Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
10 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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As for Ellywic's speech, the different colors were on purpose. ;)

Those different colors... They don't happen to represent... different voices, do they?
@Guardian Angel Haruki

What's up with the formatting in Zavakri's post? The narration was bold in some places and Ellywick's speech was all different colors.
<Snipped quote by rush99999>

I probably should have clarified that, apologies xD

There is nothing for you to apologize for. Those drawings are amazing BTW.
<Snipped quote by rush99999>

*glances at reference pictures I posted for both Flicker and Jub* I mean...

<Snipped quote by rush99999>

Have you not seen their drawing of Jub? ^^"

I didn't realize those pictures were drawn specifically for their respective games rather than pulled off of Google Images.
I actually do need to draw what Flicker looks like when they are angry, because both their hair and eyes become fire at that point. I imagine it looks quite freaky xD

Oh, you draw things?
Two Collabs down...

One to go...

How close to done is the last collab?
Brutrumukk, Gabriel, & Jub the Peculiar

Ft. The Dungeon Master

The trio make their way to the Big Top without much trouble. They are able to enter the Big Top without needing their tickets punched. They arrive just in time to see the next act:

This next act is a tiefling, who performs fire dancing coupled with fire breathing tricks. As he performs, magma and smoke mephits appear and fly around the circus before they disappear in a minute.

Brutrumukk found a seat and watched the tiefling's act for a while. It wasn't anything like the Extravaganza he'd seen when he first came to the Big Top, but it was interesting enough. After a few minutes though, the interest faded away, leaving Brutrumukk with nought but the fact that the tiefling's act wasn't anything like the Extravaganza he'd seen when he first came to the Big Top. Brutrumukk looked around to see if anything else of interest was going on about the Big Top. When he found nothing, the bugbear huffed and looked to the goblin on his shoulder. "You reckon we got time to go find somethin' else before the hour's up?" Brutrumukk asked in goblin. "This ain't really doin' it fer me."

"Hm?" Jub had been so busy scanning the crowd for anyone of note he had almost not heard the question. "Oh, err, sure. Just... do you mind give me a lift up like you did back at Palasha's show? I want to make sure we're not missing anything, or anyone, of note."

"Sure thing, booyagh." Brutrumukk said before lifting the goblin off of his shoulder and high into the air to give him a better view of everyone who was in the Big Top and everything that was going on around them.

Jub has a bird's eye view as Brutrumukk holds him aloft. Jub looks around at the crowd that was in the Big Top and he doesn't see anyone suspicious or causing any trouble. Now that Jub thinks about it, of course Kettlesteam would try and keep her distance from the both of them after their last encounter and Brutrumukk's threats throughout the night.

Other than the lack of suspicious people, Jub also notices two other entry points into the Big Top other than the entrance that they and other guests used. There is the exit the party used earlier to reach the Staff Area,
and there's another entry way where the acts go. Jub also notices that there is a mirror and some materials on a stand in front of it. That must be the Dressing Room!

Jub gestured in direction of the entry way. "As an showman, I know a dressing room area when I see one," he said. "Wanna go investigate? We might find if any of the other performers have been troubled by our feathered adversary, or in need of assistance in general. Who knows, they might even be able to answer more questions about what the carnivals up to."

"Sounds like it could be a good way to pass the hour." Brutrumukk said in goblin as he lowered Jub back onto his shoulder and eyed the dressing room entrance, taking note of the two Witchlight Hands at the dressing room entryway to show that it’s off limits. "We'll need to slip past those guards though. Hmm..." Brutrumukk then went quiet for a moment as he gauged his chances of successfully sneaking past the guards. The bugbear nodded approvingly when he deemed his chances good enough to warrant an attempt. "Keep quiet an' don't move unless I tall ya to." Brutrumukk spoke up once more. "The guards seem distracted enough that we should be able get into the Dressin' Room without any trouble so long as we don't grab their attention. So don't do anythin' what might grab their attention." With that said, Brutrumukk left his seat and called upon all of his innate bugbear stealth and cunning to cloak him and his shoulder goblin from view and allow them to pass into the Dressing Room unnoticed.

