader for that.
The Clematis
12.000 hours
@Pyromania99@AzureKnight@Waylon@Click This@Sniblet@VitaVitaAR

“You, unless you pay more attention, little rat.” Myrilla scoffed towards Astreya’s question, not even bothering to glance in her direction as she’d instead take a long inhalation on her pipe, regarding Katherine with a scowl.

“The cat’s probably correct.” Myrilla responded to Lucrecia, a thick waft of smoke meeking Katherine’s face as she exhaled. The woman stuck her still burning pipe in her headdress as she’d slowly walk around the line of maids. “Scale demons usually would hardly care to destroy. Eye demons are far too slothful. A tear demon would only do so if it caused whoever they’re haunting distress. Tongue demons corruption would be far more ethereal in nature…which leaves our likely culprit as Blood Demons.” As the instructor moved down the line from behind, she’d stop momentarily behind Senya, adjusting her headdress slightly and tightening the uniform just a bit.

“As you should have learned, Blood demons are particularly violent and vicious. A slave to their fell emotions and impulses. They lust for carnage, obscenity and all the vile pleasures a human would reject.” Myrilla continued moving down the line once more as she spoke, the sound of her heels on the deck the only sound aside from the dull hum of the engines. “Their magics are the same, and they are tied to Tear demons for raw physical strength. You get into a fight of raw strength with one above Greater Beast, you’re gonna end up worse than dead. They don’t care for decency or human morals.” Kathereine would feel Myrilla’s hands on her waist as she’d stop behind them.

“Ah, and one more thing. The local police have quarantined the town and have made it very clear - no one in or out the usual routes for fear of a demon in disguise slipping through.” Katherine would find herself being lifted, off the ground and hoisted up in a princess carry in Myrilla’s arms. “So you will be air dropping on sight. Like so-”

Myrilla spun on her heels, doing two full rotations with Katherine in her arms, before quite literally tossing the maid right over the railing, sending her sailing to the ground below.

“Ser'yezno!? She has no parachute!” Leoniya ran over to the railing.

“I hear cats land on their feet.” Myrilla shrugged, nonchalantly. “Consider this a lesson in both teamwork, recruits, and not to smack a married womans ass or she might toss you overboard.” Leoniya worked quickly, gathering parachutes and a pack of supplies for the recruits. Ammo, a copy of the usual ‘Maids Guide to Demon Hunting’ for reference, a MAT-4 pistol, flares, and a spare uniform.

“Oh, and one more thing,” Myrilla pulled the pipe from her headband. “...my daughter was part of that group of six. I expect word of how she is soon as you find her. Now get going! Don’t sit there and gawk at my ass like that one or you all better grow wings!” That was odd. You should all knew she was married from how she would gush about her husband when drunk, but she had never mentioned a kid before.

Well, regardless, it was show time it seemed like. The maids had been given their instruction, and that seemed all the information Myrilla was likely willing to divulge. Perhaps she didn’t know much more herself, but there was certainly a lot of unknowns left in there.

Whenever the maids collected themselves, they’d find themselves jumping overboard, parachute secured tightly along with supplies as they’d get their first glimpse of what remained of Cogsfell below…

12.000 hours

Myrilla hadn’t been wrong.

The north section of the town looked exactly as described. A smoldering, blasted crater littered with buildings that were still actively burning as thick smoke billowed up from it. Many buildings looked like they had gotten blasted by an explosion. Along the ground fissures and volcanic fire erupted from below, a clear sign of a portal to the first circle fo Naraheim likely having been opened here. The police seemed to have formed a defensive line around its perimeter as best they could, using the untouched southern section of the city as a safehaven and refuge.

They could hear an occasional scream, too. Not to mention a number of demons running around as they got closer to the ground. Nothing too concerning from the looks of things. Some low level Demon beasts and Greater Beasts, thankfully no high demons from the looks of things, but who knew what would be found once they hit the ground?

Soon enough, unless one would have somehow gotten wildly off course, the maids would find themselves all touching down near and around what was once a fountain in what was some sort of square. It was now split in half, a deep fissure having opened beneath the ground. Ruined and burning buildings surrounded them in most directions. To the north they could hear the occasional sound of gunfire, and a bit to the east they could hear what could only be described as indescribable demonic roaring. The smell of sulfur, fire, and thick smoke permeated the air.

Myrilla didn’t give them any direction, only intending to find out what happened. Well, they were here now…time to figure out what happened.
Location: Alavaris
@Psyker Landshark@Asuras@Erode@VitaVitaAR@Click This@Pyromania99

As commanded, the spectral shades would leap from the wall, heading out into the darkness, swiftly flying past the skeletal undead that were engaged in a seemingly unceasing melee with each other as steel severed bone, only for the bone to reform and assault its attacker to repeat the process. Dragan’s small horde could react faster…but they still lacked numbers as occasionally one would fall in the melee, bones crushed into the earth in their battle.

Giselle’s marksmanship proved somewhat effective. Normal bullets could only do so much to an undead. Even were its skull cracked it wouldn’t immediately die, but they did at least, offer some manner of deterrent and aid, allowing the horde of Dragan’s undead to have a much easier time, taking advantage of openings she created.

They would not have to wait long, for this supposed skeletal beast would soon show itself. Some distance away, looming over the city, towering above the remaining houses stood a massive skeletal creature. The very same Akyasha saw earlier, though now they could get a much better look at it. Ancient, tarnished armor rested on its chest, its heavy footfalls leading it ever closer, slowly towards the gatehouse and the vampires.

But no silver blade.

No, its hands were empty, but then, where was it?

It would not take long for the massive skeletal creature to reach the gate, and the vampires watching could see beneath its feet now, what seemed to be a humanoid dressed in armor that seemed quite similar to the giant skeleton advancing towards them in time with it. The horde of undead below were growing numerous, too, and thicker as some would break off from the group and start looking for other ways up to the vampires on the gate.

Akyasha would be pleased to see both her bats return swiftly. A chittering reply from both in an ancient, ethereal tongue that only clerics could understand.

“Two. Humans. Leaving. Small caverns in the slums lead outside.”

“Armored creature. Silver sword. Possessed. Coming this way.”

They’d both light on her shoulder, chittering in a mildly annoyed seeming fashion.


Seemed like they wanted some food.

I intend to fill out a number of descriptions for the standard gear as well as get up a decent enough map of the country and area hopefully within the week.


There will definitely be semi-autos, and Senya uses a giant gatling steam gun with a lance on the end of it.

I am going to say probably no, simply because they really aren't those weapons. They might be similar, but this is a fantasy steampunk world and this might seem a bit nitpicky, but I am incredibly particular about trying to keep things consistent. Some might run on magic, too.
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