Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

@PaulHaynek Here we are. Didn't really change anything aside from leaving her former master still alive and having pinned the blame on her.

Llobrokor Mountains

“Dunno much. Some woman was leadin’ them. Green clothes. Used a bow!” Gunnrun nodded. “But he can tell ya more when we get to the city tomorrow, aye? I think I’ma turn in for the night. Hands hurtin’ a little and I’ve had a bit of a long day.” She’d say, though it didn’t seem like she had any bedroll or something with her, the Giant would merely lay down on the ground next to the group on her side, holding her head up with one arm for now. “Don’t you little ‘uns worry. I’ll make sure nothing sneaks up on us while ya’ll sleep.”

“H-hey not fair! This is crueltyyyy!” Wisp whined, watching a tool of her future amusement being snatched from her with ease. Still, the promise of new snacks and more bread caused Wisp to pause her whining lightly, pressing her malformed claws against the glass and judging Fio’s words. “Hmph, I’m a powerful fairy not a kids plaything.” She’d grumble. “But fine. I can show you. Later though, being bounced around and smelling this horses’ butt all day has made me tired.”

“Indeed, we likely shall. I was hoping this would be a simple matter, but…” Elnith sighed. “Seems there’s no end to trouble. How unfortunate.” The swordswoman sighed, tossing a few sticks into a fire pit she had been working on quietly. Sucaria would simply plop herself down on Luna’s bed, and though her face was as mildly unreadable as it usually was there was definitely a certain bit of excitement to her demeanor as she’d wait for Luna to also turn in for the night.

And assuming there was nothing major else the group wished to speak of, nothing else would bother them through the night.

The next morning passed without incident as well. Camp was broke, cleaned up and Sucaria had made breakfast for everyone. Aside from her also giving Fio the same drink from yesterday and looking at her expectantly, nothing unusual happened as Gunnrun.

“You guys sure you don’t want me to carry you all?” She’d ask. They had gone quite a bit of ways into the mountains now, Gunnrun traversing the rugged terrain with barely breaking a sweat. “We’ll be there soon now. See that mountain o’er there?” She’d point with her prosthetic to a large mountain just across a valley they’d have to go down. “Other side of there and we’ll be there.”

Wisp was snoozing quietly in the jar still, having behaved herself.

Harzel Plains
@Crimson Paladin@BrokenPromise

“Mhm…interesting. You are…strong.” As Reinhardt struggled with the beast, it seemed oddly calm for its predicament. Its head and horns were locked down certainly, and as Luana would throw more seeds at it it merely ignored them - for the seeds and bindings on its front claws were already withering and dying within seconds. “Alas…strength will get one…only so far.”

In the same instance that Ethelred’s lance struck forwards, the beast would suddenly twist its head, its long neck twisting and turning as though it had no bones in its body whatsoever as it shoved off the ground with its rear legs, its sinuous body not bothering or being held down by Luana’s plants as its body was now nearly completely vertical, the beasts head managing to pull itself free from the situation from its odd positioning. The Frozen knights lance barely grazed the top of its head, ice forming on its head, but quickly seemingly to melt and decay as the beast would grab ahold of Reinhardt’s shoulder with a claw and with uncanny agility and dexterity leaped off the knight, landing some distance away gracefully on all fours.

“I…am the Herald of War. Of Bloodshed. Of violence. Theyyyy…will die. Yooou, will die.” The beast made another leap backwards, another airy roar escaping its maw before it leaped forward, coiling its body together into a sphere once more and barreling towards the three knights. Once it reached Reinhardt once more it instead shifted its focus to Luana as it uncoiled, horns and fangs bared towards the druid.
Hallo hallo

Possible femboy and kitty combo will be made in the next day or two.

Developed a small bit of a headache and got home a bit later than intended so I'll get shog up tomorrow before work

Fresh from the bakery! Please, eat up~!