As Brutrumukk crept behind the Witchlight Hands, they can hear snippets of their conversation,

"Oh come on! Blaze's act here is amazing! That firefly circus from earlier is only peanuts in comparison to his fire breathing! Gulp's djinni makeup was applied poorly!"

"Excuse you?! I think Gulp's act is much cuter than this! The mephits could give the kiddos nightmares!"

Neither of them notice as Brutrumukk and Jub sneak by them and enter the Dressing Room.

This dressing room is a scene of colorful clutter: tables strewn with makeup kits and glass jewellery, mirrors trimmed with glowing orbs of light, and chests of drawers and wardrobes spilling over with garments.

"Alright, we're in." Brutrumukk said quietly as he looked about the Dressing Room. "What do we do now?"

Jub, who had used all his restraint to remain quiet while Brutrumukk had been sneaking, blinked somewhat in surprise as he regard their surroundings. "I'll be honest, I didn't plan this far ahead because I didn't expect us to get this far," he said. He quickly added, "Not to downplay your powers of stealth, of course, I just didn't think it would be so easy." He hopped down from the bugbear's shoulder, and began inspecting the dressing room. "I guess just look around, see if there's anything out of the ordinary?"

"Look around." Brutrumukk said as he watched Jub begin his investigation. "Alright. Yeah. I can do that." With that said, Brutrumukk began looking about in an investigative manner. However, investigation was not the bugbear's strong suit, so all he really did was wander about the dressing room, occasionally pointing out interesting looking things he'd never seen before and asking Jub what they are.

Looking around the room, there isn't really many important items to find, but there are a lot of fun items here. Clearly a lot of the items here are for acts and for the festivities of the Festival.

The first thing the duo find are a pair of stilts with long, bright purple trousers. Brutrumukk could probably wear these.

The second thing they find is a small waistcoat with a chain of one hundred silk handkerchiefs tied together in one of its pockets. Jub could wear this waistcoat.

Brutrumukk looked at the stilt pants which looked big enough to fit him. Then he looked at the handkerchief waistcoat that looked big enough to fit Jub. Finally, the bugbear turned to the goblin and grinned. "Oi booyagh, you thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?" Brutrumukk asked.

Jub shared a grin with the bugbear. "You bet I do, my good man!" he said. Then there was a pause as he thought for a moment, and he suddenly looked confused. "Actually no. I have no idea what you're thinking. What are we doing?"

Brutrumukk gave annoyed huff at Jub's words before throwing the waistcoat at the goblins face. "You put that weird shirt on, I put these weird pants on, and we go out there an' start runnin' around an' throwin' all them colored rags about." Brutrumukk explained. "Folks find that sort o' thing funny when it 'appens, yeah? An' it's funnier when it 'appens unexpectedly, yeah? An' funny things make folks 'appy, yeah? So if we go out there unexpectedly an' start runnin' around an' throwin' all them colored rags about, it'll make folks 'appy, yeah?"

"Pfft!" The waistcoat landed in Jub's face and he spent the next couple of seconds trying to pull it off as if it were some wild animal that had lunged at him. Once he had hold of it, he held it up in front of his face and eyed it warily. "You sure this is a good idea?" he said. "I mean, the Misters seemed pretty annoyed with us the last time we spoke to them. If we cause too much trouble, who's to say they won't kick us out of the carnival entirely?"

"I ain't scared o' no thievin' knife-ears." Brutrumukk said with a dismissive wave of his hand. "Witch is a fat tub o' lard an' Light's a poncy git who probably spends 'is free time offerin' 'is arse to other men. I doubt they'd be able to do much more than shake their fists at us if we do somethin' what bothers 'em. An' besides, do you honestly care about what either o' those gits think after they took what they took from ya?"

"I don't," Jub responded. "But from what it sounds like, they're both warlocks. To an archfey, no less. They could have all sorts of weird, creepy fey magics. They stole from the elf lady without her noticing. They were able to take my ability to keep to secrets. Several people have gone missing in this carnival. Who knows what they took from the others." The goblin threw up his hands in a dramatic gesture. "We don't know what they're capable of! They could banish us to some dark pocket realm, or taking our ability to speak or see or breath. They could...." He paused and thought for a moment to consider what was the worst thing they could do that would upset Brutrumukk. "... they could take away your ability to taste, or even eat ever again!"

"Bah! Fairylocks are just a bunch o' sissies once you get in clubbin' range." Brutrumukk told Jub. "Got into a fight with one what was troublin' the town once. The fucker went down like a sack o' taters. They might we able to steal. They might be able to put on a show an' play some games. But when the time comes fer a fight, they ain't nothin'... Either way, us sneakin' in 'ere was yer idea, so you ain't allowed to chicken out now."

Jub opened his mouth to object, and then quickly closed it. It seemed his friend wasn't willing to back down and on this and, as much as Jub didn't want to admit it, the bugbear had a point: it had been his idea. "Fine fine," the goblin muttered. "But if this goes, you're never hearing the end of it from me, you understand?" He removed his hand-made wizard cloak for the first time since he had arrived at the carnival, revealing his full, unmistakably goblin features for all in the near vicinity to see. It also revealed both the dull brown shirt he had been wearing underneath - a ragged-looking thing and nowhere near as extravagant as the rest of his wizard getup - and that, under his hood, his hair had been cut into a short mowhawk, which was looking a little flat since he hadn't taken off his hood this entire time.

Jub grumbled as he put on the waistcoat, before stuffing his cloak rather unneatly back into his bag.

"That's fine by me." Brutrumukk said in response to Jub's words. When Jub then doffed his wizard cloak, Brutrumukk nodded approvingly at Jub's hair style. "Impressive do, booyagh." Brutrumukk said before reaching down and spiking Jub's flattened mohawk up as well as he could. "Right then. Gimme a moment to get into these weird pants an' we'll be off."

When the two goblinoids emerged from the Dressing Room, they emerged loud and proud. Brutrumukk hooted and hollered as he gallivanted about the Big Top as swiftly as he could move while keeping himself balanced on the stilts and ensuring that Jub didn't fall from his place on the bugbear's broad shoulder. Brutrumukk also made sure not to gallivant too close to the fiery tiefling and his mephits so as not to ruin the performer's show.

The two Witchlight Hands look surprised and confused when Brutrumukk and Jub exited from the dressing room on stilts. Thankfully, the hollering and hooting, somehow does not disturb the tiefling's act, and they are able to move around the Big Top. At the very least, it seems like the two goblinoids were entertaining to the kids nearby who saw the both of them. The children look at the both of them with curious wide eyes, if they're not already watching the Tiefling.

With the two Witchlight Hands seeing this, they don't stop the two goblinoids, since they're trying to entertain as well without being disruptive.

As Brutrumukk continued his gallivanting, the bugbear inclined his head towards his shoulder goblin ad began whispering conspiratorially in their native tongue. "Since we've been doin' all this stuff to make folks 'appy, I reckon one of us will be crowned King o' the Carnival" Brutrumukk quietly spoke in goblin. "That means we'll be in the best place to nick Witch-Bitch's watch... I think I may 'ave a plan as to 'ow we do that."

Jub looked visibly uncomfortable as they exited the dressing room. It had obviously been some time since he had appeared in public without some form of disguise, and his body language - slumped torso, drooping ears, hunched shoulders etc - all was focused on making him look as small as possible. "Hmm?" he glanced over at Brutrumukk before responding back in goblin, "Well, what is it?"

"So, Burly mentioned that whoever gets crowned also gets the ability to fly, yeah?" Brutrumukk said in goblin. "I reckon that'd be a good way to escape once we've snagged the watch. When we get close enough, I'll grab it. If I get crowned, you use some o' yer booyagh to make a smoke screen or somethin' to keep folks busy while we fly off. If you get crowned though, you won't be strong enough to carry me away with you. So I'll pass you the watch an' start swingin'. Buy you time to escape. Sound good to you?"