*Shogbakery is not responsible or held reliable from conditions rising from eating their cakes including but not limited to growing eyes on ones brain, understanding just how small you are to the universe, seeing that which should not be seen and unbidden visages of sexy shoggoth. If you experience dreams of shoggoth lasting more than five hours please return to the bakery and consult a shog specialist to help.
I'll probably rework my shoggoth just a bit and get her up tonight

Anyone want cake?
Maison d’Violette
0800 hours.

@Click This@AzureKnight

“Eeeh~?” Lyssa giggled, leaning into the hug. “Silly Kat. You’re already wearing a dress that looks pretty on you.” The pink haired maid responded with a light grin. “Oh, Oh I know! We can go pester Tiki for a dress for later! Ooor maybe they’d be fine with you going with just your underwear! You’re pretty enough I don’t think anyone would mind~”

“I’m vetoing that idea.” Livia replied with a sigh. “As much as I’m sure some of you would love to see Miss Katherine without her dress on, lets refrain from it.”

“Aww~” It was Lyssa’s turn to pout folding her hands behind her back and pursing her lips in a pout before giggling and her attitude almost doing a one eighty. “Well its fine I’ve already seen it anyways!”

“...I’m going to ignore that comment.” Livia cleared her throat as Nynette glared at Lyssa, pulling a knife from her dress and cleaning it more than what was likely needed. “I realize this may not be what you wanted, Eliz…but think of it like this; If something goes wrong and your partners are physically threatened, you're the perfect candidate to help resolve such an issue.” A small frown. “And in my experience, missions involving demons hardly ever go to plan.”

~The Daily lives of Maids~

Havershel Estate

The days leading up to the auction were a flurry of activity for the maids. Training. Preparations. Bernadette fixed the radios while Viatrix could be found most days leading up on the shooting range, practicing her long range marksmanship. Livia kept herself busy in her study most days, declining requests to spend days among the maids and prefer focusing on work. Finally, though, it was the day for the operation to take place.

Running down the street of the city, the personal luxury vehicle rumbled, Livia wearing a fashionable dress suit herself made of dark reds and golds. A violet colored shoulder cape hanging over her left shoulder while at her right hip had the slender blade she carried for self defense fastened to it.

“Before we get there, some background on Sir Havershel that may be useful for the both of you during the showing.” Livia began, addressing Polina and Lucrecia. “About a decade ago is when the higher society became aware of him.” The private luxury vehicle was driving down a road, just on the outskirts of the city, passing by several wealthy villas and even a number of Vineyards. “Started a vineyard and winery that makes high class, luxury wine for wealthy clients. It was quite a hit…and that’s where most of his wealth and fame comes from. His family was otherwise just a small time fief holder until he started this business of his. A few years later he married the daughter of another noble family and not long after he had a son. He’s known for throwing…quite some private parties and being of a somewhat difficult temperament in private. I have several suspicions about him in general but I’ve not thought it important to look into him so far as its mostly harmless. If there’s anything else you need to know, now’s the time to ask. Otherwise we’ll be arriving shortly.”

The vehicle would slow, rumbling up to a gate as it’d pull through as the driver would state their affiliation and show their invitations. Curiously, though, there was also a horse-drawn carriage that seemed to carry a banner of the Church of Oros parked off to the side…

“Crrrk-” Lucrecia would hear the static of the radio on her ear crackle quietly. “Hello Lulu, hope you didn’t forget our deal.” Myrilla voice spoke over the radio quietly. “Remember the plan.” She had given the maid a little relic of her own. Something that was an exact replica of the totem the demon was sealed in, that was also sealed with a lower level demon. It should hold up to passing scrutiny. Long enough to fool anyone looking at least. “I’ll leave the rest to you. Don’t disappoint, or I’ll have to get a little rough with you, but I think you might like that, yeah, ahahah. I’ll be in touch.”