Jub considered Brutrumukk's words. "That could work," he said. "If one of us indeed wins it. It could be one of the others, in which case, they might already have a plan of escape. The elf lady seemed to think she could help with stealing the watch. Speaking of..." He started glancing around, as if searching for their companions. "We probably should think about regrouping with them soon." He looked down at himself and scowled. "And I need to get back into my appropriate garb before they see me."

"Oh don't tell me yer still afraid o' folks knowin' that yer a goblin." Brutrumukk said before lifting Jub off his shoulder and high into the air before turning the goblin towards a group of children who were watching their performance. "Look at those kids over there. They can see that yer a goblin. But they don't care 'bout that. They ain't runnin' away from ya. They ain't peltin' ya with sticks an' stones. They's watchin' our show with wide-eyed wonder, they think we're more interestin than that 'orny fire-eater an' 'is flyin' things. An' they think that, even though we're part o' Mag's lot!" Brutrumukk then lowered Jub back down onto his shoulder and grinned at the goblin. "So how about you stop worryin' and give these folks a real show, yeah? Jus' like ya did at the Eggs-Traveler-Gander! Brutrumukk encouraged. I'll even lend an 'and with it if you tell me 'ow."

Jub was a little surprised when Brutrumukk lifted him into the air, but didn't make any protest as he listened to the bugbear's words. It did appear as if no one really minded his appearance. Even without his more flashy costume, everyone did seem to be enjoying his and Brutrumukk's antics with no sign of fear or disgust. He still felt self-conscious, but Brutrumukk's words did help. After a moment of consideration, Jub decided to attempt a little trick. He motioned for Brutrumukk to toss him into the air as high as he could manage and, once he was flying, would attempt to do a flip. While in the air, he would cast a Feather Fall to try and slow his descent as much as he could and then would cast Prestidigitation, trying to set of as big and colourful blast of fireworks as he could manage overhead. Once he near the ground, he attempt to land in a handstand.

Thanks to Brutrumukk's brute strength, Jub is flung high into the air. To Jub, it seems like he was flung high enough to almost touch the roof of the Big Top. But, that gives Jub plenty of time to flip and cast Feather Fall. As he floats down, Prestidigitation is cast, and the fireworks appear behind the Tiefling fire breather's finale. The combination brings about an uproarious cheer from the crowds at the performances.

Finally, Jub lands in a handstand successfully, causing the crowd that was watching the goblinoids to clap.

Now, the goblinoids would notice that the Fire breathing Tiefling is heading to the dressing room. He gives a nod to the both of them on the way out. Next, the Witchlight Hands call to the crowds,

"Don't go anywhere yet folks! We'll be crowning the Witchlight Monarch here, very soon!"

When Jub motioned for Brutrumukk to toss him, the bugbear threw the goblin with all the might he could muster. First, he watched in self-approval as his throw sent Jub sailing high into the air. Then, Brutrumukk looked on in wonder as Jub performed his magical display. Finally, he gave a jubilant roar as Jub stuck the landing and was applauded by those watching them.

"Oh! They're crownin someone King o' the Carnival soon!" Brutrumukk then exclaimed when the Witchlight Hands let everyone know about the crowning ceremony. "Oi booyagh! Let's get back to our seats!" As he turned to head back to the seating area though, Brutrumukk realized that he'd found himself in something of a predicament. "Uhh... 'Ow do I get down from these stilts?" Brutrumukk asked as he looked at the ten foot distance the stilts had put between the bugbear and the ground.

A nearby musician who entered the tent for the ceremony happened to hear Brutrumukk's question, and he played his tuba in response to the question, "WOMP WOMP," It's clear that this musician just has a sense of humor, and it wasn't malicious.

Brutrumukk is able to get down from the stilts easily, and finds the seats he and Jub had at the fourth hour.

Now, the both of them just had to wait...

Welcome to the list. You shouldn't have to wait too long.
@Dark Cloud

Worry not, my dude. Space will open up soon enough.
So, how has everyone's lives been? 2 months really can fly by or drag on :D

Mine has been good enough.
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