“Hello hello? Can you hear me?” Bernadette’s sleepy voice would break the infiltration team's silence. “Good. I wove the head gear and wiring into your headdresses to make it extra discreet so you can talk and hear me without anyone getting suspicious.” The Infiltration team arrived much in a much different fashion than the others. The Clemantis dropped them some distance away out of sight. The ideal scenario would have been to infiltrate in the early morning hours with a good cover story, but due to the somewhat hasty nature the operation had begun they had opted for a quicker and somewhat more dirty approach.

Their goal? Find a way inside one of the auxiliary buildings in the estate, blend in with the servants and find out any information regarding Havershel and his potential crimes as well as the location of the artifact and a way into the vault.

“The ball will officially start in an hour. Lady Livia and her escorts will be arriving here soon. Many of the maids will be distracted then, so it’ll be a good opportunity to start poking around.” Now at the edges of the property, aside from a few guards standing at a back entrance and a servant out in the yard cleaning linens no one so far had noticed them.

“Thank you, Detty, I’ll take it from here.” Viatrix’s voice interrupted. “Bernadette is correct. Just know that I’ll be watching from the Clemantis. If anything happens you can count on me, fufu. Tiki made sure to match your uniform to the dresses of the Havershel estate down to the finest detail so just watch your words and you'll be fine.” Viatrix giggled lightly. The radio would crackle, followed by silence. No doubt they should keep contact to a minimum unless it was something extremely important. That just left to figure out how to get inside the building properly.

Just a heads up, I'm literally working every day except today this coming week (Sat through Thursday) So I may be a tad bit slow in getting a CS out if I don't reuse Shoggy.
On one hand

I could bring back Shoggo cake

On the other



why not I definitely can
@Pyromania99@crimson Paladin

The pirates pistol found its mark, the bullet burying itself into the creatures neck, earning a pained snarl, its swipe narrowly missing the girl as Argus closed in. It’d immediately turn to the bigger threat as the cutlass came down upon its head, slicing a deep gash into the beasts neck, killing the beast with relative ease all things considered but it would be a short lived reprieve.

“I don’t care what you do, just do-” A loud shriek from the forest. A baleful, hateful thing that caused even the frenzied beasts paused momentarily, seemingly cowering in mild fear as the air would soon be pierced a second time. “-what on earth…?” The vampires would not have to wait long before the source of the shriek made itself known.

A shadow from the forest leaping into the air, over the tree tops. A large, hulking mass slammed into a house, crushing its ceiling and destroying the entire building as it would proceed to rip the rest of the building to shreds with its bare hands.

“Gods blood…what is that…!”

Standing nearly twelve feet tall, It looked like some horrible amalgamation of owl, deer, and man. An uncanny human face on a flat, owl like head. As it opened its beak, a row of distinctly human teeth were seen screaming from within. Scraggly wings tipped with three long, claw like hands hung from its side as its clawed feet gripped the ground. Antlers curled from its head, and where its stomach should have been was just a hole, a ripped out section where its guts should be. Its head did a full rotation upon its long neck, as if surveying the situation before screeching once more.

It lashed out with its claws, slamming them into the ground, going right for Julene.

Forest of beasts

@Click This@VitaVitaAR

Swatted out of the sky, but not without landing a serious blow. The ice barrier morphed into a wall of spikes, the icy protrusions piercing the creature. Perhaps rather disappointingly as it impaled itself, there were no sounds of pain or even an inkling that it showed any sign of being injured at all as the spike was driven right through its hand through its palm. It merely righted itself, its fingers twitching in the only show of emotion it seemingly had.

Giselle’s swordplay had seemingly less of a noticeable effect to start with. The second hand pulled back, the red threads pulling taught, and at the same time…Kordelia moved. The threads were wrapped tightly around her body, even if Giselle severed one it wouldn’t simply free her so easily as the bestial vampire lord turned her attention to the other. She however, seemed strangely slowed - the hand that Aleksiya had impaled was having trouble manipulating Kordelia properly.
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